AOZ1363DI 16V High Current Load Switch with Rapid Turn-Off and Current Monitoring Protection General Description Features The AOZ1363DI is a high-side load switch intended for applications that require circuit protection. The device operates from voltages between 5V and 16V, and capable of supplying 6A of continuous current. The internal current limiting circuit protects the input supply voltage from large load current. The AOZ1363DI provides thermal protection function that limits excessive power dissipation. The device employs an externally programmable soft-start circuitry to control inrush current due to highly capacitive loads associated with hot-plug events. It features low quiescent current of 400A and the supply current reduces to less than 10A in shutdown. 5V to 16V operating input voltage The device can output current monitoring information with an accuracy of 10% at a specified load current of 3A. The device can detect the over-current fault condition and execute the switch power down within a maximum delay time of 100ns. It features an input overvoltage protection where the device powers down when the power input voltage exceeds 19V. 40m maximum on resistance Fast 100ns switch turn off time during OCP Current monitoring with 10% accuracy (3A) Externally programmable soft-start Low quiescent current Under-voltage lockout Thermal shutdown protection Input over-voltage protection 2.0kV ESD rating Small 3mm x 3mm DFN-12L package Applications Notebook PCs Hot swap supplies Micro-servers The AOZ1363DI is available in a 3mm x 3mm DFN-12L package and can operate over -40 C to +85 C temperature range. Typical Application OFF ON 5V R2 100k 1 2 C3 0.47nF 3 4 VIN 12V Input C1 100F 5 6 EN OUT VCC OUT GND AOZ1363DI OUT FLT_B IN NC ISEN NC SS 12 11 12V Output C2 4.7F 10 9 8 7 Rsen C4 0.3nF Figure 1. Typial Application Circuit (with Current Monitoring) Rev. 1.0 July 2014 Page 1 of 13 AOZ1363DI Ordering Information Part Number Ambient Temperature Range Package Environmental AOZ1363DI -40C to +85C 3mm x 3mm DFN-12L RoHS Compliant AOS Green Products use reduced levels of Halogens, and are also RoHS compliant. Please visit for additional information. Pin Configuration EN 1 VCC 2 11 OUT GND 3 10 OUT FLT_B 4 IN NC 12 IN OUT 9 NC 5 8 ISEN 6 7 SS 3mm x 3mm DFN-12L (Top View) Pin Description Pin Number Pin Name Pin Function 1 EN Enable Input. Active high. For automatic enabling, this pin is highly recommended to connect to VCC. 2 VCC VCC is a bypass pin. Connect a 0.47nF capacitor from VCC to GND. 3 GND Ground. 4 FLT_B 5, EPAD IN N-channel MOSFET Drain. Connect a 100F capacitor from IN to GND 6, 9 NC No Connection. Fault Output pin. This is an open drain output that is externally pulled high with a pull-up resistor. Drain is internally pulled down to GND to indicate a fault condition. Connect to 5V, 3.3V, or VCC through a 100k pull-up resistor. 7 SS 8 ISEN Current Sense Information Output. See Figure 3 for Rsen value. 10, 11, 12 OUT N-channel MOSFET Source. Connect a 4.7F capacitor from OUT to GND. Rev. 1.0 July 2014 Externally Programmable Soft-Start pin. Page 2 of 13 AOZ1363DI Absolute Maximum Ratings Maximum Operating Ratings Exceeding the Absolute Maximum ratings may damage the device. The device is not guaranteed to operate beyond the Maximum Operating Ratings. Parameter Rating IN, OUT, ISEN to GND Parameter -0.3V to +24V VCC, EN, SS, FLAG Rating Thermal Resistance (DFN 3x3) 40C/W -0.3V to 6V Maximum Continuous Current Maximum Junction Temperature (TJ) 6A (25C) +150C ESD Rating (HBM) 2.0kV Electrical Characteristics VIN = 12V, TA = 25C unless otherwise stated. Symbol VIN Parameter Input Supply Voltage VUVLO Undervoltage Lockout Threshold VUVHYS Undervoltage Lockout Hysteresis VUVP VUVHYS Conditions Input Overvoltage Protection Typ. Max 16 V 4.1 4.4 V 5 IN rising Units 400 mV IN rising 19 V 400 Input Overvoltage Protection Hysteresis 1.5 IIN_ON Input Quiescent Current EN = 4V, no load IIN_OFF Input Shutdown Current ILEAK RDS(ON) Min. V 600 A EN = GND, no load 10 A Output Leakage Current EN = GND, no load 10 A Switch On Resistance VIN= 12V 23 40 m 11 +25% A ILIM Current Limit -25% IOFF Offset Current in ISEN IIN = 0A 2 A AIF Current Monitor Gain IIN = 1A~6A 5 A/A 10 IMON Current Monitor Accuracy IIN = 3A VLOW Fault Low Voltage IFLT = 1mA ILK_FLT % 0.5 V Fault Leakage Current 1 A tFLT Fault Flag Delay Time 100 ns tSS Soft-Start Time VEN_L Enable Input Low Voltage VEN_H Enable Input High Voltage VEN_HYS Enable Input Hysteresis IEN_BIAS Enable Input Bias Current CSS = 300pF 100 s 0.8 2 V V 100 mV 1 A Turn-On Delay Time EN_50% to OUT_10% RL = 120, CL = 1F 220 s tON Turn-On Rise Time OUT_10% to 90% RL=120, CL = 1F 160 s TSD Thermal Shutdown Threshold 130 C TSD_HYS Thermal Shutdown Hysteresis 30 Td_on TCL TFDP C Current Limit Detection Delay 50(1) ns N-Channel Turn Off Delay 50(1) ns Note: 1. Guaranteed by design. Rev. 1.0 July 2014 Page 3 of 13 AOZ1363DI CURRENT LIMIT SET DIFFERENTIAL SENSED VOLTAGE 40ns FLT_B FAULT DETECTION (OCP) 10% 10ns MAIN SWITCH GATE (NOT PIN OUT) INTERNALLY PULLED-DOWN 50ns MAIN SWITCH (NOT PIN OUT) OFF STATE ON STATE 90% 90% OUT tCL 10% tD(ON) tFPD 100ns (85C) tr Figure 2. Over Current Limit Timing Diagram V(ISEN) = (AIF * IDC + IOFF) * RSEN V(ISEN) = (5A/A * 6A + 2A) * 100k = 3.2V V(ISEN) VOCP(~4.7V) 3.2V RSEN = 100k VOFF(=0.2V) 0 6A I(OCP) = 9A IIN OCP FLAG Figure 3. Current Monitoring and Reverse Current Rev. 1.0 July 2014 Page 4 of 13 AOZ1363DI Protection Table Fault Condition LSW Position Fault Flag System State Comparator Add-on UVLO (falling) Open Low Stand-by Hysteresis + Deglitch OCP Open Low Latch-off Deglitch OTP Open Low Stand-by Hysteresis EN (low) Open H-Z Shutdown Deglitch Protection Diagram 19V IN OUT 3.9V 3.5V EN UVLO 4.5V 4V VCC 11A IIN FLT_B Latch-off OVP OCP UVLO Shutdown Functional Block Diagram 12V Input M1 IN OUT 3.9V C1 100F C2 4.7F Vbias UVLO SS Soft Start C4 0.3nF CSA Charge Pump Internal Regulator EN Ioff VCL Rsen 5V VCC(4V) Fast Turn-off OCP (IIN>11A) FLT_B VCC Slow Turn-off C3 0.47nF Current Information ISEN OSC IN Enable Output Fault Detect & Latch R2 100k Fault Flag M2 (Active Low) OTP (Temp>130oC) OVP (VIN>19V) UVLO (VIN<3.5V) Fault Detect & Recover GND Rev. 1.0 July 2014 Page 5 of 13 AOZ1363DI Functional Characteristics Turn ON Sequence Turn OFF Sequence (VIN=12V, RL=2, C1=100F, C2=4.7F) (VIN=12V, RL=2, C1=100F, C2=4.7F) VIN 2V/div VIN 2V/div VOUT 2V/div VOUT 2V/div EN 1V/div EN 1V/div IOUT 1A/div IOUT 1A/div 50s/div 5s/div Fast Output Shutdown During Current Limit Response Current Limit Response: Latch OFF (VIN=12V, RL=2, C1=100F, C2=4.7F) (VIN=12V, RL=2, C1=100F, C2=4.7F) VIN/VOUT 2V/div VIN VOUT Falling VIN/VOUT 2V/div IOUT Limit: 10.5A FLT_B 1V/div IOUT Limit Trip Point: 10.5A 50ns IOUT 2A/div FLT_B 1V/div IOUT 2A/div 100ns/div Rev. 1.0 July 2014 500s/div Page 6 of 13 AOZ1363DI Typical Characteristics Ambient Temperature vs. Current 120 110 Temperature (C) Current Limit Level (A) Current Limit vs. Temperature 10.0 9.5 9.0 8.5 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 25 100 90 80 70 60 50 35 45 55 40 4.0 65 75 85 95 105 115 125 Temperature (C) RDSON vs. Temperature 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 DC Current (A) 7.5 8.0 Input Quiescent Current vs. Input Voltage 35 620 34 580 33 Supply Current (A) N-Channel RDSON A(m) 4.5 32 31 30 29 28 27 540 500 460 420 380 26 340 25 24 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125 Ambient Temperature (C) 300 5 6 7 9 10 8 Input Voltage (V) 11 12 Input Shutdown Current vs. Input Voltage Shutdown Current (A) 4.8 4.4 4.0 3.6 3.2 2.8 2.4 2.0 Rev. 1.0 July 2014 5 6 7 8 9 10 Input Voltage (V) 11 12 Page 7 of 13 AOZ1363DI Application Information Parallel Load Switch Configuration U1 OFF ON EN R3 1M 1 2 5V Input VCC R2 100k C3 470pF 3 4 12V Input VIN 5 6 C1 47F FLT_B EN VCC OUT GND OUT FLT_B 2 3 4 5 6 C1 47F NC IN ISEN NC U2 C3 470pF OUT SS EP 10 9 D1 DPAK ISEN 8 7 C2 4.7F Rsen/2 AOZ1363DI VCC OUT GND OUT FLT_B NC IN ISEN SS EP The same techniques and methodology previously explained should be applied to any Multi-Load Switch parallel configuration. Layout techniques for multi-load switch topology should be referenced to the Recommended Layout Guidelines section. Short Protection OUT C5 47F 11 R4 0 EN NC 12V Output 12 C4 330pF C5 47F 1 R2 100k AOZ1363DI A 4.7F capacitor will be mounted between the Output (pins 10,11 and 12) and EP of each AOZ1363DI load switch. All output pins of load switch devices will be tied together through a wide track on the top layer for optimize cooling. This common Output track will lead to the Load downstream. 12 11 10 9 D2 DPAK C2 4.7F 8 7 C4 330pF R4 0 Figure 4. Parallel Configuration Application Schematic The AOZ1363DI fast load switch can also be parallel configured in applications that require efficiency optimization. Overall conduction losses during the ON cycle can be reduced in half by mounting two load switches, as shown above. The EN pins can be tied together and a common rising edge signal enables both devices simultaneously. Each load switch device must have a 470pF surface mounted ceramic capacitor across VCC and GND (pin 2 and pin 3) - see PCB floor plan in the Layout Guidelines. The VCC pin then connected together onto a common 5V VCC rail. A 100k resistor tied between each of the devices' VCC pin and FLT_B pin for user flag function. Both FLT_B pins will be tied together to a single trace for easy user access. Each device will employ its own pair of 47F capacitor next to the IN (pin 5 and EP) and PGND. Both VIN pins will be tied together through a wide track, connecting to the 12V supply rail. AOZ1363 has the protection function against the destructive output short current thanks to the ultra fast turn-off feature as long as the short phenomenon takes place in the upper switch of the totem pole. In Figure 5A, when the short phenomenon happens in the upper MOSFET(M2) of the totem pole type load the excessive short current starts ramping up speedily but since AOZ1363 can detect it, turn off MOSFET quickly within 100ns and flag the fault signal to main controller the whole system can is protected safely. However, in case the output is short to the GND like Figure 5B, AOZ1363 needs a diode(D1) between OUT and GND to clamp the excessive negative voltage in the output due to parasitic inductance. The C1 and C2 capacitor should be located in nearest point to IN and OUT each other and the C2 should be lower than 4.7F for the fast short detection. IN OUT M2 Short M1 Totem pole type load OFF C1 PWM C2 AOZ1363DI M2 L1 C3 GND M3 Figure 5A. Application Against Totem Pole Load Short IN OUT Load Short M1 The SS cap of 330pF will be mounted next to each device's SS pin and each respective GND. Both SS pins will be tied to a common trace on the PCB. The ISEN resistor should be configured such that the typical value ISEN resistor, Rsen = 100k will be divided by the same amount of AOZ1363DI devices used. OFF C1 C2 AOZ1363DI D1 GND Figure 5B. Application Against Load Rail Short to Ground Rev. 1.0 July 2014 Page 8 of 13 AOZ1363DI Recommended Bill of Materials U1 AOZ1363DI OFF ON 1 R3 1M 5V R2 100k VIN 2 C3 470pF 3 4 12V Input 5 6 C1 47F EN OUT VCC OUT GND OUT FLT_B NC IN ISEN NC SS EP C5 47F 12V Output 12 11 10 D1 DPAK 9 C2 4.7F 8 7 Rsen C4 330pF R4 0 Component Value Description / Rating Vendor Part # U1 -- -- Alpha Omega AOZ1363DI C1, C5 4.7F CAP CER 47UF 16V 20% X5R 1210 Taiyo Yuden EMK325BJ476MM-T C2 4.7F CAP CER 4.7UF 50V 10% X5R 1206 Taiyo Yuden UMK316BJ475KL-T C3 470pF CAP CER 470PF 50V 10% X7R 0603 Murata Elec. GRM188R71H471KA01J C4 330pF CAP CER 330PF 50V 10% X7R 0603 Murata Elec. GRM188R71H331KA0ID RSEN 100k 1/10W 1% JUMP 0603 SMD Panasonic (ECG) ERJ-3GEYJ104V R2 100k 1/10W 1% JUMP 0603 SMD Panasonic (ECG) ERJ-3GEYJ104V R3 1M 1/10W 1% JUMP 0603 SMD Yaged RC0603FR-071ML R4 0 1/10W 1% JUMP 0603 SMD Yaged RC0603JR-070RL D1 CQ714 CQ 5D CQ714 B2535G AKA CQ714B2535G Rev. 1.0 July 2014 Page 9 of 13 AOZ1363DI Recommended Layout Guidelines The AOZ1363DI load switch is a device that is capable of delivering a steady flow of DC current. It provides up to 6A of continuous current into two DrMos modules for step-down conversion in continuous conduction mode. The floor plan in Figure 6 is focused on providing the IN (pin 5 and exposed pad) and the OUT (pins 10,11 and 12) with plenty of top layer exposed copper for thermal relief, thus, transferring most of the power dissipated as heat down to the PCB. The top layer layout diagram in Figure 6 shows an optimal method for cooling. Furthermore, the input bypass capacitors CIN1 and CIN2 are surface mounted ceramic capacitors mounted directly to the exposed VIN paddle. The 4.7F MLCC should be located as close as physically possible to the output pins 10-12 with return path star power grounded with the input capacitors. The AOZ1363DI employs an extremely fast 100ns turn off mechanism during an overcurrent event. When the DC current through the large internal NMOS switch exceeds its maximum threshold of 11.2A at 25C, a fast gate discharging circuit is deployed causing the output to decay to zero. The layout configuration of Figure 6 enables the fast discharging of the 4.7F output capacitor very effectively through the load downstream. R4 (0) is the only point to connect AGND and PGND together Wide VIN track for thermal sensing location Allcocated area for Current Sense Information Allcocated area for thermal sensing point Figure 7. Top Layer Floor Plan Please note the GND (upside down triangle) and PGND (earth ground) symbols in Figure 7. The PGND symbols should only be connected to the Input and Output capacitors and nowhere else. All GND symbols should be used for the rest of the external components including the IC's pin 3. All GND connections should be star grounded together separate from the PGND connections. Bottom layer has been allocated for PGND use only so the Input and the Output capacitors are directly tied to the bottom layer through via connectors. Only a single point will be used to connect both AGND and PGND for optimal noise isolation. Please refer to Figure 6 for R4 valued at 0. All Input (pin 5 and Exposed Pad) and Output (pins 10, 11 and 12) traces should be at top layer for optimal trace resistances. Current going through vias is not acceptable. Traces on top layer may be duplicated to the second layer (bottom layer) and via connecting both the top and bottom traces as near as possible to the IC region is advisable to provide thermal relief. Figure 8. Bottom Layer Floor Plan All of the above details must be applied when considering to implement a multi-device parallel configuration (2 or 3 devices). Rev. 1.0 July 2014 Page 10 of 13 AOZ1363DI Package Dimensions, DFN 3x3, 12L D 12x bbb 12 e b C A B 12 aaa C 2x R E 1 Pin1 Identification E1 L aaa C 2x D1 TOP VIEW BOTTOM VIEW ccc C A1 Seating Plane A ddd C SIDE VIEW C RECOMMENDED LAND PATTERN Symbols Min. 0.23 0.40 0.27 0.50 1.32 2.64 1.70 Dimensions in millimeters 2.44 UNIT: mm A A1 b c D D1 E E1 e L R aaa bbb ccc ddd 0.70 0.00 0.18 --- Nom. 0.75 0.02 0.23 0.203 3.00 BSC 2.39 2.44 3.00 BSC 1.55 1.70 0.50 BSC 0.28 0.38 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.08 Max. 0.80 0.05 0.28 --2.54 1.80 0.48 Dimensions in inches Symbols Min. A A1 b c D D1 E E1 e L R aaa bbb ccc ddd Nom. Max. 0.028 0.000 0.007 --- 0.030 0.031 0.001 0.002 0.009 0.011 0.008 --0.118 BSC 0.094 0.096 0.010 0.118 BSC 0.061 0.067 0.071 0.020 BSC 0.011 0.015 0.019 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.004 0.003 Notes: 1. Dimensions and tolerances conform to ASME Y14.5M-1994. 2. Controlling dimension is millimeter, converted inch dimensions are not necessarily exact. 3. Dimension b applies to metallized terminal and is measured between 0.15mm and 0.30mm from the terminal tip. If the terminal has the optional radius on the other end of the terminal, dimension b should not be measured in that radius area. 4. Coplanarity ddd applies to the terminals and all other bottom surface metallization. Rev. 1.0 July 2014 Page 11 of 13 AOZ1363DI Tape and Reel Dimensions, DFN 3x3, 12L Carrier Tape D0 P1 A-A D1 A E1 K0 E2 E B0 A P2 T P0 A0 Feeding Direction UNIT: mm Package DFN 3x3_EP A0 B0 3.40 3.35 0.10 0.10 D0 K0 1.50 1.10 0.10 +0.10/-0.0 D1 E E1 E2 P0 P1 P2 T 1.50 +0.10/-0.0 12.00 0.30 1.75 0.10 5.50 0.05 8.00 0.10 4.00 0.10 2.00 0.05 0.30 0.05 Reel W1 N S G K M V R H W UNIT: mm Tape Size Reel Size M N 12mm o330 o330.00 o97.00 0.50 0.10 W1 H K S W 13.00 17.40 o13.00 10.60 2.00 0.50 0.30 1.00 +0.5/-0.2 G N/A R N/A V N/A Leader / Trailer & Orientation Unit Per Reel: 5000pcs Trailer Tape 300mm Min. Rev. 1.0 July 2014 Components Tape Orientation in Pocket Leader Tape 500mm Min. Page 12 of 13 AOZ1363DI Part Marking AOZ1363DI (DFN3x3-12) 1363 Part Number Code I0AW Industrial Temperature Range LT NoOption Year & Week Code Assembly Lot Code Assembly Location Code LEGAL DISCLAIMER Alpha and Omega Semiconductor makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided herein and takes no liabilities for the consequences of use of such information or any product described herein. Alpha and Omega Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes to such information at any time without further notice. This document does not constitute the grant of any intellectual property rights or representation of non-infringement of any third party's intellectual property rights. LIFE SUPPORT POLICY ALPHA AND OMEGA SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS. As used herein: 1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body or (b) support or sustain life, and (c) whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury of the user. Rev. 1.0 July 2014 2. A critical component in any component of a life support, device, or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. Page 13 of 13