AT & T MELEC (I C) eSE D mm OO INTEGRATED SECONDARY PROTECTORS LH1150-TYPE Description T-62-1{ The LH1150-Type Integrated Secondary Protectors (ISPs) are a family of two-wire, bidirectional, overvoltage protection devices. Each circuit contains diode steering, threshold sensing, a thyristor predriver, and shunting devices. Internal zener trimming provides a precise breakover voltage. This internal circuitry combination allows for minimal overshoot. The device also exhibits a breakover current that helps in preventing inadvertent turn-ons, The ISP devices are specifically designed to protect telephony switching equipment from telephone loop fault-induced lightning and power-cross surges. The device is ideally suited for applications where transient overshoot is a concern. The LH1150-Type ISPs are manufactured in three holding current values and are available In a 3-pin ruggedized plastic package. Features Bidirectional overvoltage protection Crowbars surge waves and power-cross faults dv/dt and noise immunity Low overshoot Low leakage current No heat sink required Symmetrical pinout Functional Diagram 10 Pin Diagram > 20zz=00[ Iho 2 | DIODE | | STEERING ZENER TRIM | 30 MA War TL <- wv 9-1 Bre Dm ro ger es te 500e6 0002831 4AT & T MELEC (I C) 2SE D M@ O0OS500ct G00e83e b LH1150-TYPE Maximum Ratings At 25C INTEGRATED SECONDARY PROTECTORS T-L0oQ -I| Stresses in excess of those listed under Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is an absolute stress rating only. Functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions in excess of those indicated in the operational section of this data sheet is not implied. Exposure to maximum rating conditions for extended periods of time may adversely affect device reliability and present hazardous conditions as detailed in Electrical Saftey Precautions. Rating Value . Unit Ambient Operating Temperature Range 40 to +85 C Storage Temperature Range 40 to +125 C Pin Soldering Temperature 300_ G Power Dissipation _ ; j 7 Ww Non-Repetitive Peak Pulse Current 18.2 A (10 X 1000 ys, 9.1 amp per side) / de or RMS Operating Current 2 A (t = < 5s, 1 amp per side) Pin Description Pin Symbol Name/Function 1 A This pin should be connected to a line being protected. To protect against telephone loop induced surges, a minimum of 100 2 must be connected between this pin and the telephone loop (Figure 6). 2 Common Fault currents are shunted to this pin. 3 B This pin should be connected to a line being protected. To protect against telephone loop induced surges, a minimum of 100 2 must be connected between this pin and the telephone loop (Figure 6).AT & T MELEC (I C) 2SE D M@@ O0500cb 0002433 56 INTEGRATED SECONDARY PROTECTORS LH1150-TYPE . i . T- lg a | ( | Electrical Characteristics | Ta = 25C. } - | Characteristic/Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Offstate Current (Ip): ' Vo = +160V _ 001 1.0 BA ; Vo = 210 V _ .001 5000 A i Vo = +224 V (LH1150CAM) _ 10.0 mA i Threshold Voltage (Vz) @ 500 nA ; 210 220 230 Vv Breakover Voltage (Veo) @ Iso _ 280 _ Vv } Breakover Current (Iso) 20 Hz Sine Wave _ 50 mA : On Voltage (VT) @ 1 amp _ 3.5 _ __V Holding Current (IH) Rs = 300 2 (T-R, R-T): LH1150AAM 110 150 mA LH1150BAM 155 220 _ mA LH1150CAM 165 220 _ mA Peak Voltage (power-cross) (T-G, R-G): _ 255* Vv Vs = 600 Vrms, 50/60 Hz (Figure 1) Rs = 700 0 t= 10s Peak Voltage (transient) (T-G, R-G): ~_ 255* Vv Vs = + Vpeak (Figure 2) 10/1000 ys Rs = 1100 Note: Rs is the resistance in series with the ISP device during characteristics specified. * Peak voltage will increase by a factor of approximately 0.2V/C as ambient temperature rises, ma 9-3 wrote re Stopes tage ci tt te pttAT & T MELEC (I C) CSE D M@@ 0050026 0002434 T LH1150-TYPE INTEGRATED SECONDARY PROTECTORS 7 T-bQ-/| Test Circuits _ 600 2 100 a PEAK ww VOLTAGE 1 2 600 V D.UT. vs (~~) AMS | ) 50/60 Hz 5 _600 9 100 & PEAK w w VOLTAGE Figure 1. Power Cross Test Circuit 100 2 PEAK ww vVouTAGe 2 1000 V | Vs S 10 x 1000 ps D.U.T. _ iz Rsource = 102 100 9 mA PEAK VOLTAGE Figure 2. Transient Test Circuit orA T & T MELEC (I ) e5E D M@ 00500eb 0002835 1 INTEGRATED SECONDARY PROTECTORS LH1150-TYPE . a T-lea-|| Functional Description During normal circuit operation, the LH1150 ISP remains off (< 210 V). When a fault voltage exceeds the devices threshold voltage (Vz), current begins to flow. When the breakover current (Iso) is realized, the device will crowbar the fault to ground. After the fault current drops below the device's holding current (IH), the device will return to the normally off state, Holding current is a prime consideration when designing a circuit. To ensure the device returns to a normally off state, when a fault condition is depleted, select the LH1150 ISP device which exhibits a holding current greater than the circuit's highest operating current. A IH | J | I | | Ibo} -~|--------- aoe \ VB0 Vz Vb Vr ! / a i Ly | a | \ ID VT Vo Vz Veo | | --= m= ---------|--- 4180 Figure 3. Typical Electrical Characteristics 6 eectAT & T MELEC (I C) 25 D mm o0500cb ooo283b 3 ml LH1150-TYPE . INTEGRATED SECONDARY PROTECTORS T-4Q~(( Characteristic Curves 1.30 1.20 - 1.10 - 1.00 }- 0.90 j- 0.80 j- 0.70 f- IH (NORMALIZED) 0.60 f- 0.50 f- 0.40lL_1 1 l a | -10 10 #30 50 70 90 110 TA (C) Figure 4. Holding Current vs Temperature _ 1.10 1.00 }- 0.90 |- IH (NORMALIZED) 0.80 }- 0.70 I 1 | 0 400 800 1200 1600 Rs (0) Figure 5. Holding Current vs Series Resistance 9-6AT & T MELEC (I C) 25E D M@@ O0500cb 0002837 S INTEGRATED SECONDARY PROTECTORS . LH1150-TYPE T -/ Applications ba | TIP O + tu 1 . 8 CARBON BLOCK 1 5 2) LHt150 RELAYS 7 sue. 2 sLic pa PROTECTOR 3 a RING O bvveu _4 Figure 6. Central Office Protection Outline Drawing Dimensions are in Inches INCLUDES e FLASH 180 411 MAX 380 412 045 APPROX APPROX MAX FLASH (NOTE 1) 080 NOTE 2 530 510 i 3 2 {4 | . | je.070 034 MAX ; He .038 MAX x .022 MAX THICK 100 100 Ped po .400 _ APPROX Notes: 1. Flash permissable in this area along with lead length not to exceed the .038" max. wide X .022 max thickness of the leads. 2. Burrs in trim are not to exceed overall lead thickness of .023.AT & T MELEC (I C) 2SE D M@M@ O0500cb 0002438 7 INTEGRATED SECONDARY PROTECTORS LH1150-TYPE T-LA-l| Ordering Information Device Comcode LH1150AAM 104435607 _ LH1150BAM 104435615 LH1150CAM | 104435623 9-8 PO BS