For price, delivery, and to place orders, please contact Hittite Microwave Corporation:
20 Alpha Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824 Phone: 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373
Order On-line at www.hittite.com
12 - 127
General Description
Electrical Speci cations I, TA = +25°C, VCCA = VCCB = VCCBIAS = 5V, CINT = 0.1 μF
The HMC714LP5E is a dual-channel RMS power detector designed for high accuracy RF power signal measurement
and control applications over the 0.1 to 3.9 GHz frequency range. The device can be used with input signals having
RMS values from -55 dBm to +15 dBm referenced to 50 Ω and large crest factors with no accuracy degradation.
Each RMS detection channel is fully speci ed for operation up to 3.9 GHz, over a wide dynamic range of 70 dB. The
HMC714LP5E operates from a single +5V supply and provides two linear-in-dB detection outputs at the RMSA and
RMSB pins with scaled slopes of 37 mV/dB. The RMSA and RMSB channel outputs provide RMS detection perfor-
mance in terms of dynamic range, logarithmic linearity and temperature stability similar to Hittite’s HMC614LPE RMS
Detector. The RMSA and RMSB outputs provide a read of average input signal power, or true-RMS power. Frequency
detection up to 5.8 GHz is possible, with excellent channel matching of less than 0.5 dB (for the single-ended con gu-
ration), over a wide range of input frequencies and with low temperature drift.
The HMC714LP5E also provides “channel difference” output ports via pins OUTP and OUTN, permitting measure-
ments of the input signal power ratio between the two power detection channels. These outputs may be used in
single-ended or differential con gurations. An input voltage applied to the VLVL input pin is used to set the common
mode voltage reference level for OUTP and OUTN. On the Hittite evaluation board, the VLVL pin is shorted to VREF2
output to provide a nominal bias voltage of 2.5V; but any external bias voltage may be used to set VLVL.
The HMC714LP5E also features INSA and INSB pins which provide a measurement of instantaneous signal power
normalized to average power level in each channel. Reading both the INSA/INSB and RMSA/RMSB output voltage
signals provides a very informative picture of the RF input signal; providing peak power, average power, peak-to-
average power, and RF wave shape.
The device also includes a buffered PTAT temperature sensor output with a temperature scaling factor of 2.2 mV/°C
yielding a typical output voltage of 600 mV at 0°C.
The HMC714LP5E operates over the -40 to +85°C temperature range, and is available in a compact, 32-lead 4x4 mm
leadless QFN package.
Parameter Typ. Typ. Typ. Typ. Typ. Typ. Typ. Typ. Typ. Units
Dynamic Range (± 1 dB measurement error)
Input Signal Frequency 100 500 900 1900 2200 3000 3500 3900 MHz
Differential Input Con guration, Channel A 68 68 69 72 71 66 47 42 dB
Differential Input Con guration, Channel B 68 69 69 71 71 64 45 41 dB
Input Signal Frequency 100 900 1800 ± 300 2200 ± 300 3600 ± 300 5800 ± 300 MHz
Single-Ended Input Con guration, Channel A 70 62 71 69 61 32 dB
Single-Ended Input Con guration, Channel B 70 62 71 69 61 33 dB
Channel Isolations
Input Signal Frequency 100 500 900 1900 2200 3000 3500 3900 5800 MHz
Input A to Input B Isolation
(Baluns Macom ETC1-1-13 at both channels) 72 70 69 53 51 56 48 47 dB
Input A to RMSB Isolation
(PINB = -45 dBm, RMSB = RMSBINB ±1 dB) 60+ 56 46 44 47 dB
Input B to RMSA Isolation
(PINA = -45 dBm, RMSA = RMSAINA ±1 dB) 60+ 58 46 44 48 dB
Input A to RMSB Isolation
(PINB = -40 dBm, RMSB = RMSBINB ±1 dB) 47 39 dB
Input B to RMSA Isolation
(PINA= -40 dBm, RMSA=RMSAINA ±1 dB) 43 28 dB
Input A to RMSB Isolation [1]
(PINB = -30 dBm, RMSB = RMSBINB ±1 dB) 38 dB
Input B to RMSA Isolation [1
(PINA= -30 dBm, RMSA=RMSAINA ±1 dB) 37 dB
HMC714LP5 / 714LP5E
0.1 - 5.8 GHz
[1] Single-Ended Input Con guration with 5800 MHz tune