Advanced SPST SWITCHES Ine. The S1 series of single pole, single throw PIN diode switches span the frequency range of 10MHz to 18GHz and are available with absorptive or reflective inputs. The switches are available in a wide variety of standard frequency ranges from cost-effective narrowband to high- performance broadband. Each switch incorporates a TTL-compatible driver for convenient system integration and operates from +5V and - 12V to -18V DC power supplies. All switches incorporate DC blocks at the RF ports. Standard screened switches incorporate epoxy sealed lids and undergo a stringent yet cost effective screening cycle. The switches are also available with a high-rel option featuring hermetic sealing and MIL-STD-883 screening. Applications: e EW Systems e Test Equipment e Communications Systems _e Electronic Simulators e Modulators REFLECTIVE SWITCHE ABSORPTIVE SWITCHES Frequency ____ Insertion | : Insertion Switching Range Part Loss = VSWR _Isolation Part Loss VSWR Isolation Speed MAX R (GHz) : Number (dB max) (max) (4B min) | Number (dB max) (max) (dB min) | (nsecmax) (WCW) _ 0.01 -0.1 S1H1R 08 1.5 75 S1H1 0.9 1.5 80 250 2 0.01-0.5 S1H2R 0.9 15 75 S1H2 1.0 15 80 250 2 0.01-1 S1H3R 1.2 15 75 S1H3 1.3 1.5 80 250 2 0.01-2 S1H4R 18 16 75 S1H4 1.9 16 80 250 2 0.01-4 S1H5R 25 18 75 S1H5 26 1.8 80 250 2 0.01-8 S1H6R 32 2.0 70 S1H6 3.3 2.0 75 250 2 0.1-0.5 S1V1R 0.9 15 80 siv1 1.0 1.5 80 250 2 01-1 S1V2R 12 15 80 $iv2 13 1.5 80 250 2 0.1-2 S1V3R 1.8 16 80 S1V3 1.9 16: 80 250 2 0.1-4 S1V4R 25 18 75 S1V4 2.6 18 80 250 2 0.1-8 S1V5R 32 20 70 S1V5 3.3 2.0 75 250 2 0.1-10 S1V6R 35 20 70 S1V6 36 2.0 75 250 2 0.5-1 S1U1R 1.0 15 80 S1U1 1.1 1.5 80 100 2 05-2 S1U2R 1.4 1.6 80 1U2 1.5 16 80 100 2 0.5-4 S1U3R 2.0 18 75 S1U3 21 18 80 100 2 0.5-6 S1U4R 22 19 70 siu4 | 23 2.0 75 100 2 0.5-12 S1U5R 25 2.0 65 S1U5 2.7 2.0 70 100 1 05-18 S1U6R 28 20 60 S1U6 3.0 1.9 65 100 0.5 1-2 S1LIR 08 45 80 S1L1 0.9 1.5 85 100 2 1-4 S1L2R 11 16 80 S1L2 1.2. 16 85 100 2 1-8 _ S1L3R 1.8 18 75 S1L3 1.9 1.8 80 100 2 1-10 SIL4R 19 2.0 70. S1L4 20 2.0 75 100 4 1-12 S1L5R 2.0 2.0 65 S1L5 2.2 2.0 70 100 1 1-14 SILER 22 20 65 S1L6 24 2.0 70 100 0.5 1-18 S1L7R 27 2.0 60 S1L7 2.9 2.0 65 100 0.5 2-4 S1S1R 1.0 16 70 SiS1 110 16 75 100 2 2-6 S1S2R 1.3 17 -70 s1s2 1.4 1.7 75 100 2 2-8 S1S3R 4.7 18 = = 70 S1S3 1.8 18 75 100 1 2-10 S1S4R 1.8 18 70 S184 2.0 1.8 70 100 1 2-12 S1S5R 2.0 19 65 | S185 22, 1.9 70 400 1 2-16 S1S6R 25 2.0 60 _ $186 2.7 2.0 65 100 0.5 2-18 S1S7R 27 2.0 60 S187 29 2.0 65 100 0.5 4-8 S1C1R 1.1 16 70 S1C1 1.8 1.6 75 100 1 4-10 S1C2R 1.2 17 70 $1C2 2.0 17 70 100 1 4-12 S1C3R 1.5 18 65 S1C3 2.2 1.8 70 100 1 4-16 SiC4R 16... 2.0 60 S104 27 2.0 65 100 2106 4-18 S1C5R 2.0 2.0 60 S1C5 2.8 2.0 65 100 0.5 6-10 SIC6R 12 177 S1C6 2007 17 70 100 1 6-12 S1C7R 1.5 18 65 S1C7 2.2 1.8 70 100 1 6-18 SiC8R 20 2.0. 60 SiC8 28 2.0 65 100 0.5 8-10 S1X1R 1.2 17 70 S1X1 1.9 17 70 100 1 a-12 S1X2R 1.5 1.8 65 S1Xx2 2.2 18 70 100 8-18 S1X3R 2.0 2.0 60 S1X3 28 2.0 65 100 0.5 10-18 SIKIR 2.0 20 = 60 S1k1 28 2.0 65 100 0.5 12-18 S1K2R 2.0 2.0 60 S1K2 28 2.0 65 100 0.5 611 Industrial Way West, Eatontown, NJ 07724 tel: 732-460-0212 fax: 732-460-0214 www.advanced-control.comAdvanced Control Components NOTES: DC Bias: +5V +/-0.5V @ 50mA max -15V +/-3V @ 50mA max Control: TTL 0 = LowLoss TTL 1 = Isolation Non-reflective switch: In isolation mode, both RF ports internally terminated in 50Q ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS: MIL-E-5400, MIL-STD-202, MIL-E-16400 Operating Temp: -55C to +85C Storage Temp: -65C to +125C Humidity: MIL-STD-202F, M103, Cond B Shock: MIL-STD-202F, M213, Cond B Altitude: MIL-STD-202F, M105, Cond B Vibration: MIL-STD-202F, M204, Cond B Thermal Shock: MIL-STD-202F, M107, Cond A Temperature Cycle: MIL-STD-202F, M105C, Cond D MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Case Style: S1 Outline Finish: Gray Epoxy Paint per MIL-C-22750 Connectors: SMA Female per MIL-C-39012 Bias & Control Pins: 20.02 x 0.15 long Weight: 20g max Mounting: 20.10 through holes (4) places SCREENING : Standard Screening: Internal Visual per MIL-STD-883, Method 2017 Temperature Cycle: -65C to +100C, 10 cycles Optional High-Rel Screening (Ref MIL-PRF38534) - Internal Visual per MIL-STD-883, Method 2017 Stabilization Bake per MIL-STD-883, Method 1008 Temperature Cycle per MIL-STD-883, Method 1010 Constant Acceleration per MIL-STD-883, Method 2001 Burn-in per MIL-STD-883, Method 1015 Leak Test per MIL-STD-883, Method 1014 External Visual per MIL-STD-883, Method 2009 om MODEL NUMBER onan aa nan Leen need 0.90 SMA FEMALE, FIELD REPLACEABLE (@0.015 X 0.08 PIN) (2) PLCS. 0.15 (3) PLCS. 0.10 0.100 THRU MOUNTING HOLE (4) PLCS. @0.020 X 0.15 LG SOLDER PIN (4) PLCS. S/N & D/C THIS SURFACE 0.15 TO | 0.38 a REF. OUTLINE CASE STYLE $1 OPTIONS: Other frequency ranges available from 1MHz to 26GHz e Reversed logic e Available without SMA connectors for drop-in applications e Hi-rel option includes hermetic seal and MIL-STD-883 screening (Add H to part number) * Contact the factory for price and delivery or to discuss custom requirements Supply voltage options: +/-5V, +/-12V, +/-15V Video transient suppression GPO connectors ECL logic input Unit-to-unit phase and amplitude tracking $1-0303B 611 Industrial Way West, Eatontown, NJ 07724 tel: 732-460-0212 fax: 732-460-0214