SPT9713 12-BIT, 100 MWPS TTL D/A CONVERTER TECHNICAL DATA FEBRUARY 15, 2001 FEATURES APPLICATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * 12-Bit, 100 MWPS digital-to-analog converter TTL compatibility Low power: 640 mW 1/2 LSB DNL 40 MHz multiplying bandwidth Industrial temperature range Superior performance over AD9713 - Improved settling time of 13 ns - Improved glitch energy 15 pV-s - Master-slave latches Fast frequency hopping spread spectrum radios Direct sequence spread spectrum radios Microwave and satellite modems Test & measurement instrumentation GENERAL DESCRIPTION The SPT9713 is a 12-bit, 100 MWPS digital-to-analog converter designed for direct digital synthesis, high resolution imaging, and arbitrary waveform generation applications. This device is pin-for-pin compatible with the AD9713 with significantly improved performance. The only difference between the SPT9713 and the AD9713 is that the Latch Enable (LE, pin 26) for the SPT9713 is rising-edge trig- gered (see figure 1), whereas the Latch Enable (LE, pin 26) for the AD9713 functions in the transparent mode. The SPT9713 is a TTL-compatible device. It features a fast settling time of 13 ns and low glitch impulse energy of 15 pV-s, which results in excellent spurious-free dynamic range characteristics. The SPT9713 is available in a 28-lead PLCC package in the industrial temperature range (-40 to +85 C). BLOCK DIAGRAM RSet + Control Amp In Control Amp Control Amp Out Internal Voltage Reference Ref Out Latch Enable Ref In (MSB) Decoders and Drivers IOut Latches Digital Inputs D1 through D12 Switch Network IOut (LSB) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Beyond which damage may occur)1 25 C Supply Voltages Positive Supply Voltage (VCC) ................................ +7 V Negative Supply Voltage (VEE) .............................. -7 V A/D Ground Voltage Differential ........................... 0.5 V Output Currents Internal Reference Output Current .................... 500 A Control Amplifier Output Current ..................... 2.5 mA Temperature Operating Temperature .......................... -40 to +85 C Junction Temperature ...................................... +150 C Lead, Soldering (10 seconds) ......................... +300 C Storage ................................................ -65 to +150 C Input Voltages Digital Input Voltage (D1-D12, Latch Enable) ............................... 0 V to VCC Control Amp Input Voltage Range ............... 0 V to -4 V Reference Input Voltage Range (VREF) ........ 0 V to VEE Note: 1. Operation at any Absolute Maximum Rating is not implied. See Electrical Specifications for proper nominal applied conditions in typical applications. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS TA = TMIN - TMAX, VCC = +5.0 V, VEE = -5.2 V, RSet = 7.5 k, Control Amp In = Ref Out, VOUT = 0 V, unless otherwise specified. PARAMETERS DC Performance Resolution Differential Linearity Differential Linearity Integral Linearity Integral Linearity Output Capacitance Gain Error1 Gain Error Tempco Zero-Scale Offset Error Offset Drift Coefficient Output Compliance Voltage Equivalent Output Resistance Dynamic Performance Conversion Rate Settling Time tST2 Output Propagation Delay tD3 Glitch Energy4 Full Scale Output Current5 Spurious-Free Dynamic Range6 1.23 MHz; 10 MWPS 5.055 MHz; 20 MWPS 10.1 MHz; 50 MWPS 16 MHz; 40 MWPS Rise Time / Fall Time TEST CONDITIONS Max at Full Temp. Best Fit Max at Full Temp. +25 C +25 C Full Temp. Full Temp. +25 C Full Temp. Full Temp. +25 C +25 C +25 C +25 C +25 C +25 C +25 C +25 C 2 MHz Span 2 MHz Span 2 MHz Span 10 MHz Span RL = 50 1Gain is measured as a ratio of the full-scale current to ISet. The ratio 2Measured as voltage at mid-scale transition to 0.024%; RL=50 . TEST LEVEL I VI I VI V I VI V I VI V IV IV IV V V V V SPT9713A MIN TYP MAX SPT9713B MIN TYP MAX 12 0.5 12 1.0 -1.2 0.8 0.75 1.5 0.75 1.0 1.75 10 1.0 5.0 8.0 150 0.5 2.5 5.0 0.01 +2.0 1.0 1.2 100 V V V V V 1.0 10 1.0 150 0.5 1.25 2.0 1.5 2.0 5.0 8.0 2.5 5.0 0.01 -1.2 0.8 1.0 100 13 2 15 20.48 13 2 15 20.48 70 68 68 68 2 70 68 68 68 2 +2.0 1.2 UNITS Bits LSB LSB LSB LSB pF % FS % FS PPM/C A A A/C V k MWPS ns ns pV-s mA dBc dBc dBc dBc ns is nominally 128. 3Measured from the rising edge of Latch Enable to where the output signal has left a 1 LSB error band. 4Glitch is measured as the largest single transient. 5Calculated using IFS = 128 x (Control Amp In / RSet) 6SFDR is defined as the difference in signal energy between the fundamental and worst case spurious frequencies in the output spectrum window, which is centered at the fundamental frequency and covers the indicated span. SPT9713 2 2/15/01 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS TA = TMIN - TMAX, VCC = +5.0 V, VEE = -5.2 V, RSET = 7.5 k, Control Amp In = Ref Out, VOUT = 0 V, unless otherwise specified. PARAMETERS Power Supply Requirements Positive Supply Voltage Negative Supply Voltage Positive Supply Current (+5.0 V) Negative Supply Current (-5.2 V) Nominal Power Dissipation Power Supply Rejection Ratio Voltage Input and Control Reference Input Impedance Ref. Multiplying Bandwidth Internal Reference Voltage Internal Reference Voltage Drift Amplifier Input Impedance Amplifier Input Bandwidth Digital Inputs Logic 1 Voltage Logic 0 Voltage Logic 1 Current Logic 0 Current Input Capacitance Input Setup Time - tS Input Setup Time - tS Input Hold Time - tH Input Hold Time - tH Latch Pulse Width - tPWL, tPWH TEST CONDITIONS TEST LEVEL SPT9713A MIN TYP MAX IV IV I VI I VI V I 4.75 -5.46 Full +25 C +25 C V V VI V V V 3 40 -1.15 -1.20 -1.25 50 3 1 Full Temp. Full Temp. Full Temp. Full Temp. +25 C +25 C Full Temp. +25 C Full Temp. +25 C VI VI VI VI V IV IV IV IV IV +25 C Full Temp. +25 C Full Temp 5% of VEE and VCC External Ref, +25 C +25 C +25 C TEST LEVEL CODES All electrical characteristics are subject to the following conditions: All parameters having min/max specifications are guaranteed. The Test Level column indicates the specific device testing actually performed during production and Quality Assurance inspection. Any blank section in the data column indicates that the specification is not tested at the specified condition. LEVEL I II III IV V VI 5.0 -5.2 8 115 640 30 +5.25 -4.94 14 16 140 148 SPT9713B MIN TYP MAX 4.75 -5.46 115 640 30 100 2.0 5.0 -5.2 8 100 3 40 -1.15 -1.20 -1.25 50 3 1 2.0 0.8 20 600 3 3.5 0.5 0.5 5.0 +5.25 -4.94 14 16 140 148 3 2 0 4.0 0.8 20 600 3 3.5 0.5 0.5 5.0 3 2 0 4.0 UNITS V V mA mA mA mA mW A/V k MHz V ppm/C M MHz V V A A pF ns ns ns ns ns TEST PROCEDURE 100% production tested at the specified temperature. 100% production tested at TA = +25 C, and sample tested at the specified temperatures. QA sample tested only at the specified temperatures. Parameter is guaranteed (but not tested) by design and characterization data. Parameter is a typical value for information purposes only. 100% production tested at TA = +25 C. Parameter is guaranteed over specified temperature range. SPT9713 3 2/15/01 THEORY OF OPERATION VOLTAGE REFERENCE The SPT9713 uses a segmented architecture incorporating most significant bit (MSB) decoding. The four MSBs (D1-D4) are decoded to thermometer code lines to drive 15 discrete current sinks. For the eight least significant bits (LSBs), D5 and D6 are binary weighted and D7-D12 are applied to the R-2R network. The 12-bit decoded data is input to internal master/slave latches. The latched data is input to the switching network and is presented on the output pins as complementary current outputs. When using the internal reference, Ref Out should be connected to Control Amp In and decoupled with a 0.1 F capacitor. Control Amp Out should be connected to Ref In and decoupled to the analog supply. (See figure 2.) Full-scale output current is determined by Control Amp In and RSet using the following formula: IOut (FS) = (Control Amp In / RSet) x 128 (Current Out is a constant 128 factor of the reference current) TYPICAL INTERFACE CIRCUIT The SPT9713 requires few external components to achieve the stated operation and performance. Figure 2 shows the typical interface requirements when using the SPT9713 in normal circuit operation. The following sections provide descriptions of the pin functions and outline critical performance criteria to consider for achieving optimal device performance. The internal reference is typically -1.20 V with a tolerance of 0.05 V and a typical drift of 50 ppm/C. If greater accuracy or temperature stability is required, an external reference can be utilized. OUTPUTS The output of the SPT9713 is comprised of complementary current sinks, IOut and IOut. The output current levels at either IOut or IOut are based upon the digital input code. The sum of the two is always equal to the full-scale output current minus one LSB. POWER SUPPLIES AND GROUNDING The SPT9713 requires the use of +5 V and -5.2 V supplies. All supplies should be treated as analog supply sources. This means the ground returns of the device should be connected to the analog ground plane. All supply pins should be bypassed with .01 F and 10 F decoupling capacitors as close to the device as possible. By terminating the output current through a resistive load to ground, an associated voltage develops. The effective resistive load (REff) is the output resistance of the device (ROut) in parallel with the resistive load (RL). The voltage which develops can be determined using the following formulas: The two grounds available on the SPT9713 are DGND and AGND. These grounds are not tied together internal to the device. The use of ground planes is recommended to achieve the best performance of the SPT9713. All ground, reference and analog output pins should be tied directly to the DAC ground plane. The DAC and system ground planes should be separate from each other and only connected at a single point through a ferrite bead to reduce ground noise pickup. Control Amp Out = -1.2 V, and RSet = 7.5 k IOut (FS) = (-1.2 V / 7.5 k) x 128 = -20.48 mA RL = 51 ROut = 1.0 k REff = 51 || 1.0 k = 48.52 VOut = REff x IOut (FS) = 48.52 x -20.48 mA = -0.994 V DIGITAL INPUTS AND TIMING The resistive load of the SPT9713 can be modified to incorporate a wide variety of signal levels. However, optimal device performance is achieved when the outputs are equivalently loaded. The SPT9713 uses TTL logic drivers for each data input D1-D12 and Latch Enable. It also employs master/slave latches to simplify digital interface timing requirements and reduce glitch energy by synchronizing the current switches. This is an improvement over the AD9713, which typically requires external latches for digital input synchronization. Referring to figure 1, data is latched into the DAC on the rising edge of the latch enable clock with the associated setup and hold times. The output transition occurs after a typical 2 ns propagation delay and settles to within 1 LSB in typically 13 ns. Because of the SPT9713's rising-edge triggering, no timing changes are required when replacing an AD9713 operating in the transparent mode. SPT9713 4 2/15/01 Figure 1 - Timing Diagram tPWH Latch Enable tPWL tH tS Data Inputs 1 LSB tD OUT OUT+ tST 1/2 LSB Figure 2 - Typical Interface Circuit 0.1 F 5.2 V 1 2 Digital Inputs TTL Logic Drivers 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Clock Input 26 0.001 F 0.001 F 23 12,21 DVEE DVCC 28 0.1 F 10 F 0.01 F 10 F 0.1 F +5 V D1 (MSB) D2 15,25 AVEE 17 Ref In 20 W Control 18 Amp Out D3 D4 Ref Out D5 D6 SPT9713 D7 D8 D10 20 Control 19 Amp In RSet D9 IOut D12 (LSB) DGND 27 IOut AGND Ref GND 13 22 0.1 F 24 RSet 16 RL D11 LE 0.1 F RL 14 VOut System GND SPT9713 5 2/15/01 PACKAGE OUTLINE 28-Lead PLCC C Pin 1 H Pin 1 BOTTOM VIEW G TOP VIEW I F E A B D INCHES SYMBOL A B C D E F G H I MIN 0.452 0.485 MAX 0.456 0.495 30 0.170 0.020 0.031 0.013 0.048 0.410 0.179 0.025 0.035 0.021 0.052 0.430 MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 11.48 11.58 12.32 12.57 30 4.32 4.55 0.51 0.64 0.79 0.89 0.33 0.53 1.22 1.32 10.41 10.92 SPT9713 6 2/15/01 PIN ASSIGNMENTS PIN FUNCTIONS D5 D4 D3 D2 (MSB) D1 DGND Latch Enable 4 3 2 1 28 27 26 Analog VEE D6 5 25 D7 6 24 RSet D8 7 23 Digital VCC D9 8 22 Ref GND D10 9 21 Digital VEE D11 10 20 Ref Out (LSB) D12 11 19 Control Amp In PLCC Name Function Out+ Analog Current Output Out- Complementary Analog Current Output D1-D12 Digital Input Bits (D12 is the LSB) Latch Enable Latch Control Line Ref In Voltage Reference Input Ref Out Internal Voltage Reference Output Normally Connected to Control Amp In Ref GND Ground Return For Internal Voltage Reference and Amplifier Control Amp In Normally Connected to Ref Out If Not Connected to External Reference Control Amp Out Output of Internal Control Amplifier Normally Connected to Ref In 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Digital VEE Analog Return IOut Analog VEE IOut Ref In Control Amp Out RSet1 Connection for External Resistance Reference When Using Internal Amplifier Nominally 7.5 k Analog Return Analog Return Ground Analog VEE Analog Negative Supply (-5.2 V) Digital VEE Digital Negative Supply (-5.2 V) Digital VCC Digital Positive Supply (+5.2 V) DGND Digital Ground Return 1Full-Scale Current Out = 128 (Control Amp In / RSet) ORDERING INFORMATION PART NUMBER DNL/INL TEMPERATURE RANGE PACKAGE SPT9713AIP 0.75/1.0 -40 to +85 C 28L PLCC SPT9713BIP 1.25/1.5 -40 to +85 C 28L PLCC DISCLAIMER FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE TO ANY PRODUCTS HEREIN TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN. FAIRCHILD DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THE APPLICATION OR USE OF ANY PRODUCT OR CIRCUIT DESCRIBED HEREIN; NEITHER DOES IT CONVEY ANY LICENSE UNDER ITS PATENT RIGHTS, NOR THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS. LIFE SUPPORT POLICY FAIRCHILD'S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT OF FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION. As used herein: 1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user. 2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. www.fairchildsemi.com (c) Copyright 2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation SPT9713 7 2/15/01