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AS3900 - Demo Board Manual
27MHz Low Power FSK Transceiver Revision 1.00 1 - 8
AS3900 Demo Board Manual
27MHz Low Power FSK Transceiver
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AS3900 - Demo Board Manual
27MHz Low Power FSK Transceiver Revision 1.00 2 - 8
General Description
Board Description
User Interface Description
Label Name Description Info
A SENSOR Brightness Sensor Data of the brightness-sensor is
transmitted from the client to the
master over the HF-Interface
B WAKEUP Wakeup – Button Initiates wakeup to start/stop
C PAIR Pair – Button Initiates pairing-procedure to establish
D MASTER/CLIENT Master/Client – Selection
Switch Selects board to operate as master or
E ID SELECTION Dip Switch for ID Selection Select an unique ID for each client
F POWER ON/OFF Switch Power on/off the Demoboard. Select
the Source (Battery or USB)
Connector Mini USB 5-pin Connector Supplies the AS3900 with 5V. Connect
Master to a standard USB port.
Note: The Master-Demoboard should be connected via USB to a standard USB port. Supply the Master from the
USB-Interface. Supply the Clients from the 3V Battery.
Indication LEDs
LEDs Blinking Colour MASTER CLIENT
Red LED Master is collecting IDs of
existing Clients Client is prepared to be added
to network
PAIR Green LED Master established a network
with at least one client Indicates a paired client. ID of
Client was exchanged with
Red LED Master sends wakeup
sequence to Clients Client is prepared for
transmitting sensor data
WAKEUP Green LED Master awoke at least one
Client and exchanges data Client is woken up and
transmits data
TRANS-PACK Green LED Data packages are transmitted
RCV-PACK Orange LED Data packages are received
LOST-PACK Red LED Data packages are lost
Figure 1: Board Description Top – User Interface Figure 2: Board Description Bottom – Connectors
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AS3900 - Demo Board Manual
27MHz Low Power FSK Transceiver Revision 1.00 3 - 8
Jumper Description
Jumper Name Description Info
I IDD Supply Current
Supply Source of AS3900 can be selected
between constant 3.1V (LDO) and variable
battery voltage (BAT). The supply current of
the AS3900 can be measured.
Microcontroller - Interface The SDI –Interface from the microcontroller
can be replaced by an proprietary solution
H1 SDATAI Serial Digital Interface DATA Input
H2 SCLK Serial Digital Interface Clock
H3 SEN Serial Digital Interface Enable
H4 SDATAO Serial Digital Interface DATA Output
H5 MCU_CLK Microcontroller Clock Output
H6 IRQ External Interrupt for Microcontroller
H7 POR Power On Reset Output
How to easily get started with the AS3900 demo kit?
Allocate 1 board as Master and 1-8 boards as Client via switch “D.
Select for each Client a unique ID via the dip switches “E”.
Connect the Master to the PC via the provided USB Cable on G” and start the GUI.
Turn on all board. For the Master turn the ON/OFF – switch “F” to USB. For the Client turn the switch
“F” to BATT. If the Master is not connected to the PC, supply the board from battery also. When turning
on the boards all indication-LEDs flash up once.
Press the PAIR – button “C” at all Clients, in order to prepare the Clients for the pairing procedure. The
PAIR led is blinking red.
Press the PAIR –button “C” at the Master. All Clients will get visible on the GUI. All PAIR - LEDs are
blinking green.
Press the WAKEUP – button “B” at all Clients, in order to prepare the Clients for the data transmission.
Press the WAKEUP – button “B” at the Master to start the communication. All light sensors get visible
at the GUI. All WAKEUP - LEDs are blinking green.
Darken the light sensor “A” at the Clients. The current brightness of the sensor is visualized on the GUI.
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27MHz Low Power FSK Transceiver Revision 1.00 4 - 8
Install the GUI:
1. Execute the AS39xxx_EvalSW.msi
2. Follow the installation guide
3. Run the GUI AS39XX_EvalSW.exe
Note: If the Master is correctly connected, the USB field in the lower left corner is green. Afterwards the GUI is
ready to run the following procedure to establish the network.
How to execute a Firmware Update:
1. Connect AS3900 Demoboard with the PC and turn on the board (Set switch “F” to USB)
2. Go to Help Firmware Update (Ctrl + F)
3. Select and load latest Hardware (*.bin – File)
Note: After a Firmware Update it is recommended to restore the default settings from flash, in order to get a
working setup. Go to the Expert Mode and press the button restore default settings”.
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AS3900 - Demo Board Manual
27MHz Low Power FSK Transceiver Revision 1.00 5 - 8
Operational sequence
This demo board comes with one antenna, one 3V battery and one USB-cable.
Prepare the Hardware
1. Drive the IC on the demo board only with the recommended settings and values as described in the
datasheet. If not present get the datasheet for the AS3900 from
2. First connect the power supply via connector “G” to a powered USB port or insert the provided 3V
battery. Power on the Demoboard by turning the switch “F” to USB or BATT. The Master is
recommended to be supplied from USB. The Client is supplied from the 3V battery. To power down the
system turn the switch “F” into its middle position (OFF).
3. Select one Demoboard as Master and at lease one Demoboard as Client at Switch “D”. Make sure not
to have more than one Master.
4. Select for each Client a unique ID via the Dip Switches “E”. Make sure not to have Clients with the
same ID.
PAIR the Clients to the Master
1. Press the “PAIR” Button “C” at all Clients. The “PAIR” Button is blinking red.
2. Press the “PAIR” Button “C” at the Master. The Master starts the communication and the Clients send
their IDs. If the Master gets valid IDs the PAIR LED switch from blinking red to blinking green. This
mean, that the Master has recognized at least one Client for the network. After a handshake the Clients
start to blink green as well.
3. If not all Clients are paired at the first time, press the “PAIR” button at the master again, until all Clients
are blinking green.
4. The GUI at the Master shows all valid Clients with their appropriate address. (Dip Switch + 1)
WAKEUP the Clients to start the communication
After the clients are successfully paired, they are automatically switched into a Sleep Mode. In order to start the
data communication, the Clients need to be woken up:
1. Press the “WAKEUP” Button “B” at all Clients. The “WAKEUP” Button is blinking red. As soon as the
communication is running the WAKEUP Button is blinking green.
2. Press the “WAKEUP” Button “B” at the Master. The Master starts again the communication and the
Clients begin to send data. As soon as the Master receives valid data, the WAKEUP Button at the
Master is blinking green as well. Transmitted, received and lost packages are indicated via LEDs
3. The brightness sensor can be seen on the GUI (Master) and actual data can be changed at the Clients
by shading the sensor.
4. Once the connection to one Client is lost, the appropriate Client stops blinking “TRANS-PACK” and
“RCV-PACK”. If the Client is again very close to the Master the connection is re-established
automatically. “TRANS-PACK” and “RCV-PACK” starts to blink again.
Note: Pressing the WAKEUP Button “B” at the Master, starts and stops the communication.
If there are questions do not hesitate to contact us. See contact information at the end of this manual.
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27MHz Low Power FSK Transceiver Revision 1.00 6 - 8
Layout of Demo Board
Board schematics
Figure 3: Schematics
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27MHz Low Power FSK Transceiver Revision 1.00 7 - 8
Board layout
Figure 4: Top Layer
Figure 5: Bottom Layer
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AS3900 - Demo Board Manual
27MHz Low Power FSK Transceiver Revision 1.00 8 - 8
Copyright © 1997-2009, austriamicrosystems AG, Tobelbaderstraße 30, 8141 Unterpremstätten - Graz, Austria -
Europe. Trademarks Registered ®. All rights reserved. The material herein may not be reproduced, adapted,
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description regarding the information set forth herein or regarding the freedom of the described devices from
patent infringement. Austriamicrosystems AG reserves the right to change specifications and prices at any time
and without notice. Therefore, prior to designing this product into a system, it is necessary to check with
austriamicrosystems AG for current information.
This product is intended for use in normal commercial applications. Applications requiring extended temperature
range, unusual environmental requirements, or high reliability applications, such as military, medical life-support
or life-sustaining equipment are specifically not recommended without additional processing by
austriamicrosystems AG for each application. For shipments of less than 100 parts the manufacturing flow might
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The information furnished here by austriamicrosystems AG is believed to be correct and accurate. However,
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Contact Information
austriamicrosystems AG
Tobelbaderstraße 30
A-8141 Unterpremstätten - Graz, Austria
T. +43 (0) 3136 500 0
F. +43 (0) 3136 5692
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