©2012 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation 4www.fairchildsemi.com
FAN7085_GF085 Rev. 1.0.2
FAN7085_GF085 High Side Gate Driver with Recharge FET
Statics Electrical Characteristics
Unless otherwise specified, -40°C <= Ta <= 125°C, VCC = 5V, VBS = 7V, VS = 0V, VRESET = 5V, RL = 50, CL = 2.5nF.
Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
VCC and VBS Supply Characteristics
VCC and VBS supply under voltage
positive going threshold
Vcc and VBS rising from 0V -3.7 4.3 V
VCC and VBS supply under voltage
negative going threshold
Vcc and VBS dropping from 5V 2.8 3.4 - V
VCC and VBS under voltage hysteresis VCCUVH
-0.02 0.3 - V
Under voltage lockout response time tduvcc
VCC: 6.5V->2.4V or 2.4V->6.5V
VBS: 6.5V->2.4V or 2.4V->6.5V
Offset supply leakage current ILK VB=VS=300V - - 200 uA
Quiescent Vcc supply current IQCC Vcc=20V - - 500 uA
Quiescent VBS supply current IQBS1 Static mode,
VBS=7V, VIN=0 or 5V
100 uA
Quiescent VBS supply current IQBS2 Static mode,
VBS=16V, VIN=0 or 5V
200 uA
VBS drop due to output turn-on
(Design guaranty)
VBS VBS=7V, Cbs=1uF, tdIG-IN =3uS,
210 mV
Input Characteristics
High logic level input voltage for IN- VIH 0.6VCC - - V
Low logic level input voltage for IN- VIL - - 0.28VCC V
Low logic level input bias current for IN- IIN- VIN=0 525 60 uA
High logic level input bias current for IN- IIN+ VIN=5V - - 5 uA
Full up resistance at IN RIN 83 200 1000
High logic level input voltage for RESET- VRH 0.6Vcc - - V
Low logic level input voltage for RESET- VRL 0.28Vcc V
High logic level input current for RESET- IRES+ VRESET=5V 525 60 uA
Low logic level input bias current for RESET- IRES- VRESET=0 5uA
Full down resistance at RESET- RRES 83 200 1000
Output characteristics
High level output voltage, VB - VHO VOH IO=0 - - 0.1 V
Low level output voltage, VHO-GND VOL IO=0 - - 0.1 V
Peak output source current IO+ VIN=5V 250 450 -mA
Peak output sink current IO- VIN=0 250 450 -mA
Equivalent output resistance ROP 15.5 28
RON 15.5 28
Recharge Characteristics
Recharge TR turn-on propagation delay Ton_rech 47.9 9.8 us
Recharge TR turn-off propagation delay Toff_rech 0.2 0.4 us
Recharge TR on-state voltage drop VRECH Is=1mA, VIN=5V @125C1.2 V
Dead Time Characteristics
High side turn-off to recharge gate turn-on DTHOFF Vcc=5V, VS=7V 47.8 9.8 us
Recharge gate turn-off to high side turn-on DTHON Vcc=5V, VS=7V 0.1 0.4 0.7 us
Note: The input parameter are referenced to GND. The VO and IO parameters are referenced to GND.