SCALE Driver
6SD106EI Data Sheet Page 3
Pin Designation
Pin Des. Function Pin Des. Function
1 GND Ground of the power supply 68 U_C2 Phase U, Collector sense ch. 2
2 U_SO2 Phas e U, Status output c hannel 2 67 U_Rth2 Phase U, Reference resistor ch. 2
3 U_Mod Phase U, Mo de input 66 U_E2 Phase U, Emitt er channel 2
4 U_RC2 Phase U, RC network channel 2 65 U_G2 Phase U, Gat e channel 2
5 U_InB Pha se U, Input B 64 Free
6 U_InA Phase U, Inp ut A 63 Free
7 U_RC1 Phase U, R C netwo rk channel 1 62 U_C1 Phase U, Collector sense ch . 1
8 U_VL Phase U, Logic level/Reset 61 U_Rth1 Phase U, Reference resistor ch. 1
9 U_SO1 Phas e U, Status output c hannel 1 60 U_E1 Phase U, Emitter channe l 1
10 GND Ground of DC/DC converter 59 U_G1 Phase U, Gate channel 1
11 GND Ground of DC/DC converter 58 Free
12 VDC +1 5V for DC/ DC con ve rt e r 57 Free
13 VDC +1 5V for DC/ DC con ve rt e r 56 V_C2 Phase V, Collector sense ch. 2
14 V_SO2 Phase V, Status output channel 2 55 V_Rth2 Phase V, Reference resistor ch. 2
15 V_Mod P hase V, Mode input 54 V_E2 Phase V, Emitter channel 2
16 V_RC2 Phase V, RC netw ork channe l 1 53 V_G2 Phas e V, Gate cha nnel 2
17 V_InB Phase V, Input B 52 Free
18 V_InA Phase V, Input A 51 Free
19 V_RC1 Phase V, RC netw ork channel 1 50 V_C1 Phase V, Collector sense ch. 1
20 V_VL Phase V, Logic level/Reset 49 V_Rth1 Phase V, Reference resistor ch. 1
21 V_SO1 Phase V, Status output channel 1 48 V_E1 Phase V , Emitter channe l 1
22 GND Ground of the power supply 47 V_G1 Phase V, Gate channel 1
23 GND Ground of the power supply 46 Free
24 VDD +15V for electr onic input side 45 Free
25 VDD +15V for electr onic input side 44 W_C2 Phase W, Collector sense ch. 2
26 W_SO2 Phase W, Status output channel 2 43 W_Rth2 Phase W, Reference resistor ch. 2
27 W_Mod Phase W, Mode input 42 W_E2 Phase W, Emitter channel 2
28 W_RC2 Phase W, RC netwo rk channel 2 41 W_G2 Phase W , Gate channel 2
29 W_InB Phase W, Input B 40 Free
30 W_InA Phase W, Input A 39 Free
31 W_RC1 Phase W, RC netwo rk channel 1 38 W_C1 Phase W, Collector sense ch. 1
32 W_VL Phase W, Logic level/Reset 37 W_Rth1 Phase W, Reference resistor ch. 1
33 W_SO1 Phase W, Status output channel 1 36 W_E1 Phase W, Emitter channel 1
34 GND Ground of the power supply 35 W_G1 Phas e W, Gate channel 1
Pins with the designation “Free” are not physically present