Six Shattuck Road
Andover, MA 01810-2449
(800) 227-8766 or (978) 975-2350
Fax: (978) 975-0093
E-mail: mks@mksinst.com
Web site: http://www.mksinst.com
Ordering Information
Full Scale Ranges 1, 2, 10, 100, 1000 Torr (mmHg) absolute1
(Other engineering units available on special order, consult Applications Engineering.)
Set Point Range 0.2% to 100% of F.S.2
Accuracy ±0.5% of range (± temperature coefficients)
Temperature Coefficients
Zero Type 141: ±0.04% of F.S./°C
Type 142: ±0.015% of F.S./°C
Span Type 141: ±0.06% of set point/°C
Type 142: ±0.03% of set point/°C
Ambient Operating Temperature Type 141: 0° to 50°C
Type 142: 20° to 70°C; sensor is temperature controlled at 100°C
Response Time < 20 msec from 0 to F.S.
Material Exposed to Process Inconel and 316 S.S.
Internal Volume37.0 cc
Overpressure4120% of F.S. or 35 psia (1000 mmHg), whichever is larger
Electromechanical relay DPDT (isolated) contacts rated up to 1 Amp @ 30 VDC or 1 Amp @ 50 VAC resistive.
Relay is energized when pressure is above set point. Fail-safe operation provides for the relay to
be energized when pressure is below set point. For CE compliance, voltages cannot equal or
exceed either 50 VAC or 75 VDC.
Input Power Required Type 141: +20 to +30 VDC, 72 mA max. (60 mA @ 24 VDC)
Type 142: +20 to + 30 VDC, 1.2 Amps max. (875 mA @ 24 VDC)
Fittings5Standard 0.5" (12.7 mm) tubulation
Optional Swagelok® 8 VCR® (female), mini-CF, NW 16 KF, Swagelok 8 VCO®
Bulletin 141/142 – 10/00
© 2000 MKS Instruments, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Type 141 Unheated Vacuum/Pressure Switch
Type 142 High Temperature Vacuum/Pressure Switch
1If gauge pressure set point actuation is desired on the Type 141, 142, add SP110-89 to end of
ordering code.
2Unit shipped with set point at 50% of F.S. unless otherwise specified.
35K–25K Torr units have an 8.5 cc volume.
41 and 2 Torr F.S. units have a max. overpressure of 25 psia.
5Ranges above 1000 Torr are available with certain fittings; consult Applications Engineering.
Baratron® is a registered trademark of MKS Instruments, Inc., Andover, MA.
Swagelok®, VCR®, VCO® are registered trademarks of Swagelok Marketing Co., Solon, OH.
Inconel® is a registered trademark of Inco Alloys International, Huntington, WV.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
model number example: 141A 00001 A A
Type Numbers 141A/142A
Full Scale Ranges
1 mmHg 00001
2 mmHg 00002
10 mmHg 00010
100 mmHg 00100
1000 mmHg 01000
½" dia. tubulation A
Swagelok 8 VCR (female) B
Mini-CF, rotatable C
NW 16 KF D
Swagelok 8 VCO (female) E
Relay Mode
Standard operation (energizes above set point) A
Fail-safe operation (energizes below set point) B