4-Character 5 x 7 Dot Matrix / RoHS Compliant - By Exemption (see page 1)
Serial Input Alphanumeric Industrial Display
Sunlight Viewable: ISD235X
2006-04-04 1
ISD201X, ISD231X, ISD235X
RoHS Compliant - By ExemptionDESCRIPTION
The ISD201 X/231X/235X are four digit 5 x 7 dot matrix serial input
alphanumeric displays. The displays are available in red, yellow,
high efficiency red, or high efficiency green. The package is a
standard tw elve-pin he rmetic DIP wit h glass len s. The displa y can
be stacked horizontally or vertically to form messages of any
These displays have two fourteen-bit CMOS shift registers with
built-in row drivers. These shift registers drive twenty-eight rows
and enable the design of customized fonts. Cascading multiple
displays is possibl e because of the Data In and Data O ut pins. Data
In and Out are easily input with the clock signal and displayed in
parallel on the row drivers. Data Out represents the output of the
7th bit of d igit number f our shift re gister. The sh ift register is level
triggered. The like columns of each character in a display cluster
are tied to a single pin (see Block Diagram). High true data in the
shift register enables the output current mirror driver stage
associated with each row of LEDs in the 5 x 7 diode array.
The TTL compatible VB input may either be tied to VCC for ma ximum
display intensity or pulse width modulated to achieve intensity
control and r educe power consumption.
In the normal mod e of operation, input dat a for digit four, column
one is loaded into the seven on-board shift register locations one
through seven. Column one data for di g i ts 3, 2 an d 1 i s sh if ted into
the display shift register locations. Then column one input is
enabled for an appropriate period of time, T. A similar process is
repeated for columns 2, 3, 4 and 5. If the decode time and load data
time into the shift register is t, then with five columns, each column
of the display is operating at a duty factor of:
T+t, allotted to each display column, is generally chosen to provide
the maxim um dut y f act o r co nsis te nt wi th th e m ini mum re f resh r ate
necessary to achieve a flicker free display. For most strobed
display systems, each column of the display should be refreshed
(turned on) at a minimum rate of 100 times per second.
With columns to be addressed, this refresh rate then gives a value
for the time T+t of: 1⁄ [5 x (100)]=2.0 msec. If the device is operated
at 5.0 MHz clock rate maximum, it is possible to maintain t<T. For
short display strings, the duty factor will then approach 20%.
See Appnote 44 for application information and Appnotes 18, 19,
22, 23 at www.osram-os.com
5T 1+()
• Four Dot Matrix Characters
• Character Height
ISD201X— 3.81 mm (0.150")
ISD231X— 5.08 mm (0.200")
ISD235X— 5.08 mm (0.200")
• Built-in CMOS Shift Registers with Constant Current
LED Row Drivers
• Wide Viewing Angle
• Shift Registers Allow Custom Fonts
• Easily Cascaded for Multiple Displays
• TTL Compatible
• End Stackable
• Operating Temperature Range:
–55°C to +100°C
• Categorized for Luminous Intensity
• Ceramic Package, Hermetically Sealed Flat Glass
RoHS Compliance
The ISD201X, ISD231X, ISD235X Intelligent DisplaysTM are her-
metically sealed displays using a ceramic and glass construction.
These compone nts are n ot lead (Pb) free but are RoHS C omplia nt
based on the RoHS Compliance Directive's Annex, paragraphs 5
and 7. These exemption s all ow for lea d (Pb) in glass and cerami c
electronic components. Refer to the following excerpts from the
RoHS Compliance Directive Annex:
Applications of lead, mercury, cadmium and hexavalent chromium,
which are ex empted from the require m ents of Arti cle 4(1)
5. Lead in glass of cathode ray tubes, electronic components and
fluorescent tubes.
7. Lead in electronic cer amic parts (e.g. piezoelec tronic devices). .