Performance/Functional Specifications
Typical @ TA = +25°C under nominal line voltage and full-load conditions unless noted. ➀
➀ All models are tested and specified with an external 33µF tantalum input capacitor and
3000µF POSCAP and 300µF ceramic external output capacitors except where noted.
These capacitors are necessary to accommodate our test equipment and may not be
required to achieve specified performance in your applications. All models are stable and
regulate within spec under no-load conditions.
➁Input Ripple Current is specified with no external filter.
➂ Current Limit Inception is given at either cold startup or after warmup.
➃ MTBF is calculated using Telcordia (Bellcore) SR-332, Method 1, Case 3, ground-fixed
conditions, TCASE = +25°C, full load, natural convection, +67°C maximum pcb temperature.
➄ The On/Off Control (pin 4) may be driven with open-collector logic or the application of
appropriate voltages (referenced to Common, pin 1).
➅ The short circuit current is an average which includes brief, full-current hiccup pulses.
➆ Startup inrush current should be used to compute proper external fusing, if installed. The
fuse rating will depend on the fuse thermal time constant ("slow blow"), and other factors.
➇ VOUT times IOUT must not exceed maximum power.
➈ See Technical Notes.
➉ See note 6, page 2.
Input Voltage Range 10.2-13.8 Volts (12V nominal) ➉
Input Current:
Normal Operating Conditions See Ordering Guide
Inrush Transient ➆ 0.04A2sec maximum
Standby/Off Mode 41mA
Output Short-Circuit Condition 250mA
Input Reflected Ripple Current ➁ 25mAp-p
Input Filter Type Capacitive
Overvoltage Protection 14.3 Volts
Reverse-Polarity Protection None
Undervoltage Shutdown 9.5 Volts
No-Load Input Current 160mA
Remote On/Off Control: ➄ On = open (internal pull down), 0 to +0.8V
Off = +2.5V to +VIN or pulled high
Remote Control On/Off Current 0.75mA maximum
Remote Sense Input Range ±10% of VOUT
VOUT Accuracy (50% load) ±1.5%
Minimum Loading➀ No minimum load
Maximum Output Power ➇ 30.45W (1.2V), 38.06W (1.5V models)
Maximum Capacitive Loading 40,000µF (electrolytic, ESR <10mΩ)
VOUT Trim Range ➇ ±5%
Ripple/Noise (20MHz BW) See Ordering Guide
Total Accuracy ±3% over line, load and temperature
Temperature Coefficient at All Outputs ±0.02%/°C
Efficiency See Ordering Guide
Overcurrent Detection and Short-Circuit Protection:
Current-Limiting Detection 42 Amps, cold startup (35A after warmup)
Short-Circuit Protection Method ➈ Hiccup with auto recovery
Short-Circuit Current ➅ 2.5A, 4A maximum average
Short-Circuit Duration Continuous, output shorted to ground
Dynamic Characteristics
Transient Response:
(50-100% load step to±1.5%VOUT) 30µsec typical, 60µsec maximum
Start-Up Time:
VIN to VOUT or On/Off to VOUT 10msec maximum for VOUT = nominal
Switching Frequency 660kHz ±10%
Calculated MTBF ➃ TBD million hours
Operating Temperature: –40 to +85°C with derating
Storage Temperature Range –55 to +125°C
Thermal Protection Shutdown +119°C
Relative Humidity To 85% / +85°C non-condensing
Dimensions See Mechanical Specifications
Pin Material Gold-plated copper alloy with nickel
Weight 0.6 ounces (17g)
Flamability Rating UL94V-0
Electromagnetic Interference Conducted and radiated to FCC part
(may need external filter) EN55022 Class A
Safety Designed to meet UL/cUL/IEC/EN 60950-1,
CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1
Input Voltage:
Continuous 14 Volts
Transient (100msec maximum) 15 Volts
On/Off Control (Pin 4) +VIN
Input Reverse-Polarity Protection None
Output Overvoltage Protection VOUT +20%
Output Current Current limited. Devices can
withstand sustained output short
circuit without damage.
Storage Temperature –55 to +125°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) +280°C (Refer to Solder Profile)
These are stress ratings. Exposure of devices to any of these conditions may adversely
affect long-term reliability. Proper operation under conditions other than those listed in the
Performance/Functional Specifications Table is not implied or recommended.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Return Current Paths
The HEN D12 are non-isolated DC/DC converters. Their Common pins (pins
1, 6 and 8) are connected to each other internally (see Figure 1). To the
extent possible (with the intent of minimizing ground loops), input return
current should be directed through pin 1 (also referred to as –Input or Input
Return), and output return current should be directed through pin 6 and 8
(also referred to as –Output or Output Return). Any on/off control signals
applied to pin 4 (On/Off Control) should be referenced to Common
(specifically pin 1).
I/O Filtering and Noise Reduction
All models in the HEN D12 Series are tested and specified with external
33µF tantalum input and output capacitors. These capacitors are necessary
to accommodate our test equipment and may not be required to achieve
desired performance in your application. The HEN D12's are designed with
high-quality, high-performance internal I/O caps, and will operate within
spec in most applications with no additional external components.
In particular, the HEN D12's input capacitors are specified for low ESR and
are fully rated to handle the units' input ripple currents. Similarly, the inter-
nal output capacitors are specified for low ESR and full-range frequency
response. As shown in the Performance Curves, removal of the external
33µF tantalum output caps has minimal effect on output noise.
In critical applications, input/output ripple/noise may be further reduced
using filtering techniques, the simplest being the installation of external I/O
Technical enquiries email: sales@murata-ps.com, tel: +1 508 339 3000www.murata-ps.com
MDC_HEN-D12.B01 Page 3 of 11
HEN D12 Models
Single Output, Non Isolated, 12VIN, 0.8-5VOUT
25 Amp, High di/dt DC/DC Converters