Evaluates: MAX8654/MAX8688
MAX8654 Evaluation Kit
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Detailed Description of Hardware
Evaluating Other Switching
Frequencies (FREQ)
The switching frequency in fixed-frequency PWM oper-
ation is resistor-programmable from 250kHz to 1.2MHz.
Set the switching frequency of the IC with a resistor
(RFREQ) from FREQ to GND. RFREQ is calculated as:
where fSis the desired switching frequency in megahertz.
Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO)
The UVLO circuitry inhibits switching when VIN or VVDL
is below 4.4V (VIN, VVDL rising) or VVL is below 3.1V
(VVL rising). Once these voltages are above the thresh-
olds, UVLO clears and the soft-start function activates.
A 100mV hysteresis is built in for glitch immunity.
Power Good (PWRGD)
PWRGD is an open-drain output that goes high imped-
ance once the soft-start ramp has concluded, provided
VFB and VREFIN are above 0.54V. PWRGD pulls low
when VFB falls below 0.54V for at least 50µs or VREFIN
is less than 0.54V. PWRGD is low during shutdown.
The MAX8654 features a SYNC function that allows the
switching frequency to be synchronized to any external
clock frequency that is higher than the internal clock
frequency. Drive SYNC with a square wave at the
desired synchronization frequency. A rising edge on
SYNC triggers the internal SYNC circuitry. Connect
SYNC to GND to disable the function and operate with
the internal oscillator. The SYNCOUT output generates
a clock signal that is 180° out-of-phase with its internal
oscillator, or the signal applied to SYNC. This allows for
another MAX8654 to be synchronized 180° out-of-
phase to reduce the input ripple current.
Soft-Start and REFIN
The MAX8654 utilizes an adjustable soft-start function
to limit inrush current during startup. An 8µA (typ) cur-
rent source charges an external capacitor (C3) con-
nected to SS to increase the capacitor voltage in a con-
trolled manner. The soft-start time is adjusted by the
value of the external capacitor from SS to GND. The
required capacitance value is determined as:
where tSS is the required soft-start time in seconds.
The MAX8654 also features an external reference input
(REFIN). The IC regulates FB to the voltage applied to
REFIN. The internal soft-start is not available when
using an external reference. A method of soft-start
when using an external reference is shown in the
MAX8654 data sheet. Connect REFIN to SS to use the
internal 0.6V reference (jumper JU3).
Jumper Settings
Jumper JU1 Function
Drive EN high by placing a shunt on JU1 to turn on the
IC. To shut down the IC and reduce quiescent current
to 10µA (typ), remove the shunt on JU1. During shut-
down, the outputs of the MAX8654 are high impedance.
Jumper JU2 Function
Place a shunt on jumper JU2 to connect SYNC to GND.
Jumper JU3 Function
Place a shunt on pins 1-2 of JU3 to connect the REFIN
pin to the SS pin. When using an external reference,
place a shunt on pins 2-3 of jumper JU3.
Evaluating the MAX8688
The MAX8688 is a fully digital power-supply manager
that can be tested in conjunction with the MAX8654.
Samples of the MAX8688 IC can be ordered from
Maxim. To test the MAX8688, populate it with its circuit-
ry, as shown by the schematic or in the component list.
Also, place a shunt on pins 2-3 of JU3. For further infor-
mation, refer to the MAX8688 IC data sheet.