October 2003 1/2
Reference design for
STV0974E imaging mobile DSP and VS6552 sensor module
1.8 V operation
Parameterized ViewFinder
Still and live capture modes
Supports up to 30 frame/s VGA streaming
to minimize motion distortion
Support for low noise, high performance
VisionLink to SmOP (Small Optical
Automatic exposure control including
anti flicker
Automatic white balance
Pixel defect correction
DSP noise reduction system
Arbitrary image cropping
Multiple image scaling options
MJPEG compress ion
Multiple digital video interfaces
RGB, YCbCr and JPEG data coding
Downscale 'MMS Zoom' feature
I2C communications
Ultra low power standby mode
The STV-974/552S-R02 demonstration board is
designed to showcase the features of the
STV0974E and VS6552 chipset. Connecting
through a high speed USB 2 interf ac e, the i ncluded
software allows for effective demonstr ation of the
chipset features.
Evaluation Kit Contents
Demonstr ation board fitted with R02 (socket)
sensor head
Tab let op tripod
USB 2 cable
Application CD
User Manual
Recommended Requir ements
IBM PC or compatible
2.0 GHz Intel Pentium 4 processor
(1.0 GHz minimum)
256 MB RAM
Windows 2000 + SP4 or Windows XP
AGP graphics card capable of 1024 x 768
display, 32-bit color
Intel or NEC based USB 2 host controller
Ordering Information
Sale type Description
STV0974E Imaging mobile DSP
VS6552V015/T2 CMOS image sensor module
STV-974/552S-E01 Evaluation kit for STV0974E and
VS6552, includes flex and socket
STV-974/552S-R01 STV0974E/VS6552 Demonstration
board comprising VS6552 SmOP
mounted via flex attach
STV-974/552S-R02 STV0974E/VS6552 Demonstration
board comprising VS6552 SmOP
mounted on a socket
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