M36W0R6030T0, M36W0R6030B0
See Figure 2., Logic Diagram and Table 1., Signal
Names, for a brief overview of the signals connect-
ed to this device.
Address Inputs (A0-A21). Addresses A0-A18
are common inputs fo r th e Fl ash memory an d the
SRAM components. The other lines (A19-A21) are
inputs for the Flash memory component only.
The Address Inputs select the cells in the memory
array to access during Bus Read operations. Dur-
ing Bus Write operations they control the com-
mands sent to the Command Interface of the Flash
memory Program/Erase Controller or they select
the cells to access in the SRAM.
The Flash memory is accessed through the Chip
Enable signal (EF) and through the Write Enable
(WF) sig nal, while the SRA M is acc essed thr ough
two Chip Enable signals (E1S and E2S) and the
Write Enable signal (WS).
Data Input/Output (DQ0-DQ15). The Data I/O
outputs the data stored at the selected address
during a Bus Read operation or inputs a command
or the d ata to be pr ogramme d dur ing a Write Bus
Flash Chip Enable (EF). The Chip Enable in-
puts activate the memory control logics, input buff-
ers, decoders and sense amplifiers. When Chip
Enable is Low , VIL, and Reset is High, VIH, the de-
vice is in active mode. When Chip Enable is at VIH
the Flash memory is deselected, the outputs are
high impedance and the power consumption is re-
duced to the standby level.
Flash Output Enable (GF). The Output Enable
pin controls data outputs during Flash memory
Bus Read operations.
Flash Write Enable (WF). The Write Enable
controls the Bus Write operation of the Flash
memories’ Comman d Inter face. The data an d ad-
dress inputs are latched on the rising edge of Chip
Enable or Write Enable whichever occurs first.
Flash Write Protect (WPF). Write Protect is an
input that giv es an addi tional hardwa re protection
for each block. When Write Protect is Low, VIL,
Lock-Down is enabled and the protection status of
the Locked-Down blocks cannot be changed.
When Wri te Prote ct is at High, VIH, Lock-Dow n is
disabled and the Locked-Down blocks can be
locked or unlocked. (Refer to Lock Status Table in
M58WR064FT/B datasheet).
Flash Reset (RPF). The Reset input provides a
hardware reset of the m emory. When Reset is at
VIL, the memory is in Reset mode: the outputs are
high impedance and the current consumption is
reduced to the Reset Supply Current IDD2. Refer to
Table 6., Flash Memory DC Characteristics - Cur-
rents for the value of IDD2. After Reset all blocks
are in the Locked state and the Configuration Reg-
ister is reset. When Reset is at VIH, the device is in
normal operation. Exiting Reset mode the device
enters As ynchronous Read mode, but a negativ e
transition of Chip Enable or Latch Enable is re-
quired to ensure valid data outputs.
The Reset pin can be interfaced with 3V logic with-
out any addi tional circuitr y. It can be tied to VRPH
(refe r t o Table 7., Flash Memory DC Characteris-
tics - Voltages ).
Flash Latch Enable (LF). Latch Enable latches
the address bits on its rising edge. The address
latch is transparent when Latch Enable is Low, VIL,
and it is in hi bite d wh en Latc h Ena bl e i s H igh , V IH.
Latch Enable can be kept Low (also at board level)
when the Lat ch Enable function is not r equired or
Flash Clock (KF). The Clock input synchronizes
the Flash memory to the microcontroller during
synchronous read operations; the address is
latched o n a Cloc k edge ( rising o r falling, accord -
ing to the configuration settings) when Latch En-
able is at VIL. Clock is don't care during
Asynchronous Read and in write operations.
Flash Wait (WAITF). WAIT is a Flash output s ig-
nal used during Synchronous Read to indicate
whether the data on the output bus are valid. This
output is high impedance when Flash Chip Enable
is a t VIH or Fl ash Reset is at VIL. It c an be con fig-
ured to be active during the wait cycle or one clock
cycle in advance. The WAITF signal is not gated
by Output Enabl e.
SRAM Chip Enable inputs (E1S, E2S). The
Chip Enable inputs activate the SRAM memory
control logic, input buffers and decoders. E1S at
VIH with E2S at VIH deselects the memory, red uc-
ing the power consumption to the standby level,
whereas E2S at VIL deselects the memory and re-
duces th e po wer c ons um ption to the Pow er-d own
level, re gardles s of the lev el of E1S. E1 S and E2S
can also be used to control writing to the SRAM
memory array, while WS remains at VIL. It is not al-
lowed to set EF at VIL, E1S at VIL and E2S at VIH at
the same time.
SRAM Write Enable (WS). The Write Enable in-
put controls writing to the SRAM memory array.
WS is active low.
SRAM Output Enable (GS). The Output Enable
gates the outputs throug h the data bu ffers during
a Read operation of the SRAM memory. GS is ac-
tive low.
SRAM Upper Byte Enable (UBS). The Upper
Byte Enable input enables the upper byte for
SRAM (DQ8-DQ15). UBS is active low.