Design and specifi cations are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifi cations before purchase and/or use.
Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately.
“ZNR” Transient/Surge Absorbers (Type E)
– 48 –
■ Performance Characteristics (Type E)
Characteristics Test Methods/Description Specifi cations
Standard Test
Electrical characteristics shall be measured at following conditions
(Temperature: 5 to 35 °C,Humidity: Max. 85 %) ———
Varistor Voltage
The voltage between two terminals with the specified measuring
current CmA DC applied is called Vc or VCmA. The measurement shall
be made as fast as possible to avoid heat affection.
To meet the
specifi ed value.
Maximum Allowable
The maximum sinusoidal wave voltage (rms) or the maximum DC
voltage that can be applied continuously.
Clamping Voltage The maximum voltage between two terminals with the specified
standard impulse current (8/20 μs).
Rated Power The maximum power that can be applied within the specified
ambient temperature.
Energy The maximum energy within the varistor voltage change of ±10 %
when one impulse of 2 ms is applied.
Peak Current
2 times
The maximum current within the varistor voltage change of ±10 %
with the standard impulse cur rent (8/20 μs) applied two times with
an interval of 5 minutes.
1 time
The maximum current within the varistor voltage change of ±10 %
with the standard impulse cur rent (8/20
) applied one time.
Temperature Coeffi cient
of Varistor Voltage
VC at 70 °C – V
C at 20 °C ×1×100 (%/°C)
VC at 20 °C 50
0 to –0.05 %/°C max.
Impulse Life
The change of Vc shall be measured after the impulse listed
below is applied 10000 times continuously with the interval of ten
sec onds at room temperature.
20 Series 200 A (8/20 μs)
32 Series 300 A (8/20 μs)
ΔV1 mA/V1 mA < ±10 %
Withstanding Voltage
(Body Insulation)
The commercial frequency voltage of AC 2.5 kV shall be applied
between terminals and the bottom of the unit for one minute.
No remarkable
Robustness of
After gradually applying the load of 49 N (5 kgf) and keeping the
unit fi xed for 10 seconds in an axial direction, the terminal shall
be visually examined for any damage.
No remarkable
After repeadly applying a single harmonic vibration (amplitude:
0.75 mm): double amplitude: 1.5 mm with 1 minute vibration
frequency cycles (10 Hz to 55 Hz to 10 Hz) to each of three
perpendicular directions for 2 hours. Thereafter, the damage of
the ter mi nals is visually examined.
Dry Heat/ High
The specimen shall be subjected to 110±3 °C for 500 hours
in a thermostatic bath without load and then stored at room
temperature and humidity for one to two hours. Thereafter, the
change of Vc shall be measured.
Step Temperature (°C) Period (minutes)
–3 30+3
2 Room Temp. 3 max.
+3 30+3
4 Room Temp. 3 max.
ΔV1 mA/V1 mA < ±5 %
Temperature Cycle
The temperature cycle shown below shall be repeated five
times and then stored at room temperature and humidity for
one to two hours. The change of Vc and mechanical damage
shall be examined.
No remarkable
ΔV1 mA/V1 mA < ±5 %
Dry Heat Load/
High Temperature
After being continuously applied the Maximum Allowable Voltage
at 85±5 °C for 500 hours, the specimen shall be stored at room
temperature and humidity for one to two hours. Thereafter, the
change of Vc shall be measured.
ΔV1 mA/V1 mA < ±10 %
Damp Heat/Humidity
(Steady State)
The specimen shall be subjected to 40±2 °C, 90 to 95 %RH for
1000 hours without load and then stored at room temperature
and hu mid i ty for one to two hours. Thereafter, the change of Vc
shall be measured.
ΔV1 mA/V1 mA < ±5 %
Aug. 201201