TLS 2200®/TLS PC Link™ Thermal Transfer
Portable Printer Br adyBondz™ Labels - # PTL-8-423
SIZE: 0.500" W x 50' H (12.700 mm W x 15.240 m H)
MATERIAL: Permanent Polyest e r
QTY/UOM: 1/Roll
CA TA LOG #: PTL-8-423
PRODUCT #: 18330
De scription for TLS 2200®/TLS PC Link™ Thermal Transfer Portable Pr int er Br ad yBondz™ Labels
B radyBondz™ Labels for the TLS 2200® & TLS- PC Link Ther mal Transfer Porta ble Pr i nters . Please Note: This materia l is UL, C SA & AGA approved with its
respective ribbon. See the "Recommended Ribbon Series" for t he appropriate ribbon to use.
Specification Of TLS 2200®/TLS P C Link™ Thermal Transfer P ortable P rinter BradyBondz Labels
Application(s): Ci rc uit Boar d & Comp o n e n t I D, G e n er al & I n d u s tr ial I d e n tific a tion, Thro u g h Hole - Top
Approval(s)/Compliance: AGA Approved, CSA Approved, Hal ogen-Free (D I N V D E 0472/p arts 815), UL Recogni zed
Size: 0.500" W x 50' H ( 12.700 mm W x 15.240 m H)
Pr inta b le Area: 0.500" W x 50' H (12.700 mm W x 15.240 m H)
Max Characters Per L ine For
Font #2: 50
Max Lines o f Text F o r Fon t #2: 5
Label Type/Style: Label
Color: White
Finish: Gloss
Qty Per Row: 1
Material Type: Polyester
Material Descri pti on: Permanent Pol yester
Brady Materi al #: B-423
General ID Catalog: pg. 25
Recommended Ribbon Series: R6010
Suggested Ribbon Part#: R6010
Acceptable Ribb on S eries: R6210, R4410 (col ors)
After Proc ess: Yes, this m aterial will work with this application
Printer Compatibility: B M P71, TL S 2200, TL S-PC Li n k
Surface: Smooth
Surface Mount Technology: No, this m aterial does not work with this application
Through Hole Technology: Top: Yes. In extre me h igh tempe ra tu r es, testin g of th is material is r ec o mmen d e d , B o ttom: No
RoHS Compatibility: Com p l i ant with RoHS Di recti ve. NOTE: All statements concernin g RoHS D i rective com p l i ance refer to 2005/618/E C MCV amendment to RoHS
D i rective 2002/95/EC. Product compl i ance is based upon i n formation provided by suppl i ers of the raw materi als used b y Brady to manufacture these
products, or by i ndependent laboratory testing of these products. As such, Brady makes no independent representations or warranties, exp re ss o r
im plied, and assum es no liability in connection with the use of this inform ation.
QTY/UOM: 1/Roll…/… 1/1