SIMATIC RF310R special version Scanmode
6 J31069-D0236-U001-A2-7618, 10/2013
Properties of frame transmission:
● The information about the version is appended to the parameters when reading.
● The calculation of the BCC checksum is performed simply by XORing all bytes.
● If there is a change in an interface parameter (baud rate, parity), an acknowledgment with the old setting is sent.
Following this, the new setting takes effect (scan data, next frame).
"Change parameters" telegram
All parameters can be changed, including those for the serial interface. Note the following:
● The acknowledgement from the reader is sent with the old settings
● The following scan data are sent with the new settings
The parameters can be stored in the reader either retentively or non-retentively:
● In retentive parameterization, the transferred data are still available after the reader is restarted.
● In non-retentive parameterization, the data are only changed for current operation. A restart will then occur with the old
After the parameters are accepted and the acknowledgement is sent, the reader returns automatically to scan mode.
"Change parameters" telegram:
"Change parameters retentively" telegram:
Error code BCC
All parameters must always be transferred together. If the reader configuration is not saved on the host, it is recommended
to first read out the parameters saved to the reader.
The status that can be read out from the reader includes version information alongside the parameters.
Either the retentive or the non-retentive parameters can be read out; the version information is always the same.
After the acknowledgement is sent with the requested data, the reader switches automatically back to scan mode.
"Read parameters" telegram:
"Read parameters retentively" telegram: