Page 8 of 24 PS4013B-0600
Advanced Hardware Arc h itectur es, Inc.
In pass-through operation, data flows through
the device similar to the encode and decode
operations. During initialization the device is
programmed as shown above. Check Bytes are
programmed in the range of 0x02 to 0x14. The
Block le ngth he re i s the sum of Mes sage Byt es an d
Check Bytes like encode and decode modes of
operation even though the device passes through the
block of data unchanged.
1) Following initialization, the system clocks
the codeword into th e Inp ut Bu ffer.
2) The codeword is processed by the ECC
module and passed on to th e Output Buf fer
without cor rection.
3) The uncorrect ed codeword is available at
the output port. State of the RDYON
determines the availability of valid data.
The ERASE input is ignored during the
Input phase and ERR and CRTN outputs
are not valid .
Caveat: The device has no provisions for indicating
the sta rt and /or en d of mess age or c heck byt es. It is
the syst em designer s respon sibility t o keep tr ack of
message and check bytes transitions, if required.
The Input Port contains a single-ported 367x9
buffer. The Output Port contains a single-ported
256x9 buffer. These buffers store input and output
data during the correction process and help maintain
the desired system data rate. A Reset operation as
describe d in th e Initialization Sequence sect ion
clears the buffers.
The use of internal buffers is restricted per the
rules defined in Section 2.9 Data Rates and
Latencies. These rules define the limitations of
using the buffers to temporarily store more than one
block. It is highly recommended that the system
designer clearly understand these rules prior to
designing the system.
The Input Buffer receives input data on the DI bus
when the ECC module is in the calculation o r in data-
out phases at the desired system rate. The ability of the
Input Buffer to accept dat a i s in dic ated by RDYIN.
The Output Buffer accepts corrected data from the
ECC during t h e data- o ut pha se. RDYON is asser t e d
low when the Output Buffer is able to output data.
Data flow through the device may occur in burst
or cont inuous ra te s. The number o f c locks per b yte
used to input or output determines burst or
continuous operating conditions. Figure 4 shows the
two operations.
Burst operation permits data to be clocked in
and out of the device at the maximum rate, i.e., 1
clock pe r by te. I n burst opera tion, consecu tive d ata
blocks are clocked into the device following a
processing latency period. Data is input into the
Input Buffer and processed through the ECC core.
After a processing latency period the entire block of
data is transferred to the Output Buffer. While the
Output Buffer is being e mpti ed, t he Input Buffer is
simultaneously filled with the following block at the
maximum rate. Input and output rates are controlled
by the clock speed and clocks/byte.
Continuous oper ation requi res a mini mum of 4
clocks/byte depending upon the block size.
Maximum data transfer rates for continuous rate
vary accordingly. Blocks may be processed
continuously through the device. If the chip is
operate d with cont inuous da ta strea ms, the RDYIN
and RDYON pins will always be active (after the
initial latency). Therefore, they need not be used.
Caveat: Syst em desi gner sho uld be awa re that data
is put into the Output B uffer in reverse order.
Therefor e, RDYON may become inact ive bet ween
blocks i n forward order if d ata i s output faster t ha n
Output Buffer is filled.
This section describes data rates and processing
latencies for burst and continuous operations.
Processing latencies are the same in encode, decode
or pass-through operations. The number of clocks
used to clock in and out of the device determines the
operation. The input and output rates need not be the
same. No registers are required to program the
device for either operation.
Continuous block flow is achieved by using th e
appropriate number of clocks per byte and block
length. Alternatively, data flow into and out of the
device is controlled using control signals, DSIN and
Maximum processing latency , in forward order ,
expressed in number of clocks, for burst operation is
determined by: N × Ci + R + 60 + N
Ci=input clock rate per byte. If Ci= 1, use a value
for Ci of 2 in the latency equation
N=block length
R=number of check bytes
Processi ng Latency = Delay from first input byte to
first output byte
In reverse order, processing latency is
approximately N clocks less than above.
For a 50 MHz system using 1 clock per byte,
latencies and data rates for forward order output are
shown in the table for burst operation. Input and
Outp ut Burst Ra tes in all cases will be 50 MBytes/