Adjustable Precision Shunt Regulator
2/12 Version: A0B
Recommend Operating Condition
Parameter Symbol Limit Unit
Cathode Voltage (Note 1) Vka 18 V
Continuous Cathode Current Range Ik 100 mA
Recommend Operating Condition
Parameter Symbo Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
TS432I 1.215 1.264
TS432AI 1.227 1.252
Reference voltage
Vref Vka =Vref, Ik=10mA (Figure 1)
Ta=25 oC 1.233
Deviation of reference input
voltage Vref Vka =Vref, Ik=10mA
Ta= full range (Figure 1) -- 10 25 mV
Radio of change in Vref to
change in cathode Voltage Vref/Vka Ika=10mA, Vka = 18V to Vref
(Figure 2) -- -1.0 -2.7 mV/V
Reference Input current Iref R1=10K, R2=
, Ika=10mA
Ta= full range (Figure 2) -- 0.25 0.5 uA
Deviation of reference input
current, over temp. Iref R1=10K, R2=
, Ika=10mA
Ta= full range (Figure 2) -- 0.04 0.08 uA
Off-state Cathode Current Ika(off) Vref=0V (Figure 3),
Vka=18V -- 0.125 0.5 uA
Dynamic Output Impedance |Zka| f<1KHz, Vka=Vref
Ika=1mA to 100mA (Figure 1) -- 0.2 0.4
Minimum operating cathode
current Ika(min) Vka=Vref (Figure 1) -- 60 80 uA
* The deviation parameters Vref and Iref are defined as difference between the maximum value and minimum value
obtained over the full operating ambient temperature range that applied.
* The average temperature coefficient of the
reference input voltage, αVref is defined as:
Where: T2-T1 = full temperature change.
αVref can be positive or negative depending on whether Vref Min. or Vref Max occurs at the lower ambient
temperature. Example: Vref=7.2mV and the slope is postive, Vref=1.241V at 25oC, T=125 oC
* The dynamic impedance ZKA is defined as:
* When the device operating with two external resistors, R1 and R2, (refer to Figure 2) the total dynamic impedance of
the circuit is given by: