LED Light Bar
More than a di usion LED light bar, it can be used in places
like the food-processing industry with its protection rating of
"IP69K", which can endure high-pressurized hot water washing.
• Bright, long lasting LED’s.
• Suitable for food, beverage and pharmaceutical applications where high-pressure, 80oC high-temperature wash-downs are required. Also
meets IP66/67 standards.
• The radiating temperature is reduced to 40 degrees or less (34% reduction in comparison to a 20W uorescent light), increasing
environmental e ciency.
• Seven lengths in the range from 100 to 1500mm to choose from, with three colors (Daylight, Natural White, Amber), and four types of
attachments, including a magnet one, o ering a potential for various applications.
• The operating temperature range from -40oC to +60oC allows installation in sub-freezing temperatures, such as walk-in freezers.
• It is constructed with strong polycarbonate resin, which is resistant to shock.
• Corresponds to Europe's RoHS Directive.
• Obtained certi cation for ECOLAB.
• Conforms to CE requirements.
• UL Listed (File No. E306141).
With a high-intensity Illumination, it is suitable
for applications such as lighting-up processing
machinery workspace or video inspection systems
to help highlight more details, etc.
A 6800K daylight light bar at a distance of 50 cm
from the center of irradiation has measured a
maximum brightness of 400lx.
Luminous Color
-CN(Natural White)
-Y (Amber)
Cable Length
Blank : 0.5m
30 : 3.0m
1 : 100mm
2 : 200mm
3 : 300mm
6 : 600mm
9 : 900mm
12: 1,200mm
15: 1,500mm
Light Bar Length
※ -Y is only available in 100mm and 300mm lengths.
Lumionous Color
How to Order
CLA-CD (Daylight:6800K)
CLA-Y (Amber)
CLA-CN (Natural White: 4800K)
Daylight, Amber
Natural White