DATA SHEET 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Description * * * High performance SD technology * * Intel HD Audio Interface * Sample rates up to 192 KHz 100dB DAC SNR 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Stereo Microphone Supports Stereo Microphone Microphone Boost 0, 10, 20, 30, 40dB * * Direct CDROM Recording Mixerless Design * * * * Universal JacksTM Functionality for jack retasking S/PDIF In and Out Adjustable VREF Out Digital PC Beep to all outputs +3.3 V, +4 V and +5 V analog power supply options (The +4 V Analog voltage is supported by the +5 V version of the STAC9200. Request +4 V configuration of the driver.) Two Channel DACs and ADCs with 24-bit resolution IDTTM Low-latency Karaoke Mode Supported Integrated Headphone Amplifiers * * Features * * Mixer-less design * The STAC9200 is a high quality, 2-channel audio CODEC compatible with the Intel High Definition (HD) Audio Interface. The STAC9200 provides Stereo 24-Bit resolution with sample rates up to 192 KHz. SPDIF I/O provides connectivity to consumer electronic equipment. The STAC9200 incorporates IDT's proprietary SD technology to achieve an estimated DAC SNR in excess of 100dB. The STAC9200 provides high quality, HD Audio capability to notebook and cost sensitive desktop PC applications. STAC9200 * 1 32-pad QFN (5mm x 5mm) and 48-pin LQFP package options STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table of Contents 1. DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................................... 11 2. PERFORMANCE ..................................................................................................................... 12 2.1. Audio Fidelity ................................................................................................................................... 12 2.2. Electrical Specifications ................................................................................................................... 12 2.2.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings ............................................................................................... 12 2.2.2. Recommended Operation Conditions ............................................................................... 12 2.3. Power Consumption ........................................................................................................................ 13 2.3.1. Digital ................................................................................................................................. 13 2.3.2. Analog ............................................................................................................................... 13 2.4. STAC9200 5V Analog Performance Characteristics ....................................................................... 14 2.5. STAC9200 4V Analog Performance Characteristics ....................................................................... 16 2.6. STAC9200 3.3V Analog Performance Characteristics .................................................................... 18 3. EXTENDED FEATURE EXPLANATION ................................................................................. 20 3.1. SPDIF Input ..................................................................................................................................... 20 3.2. SPDIF Output .................................................................................................................................. 20 3.3. Universal JacksTM .......................................................................................................................... 20 3.4. Audio Jack Presence Detect ........................................................................................................... 20 4. BLOCK DIAGRAMS AND TYPICAL HOOKUPS .................................................................... 21 4.1. Functional Block Diagram ................................................................................................................ 21 4.2. STAC9200 Typical Connection Diagram for 48-pin LQFP .............................................................. 22 4.3. STAC9200 Split Independent Power Supply for 48-pin LQFP ........................................................ 22 4.4. STAC9200 Typical Connection Diagram for 32-pad QFN ............................................................... 22 4.5. STAC9200 Split Independent Power Supply for 32-pad QFN ......................................................... 22 5. WIDGET INFORMATION .........................................................................................................23 5.1. Widget Diagram ............................................................................................................................... 23 5.2. STAC9200 Widget List .................................................................................................................... 24 5.3. Root Node (NID = 0x00) .................................................................................................................. 25 5.3.1. Root PnpID ....................................................................................................................... 25 5.3.2. Root RevID ..................................................................................................................... 25 5.3.3. Root NodeInfo .................................................................................................................. 26 5.4. AFG Node (NID = 0x01) .................................................................................................................. 26 5.4.1. AFG Reset ........................................................................................................................ 26 5.4.2. AFG NodeInfo ................................................................................................................... 27 5.4.3. AFG Type ......................................................................................................................... 27 5.4.4. AFG GrpCap ..................................................................................................................... 27 5.4.5. AFG FrmtCap ................................................................................................................... 28 5.4.6. AFG StreamCap ............................................................................................................... 29 5.4.7. AFG PwrCap .................................................................................................................... 30 5.4.8. AFG GPIOCap .................................................................................................................. 30 5.4.9. AFG OutAmpCap ............................................................................................................. 31 5.4.10. AFG PwrState ................................................................................................................. 32 5.4.11. AFG UnsolResp .............................................................................................................. 32 5.4.12. AFG GPIO ...................................................................................................................... 33 5.4.13. AFG GPIOEn .................................................................................................................. 34 5.4.14. AFG GPIODir .................................................................................................................. 35 5.4.15. AFG GPIOWake ............................................................................................................. 35 5.4.16. AFG GPIOUnsolEn ......................................................................................................... 36 5.4.17. AFG GPIOSticky ............................................................................................................. 37 5.4.18. AFG SysID ...................................................................................................................... 38 5.5. DAC0Cnvtr Node (NID = 0x02) ....................................................................................................... 39 5.5.1. DAC0Cnvtr Frmt ............................................................................................................... 39 5.5.2. DAC0Cnvtr WCap ............................................................................................................ 40 5.5.3. DAC0Cnvtr PwrState ......................................................................................................... 41 IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 2 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 5.5.4. DAC0Cnvtr Stream ........................................................................................................... 42 5.6. ADC0Cnvtr Node (NID = 0x03) ...................................................................................................... 42 5.6.1. ADC0Cnvtr Frmt ............................................................................................................... 42 5.6.2. ADC0Cnvtr WCap ............................................................................................................ 43 5.6.3. ADC0Cnvtr ConnLen ........................................................................................................ 44 5.6.4. ADC0Cnvtr ConnLst ......................................................................................................... 45 5.6.5. ADC0Cnvtr ProcState ....................................................................................................... 45 5.6.6. ADC0Cnvtr PwrState ........................................................................................................ 46 5.6.7. ADC0Cnvtr Stream ........................................................................................................... 47 5.7. SPDIFinCnvtr Node (NID = 0x04) ................................................................................................... 47 5.7.1. SPDIFinCnvtr Frmt ........................................................................................................... 47 5.7.2. SPDIFinCnvtr WCap ......................................................................................................... 48 5.7.3. SPDIFinCnvtr FrmtCap ..................................................................................................... 49 5.7.4. SPDIFinCnvtr StreamCap ................................................................................................ 50 5.7.5. SPDIFinCnvtr ConnLen .................................................................................................... 51 5.7.6. SPDIFinCnvtr ConnLst ..................................................................................................... 51 5.7.7. SPDIFinCnvtr Stream ....................................................................................................... 52 5.7.8. SPDIFinCnvtr DigCtl ......................................................................................................... 52 5.8. SPDIFoutCnvtr Node (NID = 0x05) ................................................................................................. 53 5.8.1. SPDIFoutCnvtr Frmt ......................................................................................................... 53 5.8.2. SPDIFoutCnvtr WCap ...................................................................................................... 54 5.8.3. SPDIFoutCnvtr FrmtCap .................................................................................................. 55 5.8.4. SPDIFoutCnvtr StreamCap .............................................................................................. 56 5.8.5. SPDIFoutCnvtr Stream ..................................................................................................... 57 5.8.6. SPDIFoutCnvtr DigCtl ....................................................................................................... 57 5.9. DAC0Mux Node (NID = 0x07) ........................................................................................................ 58 5.9.1. DAC0Mux WCap .............................................................................................................. 58 5.9.2. DAC0Mux ConnLen .......................................................................................................... 59 5.9.3. DAC0Mux ConnSel .......................................................................................................... 60 5.9.4. DAC0Mux ConnLst ........................................................................................................... 60 5.9.5. DAC0Mux LR .................................................................................................................... 60 5.10. DigInPin Node (NID = 0x08) .......................................................................................................... 61 5.10.1. DigInPin WCap ............................................................................................................... 61 5.10.2. DigInPin Cap .................................................................................................................. 62 5.10.3. DigInPin PwrState .......................................................................................................... 63 5.10.4. DigInPin Ctl ...................................................................................................................... 63 5.10.5. DigInPin UnsolResp ....................................................................................................... 64 5.10.6. DigInPin Sense ............................................................................................................... 64 5.10.7. DigInPin EAPD ............................................................................................................... 65 5.10.8. DigInPin Config ............................................................................................................... 65 5.11. DigOutPin Node (NID = 0x09) ....................................................................................................... 66 5.11.1. DigOutPin WCap ............................................................................................................ 66 5.11.2. DigOutPin Cap ................................................................................................................ 67 5.11.3. DigOutPin ConnLen ........................................................................................................ 68 5.11.4. DigOutPin ConnSel ........................................................................................................ 69 5.11.5. DigOutPin ConnLst ......................................................................................................... 69 5.11.6. DigOutPin Ctl .................................................................................................................. 69 5.11.7. DigOutPin Config ............................................................................................................ 70 5.12. ADC0Mux Node (NID = 0x0A) ....................................................................................................... 71 5.12.1. ADC0Mux VolRight ......................................................................................................... 71 5.12.2. ADC0Mux VolLeft ........................................................................................................... 71 5.12.3. ADC0Mux WCap ............................................................................................................ 72 5.12.4. ADC0Mux OutAmpCap .................................................................................................. 73 5.12.5. ADC0Mux ConnLen ........................................................................................................ 73 5.12.6. ADC0Mux ConnLst ......................................................................................................... 74 IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 3 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 5.12.7. ADC0Mux LR .................................................................................................................. 74 5.13. MasterVol Node (NID = 0x0B) ....................................................................................................... 75 5.13.1. MasterVol Right .............................................................................................................. 75 5.13.2. MasterVol Left ................................................................................................................ 75 5.13.3. MasterVol WCap ............................................................................................................ 76 5.13.4. MasterVol ConnLen ........................................................................................................ 77 5.13.5. MasterVol ConnLst ......................................................................................................... 77 5.14. InPortMux Node (NID = 0x0C) ...................................................................................................... 78 5.14.1. InPortMux VolRight ......................................................................................................... 78 5.14.2. InPortMux VolLeft ........................................................................................................... 78 5.14.3. InPortMux WCap ............................................................................................................ 79 5.14.4. InPortMux ConnLen ........................................................................................................ 80 5.14.5. InPortMux AmpCap ........................................................................................................ 80 5.14.6. InPortMux ConnSel ........................................................................................................ 81 5.14.7. InPortMux ConnLst0 ....................................................................................................... 81 5.14.8. InPortMux ConnLst4 ....................................................................................................... 81 5.15. PortAPin Node (NID = 0x0D) ......................................................................................................... 82 5.15.1. PortAPin WCap .............................................................................................................. 82 5.15.2. PortAPin Cap .................................................................................................................. 83 5.15.3. PortAPin ConnLen .......................................................................................................... 84 5.15.4. PortAPin ConnLst ........................................................................................................... 84 5.15.5. PortAPin Ctl .................................................................................................................... 84 5.15.6. PortAPin UnsolResp ....................................................................................................... 85 5.15.7. PortAPin Sense .............................................................................................................. 86 5.15.8. PortAPin Config .............................................................................................................. 86 5.16. PortDPin Node (NID = 0x0E) ......................................................................................................... 87 5.16.1. PortDPin WCap .............................................................................................................. 87 5.16.2. PortDPin Cap .................................................................................................................. 88 5.16.3. PortDPin ConnLen .......................................................................................................... 89 5.16.4. PortDPin ConnLst ........................................................................................................... 89 5.16.5. PortDPin Ctl .................................................................................................................... 90 5.16.6. PortDPin UnsolResp ....................................................................................................... 90 5.16.7. PortDPin Sense .............................................................................................................. 91 5.16.8. PortDPin Config .............................................................................................................. 92 5.17. PortCPin Node (NID = 0x0F) ......................................................................................................... 92 5.17.1. PortCPin WCap .............................................................................................................. 92 5.17.2. PortCPin Cap .................................................................................................................. 93 5.17.3. PortCPin ConnLen .......................................................................................................... 94 5.17.4. PortCPin ConnLst ........................................................................................................... 95 5.17.5. PortCPin Ctl .................................................................................................................... 95 5.17.6. PortCPin UnsolResp ....................................................................................................... 96 5.17.7. PortCPin Sense .............................................................................................................. 96 5.17.8. PortCPin Config .............................................................................................................. 97 5.18. PortBPin Node (NID = 0x10) ......................................................................................................... 98 5.18.1. PortBPin WCap .............................................................................................................. 98 5.18.2. PortBPin Cap .................................................................................................................. 99 5.18.3. PortBPin ConnLen ........................................................................................................ 100 5.18.4. PortBPin ConnLst ......................................................................................................... 100 5.18.5. PortBPin Ctl .................................................................................................................. 100 5.18.6. PortBPin UnsolResp ..................................................................................................... 101 5.18.7. PortBPin Sense ............................................................................................................ 102 5.18.8. PortBPin Config ............................................................................................................ 102 5.19. MonoOutPin Node (NID = 0x11) ................................................................................................. 103 5.19.1. MonoOutPin Vol ........................................................................................................... 103 5.19.2. MonoOutPin WCap ....................................................................................................... 104 IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 4 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 5.19.3. MonoOutPin Cap .......................................................................................................... 105 5.19.4. MonoOutPin ConnLen .................................................................................................. 105 5.19.5. MonoOutPin ConnLst ................................................................................................... 106 5.19.6. MonoOutPin Ctl ............................................................................................................ 106 5.19.7. MonoOutPin Config ...................................................................................................... 107 5.20. CDPin Node (NID = 0x12) ........................................................................................................... 108 5.20.1. CDPin WCap ................................................................................................................ 108 5.20.2. CDPin Cap .................................................................................................................... 109 5.20.3. CDPin Ctl ...................................................................................................................... 110 5.20.4. CDPin Config ................................................................................................................ 110 5.21. MonoOutMix Node (NID = 0x13) ................................................................................................. 111 5.21.1. MonoOutMix WCap ...................................................................................................... 111 5.21.2. MonoOutMix ConnLen .................................................................................................. 112 5.21.3. MonoOutMix ConnLst ................................................................................................... 112 5.22. PCBeep Node (NID = 0x14) ........................................................................................................ 113 5.22.1. PCBeep Vol .................................................................................................................. 113 5.22.2. PCBeep WCap ............................................................................................................. 113 5.22.3. PCBeep OutAmpCap ................................................................................................... 114 5.22.4. PCBeep Gen ................................................................................................................ 115 6. ORDERING INFORMATION .................................................................................................. 116 6.1. STAC9200 Family Options and Part Order Numbers .................................................................... 116 7. PIN INFORMATION ............................................................................................................... 117 7.1. Pin Out .......................................................................................................................................... 117 7.2. Pin Table for 48-pin LQFP and 32-pad QFN Packages ............................................................... 118 8. PACKAGE DRAWINGS ......................................................................................................... 120 8.1. 32-pin QFN .................................................................................................................................... 120 8.2. 48-Pin LQFP .................................................................................................................................. 121 9. SOLDER REFLOW PROFILE ............................................................................................... 122 9.1. Standard Reflow Profile Data ........................................................................................................ 122 9.2. Pb Free Process - Package Classification Reflow Temperatures ................................................. 123 10. REVISION HISTORY ........................................................................................................... 124 List of Figures Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram ............................................................................................................... 21 Figure 2. Widget Diagram .............................................................................................................................. 23 Figure 3. 32-Pad QFN Package Outline and Package Dimensions ............................................................ 120 Figure 4. 48-Pin LQFP Package Outline and Package Dimensions ........................................................... 121 Figure 5. Solder Reflow Profile ................................................................................................................... 122 List of Tables Table 1. Digital Power Consumption ............................................................................................................. 13 Table 2. Analog Power Consumption ............................................................................................................ 13 Table 3. High Definition Audio Widget ........................................................................................................... 24 Table 4. Root PnpID Command Verb Format ................................................................................................ 25 Table 5. Root PnpID Command Response Format ....................................................................................... 25 Table 6. Root RevID Command Verb Format ................................................................................................ 25 Table 7. Root RevID Command Response Format ....................................................................................... 25 IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 8. Root NodeInfo Command Verb Format ........................................................................................... 26 Table 9. Root NodeInfo Command Response Format .................................................................................. 26 Table 10. AFG Reset Command Verb Format .............................................................................................. 26 Table 11. AFG Reset Command Response Format ...................................................................................... 26 Table 12. AFG NodeInfo Command Verb Format ......................................................................................... 27 Table 13. AFG NodeInfo Command Response Format ................................................................................. 27 Table 14. AFG Type Command Verb Format ................................................................................................ 27 Table 15. AFG Type Command Response Format ....................................................................................... 27 Table 16. AFG GrpCap Command Verb Format ........................................................................................... 27 Table 17. AFG GrpCap Command Response Format ................................................................................... 28 Table 18. AFG FrmtCap Command Verb Format .......................................................................................... 28 Table 19. AFG FrmtCap Command Response Format ................................................................................. 28 Table 20. AFG StreamCap Command Verb Format ...................................................................................... 29 Table 21. AFG StreamCap Command Response Format ............................................................................. 29 Table 22. AFG PwrCap Command Verb Format ........................................................................................... 30 Table 23. AFG PwrCap Command Response Format .................................................................................. 30 Table 24. AFG GPIOCap Command Verb Format ........................................................................................ 30 Table 25. AFG GPIOCap Command Response Format ................................................................................ 31 Table 26. AFG OutAmpCap Command Verb Format .................................................................................... 31 Table 27. AFG OutAmpCap Command Response Format ........................................................................... 31 Table 28. AFG PwrState Command Verb Format ......................................................................................... 32 Table 29. AFG PwrState Command Response Format ................................................................................. 32 Table 30. AFG UnsolResp Command Verb Format ...................................................................................... 32 Table 31. AFG UnsolResp Command Response Format .............................................................................. 33 Table 32. AFG GPIO Command Verb Format ............................................................................................... 33 Table 33. AFG GPIO Command Response Format ...................................................................................... 33 Table 34. AFG GPIOEn Command Verb Format .......................................................................................... 34 Table 35. AFG GPIOEn Command Response Format .................................................................................. 34 Table 36. AFG GPIODir Command Verb Format .......................................................................................... 35 Table 37. AFG GPIODir Command Response Format .................................................................................. 35 Table 38. AFG GPIOWake Command Verb Format ...................................................................................... 35 Table 39. AFG GPIOWake Command Response Format ............................................................................. 36 Table 40. AFG GPIOUnsolEn Command Verb Format ................................................................................. 36 Table 41. AFG GPIOUnsolEn Command Response Format ......................................................................... 36 Table 42. AFG GPIOSticky Command Verb Format ..................................................................................... 37 Table 43. AFG GPIOSticky Command Response Format ............................................................................. 37 Table 44. AFG SysID Command Verb Format .............................................................................................. 38 Table 45. AFG SysID Command Response Format ...................................................................................... 38 Table 46. DAC0Cnvtr Frmt Command Verb Format ...................................................................................... 39 Table 47. DAC0Cnvtr Frmt Command Response Format ............................................................................. 39 Table 48. DAC0Cnvtr WCap Command Verb Format ................................................................................... 40 Table 49. DAC0Cnvtr WCap Command Response Format .......................................................................... 40 Table 50. DAC0Cnvtr PwrState Command Verb Format .............................................................................. 41 Table 51. DAC0Cnvtr PwrState Command Response Format ...................................................................... 41 Table 52. DAC0Cnvtr Stream Command Verb Format ................................................................................. 42 Table 53. DAC0Cnvtr Stream Command Response Format ......................................................................... 42 Table 54. ADC0Cnvtr Frmt Command Verb Format ...................................................................................... 42 Table 55. ADC0Cnvtr Frmt Command Response Format ............................................................................. 42 Table 56. ADC0Cnvtr WCap Command Verb Format ................................................................................... 43 Table 57. ADC0Cnvtr WCap Command Response Format .......................................................................... 44 Table 58. ADC0Cnvtr ConnLen Command Verb Format .............................................................................. 44 Table 59. ADC0Cnvtr ConnLen Command Response Format ...................................................................... 45 Table 60. ADC0Cnvtr ConnLst Command Verb Format ................................................................................ 45 Table 61. ADC0Cnvtr ConnLst Command Response Format ....................................................................... 45 Table 62. ADC0Cnvtr ProcState Command Verb Format ............................................................................. 45 IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 6 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 63. ADC0Cnvtr ProcState Command Response Format ..................................................................... 46 Table 64. ADC0Cnvtr PwrState Command Verb Format .............................................................................. 46 Table 65. ADC0Cnvtr PwrState Command Response Format ...................................................................... 46 Table 66. ADC0Cnvtr Stream Command Verb Format ................................................................................. 47 Table 67. ADC0Cnvtr Stream Command Response Format ......................................................................... 47 Table 68. SPDIFinCnvtr Frmt Command Verb Format .................................................................................. 47 Table 69. SPDIFinCnvtr Frmt Command Response Format ......................................................................... 47 Table 70. SPDIFinCnvtr WCap Command Verb Format ............................................................................... 48 Table 71. SPDIFinCnvtr WCap Command Response Format ....................................................................... 48 Table 72. SPDIFinCnvtr FrmtCap Command Verb Format ........................................................................... 49 Table 73. SPDIFinCnvtr FrmtCap Command Response Format ................................................................... 49 Table 74. SPDIFinCnvtr StreamCap Command Verb Format ....................................................................... 50 Table 75. SPDIFinCnvtr StreamCap Command Response Format .............................................................. 51 Table 76. SPDIFinCnvtr ConnLen Command Verb Format ........................................................................... 51 Table 77. SPDIFinCnvtr ConnLen Command Response Format .................................................................. 51 Table 78. SPDIFinCnvtr ConnLst Command Verb Format ............................................................................ 51 Table 79. SPDIFinCnvtr ConnLst Command Response Format ................................................................... 51 Table 80. SPDIFinCnvtr Stream Command Verb Format .............................................................................. 52 Table 81. SPDIFinCnvtr Stream Command Response Format ..................................................................... 52 Table 82. SPDIFinCnvtr DigCtl Command Verb Format ............................................................................... 52 Table 83. SPDIFinCnvtr DigCtl Command Response Format ....................................................................... 52 Table 84. SPDIFoutCnvtr Frmt Command Verb Format ................................................................................ 53 Table 85. SPDIFoutCnvtr Frmt Command Response Format ....................................................................... 53 Table 86. SPDIFoutCnvtr WCap Command Verb Format ............................................................................. 54 Table 87. SPDIFoutCnvtr WCap Command Response Format .................................................................... 55 Table 88. SPDIFoutCnvtr FrmtCap Command Verb Format ......................................................................... 55 Table 89. SPDIFoutCnvtr FrmtCap Command Response Format ................................................................ 56 Table 90. SPDIFoutCnvtr StreamCap Command Verb Format ..................................................................... 56 Table 91. SPDIFoutCnvtr StreamCap Command Response Format ............................................................ 57 Table 92. SPDIFoutCnvtr Stream Command Verb Format ........................................................................... 57 Table 93. SPDIFoutCnvtr Stream Command Response Format ................................................................... 57 Table 94. SPDIFoutCnvtr DigCtl Command Verb Format ............................................................................. 57 Table 95. SPDIFoutCnvtr DigCtl Command Response Format ..................................................................... 58 Table 96. DAC0Mux WCap Command Verb Format ..................................................................................... 58 Table 97. DAC0Mux WCap Command Response Format ............................................................................ 58 Table 98. DAC0Mux ConnLen Command Verb Format ................................................................................ 59 Table 99. DAC0Mux ConnLen Command Response Format ........................................................................ 59 Table 100. DAC0Mux ConnSel Command Verb Format ............................................................................... 60 Table 101. DAC0Mux ConnSel Command Response Format ...................................................................... 60 Table 102. DAC0Mux ConnLst Command Verb Format ............................................................................... 60 Table 103. DAC0Mux ConnLst Command Response Format ....................................................................... 60 Table 104. DAC0Mux LR Command Verb Format ........................................................................................ 60 Table 105. DAC0Mux LR Command Response Format ................................................................................ 61 Table 106. DigInPin WCap Command Verb Format ...................................................................................... 61 Table 107. DigInPin WCap Command Response Format ............................................................................. 61 Table 108. DigInPin Cap Command Verb Format ......................................................................................... 62 Table 109. DigInPin Cap Command Response Format ................................................................................ 62 Table 110. DigInPin PwrState Command Verb Format ................................................................................. 63 Table 111. DigInPin PwrState Command Response Format ........................................................................ 63 Table 112. DigInPin Ctl Command Verb Format ........................................................................................... 63 Table 113. DigInPin Ctl Command Response Format ................................................................................... 63 Table 114. DigInPin UnsolResp Command Verb Format .............................................................................. 64 Table 115. DigInPin UnsolResp Command Response Format ..................................................................... 64 Table 116. DigInPin Sense Command Verb Format ..................................................................................... 64 Table 117. DigInPin Sense Command Response Format ............................................................................. 65 IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 7 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 118. DigInPin EAPD Command Verb Format ...................................................................................... 65 Table 119. DigInPin EAPD Command Response Format ............................................................................. 65 Table 120. DigInPin Config Command Verb Format ..................................................................................... 65 Table 121. DigInPin Config Command Response Format ............................................................................. 66 Table 122. DigOutPin WCap Command Verb Format ................................................................................... 66 Table 123. DigOutPin WCap Command Response Format .......................................................................... 67 Table 124. DigOutPin Cap Command Verb Format ...................................................................................... 67 Table 125. DigOutPin Cap Command Response Format .............................................................................. 68 Table 126. DigOutPin ConnLen Command Verb Format .............................................................................. 68 Table 127. DigOutPin ConnLen Command Response Format ...................................................................... 68 Table 128. DigOutPin ConnSel Command Verb Format ............................................................................... 69 Table 129. DigOutPin ConnSel Command Response Format ...................................................................... 69 Table 130. DigOutPin ConnLst Command Verb Format ............................................................................... 69 Table 131. DigOutPin ConnLst Command Response Format ....................................................................... 69 Table 132. DigOutPin Ctl Command Verb Format ........................................................................................ 69 Table 133. DigOutPin Ctl Command Response Format ................................................................................ 70 Table 134. DigOutPin Config Command Verb Format .................................................................................. 70 Table 135. DigOutPin Config Command Response Format .......................................................................... 70 Table 136. ADC0Mux VolRight Command Verb Format ............................................................................... 71 Table 137. ADC0Mux VolRight Command Response Format ....................................................................... 71 Table 138. ADC0Mux VolLeft Command Verb Format .................................................................................. 71 Table 139. ADC0Mux VolLeft Command Response Format ......................................................................... 72 Table 140. ADC0Mux WCap Command Verb Format ................................................................................... 72 Table 141. ADC0Mux WCap Command Response Format .......................................................................... 72 Table 142. ADC0Mux OutAmpCap Command Verb Format ......................................................................... 73 Table 143. ADC0Mux OutAmpCap Command Response Format ................................................................ 73 Table 144. ADC0Mux ConnLen Command Verb Format .............................................................................. 73 Table 145. ADC0Mux ConnLen Command Response Format ...................................................................... 74 Table 146. ADC0Mux ConnLst Command Verb Format ............................................................................... 74 Table 147. ADC0Mux ConnLst Command Response Format ....................................................................... 74 Table 148. ADC0Mux LR Command Verb Format ........................................................................................ 74 Table 149. ADC0Mux LR Command Response Format ................................................................................ 74 Table 150. MasterVol Right Command Verb Format ..................................................................................... 75 Table 151. MasterVol Right Command Response Format ............................................................................ 75 Table 152. MasterVol Left Command Verb Format ....................................................................................... 75 Table 153. MasterVol Left Command Response Format .............................................................................. 76 Table 154. MasterVol WCap Command Verb Format ................................................................................... 76 Table 155. MasterVol WCap Command Response Format .......................................................................... 76 Table 156. MasterVol ConnLen Command Verb Format .............................................................................. 77 Table 157. MasterVol ConnLen Command Response Format ...................................................................... 77 Table 158. MasterVol ConnLst Command Verb Format ................................................................................ 77 Table 159. MasterVol ConnLst Command Response Format ....................................................................... 77 Table 160. InPortMux VolRight Command Verb Format ............................................................................... 78 Table 161. InPortMux VolRight Command Response Format ....................................................................... 78 Table 162. InPortMux VolLeft Command Verb Format .................................................................................. 78 Table 163. InPortMux VolLeft Command Response Format ......................................................................... 78 Table 164. InPortMux WCap Command Verb Format ................................................................................... 79 Table 165. InPortMux WCap Command Response Format .......................................................................... 79 Table 166. InPortMux ConnLen Command Verb Format .............................................................................. 80 Table 167. InPortMux ConnLen Command Response Format ...................................................................... 80 Table 168. InPortMux AmpCap Command Verb Format ............................................................................... 80 Table 169. InPortMux AmpCap Command Response Format ...................................................................... 80 Table 170. InPortMux ConnSel Command Verb Format ............................................................................... 81 Table 171. InPortMux ConnSel Command Response Format ...................................................................... 81 Table 172. InPortMux ConnLst0 Command Verb Format ............................................................................. 81 IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 8 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 173. InPortMux ConnLst0 Command Response Format ..................................................................... 81 Table 174. InPortMux ConnLst4 Command Verb Format ............................................................................. 81 Table 175. InPortMux ConnLst4 Command Response Format ..................................................................... 82 Table 176. PortAPin WCap Command Verb Format ..................................................................................... 82 Table 177. PortAPin WCap Command Response Format ............................................................................ 82 Table 178. PortAPin Cap Command Verb Format ........................................................................................ 83 Table 179. PortAPin Cap Command Response Format ................................................................................ 83 Table 180. PortAPin ConnLen Command Verb Format ................................................................................ 84 Table 181. PortAPin ConnLen Command Response Format ........................................................................ 84 Table 182. PortAPin ConnLst Command Verb Format .................................................................................. 84 Table 183. PortAPin ConnLst Command Response Format ......................................................................... 84 Table 184. PortAPin Ctl Command Verb Format ........................................................................................... 84 Table 185. PortAPin Ctl Command Response Format .................................................................................. 85 Table 186. PortAPin UnsolResp Command Verb Format ............................................................................. 85 Table 187. PortAPin UnsolResp Command Response Format ..................................................................... 85 Table 188. PortAPin Sense Command Verb Format ..................................................................................... 86 Table 189. PortAPin Sense Command Response Format ............................................................................ 86 Table 190. PortAPin Config Command Verb Format ..................................................................................... 86 Table 191. PortAPin Config Command Response Format ............................................................................ 87 Table 192. PortDPin WCap Command Verb Format ..................................................................................... 87 Table 193. PortDPin WCap Command Response Format ............................................................................ 87 Table 194. PortDPin Cap Command Verb Format ........................................................................................ 88 Table 195. PortDPin Cap Command Response Format ................................................................................ 88 Table 196. PortDPin ConnLen Command Verb Format ................................................................................ 89 Table 197. PortDPin ConnLen Command Response Format ........................................................................ 89 Table 198. PortDPin ConnLst Command Verb Format ................................................................................. 89 Table 199. PortDPin ConnLst Command Response Format ......................................................................... 90 Table 200. PortDPin Ctl Command Verb Format .......................................................................................... 90 Table 201. PortDPin Ctl Command Response Format .................................................................................. 90 Table 202. PortDPin UnsolResp Command Verb Format ............................................................................. 90 Table 203. PortDPin UnsolResp Command Response Format ..................................................................... 91 Table 204. PortDPin Sense Command Verb Format ..................................................................................... 91 Table 205. PortDPin Sense Command Response Format ............................................................................ 91 Table 206. PortDPin Config Command Verb Format .................................................................................... 92 Table 207. PortDPin Config Command Response Format ............................................................................ 92 Table 208. PortCPin WCap Command Verb Format ..................................................................................... 92 Table 209. PortCPin WCap Command Response Format ............................................................................ 93 Table 210. PortCPin Cap Command Verb Format ........................................................................................ 93 Table 211. PortCPin Cap Command Response Format ................................................................................ 94 Table 212. PortCPin ConnLen Command Verb Format ................................................................................ 94 Table 213. PortCPin ConnLen Command Response Format ........................................................................ 94 Table 214. PortCPin ConnLst Command Verb Format ................................................................................. 95 Table 215. PortCPin ConnLst Command Response Format ......................................................................... 95 Table 216. PortCPin Ctl Command Verb Format .......................................................................................... 95 Table 217. PortCPin Ctl Command Response Format .................................................................................. 95 Table 218. PortCPin UnsolResp Command Verb Format ............................................................................. 96 Table 219. PortCPin UnsolResp Command Response Format ..................................................................... 96 Table 220. PortCPin Sense Command Verb Format ..................................................................................... 96 Table 221. PortCPin Sense Command Response Format ............................................................................ 96 Table 222. PortCPin Config Command Verb Format .................................................................................... 97 Table 223. PortCPin Config Command Response Format ............................................................................ 97 Table 224. PortBPin WCap Command Verb Format ..................................................................................... 98 Table 225. PortBPin WCap Command Response Format ............................................................................ 98 Table 226. PortBPin Cap Command Verb Format ........................................................................................ 99 Table 227. PortBPin Cap Command Response Format ................................................................................ 99 IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 9 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 228. PortBPin ConnLen Command Verb Format .............................................................................. 100 Table 229. PortBPin ConnLen Command Response Format ...................................................................... 100 Table 230. PortBPin ConnLst Command Verb Format ................................................................................ 100 Table 231. PortBPin ConnLst Command Response Format ....................................................................... 100 Table 232. PortBPin Ctl Command Verb Format ......................................................................................... 100 Table 233. PortBPin Ctl Command Response Format ................................................................................ 101 Table 234. PortBPin UnsolResp Command Verb Format ........................................................................... 101 Table 235. PortBPin UnsolResp Command Response Format ................................................................... 101 Table 236. PortBPin Sense Command Verb Format ................................................................................... 102 Table 237. PortBPin Sense Command Response Format .......................................................................... 102 Table 238. PortBPin Config Command Verb Format ................................................................................... 102 Table 239. PortBPin Config Command Response Format .......................................................................... 103 Table 240. MonoOutPin Vol Command Verb Format .................................................................................. 103 Table 241. MonoOutPin Vol Command Response Format ......................................................................... 103 Table 242. MonoOutPin WCap Command Verb Format ............................................................................. 104 Table 243. MonoOutPin WCap Command Response Format ..................................................................... 104 Table 244. MonoOutPin Cap Command Verb Format ................................................................................. 105 Table 245. MonoOutPin Cap Command Response Format ........................................................................ 105 Table 246. MonoOutPin ConnLen Command Verb Format ......................................................................... 105 Table 247. MonoOutPin ConnLen Command Response Format ................................................................ 106 Table 248. MonoOutPin ConnLst Command Verb Format .......................................................................... 106 Table 249. MonoOutPin ConnLst Command Response Format ................................................................. 106 Table 250. MonoOutPin Ctl Command Verb Format ................................................................................... 106 Table 251. MonoOutPin Ctl Command Response Format .......................................................................... 107 Table 252. MonoOutPin Config Command Verb Format ............................................................................. 107 Table 253. MonoOutPin Config Command Response Format .................................................................... 107 Table 254. CDPin WCap Command Verb Format ....................................................................................... 108 Table 255. CDPin WCap Command Response Format .............................................................................. 108 Table 256. CDPin Cap Command Verb Format .......................................................................................... 109 Table 257. CDPin Cap Command Response Format .................................................................................. 109 Table 258. CDPin Ctl Command Verb Format ............................................................................................ 110 Table 259. CDPin Ctl Command Response Format .................................................................................... 110 Table 260. CDPin Config Command Verb Format ...................................................................................... 110 Table 261. CDPin Config Command Response Format .............................................................................. 110 Table 262. MonoOutMix WCap Command Verb Format ............................................................................. 111 Table 263. MonoOutMix WCap Command Response Format .................................................................... 111 Table 264. MonoOutMix ConnLen Command Verb Format ........................................................................ 112 Table 265. MonoOutMix ConnLen Command Response Format ................................................................ 112 Table 266. MonoOutMix ConnLst Command Verb Format ......................................................................... 112 Table 267. MonoOutMix ConnLst Command Response Format ................................................................. 113 Table 268. PCBeep Vol Command Verb Format ......................................................................................... 113 Table 269. PCBeep Vol Command Response Format ................................................................................ 113 Table 270. PCBeep WCap Command Verb Format .................................................................................... 113 Table 271. PCBeep WCap Command Response Format ........................................................................... 114 Table 272. PCBeep OutAmpCap Command Verb Format .......................................................................... 114 Table 273. PCBeep OutAmpCap Command Response Format ................................................................. 114 Table 274. PCBeep Gen Command Verb Format ....................................................................................... 115 Table 275. PCBeep Gen Command Response Format .............................................................................. 115 IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 10 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 1. DESCRIPTION The STAC9200 is a high quality, 2-channel audio CODEC compatible with the Intel High Definition (HD) Audio Interface (formerly known as "Azalia"). The STAC9200 provides high quality, HD Audio capability to notebook and cost sensitive desktop PC applications. The STAC9200 has been designed as a drop-in replacement for the STAC9772/73 Dual Mode (HD Audio and AC97) 2-channel CODEC once the need to support AC97 is eliminated. The STAC9200 incorporates IDT's proprietary SD technology to achieve a DAC SNR in excess of 100dB. The higher performance and quality of IDT's audio solutions brings consumer device level performance to the notebook, desktop and media center PCs. The STAC9200 provides Stereo 24-Bit, full duplex resolution supporting sample rates up to 192 KHz by the DAC and ADC. The STAC9200 DAC, ADC and SPDIF In/Out support sample rates of 96 KHz, 48 KHz and 44.1 KHz. Additionally, the SPDIF Out supports 32 KHz. The CODEC's driver supports additional sample rate options. The STAC9200 supports all desired two channel configurations, including switchable Headphone Out, and Universal JacksTM functionality for automatic jack detection sensing and retasking. The SPDIF interface provides connectivity to Consumer Electronic equipment like Dolby Digital decoders, powered speakers, mini disk drives or to a home entertainment system. All analog I/O pairs support LINE_IN, LINE_OUT and MIC. MIC inputs can be programmed with 0/10/20/30/40dB boost. For more advanced configurations, the STAC9200 has four General Purpose I/O (GPIO) pins. The STAC9200 also provides a single ended CD input to avoid DRM incompatibility and to support legacy OS issues. The STAC9200 integrates a headphone amplifier which is available on Ports A and D. The headphone amplifier is switchable between these two outputs for increased flexibility, enhanced user experience, and reduced implementation costs. The Universal Jack capabilities allow the CODEC to detect when audio devices are connected to the CODEC, sense the type of device (LINE_IN, LINE_OUT, MIC, Headphone) that is inserted, and to allow the CODEC to be reconfigured to support these devices wherever they are plugged into the system. SPDIF input sensing is also supported. The fully parametric IDT SoftEQ can be initiated upon headphone jack insertion and removal for protection of notebook speakers. The STAC9200 operates with a 3.3V digital supply and is available in either 5V, 4V or 3.3V analog supply. The +4V Analog voltage is supported by the +5V version of the STAC9200 appropriate configuration settings of the driver. The STAC9200 is available in 48-pin LQFP and 32-pad QFN package options. The 32-pad QFN package can be co-located inside the standard 48-pin footprint allowing systems to be designed to accept either version of the STAC9200 or be compatible with existing 48-pin CODECs. Both the 48-pin LQFP and the 32-pad QFN are available in the ROHS compliant Lead (Pb) free package. The STAC9200 is supported with IDT's high quality software solutions which include drivers for all major Windows operating systems from Microsoft Parametric SoftEQ, and Digital Rights Management. Third party plugin capability is easily achieved with the IDT Kernel Processing Interface, to support high valued third party technologies like SRS WOW(R), Knowles(R) Microphone Beam forming, Waves MaxxBASS(R) and more. IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 11 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 2. PERFORMANCE 2.1. 2.2. Audio Fidelity DAC SNR: 100dB ADC SNR: 90dB Electrical Specifications 2.2.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses above the ratings listed below can cause permanent damage to the STAC9200. These ratings, which are standard values for IDT commercially rated parts, are stress ratings only. Functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods can affect product reliability. Electrical parameters are guaranteed only over the recommended operating temperature range. Item Pin Maximum Rating Analog maximum supply voltage AVdd 6 Volts Digital maximum supply voltage DVdd 5.5 Volts VREFOUT output current 5 mA Voltage on any pin relative to ground Vss - 0.3 V to Vdd + 0.3 V Operating temperature 0oC to +70oC Storage temperature -55 oC to +125 oC Soldering temperature 260 oC for 10 seconds * Soldering temperature information for all available packages begins on page 122. 2.2.2. Recommended Operation Conditions Parameter Power Supply Voltage (Note: The +4V Analog voltage is supported by the +5V version of the STAC9200) Min. Typ. Max. Units Digital - 3.3 V 3.135 3.3 3.465 V Analog - 3.3 V 3.135 3.3 3.465 V Analog - 4 V 3.8 4 4.2 V Analog - 5 V 4.75 5 5.25 V +70 C +90 C Ambient Operating Temperature Case Temperature IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 0 Tcase (48-LQFP) 12 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO ESD: The STAC9200 is an ESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. The human body and test equipment can accumulate and discharge electrostatic charges up to 4000 Volts without detection. Even though the STAC9200 implements internal ESD protection circuitry, proper ESD precautions should be followed to avoid damaging the functionality or performance. 2.3. Power Consumption 2.3.1. Digital Table 1. Digital Power Consumption 2.3.2. Power State Typical Max Units D0 25 29 mA D1 12 16 mA D2 12 16 mA D3 12 16 mA Analog Table 2. Analog Power Consumption IDTTM Power State Typical Max Units D0 36 48 mA D1 26 35 mA D2 26 35 mA D3 26 35 mA 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 13 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 2.4. PC AUDIO STAC9200 5V Analog Performance Characteristics (Tambient = 25 C, AVdd = 5.0V 5%, DVdd = 3.3V 5%, AVss=DVss=0V; 1 KHz input sine wave; Sample Frequency = 48 KHz; 0 dB = 1 VRMS, 10 KW/50pF load, Testbench Characterization BW: 20 Hz - 20 KHz, 0 dB settings on all gain stages) Min and Max performance targets are not included here, as specific system characteristics, such as layout, routing and external CODEC component selection, influence the performance of the CODEC. To receive min/max levels for your system, please send us a unit and IDT will perform a full audio test suite and provide you with the results. Contact IDT for more information. Parameter Min Typ Max Unit All Analog Inputs with out boost - 1.00 - Vrms All Analog Inputs with boost (Note 1) - 0.03 - Vrms PCM (DAC) to All Analog Outputs - 1.00 - Vrms HEADPHONE_OUT (32 load) per channel (peak) - 50 - mW PCM to All Analog Outputs - 95 - dB All Analog Inputs to A/D (1VRMS Input Referenced) - 85 - dB 10 - 30,000 Hz PCM to All Analog Outputs - -90 - dB All Analog Inputs to A/D (-3dBV input Level) - -85 - dB HEADPHONE_OUT (32 load) - -85 - dB HEADPHONE_OUT (10 K load) - -88 - dB DAC to All Analog Outputs - 100 - dB All Analog Inputs to A/D with High Pass Filter enabled - 85 - dB 20 - 19,200 Hz A/D & D/A Digital Filter Transition Band 19,200 - 28,800 Hz A/D & D/A Digital Filter Stop Band 28,800 - - Hz A/D & D/A Digital Filter Stop Band Rejcn (Note 7) -100 - - dB DAC Out-of-Band Rejection (Note 8) -55 - - dB Group Delay (48 KHz sample rate) - - 1 ms Power Supply Rejection Ratio (1 KHz) - -70 - dB Power Supply Rejection Ratio (20 KHz) - -40 - dB Full Scale Input Voltage: Full Scale Output: Dynamic Range: -60dB signal level (Note 2) Analog Frequency Response (Note 3) Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise (-3dB): (Note 4) SNR (idle channel) (Note 5) A/D & D/A Digital Filter Pass Band (Note 6) Any Analog Input to DAC (1 KHz Signal Frequency) Crosstalk IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 14 -100 dB STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Any Analog Input to ADC (10 KHz Signal Frequency) Crosstalk - -85 - dB Any Analog Input to ADC (1 KHz Signal Frequency) Crosstalk - -80 - dB Spurious Tone Rejection - -100 - dB Attenuation, Gain Step Size ANALOG - 1.5 - dB Attenuation, Gain Step Size DIGITAL - 0.75 - dB Input Impedance - 50 - K Input Capacitance - 15 - pF VREFout - 0.5 X AVdd - V VREF - 0.45X AVdd 0.5 V Interchannel Gain Mismatch ADC - - 0.5 dB Interchannel Gain Mismatch DAC - - - dB Gain Drift - 100 - ppm/C DAC Offset Voltage - 5 10 mV Deviation from Linear Phase - 10 1 deg. All Analog Outputs Load Resistance - 10 - K All Analog Outputs Load Capacitance - - 50 pF HEADPHONE_OUT Load Resistance - 32 - W HEADPHONE_OUT Load Capacitance - 100 - pF Mute Attenuation - - - dB PLL lock time - 96 200 sec PLL (or Azalia Bit CLK) 24.576 MHz clock jitter - 100 300 psec 1. With +30 dB Boost on, 1.00 Vrms with Boost off. 2. Ratio of Full Scale signal to noise output with -60dB signal, measured "A weighted" over a 20 Hz to a 20 KHz bandwidth. 3. 1dB limits for Line Output & 0 dB gain, at -20dBV 4. Ratio of Full Scale signal to THD+N output with -3dB signal, measured "A weighted" over a 20 Hz to a 20 KHz bandwidth. Sample Frequency = 48 KHz. 5. Ratio of Full Scale signal to idle channel noise output is measured "A weighted" over a 20 Hz to a 20 KHz bandwidth. (AES17-1991 Idle Channel Noise or EIAJ CP-307 Signal-to-noise Ratio). 6. Peak-to-Peak Ripple over Passband meets 0.25dB limits, 48 KHz Sample Frequency. 7. Stop Band rejection determines filter requirements. Out-of-Band rejection determines audible noise. 8. The integrated Out-of-Band noise generated by the DAC process, during normal PCM audio playback, over a bandwidth 28.8 to 100 KHz, with respect to a 1 Vrms DAC output. IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 15 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 2.5. PC AUDIO STAC9200 4V Analog Performance Characteristics (Tambient = 25 C, AVdd = 4.0V 5%, DVdd = 3.3V 5%, AVss=DVss=0V; 1 KHz input sine wave; Sample Frequency = 48 KHz; 0 dB = 1 VRMS, 10 KW/50 pF load, Testbench Characterization BW: 20 Hz - 20 Hz, 0 dB settings on all gain stages) Min and Max performance targets are not included here, as specific system characteristics, such as layout, routing and external CODEC component selection, influence the performance of the CODEC. To receive min/max levels for your system, please send us a unit and IDT will perform a full audio test suite and provide you with the results. Contact IDT for more information. Parameter Min Typ Max Unit All Analog Inputs with out boost - 1.00 - Vrms All Analog Inputs with boost (Note 1) - 0.03 - Vrms PCM (DAC) to All Analog Outputs - 1.00 - Vrms HEADPHONE_OUT (32 load) per channel (peak) - 50 - mW PCM to All Analog Outputs - 95 - dB All Analog Inputs to A/D (1VRMS Input Referenced) - 85 - dB 10 - 30,000 Hz PCM to All Analog Outputs - -90 - dB All Analog Inputs to A/D (-3dBV input Level) - -85 - dB HEADPHONE_OUT (32 load) - -85 - dB HEADPHONE_OUT (10 K load) - -88 - dB DAC to All Analog Outputs - 100 - dB All Analog Inputs to A/D with High Pass Filter enabled - 85 - dB 20 - 19,200 Hz A/D & D/A Digital Filter Transition Band 19,200 - 28,800 Hz A/D & D/A Digital Filter Stop Band 28,800 - - Hz A/D & D/A Digital Filter Stop Band Rejcn (Note 7) -100 - - dB DAC Out-of-Band Rejection (Note 8) -55 - - dB Group Delay (48 KHz sample rate) - - 1 ms Power Supply Rejection Ratio (1 Hz) - -70 - dB Power Supply Rejection Ratio (20 Hz) - -40 - dB Any Analog Input to ADC (10 KHz Signal Frequency) Crosstalk - -85 - dB Full Scale Input Voltage: Full Scale Output: Dynamic Range: -60dB signal level (Note 2) Analog Frequency Response (Note 3) Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise (-3dB): (Note 4) SNR (idle channel) (Note 5) A/D & D/A Digital Filter Pass Band (Note 6) IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 16 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Any Analog Input to ADC (1 KHz Signal Frequency) Crosstalk - -80 - dB Spurious Tone Rejection - -100 - dB Attenuation, Gain Step Size ANALOG - 1.5 - dB Attenuation, Gain Step Size DIGITAL - 0.75 - dB Input Impedance - 50 - K Input Capacitance - 15 - pF VREFout - 0.5 X AVdd - V VREF - 0.45X AVdd 0.5 V Interchannel Gain Mismatch ADC - - 0.5 dB Interchannel Gain Mismatch DAC - - - dB 100 - ppm/C Gain Drift DAC Offset Voltage - 5 10 mV Deviation from Linear Phase - 10 1 deg. All Analog Outputs Load Resistance - 10 - K All Analog Outputs Load Capacitance - - 50 pF HEADPHONE_OUT Load Resistance - 32 - W -100 - pF HEADPHONE_OUT Load Capacitance Mute Attenuation - - - dB PLL lock time - 96 200 sec PLL (or Azalia Bit CLK) 24.576 MHz clock jitter - 100 300 psec 1. With +30dB Boost on, 1.00 Vrms with Boost off. 2. Ratio of Full Scale signal to noise output with -60dB signal, measured "A weighted" over a 20 Hz to a 20 KHz bandwidth. 3. 1dB limits for Line Output & 0 dB gain, at -20dBV 4. Ratio of Full Scale signal to THD+N output with -3dB signal, measured "A weighted" over a 20 Hz to a 20 KHz bandwidth. Sample Frequency = 48 KHz. 5. Ratio of Full Scale signal to idle channel noise output is measured "A weighted" over a 20 Hz to a 20 KHz bandwidth. (AES17-1991 Idle Channel Noise or EIAJ CP-307 Signal-to-noise Ratio). 6. Peak-to-Peak Ripple over Passband meets 0.25dB limits, 48 KHz Sample Frequency. 7. Stop Band rejection determines filter requirements. Out-of-Band rejection determines audible noise. 8. The integrated Out-of-Band noise generated by the DAC process, during normal PCM audio playback, over a bandwidth 28.8 to 100 KHz, with respect to a 1 Vrms DAC output. IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 17 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 2.6. PC AUDIO STAC9200 3.3V Analog Performance Characteristics (Tambient = 25 C, AVdd = 3.3V 5%, DVdd = 3.3V 5%, AVss=DVss=0V; 1 KHz input sine wave; Sample Frequency = 48 KHz; 0 dB = 1 VRMS, 10 KW/50 pF load, Testbench Characterization BW: 20 Hz - 20 KHz, 0 dB settings on all gain stages) Min and Max performance targets are not included here, as specific system characteristics, such as layout, routing and external CODEC component selection, influence the performance of the CODEC. To receive min/max levels for your system, please send us a unit and IDT will perform a full audio test suite and provide you with the results. Contact IDT for more information. Parameter Min Typ Max Unit All Analog Inputs with out boost - 0.7 - Vrms All Analog Inputs with boost (Note 1) - 0.03 - Vrms PCM (DAC) to All Analog Outputs - 1.00 - Vrms HEADPHONE_OUT (32 load) per channel (peak) - 50 - mW PCM to All Analog Outputs - 95 - dB All Analog Inputs to A/D (1VRMS Input Referenced) - 80 - dB 10 - 30,000 Hz PCM to All Analog Outputs - -90 - dB All Analog Inputs to A/D (-3dBV input Level) - -75 - dB HEADPHONE_OUT (32 load) - -85 - dB HEADPHONE_OUT (10 K load) - -88 - dB DAC to All Analog Outputs - 100 - dB All Analog Inputs to A/D with High Pass Filter enabled - 85 - dB 20 - 19,200 Hz A/D & D/A Digital Filter Transition Band 19,200 - 28,800 Hz A/D & D/A Digital Filter Stop Band 28,800 - - Hz A/D & D/A Digital Filter Stop Band Rejcn (Note 7) -100 - - dB DAC Out-of-Band Rejection (Note 8) -55 - - dB Group Delay (48 KHz sample rate) - - 1 ms Power Supply Rejection Ratio (1 KHz) - -70 - dB Power Supply Rejection Ratio (20 KHz) - -40 - dB Any Analog Input to ADC (10 KHz Signal Frequency) Crosstalk - -85 - dB Full Scale Input Voltage: Full Scale Output: Dynamic Range: -60dB signal level (Note 2) Analog Frequency Response (Note 3) Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise (-3dB): (Note 4) SNR (idle channel) (Note 5) A/D & D/A Digital Filter Pass Band (Note 6) IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 18 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Any Analog Input to ADC (1 KHz Signal Frequency) Crosstalk - -75 - dB Spurious Tone Rejection - -100 - dB Attenuation, Gain Step Size ANALOG - 1.5 - dB Attenuation, Gain Step Size DIGITAL - 0.75 - dB Input Impedance - 50 - K Input Capacitance - 15 - pF VREFout - 0.5 X AVdd - V VREF - 0.45X AVdd 0.5 V Interchannel Gain Mismatch ADC - - 0.5 dB Interchannel Gain Mismatch DAC - - - dB 100 - ppm/C Gain Drift DAC Offset Voltage - 5 10 mV Deviation from Linear Phase - 10 1 deg. All Analog Outputs Load Resistance - 10 - K All Analog Outputs Load Capacitance - - 50 pF HEADPHONE_OUT Load Resistance - 32 - W HEADPHONE_OUT Load Capacitance - 100 - pF Mute Attenuation - - - dB PLL lock time - 96 200 sec PLL (or Azalia Bit CLK) 24.576 MHz clock jitter - 100 300 psec 1. With +30 dB Boost on, 1.00 Vrms with Boost off. 2. Ratio of Full Scale signal to noise output with -60dB signal, measured "A weighted" over a 20 Hz to a 20 KHz bandwidth. 3. 1dB limits for Line Output & 0 dB gain, at -20dBV 4. Ratio of Full Scale signal to THD+N output with -3dB signal, measured "A weighted" over a 20 Hz to a 20 KHz bandwidth. Sample Frequency = 48 KHz. 5. Ratio of Full Scale signal to idle channel noise output is measured "A weighted" over a 20 Hz to a 20 KHz bandwidth. (AES17-1991 Idle Channel Noise or EIAJ CP-307 Signal-to-noise Ratio). 6. Peak-to-Peak Ripple over Passband meets 0.25dB limits, 48 KHz Sample Frequency. 7. Stop Band rejection determines filter requirements. Out-of-Band rejection determines audible noise. 8. The integrated Out-of-Band noise generated by the DAC process, during normal PCM audio playback, over a bandwidth 28.8 to 100 KHz, with respect to a 1 Vrms DAC output. IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 19 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 3. EXTENDED FEATURE EXPLANATION 3.1. SPDIF Input SPDIF IN can run at 44.1 KHz, 48 KHz and 96 KHz, and has internal Jack Sensing. A sophisticated digital PLL allows automatic rate detection and accurate data recovery. The ability to directly accept consumer SPDIF voltage levels eliminates the need for costly external receiver ICs. Advanced features such as record slot select and SPDIF_IN routing to the DAC allows for simultaneous record and play. 3.2. SPDIF Output SPDIF Output can run at 44.1 KHz, 48 KHz, and 96 KHz at bit rates up to 24 bits, as defined in the Intel High Definition Audio Specification. This insures compatibility with all consumer audio gear and allows for convenient integration into home theater systems and multi-media centers. 3.3. Universal JacksTM IDT's Universal JacksTM technology allows for the greatest flexibility in board design and implementation. For the STAC9200 the Universal JacksTM capabilities are as follows * All of the STAC9200 ports support: * Line Out * Line In * Mic with 0/10/20/30/40 dB Mic Boost * Ports A and D also support * Headphone Out1 1 Headphone capabilities are available on pins 39/41 and 35/36, but one should not put headphone loads on both sets of pins at the same time. Note: On the STAC9200 only one function can be selected at a time, you cannot have an input and output at the same time on the same set of pins. This function can be changed at any time. 3.4. Audio Jack Presence Detect Sense_A pin is used to detect the presence of plugs in ports A, B, C, and D. Refer to the reference design for port detect circuitry. Select the precision of the resistors used as follows: AVDD Nominal Voltage (+- 5%) Resistor Tolerance (If Port D is used) Resistor Tolerance (If Port D is not used) 5V 1% 1% 4.5V 1% 1% 4V 0.50% 1% 3.3V 0.10% 1% Includes pull-up resistors on Sense A and series resistors between jack switch and Sense A. IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 20 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 4. BLOCK DIAGRAMS AND TYPICAL HOOKUPS 4.1. Functional Block Diagram Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram Pin 47 SPDIF IN SPDIF Receiver STAC9200 Block Diagram Stream/ Channel Select Pin 5 Pin 8 SYNC Pin 10 Reset # Pin 11 AZALIA LINK LOGIC BIT_CLK Pin 6 SDI PCM to SPDIF OUT MUX SD0 Stream/ Channel Select -6dB Stream/ Channel Select MUX DAC BYPASS MODE DAC A Digital (Loop 3) Single Bit Loopback Digital PC Beep Analog PC Beep Pin 12 Loop 1 Pin 13: Pin 27: Pin 28: Pin 32: Pin 33: Pin 34: Pin 45: Pin 47: vol mute MONO_OUT Pin 37 +0 dB Loop 1 Stream/ Channel Select IDTTM SPDIF Pin 48 STEREO ADC +22 dB mute vol DAC A Analog vol mute HP Out Pin Complex Pins 39/41 Port A HP Out Pin Complex Pins 35/36 Port D Line Out Pin Complex Pins 23/24 Port C Line Out Pin Complex Pins 21/22 Port B MIC Boost CD In CD Pin Complex Pins 18/20 Sense A VREF In VREF Out (switchable Mic Bias) CAP 2 GPIO0 GPIO1 GPIO2 GPIO3 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 21 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 4.2. PC AUDIO STAC9200 Typical Connection Diagram for 48-pin LQFP Please see the reference design for this information. 4.3. STAC9200 Split Independent Power Supply for 48-pin LQFP Please see the reference design for this information. 4.4. STAC9200 Typical Connection Diagram for 32-pad QFN Please see the reference design for this information. 4.5. STAC9200 Split Independent Power Supply for 32-pad QFN Please see the reference design for this information. IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 22 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 5. WIDGET INFORMATION 5.1. Widget Diagram Figure 2. Widget Diagram Digital Analog 0, 10, 20, 30, 40dB Amp 8h Actual Pin 47 0 to +22.5 Ah Volume/Mute 3h SDI Pin 8 HP: 0 Dh SPDIF In Bit CLK Pin 6 Stereo ADC Input SYNC Pin 10 STAC9200 Widget Diagram Ch SPDIF In Pin SPDIF IN Volume/Mute Stereo Input SD0 Pin 5 Mux 4h 2h Loop 3 0 LR Swap Mixer Vendor Specific 5h Stereo SPDIF Output Master Volume 6h 0 Universal JackTM Actual Pins 35/36 Fh 0 to -46.5 1 Port D Line Out Bh DAC 1 Eh Pin HP Out, LineOut, LineIn, MIC 7 h 2 Universal JackTM Actual Pins 39/41 Volume/Mute Azalia Link LR Swap Stereo DAC Output HP Out ADC Mux HP: 0 Reset # Pin 11 Port A Pin HP Out, LineOut, LineIn, MIC Analog PC Beep Pin 12 9h Port C Pin LineOut, LineIn, MIC Line In Universal JackTM Actual Pins 23/24 SPDIF Out Pin Vendor Specific 10h SPDIFOut Sense A VREF In VREF Out (switchable Mic Bias) CAP 2 GPIO0 GPIO1 GPIO2 GPIO3 13h MIC Universal JackTM Actual Pins 21/22 11h Mono Mix Pin MONO Out 14h Volume/Mute Pin 13: Pin 27: Pin 28: Pin 32: Pin 33: Pin 34: Pin 45: Pin 47: Port B Pin LineOut, LineIn, MIC Actual Pin 48 MONO Out Actual Pin 37 Digital PC Beep 12h Pin CD In CD Actual Pins 18/20 IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 23 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.2. PC AUDIO STAC9200 Widget List Table 3. High Definition Audio Widget ID Widget Name Description 1h Audio Function Group Audio Function Group 2h DAC0 Stereo Output to DAC 3h ADC0 Stereo Input Mux from ADC 4h SPDIF_IN Stereo Input for SPDIF_In 5h SPDIF_OUT Stereo Output for SPDIF_Out 6h Reserved Reserved: Unused 7h DAC0Mux Digital Mux for DAC 8h SPDIF-In Pin Pin Widget for SPDIF_In Pin 47 9h SPDIF-Out Pin Pin Widget for SPDIF_Out Pin 48 10h Mic Mic Pin Widget pins 21/22 (can also act as Line Out and Line In) 11h Mono Out Mono Out Volume Controls and Capabilities for pin 37 12h CD CD Pin Widget pins 18/20 13h Mono Mix Combines the Two Stereo Channels into one Mono Signal 14h Digital PC Beep Digital PC Beep 15h-19h Reserved Reserved: Unused Ah ADC0Mux ADC Mux and Volume Control for inputs to ADC Bh Master Volume Master Volume Controls Ch Input Mux Input Mux to ADC for Widgets Dh, Eh, Fh, 10h, and 12h Dh Headphone Headphone Pin Widget pins 39/41 (can also act as Line In, Line Out ,or Mic) Eh Line Out Line Out Pin Widget pins 35/36 (can also act as HP, Line In, or Mic) Fh Line In Line In Pin Widget pins 23/24 (can also act as Mic or Line Out) Note: All widgets in this document are applicable to theSTAC9200 B1 Revision. For widgets pertaining to the STAC9200 A1 Revision, see STAC9200 Datasheet Revision 0.8. IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 24 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.3. PC AUDIO Root Node (NID = 0x00) 5.3.1. Root PnpID Table 4. Root PnpID Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 00 See bitfield table Table 5. Root PnpID Command Response Format 5.3.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:16] Vendor R 0x8384 Vendor ID STAC9200 = 8384h [15.:0] Device R 0x7690 Device ID: STAC9200 = 7690h Root RevID Table 6. Root RevID Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 02 See bitfield table Table 7. Root RevID Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd R 0x00 Reserved [23.:20] Major R 0x1 Major rev number of compliant Azalia spec. [19.:16] Minor R 0x0 Minor rev number of compliant Azalia spec. [15.:8] Vendor R 0x22 Vendor rev number for this device ID: STAC9200 = xxh [7.:0] Stepping R 0x01 Vendor stepping number within the given Vendor RevID: STAC9200 = xxh 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 25 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.3.3. PC AUDIO Root NodeInfo Table 8. Root NodeInfo Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F00 04 See bitfield table Get Table 9. Root NodeInfo Command Response Format 5.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x00 Reserved [23.:16] StartNID R 0x01 Starting node number (NID) of first function group [15.:8] Rsvd1 R 0x00 Reserved [7.:0] TotalNodes R 0x01 Total number of nodes AFG Node (NID = 0x01) 5.4.1. AFG Reset Table 10. AFG Reset Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get 7FF 00 See bitfield table Set1 7FF See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 11. AFG Reset Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:0] Response R 0x0 Reserved. Overlaps Execute. 0x0 Function Reset. Function Group reset is executed when the Set verb 7FF is written with 8-bit payload of 00h. The CODEC should issue a response to acknowledge receipt of the verb, and then reset the affected Function Group and all associated widgets to their power-on reset values. Some controls such as Configuration Default controls should not be reset. Overlaps Response. [0] IDTTM Execute 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC W 26 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.4.2. PC AUDIO AFG NodeInfo Table 12. AFG NodeInfo Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 04 See bitfield table Table 13. AFG NodeInfo Command Response Format 5.4.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:16] StartNID R 0x02 Starting node number for function group subordinate nodes. [15.:8] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [7.:0] TotalNodes R 0x13 Total number of nodes. AFG Type Table 14. AFG Type Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 05 See bitfield table Table 15. AFG Type Command Response Format 5.4.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:9] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [8] Unsol R 0x1 This node is capable of generating an unsolicited response, and will respond to the Unsolicited Response verb (Verb ID 708h). [7.:0] NodeType R 0x01 Node type = Audio Function Group AFG GrpCap Table 16. AFG GrpCap Command Verb Format Get IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 08 See bitfield table 27 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 17. AFG GrpCap Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:17] Rsvd3 R 0x0 Reserved [16] BeepGen R 0x1 Optional Beep Generator is present [15.:12] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [11.:8] InputDelay R 0xD Typical latency = 13 frames. Number of samples between when the sample is received as an analog signal at the pin and when the digital representation is transmitted on the Azalia link. [7.:4] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0xD Typical latency = 13 frames. Number of samples between when the signal is received from the Azalia link and when it appears as an analog signal at the pin. [3.:0] 5.4.5. Description OutputDelay R AFG FrmtCap Table 18. AFG FrmtCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0A See bitfield table Table 19. AFG FrmtCap Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:21] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [20] B32 R 0x0 32 bit audio formats are NOT supported [19] B24 R 0x1 24 bit audio formats are supported [18] B20 R 0x1 20 bit audio formats are supported [17] B16 R 0x1 16 bit audio formats are supported [16] B8 R 0x0 8 bit audio formats are NOT supported [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 28 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 19. AFG FrmtCap Command Response Format 5.4.6. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [11] R12 R 0x0 384 KHz rate (8/1*48 KHz) NOT supported [10] R11 R 0x1 192.0 KHz rate (4/1*48 KHz) supported [9] R10 R 0x1 176.4 KHz rate (4/1*44.1 KHz) supported [8] R9 R 0x1 96.0 KHz rate (2/1*48 KHz) supported [7] R8 R 0x1 88.2KHz rate (2/1*44.1KHz) supported [6] R7 R 0x1 48.0 KHz rate supported (REQUIRED) [5] R6 R 0x1 44.1 KHz rate supported [4] R5 R 0x0 32.0 KHz rate (2/3*48 KHz) NOT supported [3] R4 R 0x0 22.05 KHz rate (1/2*44.1 KHz) NOT supported [2] R3 R 0x0 16.0 KHz rate (1/3*48 KHz) NOT supported [1] R2 R 0x0 11.025 KHz rate (1/4*44.0 KHz) NOT supported [0] R1 R 0x0 8.0 KHz rate (1/6*48 KHz) NOT supported AFG StreamCap Table 20. AFG StreamCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0B See bitfield table Table 21. AFG StreamCap Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:3] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [2] NonPCM R 0x0 No support for non-PCM (AC3) data. [1] Float32 R 0x0 No support for single-precision floating-point data. [0] PCM R 0x1 PCM-formatted data supported. 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 29 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.4.7. PC AUDIO AFG PwrCap Table 22. AFG PwrCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0F See bitfield table Table 23. AFG PwrCap Command Response Format 5.4.8. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:4] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [3] D3 R 0x1 Power State D3 is supported. Allows for lowest possible power consuming state under software control (and still properly respond to a subsequent Power State command). [2] D2 R 0x1 Power State D2 is supported. Allows for lowest possible power consuming state from which it can return to fully on state within 10 ms. [1] D1 R 0x1 Power State D1 is supported. Allows for lowest possible power consuming state from which it can return to fully on state within 10 ms, excepting analog pass-through circuits which must remain fully on. [0] D0 R 0x1 Power State D0 is supported. Node power state is fully on. AFG GPIOCap Table 24. AFG GPIOCap Command Verb Format Get IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 11 See bitfield table 30 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 25. AFG GPIOCap Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name [31] 5.4.9. GPIWake RW R Reset Description 0x1 Wake capability. Assuming the Wake Enable Mask controls are enabled, GPIOs configured as inputs can cause a wake (generate a Status Change event on the link) when there is a change in level on the pin. [30] GPIUnsol R 0x1 Unsolicited Response capability. Assuming the Unsolicited Enable Mask controls are enabled, GPIOs configured as inputs can generate an Unsolicited Response on the link when there is a change in level on the pin. [29.:24] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [23.:16] NumGPIs R 0x00 Number of GPI pins supported [15.:8] NumGPOs R 0x00 Number of GPO pins supported [7.:0] NumGPIOs R 0x04 Number of GPIO pins supported AFG OutAmpCap Table 26. AFG OutAmpCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 12 See bitfield table Table 27. AFG OutAmpCap Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31] Mute R 0x1 Amplifier is capable of muting [30.:23] Rsvd3 R 0x0 Reserved [22.:16] StepSize R 0x05 Size of each step in the gain range = 1.5dB [15] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [14.:8] NumSteps R 0x1F 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 31 Description Number of steps in the gain range = 32 (-46.5dB to +0dB) STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 27. AFG OutAmpCap Command Response Format 5.4.10. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 [6.:0] Offset R 0x1F Description Reserved 0dB-step is programmed with this offset AFG PwrState Table 28. AFG PwrState Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F05 00 See bitfield table Set1 705 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 29. AFG PwrState Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] Act R 0x2 PS-Act: Actual power state of referenced node. [3.:2] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x2 PS-Set: Current power setting of referenced node. 0: All Powered-On 1: D1 => PR0, PR1 2: D2 => PR0, PR1, PR2, PR6, EAPD 3: D3 => PR6, PR5, PR3, PR2, PR1, PR0, EAPD Note: PR4 is not mapped in Azalia [1.:0] 5.4.11. Set RW Description AFG UnsolResp Table 30. AFG UnsolResp Command Verb Format IDTTM Verb ID Payload Response Get F08 00 See bitfield table Set1 708 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 32 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 31. AFG UnsolResp Command Response Format 5.4.12. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7] En RW 0x0 Allow generation of Unsolicited Responses. [6] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [5.:0] Tag RW 0x0 Software programmable field returned in top six bits (31:26) of every Unsolicited Response generated by this node. AFG GPIO Table 32. AFG GPIO Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F15 00 See bitfield table Set1 715 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 33. AFG GPIO Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:4] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved 0x0 Data for GPIO3 (Pin 47/EAPD). If this GPIO bit is configured as Sticky (edge-sensitive) input, it can be cleared by writing zero (one) here when the corresponding Polarity Control bit is zero (one). 0x0 Data for GPIO2 (Pin 45). If this GPIO bit is configured as Sticky (edge-sensitive) input, it can be cleared by writing zero (one) here when the corresponding Polarity Control bit is zero (one). [3] [2] IDTTM Data3 Data2 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC RW RW 33 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 33. AFG GPIO Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name [1] Data1 [0] 5.4.13. RW RW Data0 RW Reset Description 0x0 Data for GPIO1 (Pin 34). If this GPIO bit is configured as Sticky (edge-sensitive) input, it can be cleared by writing zero (one) here when the corresponding Polarity Control bit is zero (one). 0x0 Data for GPIO0 (Pin 33). If this GPIO bit is configured as Sticky (edge-sensitive) input, it can be cleared by writing zero (one) here when the corresponding Polarity Control bit is zero (one). AFG GPIOEn Table 34. AFG GPIOEn Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F16 00 See bitfield table Set1 716 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 35. AFG GPIOEn Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:4] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved 0x0 Enable for GPIO3: 0= pin is disabled (Hi-Z state); 1= pin is enabled; behavior determined by GPIO Direction control 0x0 Enable for GPIO2: 0= pin is disabled (Hi-Z state); 1= pin is enabled; behavior determined by GPIO Direction control 0x0 Enable for GPIO1: 0= pin is disabled (Hi-Z state); 1= pin is enabled; behavior determined by GPIO Direction control 0x0 Enable for GPIO0: 0= pin is disabled (Hi-Z state); 1= pin is enabled; behavior determined by GPIO Direction control [3] [2] [1] [0] IDTTM Mask3 Mask2 Mask1 Mask0 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC RW RW RW RW 34 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.4.14. PC AUDIO AFG GPIODir Table 36. AFG GPIODir Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F17 00 See bitfield table Set1 717 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 37. AFG GPIODir Command Response Format 5.4.15. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:4] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [3] Control3 RW 0x0 Direction control for GPIO3 0= GPIO signal is configured as input 1= GPIO signal is configured as output [2] Control2 RW 0x0 Direction control for GPIO2 0= GPIO signal is configured as input 1= GPIO signal is configured as output [1] Control1 RW 0x0 Direction control for GPIO1 0= GPIO signal is configured as input 1= GPIO signal is configured as output [0] Control0 RW 0x0 Direction control for GPIO0 0= GPIO signal is configured as input 1= GPIO signal is configured as output AFG GPIOWake Table 38. AFG GPIOWake Command Verb Format IDTTM Verb ID Payload Response Get F18 00 See bitfield table Set1 718 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 35 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 39. AFG GPIOWake Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:4] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved 0x0 Wake enable for GPIO3: 0 = wake-up event is disabled; 1= when Azalia link is powered down (RST# is asserted), a wake-up event will trigger a Status Change Request event on the link. 0x0 Wake enable for GPIO2: 0 = wake-up event is disabled; 1= when Azalia link is powered down (RST# is asserted), a wake-up event will trigger a Status Change Request event on the link. 0x0 Wake enable for GPIO1: 0 = wake-up event is disabled; 1= when Azalia link is powered down (RST# is asserted), a wake-up event will trigger a Status Change Request event on the link. 0x0 Wake enable for GPIO0: 0 = wake-up event is disabled; 1= when Azalia link is powered down (RST# is asserted), a wake-up event will trigger a Status Change Request event on the link. [3] En3 [2] En2 [1] RW En1 [0] 5.4.16. RW RW En0 RW Description AFG GPIOUnsolEn Table 40. AFG GPIOUnsolEn Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F19 00 See bitfield table Set1 719 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 41. AFG GPIOUnsolEn Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:4] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved 0x0 Unsolicited enable mask for GPIO3. If set, and the Unsolicited Response control for this widget has been enabled, an unsolicited response will be sent when GPIO3 is configured as input and changes state. [3] IDTTM Mask3 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC RW 36 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 41. AFG GPIOUnsolEn Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name [2] Mask2 [1] 5.4.17. RW Mask1 [0] RW RW Mask0 RW Reset Description 0x0 Unsolicited enable mask for GPIO2. If set, and the Unsolicited Response control for this widget has been enabled, an unsolicited response will be sent when GPIO2 is configured as input and changes state. 0x0 Unsolicited enable mask for GPIO1. If set, and the Unsolicited Response control for this widget has been enabled, an unsolicited response will be sent when GPIO1 is configured as input and changes state. 0x0 Unsolicited enable mask for GPIO0. If set, and the Unsolicited Response control for this widget has been enabled, an unsolicited response will be sent when GPIO0 is configured as input and changes state. AFG GPIOSticky Table 42. AFG GPIOSticky Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F1A 00 See bitfield table Set1 71A See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 43. AFG GPIOSticky Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:4] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved 0x0 GPIO3 input type (when configured as input): 0= Non-Sticky (level-sensitive); 1= Sticky (edge-sensitive). Sticky inputs are cleared by writing zero to corresponding bit of GPIO Data register. GPIOPolarity determines rising or falling edge sensitivity. 0x0 GPIO2 input type (when configured as input): 0= Non-Sticky (level-sensitive); 1= Sticky (edge-sensitive). Sticky inputs are cleared by writing zero to corresponding bit of GPIO Data register. GPIOPolarity determines rising or falling edge sensitivity. [3] [2] IDTTM Mask3 Mask2 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC RW RW 37 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 43. AFG GPIOSticky Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name [1] Mask1 [0] 5.4.18. RW Reset RW Mask0 RW Description 0x0 GPIO1 input type (when configured as input): 0= Non-Sticky (level-sensitive); 1= Sticky (edge-sensitive). Sticky inputs are cleared by writing zero to corresponding bit of GPIO Data register. GPIOPolarity determines rising or falling edge sensitivity. 0x0 GPIO0 input type (when configured as input): 0= Non-Sticky (level-sensitive); 1= Sticky (edge-sensitive). Sticky inputs are cleared by writing zero to corresponding bit of GPIO Data register. GPIOPolarity determines rising or falling edge sensitivity. AFG SysID Table 44. AFG SysID Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F20 00 See bitfield table Set1 720 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set2 721 See bits [15:8] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set3 722 See bits [23:16] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set4 723 See bits [31:24] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 45. AFG SysID Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Subsystem3 RW 0x00 [23.:16] Subsystem2 RW 0x00 [15.:8] Subsystem1 RW 0x01 [7.:0] Assembly RW 0x00 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 38 Description Subsystem ID. (Any non-zero value) Assembly ID. (Not applicable to CODEC vendors) STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.5. PC AUDIO DAC0Cnvtr Node (NID = 0x02) 5.5.1. DAC0Cnvtr Frmt Table 46. DAC0Cnvtr Frmt Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get A 0000 See bitfield table Set1 2 See bits [15:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 47. DAC0Cnvtr Frmt Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:16] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [15] StrmType R 0x0 Stream Type: only PCM streams are supported by this widget. [14] RateBase RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate 0= 48 KHz 1= 44.1 KHz 0x0 Sample Base Rate Multiple 000= 48 KHz / 44.1 KHz or less 001= x2 010= Reserved (x3) 011= x4 100-111= Reserved [13.:11] IDTTM RateMult RW Description [10.:8] RateDiv RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate Divisor 000= Divide by 1 001= Divide by 2 010= Divide by 3 011= Divide by 4 100= Divide by 5 101= Divide by 6 110= Divide by 7 111= Divide by 8 [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 39 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 47. DAC0Cnvtr Frmt Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name [6.:4] NumBits [3.:0] 5.5.2. NumChan RW Reset RW RW Description 0x3 Bits per Sample 000= 8 bits 001= 16 bits 010= 20 bits 011= 24 bits 100-111= Reserved 0x1 Number of Channels in each frame of the stream. 0000= 1 channel 0001 = 2 channels ... 1111= 16 channels DAC0Cnvtr WCap Table 48. DAC0Cnvtr WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table Table 49. DAC0Cnvtr WCap Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x0 Widget type = Audio Output [19.:16] Delay R 0xD Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x1 Power State control is supported [9] DigitalStrm R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x0 No connection list is present [7] UnsolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 40 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 49. DAC0Cnvtr WCap Command Response Format 5.5.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 No format info; use default format parameters from Audio Function node instead [3] AmpParamOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget DAC0Cnvtr PwrState Table 50. DAC0Cnvtr PwrState Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F05 00 See bitfield table Set1 705 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 51. DAC0Cnvtr PwrState Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] Act R 0x3 PS-Act: Actual power state of referenced node. [3.:2] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x3 PS-Set: Current power setting of referenced node. 00 - Fully on. 01 - Fully on. 10 - Fully on. 11 - Powered down. [1.:0] IDTTM Set 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC RW 41 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.5.4. PC AUDIO DAC0Cnvtr Stream Table 52. DAC0Cnvtr Stream Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F06 00 See bitfield table Set1 706 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 53. DAC0Cnvtr Stream Command Response Format 5.6. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] ID RW 0x0 Software-programmable integer representing link stream ID used by the converter widget. By convention stream 0 is reserved as unused. [3.:0] Ch RW 0x0 Integer representing lowest channel used by converter. ADC0Cnvtr Node (NID = 0x03) 5.6.1. ADC0Cnvtr Frmt Table 54. ADC0Cnvtr Frmt Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get A 0000 See bitfield table Set1 2 See bits [15:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 55. ADC0Cnvtr Frmt Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:16] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved 0x0 Stream Type 0= PCM 1= Non-PCM (remaining bits in this verb have other meanings) [15] IDTTM StrmType 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC RW 42 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 55. ADC0Cnvtr Frmt Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [14] RateBase RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate 0= 48 KHz 1= 44.1 KHz 0x0 Sample Base Rate Multiple 000= 48 KHz / 44.1 KHz or less 001= x2 010= Reserved (x3) 011= x4 100-111= Reserved [13.:11] RateMult [10.:8] RateDiv RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate Divisor 000= Divide by 1 001= Divide by 2 010= Divide by 3 011= Divide by 4 100= Divide by 5 101= Divide by 6 110= Divide by 7 111= Divide by 8 [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x3 Bits per Sample 000= 8 bits 001= 16 bits 010= 20 bits 011= 24 bits 100-111= Reserved 0x1 Number of Channels in each frame of the stream. 0000= 1 channel 0001 = 2 channels ... 1111= 16 channels [6.:4] NumBits [3.:0] 5.6.2. RW Description NumChan RW RW ADC0Cnvtr WCap Table 56. ADC0Cnvtr WCap Command Verb Format Get IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table 43 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 57. ADC0Cnvtr WCap Command Response Format 5.6.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x1 Widget type = Audio Input [19.:16] Delay R 0xD Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x1 Power State control is supported [9] DigitalStrm R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnsolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x1 Software should query the Processing Controls parameter for this widget. [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 No format info; use default format parameters from Audio Function node instead [3] AmpParamOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget ADC0Cnvtr ConnLen Table 58. ADC0Cnvtr ConnLen Command Verb Format Get IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table 44 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 59. ADC0Cnvtr ConnLen Command Response Format 5.6.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved. [7] LongForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] N R 0x01 Number of NID entries in connection list. ADC0Cnvtr ConnLst Table 60. ADC0Cnvtr ConnLst Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table Get Table 61. ADC0Cnvtr ConnLst Command Response Format 5.6.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Entry3 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [23.:16] Entry2 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [15.:8] Entry1 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [7.:0] Entry0 R 0x0A ADC Mux widget. ADC0Cnvtr ProcState Table 62. ADC0Cnvtr ProcState Command Verb Format IDTTM Verb ID Payload Response Get F03 00 See bitfield table Set1 703 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 45 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 63. ADC0Cnvtr ProcState Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7] HPFOffsetDis RW 0x0 High Pass Filter Offset Calculation Disable 0 = Calculation enabled. 1 = Calculation disabled. [6.:2] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x1 Processing State = 00 (OFF): bypass the ADC high pass filter; Processing State = 01, 10, 11 (ON or BENIGN): ADC high pass filter is enabled. [1.:0] 5.6.6. HPFByp RW Description ADC0Cnvtr PwrState Table 64. ADC0Cnvtr PwrState Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F05 00 See bitfield table Set1 705 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 65. ADC0Cnvtr PwrState Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] Act R 0x3 PS-Act: Actual power state of referenced node. [3.:2] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x3 PS-Set: Current power setting of referenced node. 00 - Fully on. 01 - Fully on. 10 - Fully on. 11 - Powered down (default powered down) [1.:0] IDTTM Set 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC RW 46 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.6.7. PC AUDIO ADC0Cnvtr Stream Table 66. ADC0Cnvtr Stream Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F06 00 See bitfield table Set1 706 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 67. ADC0Cnvtr Stream Command Response Format 5.7. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] ID RW 0x0 Software-programmable integer representing link stream ID used by the converter widget. By convention stream 0 is reserved as unused. [3.:0] Ch RW 0x0 Integer representing lowest channel used by converter SPDIFinCnvtr Node (NID = 0x04) 5.7.1. SPDIFinCnvtr Frmt Table 68. SPDIFinCnvtr Frmt Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get A 0000 See bitfield table Set1 2 See bits [15:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 69. SPDIFinCnvtr Frmt Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:16] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [15] StrmType RW 0x0 N/A. (Stream Type) 0= PCM 1= Non-PCM [14] RateBase RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate 0= 48 KHz 1= 44.1 KHz 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 47 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 69. SPDIFinCnvtr Frmt Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name [13.:11] RateMult Reset RW Description 0x0 Sample Base Rate Multiple 000= 48 KHz / 44.1 KHz or less 001= x2 010= Reserved (x3) 011= x4 100-111= Reserved [10.:8] RateDiv RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate Divisor 000= Divide by 1 001= Divide by 2 010= Divide by 3 011= Divide by 4 100= Divide by 5 101= Divide by 6 110= Divide by 7 111= Divide by 8 [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x3 Bits per Sample 000= 8 bits 001= 16 bits 010= 20 bits 011= 24 bits 100-111= Reserved 0x1 Number of Channels in each frame of the stream. 0000= 1 channel 0001 = 2 channels ... 1111= 16 channels [6.:4] NumBits [3.:0] 5.7.2. RW NumChan RW RW SPDIFinCnvtr WCap Table 70. SPDIFinCnvtr WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table Table 71. SPDIFinCnvtr WCap Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x1 Widget type = Audio Input 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 48 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 71. SPDIFinCnvtr WCap Command Response Format 5.7.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [19.:16] Delay R 0x4 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] DigitalStrm R 0x1 Widget supports a Digital stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnsolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x1 Widget contains format info; software should query [3] AmpParamOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget SPDIFinCnvtr FrmtCap Table 72. SPDIFinCnvtr FrmtCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0A See bitfield table Table 73. SPDIFinCnvtr FrmtCap Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:21] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [20] B32 R 0x0 32 bit audio formats are NOT supported 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 49 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 73. SPDIFinCnvtr FrmtCap Command Response Format 5.7.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [19] B24 R 0x1 24 bit audio formats are supported [18] B20 R 0x1 20 bit audio formats are supported [17] B16 R 0x1 16 bit audio formats are supported [16] B8 R 0x0 8 bit audio formats are NOT supported [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] R12 R 0x0 384 KHz rate (8/1*48 KHz) NOT supported [10] R11 R 0x0 192.0 KHz rate (4/1*48 KHz) NOT supported [9] R10 R 0x0 176.4 KHz rate (4/1*44.1 KHz) NOT supported [8] R9 R 0x1 96.0 KHz rate (2/1*48 KHz) supported [7] R8 R 0x0 88.2 KHz rate (2/1*44.1 KHz) NOT supported [6] R7 R 0x1 48.0 KHz rate supported (REQUIRED) [5] R6 R 0x1 44.1 KHz rate supported [4] R5 R 0x0 32.0 KHz rate (2/3*48 KHz) NOT supported [3] R4 R 0x0 22.05 KHz rate (1/2*44.1 KHz) NOT supported [2] R3 R 0x0 16.0 KHz rate (1/3*48 KHz) NOT supported [1] R2 R 0x0 11.025 KHz rate (1/4*44.0 KHz) NOT supported [0] R1 R 0x0 8.0 KHz rate (1/6*48 KHz) NOT supported SPDIFinCnvtr StreamCap Table 74. SPDIFinCnvtr StreamCap Command Verb Format Get IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 0B See bitfield table 50 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 75. SPDIFinCnvtr StreamCap Command Response Format 5.7.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:3] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [2] NonPCM R 0x1 Non-PCM data supported. [1] Float32 R 0x0 No support for Float32 data. [0] PCM R 0x1 PCM-formatted data supported. SPDIFinCnvtr ConnLen Table 76. SPDIFinCnvtr ConnLen Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table Table 77. SPDIFinCnvtr ConnLen Command Response Format 5.7.6. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved. [7] LongForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] N R 0x01 Number of NID entries in connection list. SPDIFinCnvtr ConnLst Table 78. SPDIFinCnvtr ConnLst Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table Table 79. SPDIFinCnvtr ConnLst Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Entry3 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [23.:16] Entry2 R 0x00 Unused list entry. 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 51 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 79. SPDIFinCnvtr ConnLst Command Response Format 5.7.7. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [15.:8] Entry1 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [7.:0] Entry0 R 0x08 SPDIF-In Pin widget. SPDIFinCnvtr Stream Table 80. SPDIFinCnvtr Stream Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F06 00 See bitfield table Set1 706 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 81. SPDIFinCnvtr Stream Command Response Format 5.7.8. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] ID RW 0x0 Software-programmable integer representing link stream ID used by the converter widget. By convention stream 0 is reserved as unused. [3.:0] Ch RW 0x0 Integer representing lowest channel used by converter SPDIFinCnvtr DigCtl Table 82. SPDIFinCnvtr DigCtl Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F0D 00 See bitfield table Set1 70D See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set2 70E See bits [15:8] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 83. SPDIFinCnvtr DigCtl Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:15] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [14.:8] CC R 0x00 CC[6:0] - Category Code 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 52 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 83. SPDIFinCnvtr DigCtl Command Response Format 5.8. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [7] L R 0x0 L - Generation Level [6] PRO R 0x0 PRO - Professional [5] AUDIO R 0x0 /AUDIO - Non-Audio [4] COPY R 0x0 COPY - Copyright [3] PRE R 0x0 PRE - Preemphasis [2] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved (VCFG bit applies only to output streams) [1] V R 0x0 V - Validity [0] DigEn RW 0x0 DigEn - Digital Enable SPDIFoutCnvtr Node (NID = 0x05) 5.8.1. SPDIFoutCnvtr Frmt Table 84. SPDIFoutCnvtr Frmt Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get A 0000 See bitfield table Set1 2 See bits [15:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 85. SPDIFoutCnvtr Frmt Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:16] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [15] StrmType RW 0x0 Stream Type 0= PCM 1= Non-PCM (remaining bits in this verb have other meanings) [14] RateBase RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate 0= 48 KHz 1= 44.1 KHz 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 53 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 85. SPDIFoutCnvtr Frmt Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name [13.:11] RateMult Reset RW Description 0x0 Sample Base Rate Multiple: 000= 48 KHz / 44.1 KHz or less; 001= x2; 010= Reserved (x3); 011= x4; 100-111= Reserved [10.:8] RateDiv RW 0x0 Sample Base Rate Divisor 000= Divide by 1 001= Divide by 2 010= Divide by 3 011= Divide by 4 100= Divide by 5 101= Divide by 6 110= Divide by 7 111= Divide by 8 [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x3 Bits per Sample 000= 8 bits 001= 16 bits 010= 20 bits 011= 24 bits 100-111= Reserved 0x1 Number of Channels in each frame of the stream. 0000= 1 channel 0001 = 2 channels ... 1111= 16 channels [6.:4] NumBits [3.:0] 5.8.2. RW NumChan RW RW SPDIFoutCnvtr WCap Table 86. SPDIFoutCnvtr WCap Command Verb Format Get IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table 54 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 87. SPDIFoutCnvtr WCap Command Response Format 5.8.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x0 Widget type = Audio Output [19.:16] Delay R 0x4 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] DigitalStrm R 0x1 Widget supports a Digital stream [8] ConnList R 0x0 No connection list is present [7] UnsolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x1 Widget contains format info; software should query [3] AmpParamOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget SPDIFoutCnvtr FrmtCap Table 88. SPDIFoutCnvtr FrmtCap Command Verb Format Get IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 0A See bitfield table 55 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 89. SPDIFoutCnvtr FrmtCap Command Response Format 5.8.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:21] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [20] B32 R 0x0 32 bit audio formats are NOT supported [19] B24 R 0x1 24 bit audio formats are supported [18] B20 R 0x1 20 bit audio formats are supported [17] B16 R 0x1 16 bit audio formats are supported [16] B8 R 0x0 8 bit audio formats are NOT supported [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] R12 R 0x0 384 KHz rate (8/1*48 KHz) NOT supported [10] R11 R 0x0 192.0 KHz rate (4/1*48 KHz) NOT supported [9] R10 R 0x0 176.4 KHz rate (4/1*44.1 KHz) NOT supported [8] R9 R 0x1 96.0 KHz rate (2/1*48 KHz) supported [7] R8 R 0x1 88.2 KHz rate (2/1*44.1 KHz) supported [6] R7 R 0x1 48.0 KHz rate supported (REQUIRED) [5] R6 R 0x1 44.1 KHz rate supported [4] R5 R 0x0 32.0 KHz rate (2/3*48 KHz) NOT supported [3] R4 R 0x0 22.05 KHz rate (1/2*44.1 KHz) NOT supported [2] R3 R 0x0 16.0 KHz rate (1/3*48 KHz) NOT supported [1] R2 R 0x0 11.025 KHz rate (1/4*44.0 KHz) NOT supported [0] R1 R 0x0 8.0 KHz rate (1/6*48 KHz) NOT supported SPDIFoutCnvtr StreamCap Table 90. SPDIFoutCnvtr StreamCap Command Verb Format Get IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 0B See bitfield table 56 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 91. SPDIFoutCnvtr StreamCap Command Response Format 5.8.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:3] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [2] NonPCM R 0x1 Non-PCM data supported. [1] Float32 R 0x0 No support for Float32 data. [0] PCM R 0x1 PCM-formatted data supported. SPDIFoutCnvtr Stream Table 92. SPDIFoutCnvtr Stream Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F06 00 See bitfield table Set1 706 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 93. SPDIFoutCnvtr Stream Command Response Format 5.8.6. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] ID RW 0x0 Software-programmable integer representing link stream ID used by the converter widget. By convention stream 0 is reserved as unused. [3.:0] Ch RW 0x0 Integer representing lowest channel used by converter SPDIFoutCnvtr DigCtl Table 94. SPDIFoutCnvtr DigCtl Command Verb Format IDTTM Verb ID Payload Response Get F0D 00 See bitfield table Set1 70D See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set2 70E See bits [15:8] of bitfield table 0000_0000h 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 57 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 95. SPDIFoutCnvtr DigCtl Command Response Format 5.9. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:16] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [15] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [14.:8] CC RW 0x00 CC[6:0] - Category Code [7] L RW 0x0 L - Generation Level [6] PRO RW 0x0 PRO - Professional [5] AUDIO RW 0x0 /AUDIO - Non-Audio [4] COPY RW 0x0 COPY - Copyright [3] PRE RW 0x0 PRE - Preemphasis [2] VCFG RW 0x0 VCFG - Validity Config [1] V RW 0x0 V - Validity [0] DigEn RW 0x0 DigEn - Digital Enable DAC0Mux Node (NID = 0x07) 5.9.1. DAC0Mux WCap Table 96. DAC0Mux WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table Table 97. DAC0Mux WCap Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x3 Widget type = Audio Selector [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 58 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 97. DAC0Mux WCap Command Response Format 5.9.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [11] SwapCap R 0x1 Left and right channels can be swapped [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] DigitalStrm R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnsolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter. [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 No format info; use default format parameters from Audio Function node instead [3] AmpParamOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget DAC0Mux ConnLen Table 98. DAC0Mux ConnLen Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table Table 99. DAC0Mux ConnLen Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved. [7] LongForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] N R 0x03 Number of NID entries in connection list. 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 59 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.9.3. PC AUDIO DAC0Mux ConnSel Table 100. DAC0Mux ConnSel Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F01 00 See bitfield table Set1 701 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 101. DAC0Mux ConnSel Command Response Format 5.9.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:2] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [1.:0] Index RW 0x0 Connection select control index. DAC0Mux ConnLst Table 102. DAC0Mux ConnLst Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table Get Table 103. DAC0Mux ConnLst Command Response Format 5.9.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Entry3 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [23.:16] Entry2 R 0x0A ADC Mux widget. [15.:8] Entry1 R 0x08 SPDIF-In Pin widget. [7.:0] Entry0 R 0x02 DAC Analog converter widget. DAC0Mux LR Table 104. DAC0Mux LR Command Verb Format IDTTM Verb ID Payload Response Get F0C 00 See bitfield table Set1 70C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 60 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 105. DAC0Mux LR Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:3] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [2] SwapEn RW 0x0 1= swap left and right channels of this Widget. [1.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 5.10. DigInPin Node (NID = 0x08) 5.10.1. DigInPin WCap Table 106. DigInPin WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table Table 107. DigInPin WCap Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x4 Widget type = Pin Complex [19.:16] Delay R 0x3 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x1 Power State control is supported [9] DigitalStrm R 0x1 Widget supports a Digital stream [8] ConnList R 0x0 No connection list is present [7] UnsolCap R 0x1 Unsolicited Response is supported [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 N/A for pin complex 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 61 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 107. DigInPin WCap Command Response Format 5.10.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [3] AmpParamOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget DigInPin Cap Table 108. DigInPin Cap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0C See bitfield table Table 109. DigInPin Cap Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:17] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [16] EapdCap R 0x1 This widget controls EAPD pin [15.:8] VRefCntrl R 0x00 VRef generation not supported by this pin complex. [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6] BalancedIO R 0x0 Pin complex does not have balanced pins. [5] InCap R 0x1 Pin complex is input capable. [4] OutCap R 0x0 Pin complex is not output capable. (EAPD not equal to output stream) [3] HPhnDrvCap R 0x0 Pin does not have a headphone amplifier. [2] PresDtctCap R 0x1 Pin complex can perform Presence Detect. [1] TrigRqd R 0x0 N/A [0] ImpSenseCap R 0x0 Pin complex does not support impedance sense. 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 62 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.10.3. PC AUDIO DigInPin PwrState Table 110. DigInPin PwrState Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F05 00 See bitfield table Set1 705 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 111. DigInPin PwrState Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7.:4] Act R 0x3 PS-Act: Actual power state of referenced node. [3.:2] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x3 PS-Set: Current power setting of referenced node. 00 - Fully on. 01 - Fully on. 10 - Fully on. 11 - Powered down (default powered down) [1.:0] 5.10.4. Set RW Description DigInPin Ctl Table 112. DigInPin Ctl Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F07 00 See bitfield table Set1 707 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 113. DigInPin Ctl Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:6] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [5] InEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) input path of Pin Widget is enabled [4.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 63 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.10.5. PC AUDIO DigInPin UnsolResp Table 114. DigInPin UnsolResp Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F08 00 See bitfield table Set1 708 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 115. DigInPin UnsolResp Command Response Format 5.10.6. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x00 Reserved [7] En RW 0x0 Allow generation of Unsolicited Responses. Unsolicited response events occur upon lock or loss-of-lock by SPDIF-in clock recovery circuit. [6] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved. [5.:0] Tag RW 0x00 Software programmable field returned in top six bits (31:26) of every Unsolicited Response generated by this node. DigInPin Sense Table 116. DigInPin Sense Command Verb Format IDTTM Verb ID Payload Response Get F09 00 See bitfield table Set1 709 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set2 709 See bits [15:8] of bitfield table 0000_0000h 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 64 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 117. DigInPin Sense Command Response Format Bit 5.10.7. Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31] Present R 0x0 1= something is plugged into jack associated with Pin Complex. For this widget, Presence Detect indicates that the SPDIF-in clock recovery circuit has locked onto a valid SPDIF-in sampling frequency. Any change in status will generate an Unsolicited Response, if enabled with verb 708. [30.:0] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved. Impedance sense not supported for this Pin Complex. DigInPin EAPD Table 118. DigInPin EAPD Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F0C 00 See bitfield table Set1 70C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 119. DigInPin EAPD Command Response Format 5.10.8. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:2] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [1] Data RW 0x0 EAPD value reflected on the EAPD pin. 0= power down external amp; 1= power up external amp if PwrState < 0x2. If PwrState >= 0x2, Pin47 is Hi-Z. An external pull-down is required if EAPD must be low when Pin Widget is powered down. [0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved DigInPin Config Table 120. DigInPin Config Command Verb Format IDTTM Verb ID Payload Response Get F1C 00 See bitfield table Set1 71C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 65 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 120. DigInPin Config Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Set2 71D See bits [15:8] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set3 71E See bits [23:16] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set4 71F See bits [31:24] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 121. DigInPin Config Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:30] Port RW 0x0 External Port Connectivity of the Pin Complex. 0 = Port Complex is connected to a jack [29.:24] Location RW 0x01 Physical location of the jack. Optical jack at mainboard rear. [23.:20] Device RW 0xC Default Device, indicating intended use of jack. C = SPDIF In [19.:16] Connection RW 0x5 Connection Type. 5 = optical [15.:12] Color RW 0xE Color of physical jack. E = White [11.:8] Misc RW 0x0 Misc[0] == Jack Detect override. [7.:4] Assoc RW 0x3 Default Association for Pin Complex groups. Reserved value 0000b should not be used. Value 1111b indicates lowest priority. [3.:0] Sequence RW 0x0 All Widgets in an association must have unique sequence number. 5.11. DigOutPin Node (NID = 0x09) 5.11.1. DigOutPin WCap Table 122. DigOutPin WCap Command Verb Format Get IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table 66 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 123. DigOutPin WCap Command Response Format 5.11.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x4 Widget type = Pin Complex [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] DigitalStrm R 0x1 Widget supports a Digital stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnsolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 N/A for pin complex [3] AmpParamOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget DigOutPin Cap Table 124. DigOutPin Cap Command Verb Format Get IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 0C See bitfield table 67 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 125. DigOutPin Cap Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:17] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [16] EapdCap R 0x0 This widget does not control EAPD pin [15.:8] VRefCntrl R 0x00 VRef generation N/A since pin complex is not input capable. [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6] BalancedIO R 0x0 Pin complex does not have balanced pins. [5] InCap R 0x0 Pin complex is not input capable. [4] OutCap R 0x1 Pin complex is output capable. [3] HPhnDrvCap R 0x0 Pin does not have a headphone amplifier. [2] PresDtctCap R 0x0 Pin complex cannot perform Presence Detect. [1] TrigRqd R 0x0 N/A [0] ImpSenseCap R 0x0 Pin complex does not support impedance sense. 5.11.3. Description DigOutPin ConnLen Table 126. DigOutPin ConnLen Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table Table 127. DigOutPin ConnLen Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved. [7] LongForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] N R 0x02 Number of NID entries in connection list. 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 68 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.11.4. PC AUDIO DigOutPin ConnSel Table 128. DigOutPin ConnSel Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F01 00 See bitfield table Set1 701 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 129. DigOutPin ConnSel Command Response Format 5.11.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:2] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [1.:0] Index RW 0x0 Connection select control index. DigOutPin ConnLst Table 130. DigOutPin ConnLst Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table Get Table 131. DigOutPin ConnLst Command Response Format 5.11.6. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Entry3 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [23.:16] Entry2 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [15.:8] Entry1 R 0x0A ADC Mux widget. [7.:0] Entry0 R 0x05 SPDIF Out converter widget. DigOutPin Ctl Table 132. DigOutPin Ctl Command Verb Format IDTTM Verb ID Payload Response Get F07 00 See bitfield table Set1 707 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 69 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 133. DigOutPin Ctl Command Response Format 5.11.7. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:7] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [6] OutEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) output path of Pin Widget is enabled [5.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved DigOutPin Config Table 134. DigOutPin Config Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F1C 00 See bitfield table Set1 71C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set2 71D See bits [15:8] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set3 71E See bits [23:16] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set4 71F See bits [31:24] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 135. DigOutPin Config Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:30] Port RW 0x0 External Port Connectivity of the Pin Complex. 0 = Port Complex is connected to a jack [29.:24] Location RW 0x01 Physical location of the jack. Optical jack at mainboard rear. [23.:20] Device RW 0x4 Default Device, indicating intended use of jack. 4 = SPDIF Out [19.:16] Connection RW 0x5 Connection Type. 5 = optical [15.:12] Color RW 0x1 Color of physical jack. 1 = Black [11.:8] Misc RW 0x0 Misc[0] == Jack Detect override. 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 70 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 135. DigOutPin Config Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [7.:4] Assoc RW 0x1 Default Association for Pin Complex groups. Reserved value 0000b should not be used. Value 1111b indicates lowest priority. [3.:0] Sequence RW 0x2 All Widgets in an association must have unique sequence number. 5.12. ADC0Mux Node (NID = 0x0A) 5.12.1. ADC0Mux VolRight Table 136. ADC0Mux VolRight Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get B80 00 See bitfield table Set1 390 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 137. ADC0Mux VolRight Command Response Format 5.12.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7] Mute RW 0x1 1= mute is active [6.:4] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [3.:0] Gain RW 0x0 Amplifier gain step number ADC0Mux VolLeft Table 138. ADC0Mux VolLeft Command Verb Format IDTTM Verb ID Payload Response Get BA0 00 See bitfield table Set1 3A0 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 71 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 139. ADC0Mux VolLeft Command Response Format 5.12.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7] Mute RW 0x1 1= mute is active [6.:4] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [3.:0] Gain RW 0x0 Amplifier gain step number ADC0Mux WCap Table 140. ADC0Mux WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table Table 141. ADC0Mux WCap Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x3 Widget type = Audio Selector [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x1 Left and right channels can be swapped [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] DigitalStrm R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnsolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter. [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 No format info; use default format parameters from Audio Function node instead 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 72 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 141. ADC0Mux WCap Command Response Format 5.12.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [3] AmpParamOvrd R 0x1 This widget contains its own amplifier parameters. [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x1 Output amp is present [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget ADC0Mux OutAmpCap Table 142. ADC0Mux OutAmpCap Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F00 12 See bitfield table Get Table 143. ADC0Mux OutAmpCap Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31] Mute R 0x1 Amplifier is capable of muting [30.:23] Rsvd3 R 0x0 Reserved [22.:16] StepSize R 0x05 Size of each step in the gain range = 1.5dB [15] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [14.:8] NumSteps R 0x0F [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6.:0] Offset R 0x00 0dB-step is programmed with this offset 5.12.5. Description Number of steps in the gain range = 16 (0dB to +22.5dB) ADC0Mux ConnLen Table 144. ADC0Mux ConnLen Command Verb Format Get IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table 73 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 145. ADC0Mux ConnLen Command Response Format 5.12.6. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] LongForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] N R 0x01 Number of NID entries in connection list. ADC0Mux ConnLst Table 146. ADC0Mux ConnLst Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table Get Table 147. ADC0Mux ConnLst Command Response Format 5.12.7. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Entry3 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [23.:16] Entry2 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [15.:8] Entry1 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [7.:0] Entry0 R 0x0C Input Port (UnivJack) Mux widget. ADC0Mux LR Table 148. ADC0Mux LR Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F0C 00 See bitfield table Set1 70C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 149. ADC0Mux LR Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:3] Rsvd2 R 0x0 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 74 Description Reserved STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 149. ADC0Mux LR Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [2] SwapEn RW 0x0 1= swap left and right channels of this Widget. [1.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 5.13. MasterVol Node (NID = 0x0B) 5.13.1. MasterVol Right Table 150. MasterVol Right Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get B80 00 See bitfield table Set1 390 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 151. MasterVol Right Command Response Format 5.13.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7] Mute RW 0x1 1= mute is active [6.:5] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [4.:0] Gain RW 0x1F Amplifier gain step number MasterVol Left Table 152. MasterVol Left Command Verb Format IDTTM Verb ID Payload Response Get BA0 00 See bitfield table Set1 3A0 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 75 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 153. MasterVol Left Command Response Format 5.13.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7] Mute RW 0x1 1= mute is active [6.:5] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [4.:0] Gain RW 0x1F Amplifier gain step number MasterVol WCap Table 154. MasterVol WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table Table 155. MasterVol WCap Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x3 Widget type = Audio Selector [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] DigitalStrm R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnsolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter. [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 No format info; use default format parameters from Audio Function node instead 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 76 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 155. MasterVol WCap Command Response Format 5.13.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [3] AmpParamOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x1 Output amp is present [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget MasterVol ConnLen Table 156. MasterVol ConnLen Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table Table 157. MasterVol ConnLen Command Response Format 5.13.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] LongForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] N R 0x01 Number of NID entries in connection list. MasterVol ConnLst Table 158. MasterVol ConnLst Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table Table 159. MasterVol ConnLst Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Entry3 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [23.:16] Entry2 R 0x00 Unused list entry. 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 77 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 159. MasterVol ConnLst Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [15.:8] Entry1 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [7.:0] Entry0 R 0x07 DAC Mux widget. 5.14. InPortMux Node (NID = 0x0C) 5.14.1. InPortMux VolRight Table 160. InPortMux VolRight Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get B80 00 See bitfield table Set1 390 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 161. InPortMux VolRight Command Response Format 5.14.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:3] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [2.:0] Gain RW 0x0 Amplifier gain step number InPortMux VolLeft Table 162. InPortMux VolLeft Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get BA0 00 See bitfield table Set1 3A0 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 163. InPortMux VolLeft Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:3] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [2.:0] Gain RW 0x0 Amplifier gain step number 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 78 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.14.3. PC AUDIO InPortMux WCap Table 164. InPortMux WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table Table 165. InPortMux WCap Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x3 Widget type = Audio Selector [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] DigitalStrm R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnsolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter. [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 No format info; use default format parameters from Audio Function node instead [3] AmpParamOvrd R 0x1 This widget contains its own amplifier parameters. [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x1 Output amp is present [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 79 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.14.4. PC AUDIO InPortMux ConnLen Table 166. InPortMux ConnLen Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table Table 167. InPortMux ConnLen Command Response Format 5.14.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] LongForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] N R 0x05 Number of NID entries in connection list. InPortMux AmpCap Table 168. InPortMux AmpCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 12 See bitfield table Table 169. InPortMux AmpCap Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31] Mute R 0x0 No mute capability [30.:23] Rsvd3 R 0x0 Reserved [22.:16] StepSize R 0x27 Size of each step in the gain range = 10dB [15] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [14.:8] NumSteps R 0x04 Number of steps in the gain range = 5 (0dB to +40dB) [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6.:0] Offset R 0x00 0dB-step is programmed with this offset 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 80 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.14.6. PC AUDIO InPortMux ConnSel Table 170. InPortMux ConnSel Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F01 00 See bitfield table Set1 701 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 171. InPortMux ConnSel Command Response Format 5.14.7. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:3] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [2.:0] Index RW 0x0 Connection select control index. InPortMux ConnLst0 Table 172. InPortMux ConnLst0 Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table Table 173. InPortMux ConnLst0 Command Response Format 5.14.8. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Entry3 R 0x0D Port A pin widget. [23.:16] Entry2 R 0x0E Port D pin widget. [15.:8] Entry1 R 0x0F Port C pin widget. [7.:0] Entry0 R 0x10 Port B pin widget. InPortMux ConnLst4 Table 174. InPortMux ConnLst4 Command Verb Format Get IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F02 04 See bitfield table 81 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 175. InPortMux ConnLst4 Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Entry3 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [23.:16] Entry2 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [15.:8] Entry1 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [7.:0] Entry0 R 0x12 CDin pin widget. 5.15. PortAPin Node (NID = 0x0D) 5.15.1. PortAPin WCap Table 176. PortAPin WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table Table 177. PortAPin WCap Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x4 Widget type = Pin Complex [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] DigitalStrm R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnsolCap R 0x1 Unsolicited Response is supported [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 82 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 177. PortAPin WCap Command Response Format 5.15.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 N/A for pin complex [3] AmpParamOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead. [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget PortAPin Cap Table 178. PortAPin Cap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0C See bitfield table Table 179. PortAPin Cap Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:17] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [16] EapdCap R 0x0 This widget does not control EAPD pin [15.:8] VRefCntrl R 0x00 VRef generation not supported by this pin complex. [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6] BalancedIO R 0x0 Pin complex does not have balanced pins. [5] InCap R 0x1 Pin complex is input capable. [4] OutCap R 0x1 Pin complex is output capable. [3] HPhnDrvCap R 0x1 Pin complex has headphone amplifier. [2] PresDtctCap R 0x1 Pin complex can perform Presence Detect. [1] TrigRqd R 0x1 Trigger is required for impedance measurement [0] ImpSenseCap R 0x1 Pin complex supports impedance sense. 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 83 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.15.3. PC AUDIO PortAPin ConnLen Table 180. PortAPin ConnLen Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table Get Table 181. PortAPin ConnLen Command Response Format 5.15.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved. [7] LongForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] N R 0x01 Number of NID entries in connection list. PortAPin ConnLst Table 182. PortAPin ConnLst Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table Get Table 183. PortAPin ConnLst Command Response Format 5.15.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Entry3 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [23.:16] Entry2 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [15.:8] Entry1 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [7.:0] Entry0 R 0x0B Master Volume widget. PortAPin Ctl Table 184. PortAPin Ctl Command Verb Format IDTTM Verb ID Payload Response Get F07 00 See bitfield table Set1 707 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 84 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 185. PortAPin Ctl Command Response Format 5.15.6. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7] HPhnEn RW 0x0 1= enable the low impedance amplifier associated with the output [6] OutEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) output path of Pin Widget is enabled [5] InEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) input path of Pin Widget is enabled [4.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved PortAPin UnsolResp Table 186. PortAPin UnsolResp Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F08 00 See bitfield table Set1 708 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 187. PortAPin UnsolResp Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x00 Reserved [7] En RW 0x0 Allow generation of Unsolicited Responses. Unsolicited response events occur upon jack-insertion OR completion of a Jack-Sense cycle. [6] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [5.:0] Tag RW 0x00 Software programmable field returned in top six bits (31:26) of every Unsolicited Response generated by this node. 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 85 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.15.7. PC AUDIO PortAPin Sense Table 188. PortAPin Sense Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F09 00 See bitfield table Set1 709 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set2 709 See bits [15:8] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 189. PortAPin Sense Command Response Format 5.15.8. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31] Present R 0x0 Description 1= something is plugged into jack associated with Pin Complex. Measured impedance of the widget. A value of all 1's indicates that a valid sense reading is not available, or the sense measurement is busy if it has been recently triggered. Overlaps RightCh. [30.:0] Impedance R 0x7FFF_FFFF [0] RightCh W 0x0 Set 1= perform impedance sensing on right channel or ring of the connector [0] LeftCh W 0x0 Set 0= perform impedance sensing on left channel or tip of the connector PortAPin Config Table 190. PortAPin Config Command Verb Format IDTTM Verb ID Payload Response Get F1C 00 See bitfield table Set1 71C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set2 71D See bits [15:8] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set3 71E See bits [23:16] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set4 71F See bits [31:24] of bitfield table 0000_0000h 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 86 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 191. PortAPin Config Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:30] Port RW 0x0 External Port Connectivity of the Pin Complex. 0 = Port Complex is connected to a jack [29.:24] Location RW 0x02 Physical location of the jack. 02h = Mainboard, Front [23.:20] Device RW 0x2 Default Device, indicating intended use of jack. 2 = HP Out [19.:16] Connection RW 0x1 Connection Type. 1 = 1/8 inch jack [15.:12] Color RW 0x4 Color of physical jack. 4 = Green [11.:8] Misc RW 0x0 Misc[0] = Jack Detect override. [7.:4] Assoc RW 0x1 Default Association for Pin Complex groups. Reserved value 0000b should not be used. Value 1111b indicates lowest priority. [3.:0] Sequence RW 0x1 All Widgets in an association must have unique sequence number. 5.16. PortDPin Node (NID = 0x0E) 5.16.1. PortDPin WCap Table 192. PortDPin WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table Table 193. PortDPin WCap Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x4 Widget type = Pin Complex [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 87 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 193. PortDPin WCap Command Response Format 5.16.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] DigitalStrm R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnsolCap R 0x1 Unsolicited Response is supported [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 N/A for pin complex [3] AmpParamOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead. [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget PortDPin Cap Table 194. PortDPin Cap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0C See bitfield table Table 195. PortDPin Cap Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:17] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved2 [16] EapdCap R 0x0 This widget does not control EAPD pin [15.:8] VRefCntrl R 0x00 VRef generation not supported by this pin complex. [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6] BalancedIO R 0x0 Pin complex does not have balanced pins. 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 88 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 195. PortDPin Cap Command Response Format 5.16.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [5] InCap R 0x1 Pin complex is input capable. [4] OutCap R 0x1 Pin complex is output capable. [3] HPhnDrvCap R 0x1 Pin complex has headphone amplifier. [2] PresDtctCap R 0x1 Pin complex can perform Presence Detect. [1] TrigRqd R 0x1 Trigger is required for impedance measurement [0] ImpSenseCap R 0x1 Pin complex supports impedance sense. PortDPin ConnLen Table 196. PortDPin ConnLen Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table Table 197. PortDPin ConnLen Command Response Format 5.16.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved. [7] LongForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] N R 0x01 Number of NID entries in connection list. PortDPin ConnLst Table 198. PortDPin ConnLst Command Verb Format Get IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table 89 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 199. PortDPin ConnLst Command Response Format 5.16.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Entry3 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [23.:16] Entry2 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [15.:8] Entry1 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [7.:0] Entry0 R 0x0B Master Volume widget. PortDPin Ctl Table 200. PortDPin Ctl Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F07 00 See bitfield table Set1 707 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 201. PortDPin Ctl Command Response Format 5.16.6. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7] HPhnEn RW 0x0 1= enable the low impedance amplifier associated with the output [6] OutEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) output path of Pin Widget is enabled [5] InEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) input path of Pin Widget is enabled [4.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved PortDPin UnsolResp Table 202. PortDPin UnsolResp Command Verb Format IDTTM Verb ID Payload Response Get F08 00 See bitfield table Set1 708 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 90 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 203. PortDPin UnsolResp Command Response Format 5.16.7. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x00 Reserved [7] En RW 0x0 Allow generation of Unsolicited Responses. Unsolicited response events occur upon jack-insertion OR completion of a Jack-Sense cycle. [6] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [5.:0] Tag RW 0x00 Software programmable field returned in top six bits (31:26) of every Unsolicited Response generated by this node. PortDPin Sense Table 204. PortDPin Sense Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F09 00 See bitfield table Set1 709 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set2 709 See bits [15:8] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 205. PortDPin Sense Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31] Present R 0x0 Description 1= something is plugged into jack associated with Pin Complex. Measured impedance of the widget. A value of all 1's indicates that a valid sense reading is not available, or the sense measurement is busy if it has been recently triggered. Overlaps RightCh. [30.:0] Impedance R 0x7FFF_FFFF [0] RightCh W 0x0 Set 1= perform impedance sensing on right channel or ring of the connector [0] LeftCh W 0x0 Set 0= perform impedance sensing on left channel or tip of the connector 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 91 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.16.8. PC AUDIO PortDPin Config Table 206. PortDPin Config Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F1C 00 See bitfield table Set1 71C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set2 71D See bits [15:8] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set3 71E See bits [23:16] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set4 71F See bits [31:24] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 207. PortDPin Config Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:30] Port RW 0x0 External Port Connectivity of the Pin Complex. 0 = Port Complex is connected to a jack [29.:24] Location RW 0x01 Physical location of the jack. 01h = Mainboard, Rear [23.:20] Device RW 0x0 Default Device, indicating intended use of jack. 0 = Line Out [19.:16] Connection RW 0x1 Connection Type. 1 = 1/8 inch jack [15.:12] Color RW 0x4 Color of physical jack. 4 = Green [11.:8] Misc RW 0x0 Misc[0] = Jack Detect override. [7.:4] Assoc RW 0x1 Default Association for Pin Complex groups. Reserved value 0000b should not be used. Value 1111b indicates lowest priority. [3.:0] Sequence RW 0x0 All Widgets in an association must have unique sequence number. 5.17. PortCPin Node (NID = 0x0F) 5.17.1. PortCPin WCap Table 208. PortCPin WCap Command Verb Format Get IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table 92 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 209. PortCPin WCap Command Response Format 5.17.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x4 Widget type = Pin Complex [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] DigitalStrm R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnsolCap R 0x1 Unsolicited Response is supported [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 N/A for pin complex [3] AmpParamOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead. [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget PortCPin Cap Table 210. PortCPin Cap Command Verb Format Get IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 0C See bitfield table 93 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 211. PortCPin Cap Command Response Format 5.17.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:17] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved2 [16] EapdCap R 0x0 This widget does not control EAPD pin [15.:8] VRefCntrl R 0x00 VRef generation not supported by this pin complex. [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6] BalancedIO R 0x0 Pin complex does not have balanced pins. [5] InCap R 0x1 Pin complex is input capable. [4] OutCap R 0x1 Pin complex is output capable. [3] HPhnDrvCap R 0x0 Pin does not have a headphone amplifier. [2] PresDtctCap R 0x1 Pin complex can perform Presence Detect. [1] TrigRqd R 0x1 Trigger is required for impedance measurement [0] ImpSenseCap R 0x1 Pin complex supports impedance sense. PortCPin ConnLen Table 212. PortCPin ConnLen Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table Table 213. PortCPin ConnLen Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] LongForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] N R 0x01 Number of NID entries in connection list. 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 94 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.17.4. PC AUDIO PortCPin ConnLst Table 214. PortCPin ConnLst Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table Get Table 215. PortCPin ConnLst Command Response Format 5.17.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Entry3 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [23.:16] Entry2 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [15.:8] Entry1 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [7.:0] Entry0 R 0x0B Master Volume widget. PortCPin Ctl Table 216. PortCPin Ctl Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F07 00 See bitfield table Set1 707 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 217. PortCPin Ctl Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:7] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [6] OutEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) output path of Pin Widget is enabled [5] InEn RW 0x1 1= (CODEC) input path of Pin Widget is enabled [4.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 95 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.17.6. PC AUDIO PortCPin UnsolResp Table 218. PortCPin UnsolResp Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F08 00 See bitfield table Set1 708 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 219. PortCPin UnsolResp Command Response Format 5.17.7. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x00 Reserved [7] En RW 0x0 Allow generation of Unsolicited Responses. Unsolicited response events occur upon jack-insertion OR completion of a Jack-Sense cycle. [6] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [5.:0] Tag RW 0x00 Software programmable field returned in top six bits (31:26) of every Unsolicited Response generated by this node. PortCPin Sense Table 220. PortCPin Sense Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F09 00 See bitfield table Set1 709 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set2 709 See bits [15:8] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 221. PortCPin Sense Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31] Present R 0x0 [30.:0] IDTTM Impedance 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC R 0x7FFF_FFFF 96 Description 1= something is plugged into jack associated with Pin Complex. Measured impedance of the widget. A value of all 1's indicates that a valid sense reading is not available, or the sense measurement is busy if it has been recently triggered. Overlaps RightCh. STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 221. PortCPin Sense Command Response Format 5.17.8. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [0] RightCh W 0x0 Set 1= perform impedance sensing on right channel or ring of the connector [0] LeftCh W 0x0 Set 0= perform impedance sensing on left channel or tip of the connector PortCPin Config Table 222. PortCPin Config Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F1C 00 See bitfield table Set1 71C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set2 71D See bits [15:8] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set3 71E See bits [23:16] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set4 71F See bits [31:24] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 223. PortCPin Config Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:30] Port RW 0x0 External Port Connectivity of the Pin Complex. 0 = Port Complex is connected to a jack [29.:24] Location RW 0x01 Physical location of the jack. 03h = Mainboard, Rear [23.:20] Device RW 0x8 Default Device, indicating intended use of jack. 8 = Line In [19.:16] Connection RW 0x1 Connection Type. 1 = 1/8 inch jack [15.:12] Color RW 0x3 Color of physical jack. 3 = Blue [11.:8] Misc RW 0x0 Misc[0] = Jack Detect override. 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 97 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 223. PortCPin Config Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [7.:4] Assoc RW 0x2 Default Association for Pin Complex groups. Reserved value 0000b should not be used. Value 1111b indicates lowest priority. [3.:0] Sequence RW 0x1 All Widgets in an association must have unique sequence number. 5.18. PortBPin Node (NID = 0x10) 5.18.1. PortBPin WCap Table 224. PortBPin WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table Table 225. PortBPin WCap Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x4 Widget type = Pin Complex [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] DigitalStrm R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnsolCap R 0x1 Unsolicited Response is supported [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 N/A for pin complex 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 98 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 225. PortBPin WCap Command Response Format 5.18.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [3] AmpParamOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead. [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget PortBPin Cap Table 226. PortBPin Cap Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F00 0C See bitfield table Get Table 227. PortBPin Cap Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:17] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [16] EapdCap R 0x0 This widget does not control EAPD pin [15.:8] VRefCntrl R 0x17 VRef generation is supported by this pin complex, and the following voltages can be produced on the associated VRef pin: 80% Avdd; 50% Avdd; GND; Hi-Z (required since pin complex is output capable) [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6] BalancedIO R 0x0 Pin complex does not have balanced pins. [5] InCap R 0x1 Pin complex is input capable. [4] OutCap R 0x1 Pin complex is output capable. [3] HPhnDrvCap R 0x0 Pin does not have a headphone amplifier. [2] PresDtctCap R 0x1 Pin complex can perform Presence Detect. [1] TrigRqd R 0x1 Trigger is required for impedance measurement [0] ImpSenseCap R 0x1 Pin complex supports impedance sense. 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 99 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.18.3. PC AUDIO PortBPin ConnLen Table 228. PortBPin ConnLen Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table Get Table 229. PortBPin ConnLen Command Response Format 5.18.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved. [7] LongForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] N R 0x01 Number of NID entries in connection list. PortBPin ConnLst Table 230. PortBPin ConnLst Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table Get Table 231. PortBPin ConnLst Command Response Format 5.18.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Entry3 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [23.:16] Entry2 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [15.:8] Entry1 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [7.:0] Entry0 R 0x0B Master Volume widget. PortBPin Ctl Table 232. PortBPin Ctl Command Verb Format IDTTM Verb ID Payload Response Get F07 00 See bitfield table Set1 707 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 100 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 233. PortBPin Ctl Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:7] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [6] OutEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) output path of Pin Widget is enabled [5] InEn RW 0x1 1= (CODEC) input path of Pin Widget is enabled [4.:3] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved 0x0 VRefEn: Selects one of the possible states for the VRef signal associated with the Pin Widget. If the value written to this control does not correspond to a supported value defined in the VRefCntrl field of the Pin Capabilities parameter (0C), then this control will take the value of 000b (Hi-Z). [2.:0] 5.18.6. VRefSelect RW Description PortBPin UnsolResp Table 234. PortBPin UnsolResp Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F08 00 See bitfield table Set1 708 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 235. PortBPin UnsolResp Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x00 Reserved [7] En RW 0x0 Allow generation of Unsolicited Responses. Unsolicited response events occur upon jack-insertion OR completion of a Jack-Sense cycle. [6] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [5.:0] Tag RW 0x00 Software programmable field returned in top six bits (31:26) of every Unsolicited Response generated by this node. 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 101 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.18.7. PC AUDIO PortBPin Sense Table 236. PortBPin Sense Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F09 00 See bitfield table Set1 709 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set2 709 See bits [15:8] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 237. PortBPin Sense Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31] Present R 0x0 Description 1= something is plugged into jack associated with Pin Complex. [30.:0] Impedance R 0x7FFF_FFFF Measured impedance of the widget. A value of all 1's indicates that a valid sense reading is not available, or the sense measurement is busy if it has been recently triggered. Overlaps RightCh. [0] RightCh W 0x0 Set 1= perform impedance sensing on right channel or ring of the connector [0] LeftCh W 0x0 Set 0= perform impedance sensing on left channel or tip of the connector 5.18.8. PortBPin Config Table 238. PortBPin Config Command Verb Format IDTTM Verb ID Payload Response Get F1C 00 See bitfield table Set1 71C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set2 71D See bits [15:8] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set3 71E See bits [23:16] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set4 71F See bits [31:24] of bitfield table 0000_0000h 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 102 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 239. PortBPin Config Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:30] Port RW 0x0 External Port Connectivity of the Pin Complex. 0 = Port Complex is connected to a jack [29.:24] Location RW 0x02 Physical location of the jack. 02h = Mainboard, Front [23.:20] Device RW 0xA Default Device, indicating intended use of jack. A = Mic In [19.:16] Connection RW 0x1 Connection Type. 1 = 1/8 inch jack [15.:12] Color RW 0x9 Color of physical jack. 9 = Pink [11.:8] Misc RW 0x0 Misc[0] = Jack Detect override. [7.:4] Assoc RW 0x2 Default Association for Pin Complex groups. Reserved value 0000b should not be used. Value 1111b indicates lowest priority. [3.:0] Sequence RW 0x0 All Widgets in an association must have unique sequence number. 5.19. MonoOutPin Node (NID = 0x11) 5.19.1. MonoOutPin Vol Table 240. MonoOutPin Vol Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get BA0 00 See bitfield table Set1 3A0 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 241. MonoOutPin Vol Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7] Mute RW 0x1 1= mute is active [6.:5] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [4.:0] Gain RW 0x1F Mono (left) amplifier gain step number 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 103 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.19.2. PC AUDIO MonoOutPin WCap Table 242. MonoOutPin WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table Table 243. MonoOutPin WCap Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x4 Widget type = Pin Complex [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] DigitalStrm R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnsolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 N/A for pin complex [3] AmpParamOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead. [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x1 Output amp is present [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x0 Mono widget 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 104 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.19.3. PC AUDIO MonoOutPin Cap Table 244. MonoOutPin Cap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0C See bitfield table Table 245. MonoOutPin Cap Command Response Format 5.19.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:17] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [16] EapdCap R 0x0 This widget does not control EAPD pin [15.:8] VRefCntrl R 0x00 VRef generation N/A since pin complex is not input capable. [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6] BalancedIO R 0x0 Pin complex does not have balanced pins. [5] InCap R 0x0 Pin complex is not input capable. [4] OutCap R 0x1 Pin complex is output capable. [3] HPhnDrvCap R 0x0 Pin does not have a headphone amplifier. [2] PresDtctCap R 0x0 Pin complex cannot perform Presence Detect. [1] TrigRqd R 0x0 N/A [0] ImpSenseCap R 0x0 Pin complex does not support impedance sense. MonoOutPin ConnLen Table 246. MonoOutPin ConnLen Command Verb Format Get IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table 105 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 247. MonoOutPin ConnLen Command Response Format 5.19.5. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved [7] LongForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] N R 0x01 Number of NID entries in connection list. MonoOutPin ConnLst Table 248. MonoOutPin ConnLst Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table Get Table 249. MonoOutPin ConnLst Command Response Format 5.19.6. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Entry3 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [23.:16] Entry2 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [15.:8] Entry1 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [7.:0] Entry0 R 0x13 MonoOut Mix widget. MonoOutPin Ctl Table 250. MonoOutPin Ctl Command Verb Format IDTTM Verb ID Payload Response Get F07 00 See bitfield table Set1 707 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 106 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 251. MonoOutPin Ctl Command Response Format 5.19.7. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:7] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [6] OutEn RW 0x0 1= (CODEC) output path of Pin Widget is enabled [5.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved MonoOutPin Config Table 252. MonoOutPin Config Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F1C 00 See bitfield table Set1 71C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set2 71D See bits [15:8] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set3 71E See bits [23:16] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set4 71F See bits [31:24] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 253. MonoOutPin Config Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:30] Port RW 0x1 External Port Connectivity of the Pin Complex. 1 = no physical connection [29.:24] Location RW 0x10 Physical location of the jack. 10h = Internal, N/A [23.:20] Device RW 0x1 Default Device, indicating intended use of jack. 1 = Speaker [19.:16] Connection RW 0x7 Connection Type. 7 = Other Analog [15.:12] Color RW 0x0 Color of physical jack. 0 = Unknown [11.:8] Misc RW 0x0 Misc[0] = Jack Detect override. 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 107 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 253. MonoOutPin Config Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [7.:4] Assoc RW 0x1 Default Association for Pin Complex groups. Reserved value 0000b should not be used. Value 1111b indicates lowest priority. [3.:0] Sequence RW 0x3 All Widgets in an association must have unique sequence number. 5.20. CDPin Node (NID = 0x12) 5.20.1. CDPin WCap Table 254. CDPin WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table Table 255. CDPin WCap Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x4 Widget type = Pin Complex [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 No left/right channel swap capability [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] DigitalStrm R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x0 No connection list is present [7] UnsolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 N/A for pin complex 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 108 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 255. CDPin WCap Command Response Format 5.20.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [3] AmpParamOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead. [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x1 Stereo widget CDPin Cap Table 256. CDPin Cap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0C See bitfield table Table 257. CDPin Cap Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:17] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [16] EapdCap R 0x0 This widget does not control EAPD pin [15.:8] VRefCntrl R 0x00 VRef generation not supported by this pin complex. [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6] BalancedIO R 0x0 Pin complex does not have balanced pins. [5] InCap R 0x1 Pin complex is input capable. [4] OutCap R 0x0 Pin complex is not output capable. [3] HPhnDrvCap R 0x0 Pin does not have a headphone amplifier. [2] PresDtctCap R 0x0 Pin complex cannot perform Presence Detect. [1] TrigRqd R 0x0 N/A [0] ImpSenseCap R 0x0 Pin complex does not support impedance sense. 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 109 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.20.3. PC AUDIO CDPin Ctl Table 258. CDPin Ctl Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F07 00 See bitfield table Set1 707 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 259. CDPin Ctl Command Response Format 5.20.4. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:6] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [5] InEn RW 0x1 1= (CODEC) input path of Pin Widget is enabled (un-muted) [4.:0] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved CDPin Config Table 260. CDPin Config Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F1C 00 See bitfield table Set1 71C See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set2 71D See bits [15:8] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set3 71E See bits [23:16] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Set4 71F See bits [31:24] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 261. CDPin Config Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:30] Port RW 0x2 External Port Connectivity of the Pin Complex. 2 = fixed function device [29.:24] Location RW 0x10 Physical location of the jack. 10h = Internal, N/A [23.:20] Device RW 0x3 Default Device, indicating intended use of jack. 3 = CD 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 110 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 261. CDPin Config Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [19.:16] Connection RW 0x3 Connection Type. 3 = ATAPI internal [15.:12] Color RW 0x0 Color of physical jack. 0 = Unknown [11.:8] Misc RW 0x0 Misc[0] = Jack Detect override. [7.:4] Assoc RW 0x2 Default Association for Pin Complex groups. Reserved value 0000b should not be used. Value 1111b indicates lowest priority. [3.:0] Sequence RW 0x2 All Widgets in an association must have unique sequence number. 5.21. MonoOutMix Node (NID = 0x13) 5.21.1. MonoOutMix WCap Table 262. MonoOutMix WCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table Table 263. MonoOutMix WCap Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:24] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x2 Widget type = Audio Mixer [19.:16] Delay R 0x0 Number of sample delays through widget [15.:12] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [11] SwapCap R 0x0 Swapping of left and right channels not supported [10] PwrCntrl R 0x0 No support for Power State control [9] DigitalStrm R 0x0 Widget supports an Analog stream [8] ConnList R 0x1 Connection list is present [7] UnsolCap R 0x0 No support for Unsolicited Response 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 111 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 263. MonoOutMix WCap Command Response Format 5.21.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [6] ProcWidget R 0x0 No Processing Controls parameter. [5] Stripe R 0x0 No support for striping [4] FormatOvrd R 0x0 No format info; use default format parameters from Audio Function node instead [3] AmpParamOvrd R 0x0 No amplifier info; use default amplifier parameters from Audio Function node instead [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No output amp [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 No input amp [0] Stereo R 0x0 Mono widget MonoOutMix ConnLen Table 264. MonoOutMix ConnLen Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 0E See bitfield table Table 265. MonoOutMix ConnLen Command Response Format 5.21.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved. [7] LongForm R 0x0 Connection list uses short-form (7-bit) NID entries. [6.:0] N R 0x01 Number of NID entries in connection list. MonoOutMix ConnLst Table 266. MonoOutMix ConnLst Command Verb Format Get IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F02 00 See bitfield table 112 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 267. MonoOutMix ConnLst Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Entry3 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [23.:16] Entry2 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [15.:8] Entry1 R 0x00 Unused list entry. [7.:0] Entry0 R 0x07 DAC Mux widget. 5.22. PCBeep Node (NID = 0x14) 5.22.1. PCBeep Vol Table 268. PCBeep Vol Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get BA0 00 See bitfield table Set1 3A0 See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 269. PCBeep Vol Command Response Format 5.22.2. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:8] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [7] Mute RW 0x1 1= mute is active [6.:2] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [1.:0] Gain RW 0x3 Mono (left) amplifier gain step number PCBeep WCap Table 270. PCBeep WCap Command Verb Format Get IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC Verb ID Payload Response F00 09 See bitfield table 113 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Table 271. PCBeep WCap Command Response Format 5.22.3. Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset Description [31.:24] Rsvd3 R 0x0 Reserved [23.:20] Type R 0x7 Widget type = Beep Generator [19.:4] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [3] AmpParamOvrd R 0x1 This widget contains its own amplifier parameters. [2] OutAmpPrsnt R 0x1 Output amp is present [1] InAmpPrsnt R 0x0 N/A [0] Stereo R 0x0 Mono widget PCBeep OutAmpCap Table 272. PCBeep OutAmpCap Command Verb Format Get Verb ID Payload Response F00 12 See bitfield table Table 273. PCBeep OutAmpCap Command Response Format IDTTM Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31] Mute R 0x1 Amplifier is capable of muting [30.:23] Rsvd3 R 0x0 Reserved [22.:16] StepSize R 0x17 Size of each step in the gain range = 6 dB [15] Rsvd2 R 0x0 Reserved [14.:8] NumSteps R 0x03 Number of steps in the gain range = 4 (-18dB to 0dB) [7] Rsvd1 R 0x0 Reserved [6.:0] Offset R 0x03 0dB-step is programmed with this offset 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 114 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 5.22.4. PC AUDIO PCBeep Gen Table 274. PCBeep Gen Command Verb Format Verb ID Payload Response Get F0A 00 See bitfield table Set1 70A See bits [7:0] of bitfield table 0000_0000h Table 275. PCBeep Gen Command Response Format Bit Bitfield Name RW Reset [31.:8] Rsvd R 0x0 Reserved 0x00 Enable internal PC-Beep generation. Divider = 00h disables internal PC Beep generation and enables normal operation of the CODEC. Divider not equal to 00h generates the beep tone on all Pin Complexes that are currently configured as outputs. The Azalia spec states that the beep tone frequency = (48 KHz Azalia SYNC rate) / (4*Divider), producing tones from 47 Hz to 12 KHz (logarithmic scale). Instead, this part generates tones with frequency = 48000 * (257 - Divider) / 1024, yielding a linear range from 12 KHz to 93.75 Hz in steps of 46.875 Hz. If JackSenseVSR[Rate2x], then the beep tones generated have frequency = 48000 * (513 Divider) / 1024, yielding a range of 24 KHz to 12093.75 Hz in steps of 46.875 Hz. [7.:0] IDTTM Divider 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC RW 115 Description STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 6. ORDERING INFORMATION 6.1. STAC9200 Family Options and Part Order Numbers The +4V Analog voltage is supported by the +5 V version of the STAC9200. Part Order Number Voltage DAC SNR Pkg Pins STAC9200X5TAEyy 5V 100dB 48 LQFP STAC9200X5NAEyy 5V 100dB 32 QFN STAC9200X3TAEyy 3.3 V 100dB 48 LQFP STAC9200X3NAEyy 3.3 V 100dB 32 QFN NOTE: When ordering these parts the "yy" will be replaced with the CODEC revision. Add an "R" to the end of any of these part numbers for delivery on Tape and Reel. The minimum order quantity for Tape and Reel is 2,000 units for both package options. IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 116 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 7. PIN INFORMATION IDTTM 4 5 6 7 8 9 N.C. SDATA_OUT BIT_CLK DVSS SDATA_IN DVDD RESET# 11 3 N.C. 23 22 21 20 19 2 3 4 5 6 L IN E _ IN _ R L IN E _ IN _ L M IC 2 M IC 1 C D_R N .C . C D_L SEN SE _A 7 8 1 N.C. SDATA_OUT BIT_CLK DVSS2 SDATA_IN DVDD SYNC RESET# 32 pad Q FN 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 LINE_IN_R LINE_IN_L MIC_R MIC_L CD_R N.C. CD_L N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C. SENSE_A PC BEEP 12 2 SYNC 10 1 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 25 N.C. 26 AVSS1 28 VREF_OUT 29 N.C. 30 N.C. 31 N.C. 32 CAP2 33 GPIO0 34 GPIO1 27 VREF_IN 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 48 pin LQFP N.C. N.C. = No Connect 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 N.C. MONO_OUT AVDD2 HP_OUT_L N.C. HP_OUT_R AVSS2 N.C. N.C. GPIO2 N.C. SPDIF_IN/EAPD/GPIO3 SPDIF_OUT 35 LINE_OUT_L 36 LINE_OUT_R M O N O _O U T AVDD2 H P_L HP_R AVSS G P IO 2 S P D IF _ IN /E A P D /G P IO 3 S P D IF _ O U T LINE_OUT_L GPIO1 GPIO0 CAP2 VREF_OUT 18 VREF_IN 17 AVSS1 Pin Out 24 LINE_OUT_R 7.1. 117 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 7.2. PC AUDIO Pin Table for 48-pin LQFP and 32-pad QFN Packages Pin Name Pin Function I/O Internal Pull-up/ Pull-down LQFP 48-pin Location QFN 32-pin Location NC No Connect - - 1 - NC No Connect - - 2 1 NC No Connect - - 3 - NC No Connect - - 4 - SDATA_OUT High Definition Audio "Azalia" Serial Data output (inbound stream) I (Digital) None 5 2 BIT_CLK High Definition Audio "Azalia" Bit Clock I(Digital) Pull-down 6 3 DVSS Digital Ground I(Digital) None 7 4 SDATA_IN High Definition Audio "Azalia" Serial Data input (outbound stream) I/O(Digital) Pull-down 8 5 DVDD_CORE3 Digital Vdd = 3.3 V I(Digital) None 9 6 SYNC High Definition Audio "Azalia"Frame Sync I(Digital) Pull-down 10 7 RESET# High Definition Audio "Azalia" Reset I(Digital) Pull-down 11 8 PC Beep PC Beep I(Analog) - 12 - Sense A Jack insertion detection Ports A, B, C, D I(Analog) None 13 9 NC No Connect - - 14 - NC No Connect - - 15 - NC No Connect - - 16 - NC No Connect - - 17 - CD-L CD Audio Left Channel I(Analog) None 18 10 NC No Connect - - 19 11 CD-R CD Audio Right Channel I(Analog) None 20 12 Port B-L Analog I/O I/O(Analog) None 21 13 Port B-R Analog I/O I/O(Analog) None 22 14 Port C-L Analog I/O I/O(Analog) None 23 15 Port C-R Analog I/O I/O(Analog) None 24 16 NC No Connect - - 25 - AVSS1 Analog Ground I(Analog) None 26 17 VREF IN Reference Voltage In drive I(Analog) None 27 18 VREFOUT Reference Voltage Out drive O(Analog) None 28 19 NC No Connect - - 29 - NC No Connect - - 30 - NC No Connect - - 31 - CAP2 ADC reference Cap O(Analog) None 32 20 IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 118 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Pin Name Pin Function I/O Internal Pull-up/ Pull-down LQFP 48-pin Location QFN 32-pin Location GPIO0* General Purpose I/O/Mic Bias I/O(Analog) Pull-up 50 K 33 21 GPIO1* General Purpose I/O/Mic Bias I/O(Analog) Pull-up 50 K 34 22 Port D-L Analog I/O with HP support I/O(Analog) None 35 23 Port D-R Analog I/O with HP support I/O(Analog) None 36 24 MONO Mono Out from DAC O(Analog) None 37 25 AVDD2 Analog Vdd = 5.0 V or 3.3 V I(Analog) None 38 26 Port A-L Analog I/O with HP support I/O(Analog) None 39 27 NC No Connect - - 40 - Port A-R Analog I/O with HP support I/O(Analog) None 41 28 AVSS2 Analog Ground I(Analog) None 42 29 NC No Connect - - 43 - NC No Connect - - 44 - GPIO2* General Purpose I/O /Mic Bias I/O(Digital) Pull-up 50 K 45 30 NC No Connect - - 46 - S/PDIFIN/EAPD/ GPIO3* SPDIF Input, External Amplifier Power Down, General Purpose I/O /Mic Bias I/O(Digital) None 47 31 S/PDIF-OUT SPDIF digital output (50 K internal pull-down) O(Digital) 50 K internal pull-down 48 32 * GPIO Pins can also be used for Microphone Bias. IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 119 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 8. PACKAGE DRAWINGS 8.1. 32-pin QFN Figure 3. 32-Pad QFN Package Outline and Package Dimensions QFN Dimensions in mm Key Min Nom Max A - 0.80 0.90 A1 0 0.02 0.05 A3 b 0.20 REF. 0.18 0.25 D 5.00 BSC D1 3.50 BSC E 5.00 BSC E1 3.50 BSC e 0.50 BSC 0.30 L 0.30 0.40 0.50 D2 3.20 3.50 3.60 E2 3.20 3.50 3.60 ZD 0.75 BSC ZE 0.75 BSC R 0.20~0.25 NOTE: For more information on the QFN please see IDT QFN Application Note. IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 120 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 8.2. PC AUDIO 48-Pin LQFP Figure 4. 48-Pin LQFP Package Outline and Package Dimensions A2 D Key A A1 D1 E1 E b 48 pin LQFP e LQFP Dimensions in mm Min Nom Max A 1.40 1.50 1.60 A1 0.05 0.10 0.15 A2 1.35 1.40 1.45 D 8.80 9.00 9.20 D1 6.90 7.00 7.10 E 8.80 9.00 9.20 E1 6.90 7.00 7.10 L 0.45 0.60 0.75 e Pin 1 0.50 C 0.09 - 0.20 b 0.17 0.22 0.27 c IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 121 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 9. SOLDER REFLOW PROFILE 9.1. Standard Reflow Profile Data Note: These devices can be hand soldered at 360 oC for 3 to 5 seconds. FROM: IPC / JEDEC J-STD-020C "Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Nonhermetic Solid State Surface Mount Devices" ( Profile Feature Pb Free Assembly Average Ramp-Up Rate (Tsmax - Tp) 3 oC / second max Preheat Temperature Min (Tsmin) Temperature Max (Tsmax) Time (tsmin - tsmax) 150 oC 200 oC 60 - 180 seconds Time maintained above Temperature (TL) Time (tL) 217 oC 60 - 150 seconds Peak / Classification Temperature (Tp) Time within 5 oC of actual Peak Temperature (tp) Ramp-Down rate Time 25 oC to Peak Temperature See "Package Classification Reflow Temperatures" on page 123. 20 - 40 seconds 6 oC / second max 8 minutes max Note: All temperatures refer to topside of the package, measured on the package body surface. Figure 5. Solder Reflow Profile IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 122 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 9.2. IDTTM PC AUDIO Pb Free Process - Package Classification Reflow Temperatures Package Type MSL Reflow Temperature LQFP 48-pin 3 260 oC* QFN 32-pad 3 260 oC* 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 123 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO 10. REVISION HISTORY Revision Date Description of Change For STAC9200/9200D Revision CA1 0.5 September 2004 Initial release. 0.6 November 2004 Updated the Connection Diagrams 0.7 November 2004 Added Widget Tables 0.8 December 2004 Added 5V Analog Performance Characteristics Table FOR STAC9200/9200D Revision CB1 0.9 January 2005 Updated LQFP Package Drawing. Updated QFN Drawing. Updated Reflow profile information. Updated Widget Information- This is for the B1 revision of STAC9200/9200D. 0.91 February 2005 Added Ordering Information. Updated Reflow profile. 0.92 April 2005 Added Dolby part numbers, description and differences section, Added 5V Analog Performance Numbers with note about min/max, Added Power Consumption, Added 4V Analog supply information, Added comment for allowing GPIO to be used as microphone bias 0.93 July 2005 Added in 3.3V Analog performance numbers. Added in 4V performance numbers. Replaced reflow profile- this was only for visual purposes. No changes were made to the Data. 1.0 Updated logo 1.1 Removed "Preliminary". Added Section 7.4 "Audio Jack Presence Detect." Updated 32-pad Package Drawing 1.2 June 2006 1.3 10 October 2006 Released in IDT format. 1.4 December 2006 Updated AIDD Max spec 1.5 April 2007 Corrected 32QFN diagram, removed typical connection diagrams as the reference design should be used instead. Updated table of contents, list of tables and figures. 1.6 Jan 2008 removed STAC9200D option, as EOL notice issued Jan 2008. 1.7 May 2012 Corrected SDATA I/O assignments in pin table. Removed Confidential footer IDTTM 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC 124 STAC9200 V 1.7 05/12 STAC9200 2-CHANNEL HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO CODEC PC AUDIO Innovate with IDT audio for high fidelity. Contact: For Sales 800-345-7015 408-284-8200 Fax: 408-284-2775 Corporate Headquarters Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 6024 Silver Creek Valley Road San Jose, CA 95138 United States 800 345 7015 +408 284 8200 (outside U.S.) (c) 2006 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Product specifications subject to change without notice. IDT and the IDT logo are trademarks of Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Accelerated Thinking is a service mark of Integrated Device Technology, Inc. All other brands, product names and marks are or may be trademarks or registered trademarks used to identify products or services of their respective owners. Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Tempo Semiconductor: STAC9200X3NAEB1XR STAC9200X5NAEB1XR STAC9200X5NAEB1X STAC9200X3NAEB1X STAC9200X3TAEB1X STAC9200X5TAEB1X STAC9200X5TAEB1XR STAC9200X3TAEB1XR