6 SA57U
VS: Supply voltage for the output transistors. These pins require decoupling (1μF capacitor with good high frequen-
cy characteristics is recommended) to the PGND pins. The decoupling capacitor should be located as close to
the VS and PGND pins as possible. Additional capacitance will be required at the VS pins to handle load current
peaks and potential motor regeneration. Refer to the applications section of this datasheet for additional discus-
sion regarding bypass capacitor selection. Note that VS pins 29-31 carry only the phase 1 supply current. Pins
46-49 carry supply current for phase 2. Phase 1 may be operated at a different supply voltage from phase 2 Both
VS voltages (46-49) are monitored for undervoltage conditions.
OUT 1, OUT 2: These pins are the power output connections to the load. NOTE: When driving an inductive load, it
is recommended that two Schottky diodes with good switching characteristics (fast tRR specs) be connected to
each pin so that they are in parallel with the parasitic back-body diodes of the output FETs. (See Section 2.6)
PGND: Power Ground. This is the ground return connection for the output FETs. Return current from the load ows
through these pins. PGND is internally connected to SGND through a resistance of a few ohms. See section 2.1
of this datasheet for more details.
SC: Short Circuit output. If a condition is detected on any output which is not in accordance with the input com-
mands, this indicates a short circuit condition and the SC pin goes high. The SC signal is blanked for approxi-
mately 200ns during switching transitions but in high current applications, short glitches may appear on the SC
pin. A high state on the SC output will not automatically disable the device. The SC pin includes an internal 12kΩ
series resistor.
1b, 2b: These Schmitt triggered logic level inputs are responsible for turning the associated bottom, or lower N-
channel output FETs on and off. Logic high turns the bottom N-channel FET on, and a logic low turns the low
side N-channel FET off. If 1b or 2b is high at the same time that a corresponding 1t or 2t input is high, protection
circuitry will turn off both FETs in order to prevent shoot-through current on that output phase. Protection circuitry
also includes a dead-time generator, which inserts dead time in the outputs in the case of simultaneous switching
of the top and bottom input signals.
1t, 2t: These Schmitt triggered logic level inputs are responsible for turning the associated top side, or upper P-
channel FET outputs on and off. Logic high turns the top P-channel FET on, and a logic low turns the top P-
channel FET off.
I1, I2: Current sense pins. The SA57A supplies a positive current to these pins which is proportional to the current
owing through the top side P-channel FET for that phase. Commutating currents owing through the back-body
diode of the P-channel FET or through external Schottky diodes are not registered on the current sense pins. Nor
do currents owing through the low side N-channel FET, in either direction, register at the current sense pins. A
resistor connected from a current sense pin to SGND creates a voltage signal representation of the phase cur-
rent that can be monitored with ADC inputs of a processor or external circuitry.
The current sense pins are also internally compared with the current limit threshold voltage reference, Vth. If
the voltage on any current sense pin exceeds Vth, the cycle by cycle current limit circuit engages. Details of this
functionality are described in the applications section of this datasheet.
ILIM/DIS1: This pin is directly connected to the disable circuitry of the SA57A. Pulling this pin to logic high places OUT
1 and OUT 2 in a high impedance state. This pin is also connected internally to the output of the current limit latch
through a 12kΩ resistor and can be monitored to observe the function of the cycle-by-cycle current limit feature.
Pulling this pin to a logic low effectively disables the cycle-by-cycle current limit feature.
SGND: This is the ground return connection for the VDD logic power supply pin. All internal analog and logic circuitry
is referenced to this pin. PGND is internally connected to GND through a resistance of a few ohms,. However, it
is highly recommended to connect the GND pin to the PGND pins externally as close to the device as possible.
Failure do to this may result in oscillations on the output pins during rising or falling edges.
VDD: This is the connection for the 5V power supply, and provides power for the logic and analog circuitry in the
SA57A. This pin requires decoupling (at least 0.1µF capacitor with good high frequency characteristics is recom-
mended) to the SGND pin.
DIS2: The DIS2 pin is a Schmitt triggered logic level input that places OUT 1 and OUT 2 in a high impedance state
when pulled high. DIS2 has an internal 12kΩ pull-down resistor and may therefore be left unconnected.