NTE Series
Isolated 1W Single Output SM DC/DC Converters
KDC_NTE.K05 Page 2 of 6
Parameter Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units
Rated power TA=-40°C to 85°C 1.0 W
Voltage set point accuracy See tolerance envelope
Line regulation High VIN to low VIN 1.0 1.2 %/%
Load regulation1
10% load to rated load, 03XXMC, 0503MC, 0505MEC 10 14
10% load to rated load, 0505MC & 1205MC 12.8 15
10% load to rated load, 0506MC 9.2 10
10% load to rated load, 0509MC & 1209MC 8.3 9.0
10% load to rated load, 0512MC & 1212MC 6.8 7.5
10% load to rated load, 0515MC & 1215MC 6.3 7.0
Ripple and noise
BW=DC to 20MHz, 03XXMC, 0503MC, 0505MEC 40 60
mV p-p
BW=DC to 20MHz, 0505MC & 1205MC 62 85
BW=DC to 20MHz, 0506MC 103 170
BW=DC to 20MHz, 0509MC & 1209MC 49 75
BW=DC to 20MHz, 0512MC & 1212MC 39 65
BW=DC to 20MHz, 0515MC & 1215MC 38 76
Parameter Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units
Specification All output types -40 85
Storage -55 125
Case temperature rise above
0305MC, 0309MC, 0315MC 25
0303MC, 0312MC, 0503MC, 0505MEC, 0509MC, 0512MC, 0515MC 30
0505MC, 1205MC 43
1209MC, 1212MC, 1215MC 40
Cooling Free air convection
‘Hi Pot Test’, ‘Flash Tested’, ‘Withstand Voltage’, ‘Proof Voltage’, ‘Dielectric Withstand Voltage’ & ‘Isolation Test Voltage’ are all terms that relate to the same thing, a test voltage,
applied for a specified time, across a component designed to provide electrical isolation, to verify the integrity of that isolation.
Murata Power Solutions NTE series of DC/DC converters are all 100% production tested at their stated isolation voltage. This is 1kVDC for 1 second.
A question commonly asked is, “What is the continuous voltage that can be applied across the part in normal operation?”
For a part holding no specific agency approvals, such as the NTE series, both input and output should normally be maintained within SELV limits i.e. less than 42.4V peak, or
60VDC. The isolation test voltage represents a measure of immunity to transient voltages and the part should never be used as an element of a safety isolation system. The part
could be expected to function correctly with several hundred volts offset applied continuously across the isolation barrier; but then the circuitry on both sides of the barrier must
be regarded as operating at an unsafe voltage and further isolation/insulation systems must form a barrier between these circuits and any user-accessible circuitry according to
safety standard requirements.
It is well known that repeated high-voltage isolation testing of a barrier component can actually degrade isolation capability, to a lesser or greater degree depending on materials,
construction and environment. The NTE series has toroidal isolation transformers, with no additional insulation between primary and secondary windings of enameled wire. While
parts can be expected to withstand several times the stated test voltage, the isolation capability does depend on the wire insulation. Any material, including this enamel (typically
polyurethane) is susceptible to eventual chemical degradation when subject to very high applied voltages thus implying that the number of tests should be strictly limited. We
therefore strongly advise against repeated high voltage isolation testing, but if it is absolutely required, that the voltage be reduced by 20% from specified test voltage.
This consideration equally applies to agency recognized parts rated for better than functional isolation where the wire enamel insulation is always supplemented by a further
insulation system of physical spacing or barriers.
1. 12V input types have typically 3% less load regulation change.
Safe Operating Area
Ambient Temperature (°C)
Output Power (W)