October 2003 1/2
Reference design for
STV0974E imaging mobile DSP and VS6552 sensor module
■1.8 V operation
■Parameterized ViewFinder
■Still and live capture modes
■Supports up to 30 frame/s VGA streaming
to minimize motion distortion
■Support for low noise, high performance
VisionLink to SmOP (Small Optical
■Automatic exposure control including
anti flicker
■Automatic white balance
■Pixel defect correction
■DSP noise reduction system
■Arbitrary image cropping
■Multiple image scaling options
■MJPEG compress ion
■Multiple digital video interfaces
■RGB, YCbCr and JPEG data coding
■Downscale 'MMS Zoom' feature
■I2C communications
■Ultra low power standby mode
The STV-974/552S-R02 demonstration board is
designed to showcase the features of the
STV0974E and VS6552 chipset. Connecting
through a high speed USB 2 interf ac e, the i ncluded
software allows for effective demonstr ation of the
chipset features.
Evaluation Kit Contents
●Demonstr ation board fitted with R02 (socket)
sensor head
●Tab let op tripod
●USB 2 cable
●Application CD
●User Manual
Recommended Requir ements
●IBM PC or compatible
●2.0 GHz Intel Pentium 4 processor
(1.0 GHz minimum)
●256 MB RAM
●Windows 2000 + SP4 or Windows XP
●AGP graphics card capable of 1024 x 768
display, 32-bit color
●Intel or NEC based USB 2 host controller
Ordering Information
Sale type Description
STV0974E Imaging mobile DSP
VS6552V015/T2 CMOS image sensor module
STV-974/552S-E01 Evaluation kit for STV0974E and
VS6552, includes flex and socket
STV-974/552S-R01 STV0974E/VS6552 Demonstration
board comprising VS6552 SmOP
mounted via flex attach
STV-974/552S-R02 STV0974E/VS6552 Demonstration
board comprising VS6552 SmOP
mounted on a socket