Smart Card Interface
Simplifying System Integrati on™ DATA SHEET
April 2009
Rev. 1.5 © 2009 Teridian Semiconductor Co rpora ti on 1
The Teridian 73S8023C is a low-power, high effici ency,
single smart card interface IC suitabl e for 3V and 5V
cards. It provides full electr ical compliance with IS O-
7816-3 and EMV 4.0 (EMV2000) sp ecifications.
Hardware support for any type of synchronous cards
(memory cards) is provided.
Interfacing with the system controller is done t hr ough the
control bus; composed of dig ital inputs to co ntrol the
interface, an d one interrupt output to inform the system
controller of the card presence and faults. Data exchang e
with the card is managed from the system controller usin g
the I/O line (and eventually the auxiliary I/O lines).
A chip select input allows multiple 73S8023C ICs to share
the same contr ol bus. When chip select is set low, the
host microco ntroller inputs are latched and outputs are
taken to a high impedance state.
The card clock signal can be generated by an on-chip
oscillator using an external crystal or by connectin g an
external clock signal.
The 73S8023C device incorporates an I S O-7816-3
activation/deactiva tion sequen ce r that controls the card
signals. Emergency card deactivation is initiated upon
card extraction or upon an y f ault generated by the
protection circuitry.
The 73S8023C requi res only a single 2.7 V to 3.6 V power
supply, and features a high-efficiency embe dded DC-DC
converter. This architecture, plus a Power Down digit al
input that allow placing t he IC in a very low-power mode
making the 73S 8023C particularly suitab l e for low-power
applications ( cell-phones, PDAs, payphones, hand-held
POS terminals…).
• Supports both synchronous and asynchronous sm ar t
• Replacement for TDA8002, with up to 600 mW in
power savings (@ EMV ICCmax condition) !
• The inductor-based DC-DC converter provides higher
current and efficiency
Ideal for battery-powered applications
Suitable for high current ca rds and SAMs: (100 mA
Single 2.7 V to 3.6 V power suppl y a l lows removal
of 5 V from the system
• Power do wn mode: 2 µA typical
• Package: Small Format (5x5mm) 32-QFN
• Card Interface:
Complies wit h ISO-7816-3, EMV 4.0
A DC-DC Converter provides 3V / 5V to the card
from an extern al power suppl y input
High-efficiency converter: > 80% @ VDD=3.3 V,
VCC=5 V and ICC
Up to 100 mA supp l ied to the card
= 65 mA
ISO-7816-3 Activation / Deactiva tion sequen cer
with emergency automated deactivation
Protection i ncludes 2 volt age supervisor s which
detect volta ge drops on card VCC and on VDD
The V
power supply
True over-cur rent detecti on (150 mA max.)
voltage supervi so r threshol d va lue can be
externally adjusted
2 card detection inputs, 1 for either possible switch
Full support of synchronous cards
• System Cont roller Int erface:
3 Digital input s control the ca rd activation /
deactivation, card reset and card voltage
3 Digital input s control the ca rd clock (division rate
and card clock source selection)
1 Digital out put, interrupt to the system controller,
allows the s ystem controller to monitor the card
presence and faults
1 Power do wn digital input (places the 73S8023C
in a very low-power mode (card deactivated)
1 Chip select d igi tal input f or parallel operation of
several 73S8023C ICs.
1 External clock input (STROBE), used f or
synchronous o perat i on
1 Digital out put clock, buffered versi on of signal on
Crystal oscillator or host clock (XTALIN), up to
27 MHz
• Power Supply: VDD
• 6 kV ESD Protection on the card interface
2.7 V to 3.6 V
• Point of Sales and Transaction Terminals
• Payphones
• Set-Top-Boxes, DVD / HDD Recor ders
• Payment card i nterfaces in portable device s (PDAs,
mobile phones…)