Electrical Characteristics at TA = 25°C
Symbol Description HLMP- Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
IVLuminous Intensity 3315 13.8 40.0 mcd IF = 10 mA (Figure 3)
3316 22 60.0
3415 9.2 40.0 mcd IF = 10 mA (Figure 8)
3416 14.7 50.0
3517 6.7 50.0 mcd IF = 10 mA (Figure 13)
3519 10.6 70.0
2θ1/2Including Angle 3315 35 Deg. IF = 10 mA
Between Half 3316 35 See Note 1 (Figure 6)
Luminous Intensity
Points 3415 35 Deg. IF = 10 mA
3416 35 See Note 1 (Figure 11)
3517 24 Deg. IF = 10 mA
3519 24 See Note 1 (Figure 16)
λPEAK Peak Wavelength 331X 635 nm Measurement at Peak
341X 583 (Figure 1)
351X 565
∆λ1/2 Spectral Line Halfwidth 331X 40 nm
341X 36
351X 28
λdDominant Wavelength 331X 626 nm See Note 2 (Figure 1)
341X 585
351X 569
τsSpeed of Response 331X 90 ns
341X 90
351X 500
C Capacitance 331X 11 pF VF = 0; f = 1 MHz
341X 15
351X 18
RθJ-PIN Thermal Resistance 331X 260 °C/W Junction to Cathode
341X Lead
VFForward Voltage 331X 1.9 2.4 V IF = 10 mA (Figure 2)
341X 2.0 2.4 IF = 10 mA (Figure 7)
351X 2.1 2.7 IF = 10 mA (Figure 12)
VRReverse Breakdown Volt. All 5.0 V IR = 100 µA
ηVLuminous Efficacy 331X 145 lumens See Note 3
341X 500 Watt
351X 595
1. θ1/2 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity.
2. The dominant wavelength, λd, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the
color of the device.
3. Radiant intensity, Ie, in watts/steradian, may be found from the equation Ie = Iv/ηv, where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and
ηv is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt.