CALOGIC CORP: 21E D M@ 1444322 0000037 2 mm calogic Ultra-Low Offset Voltage Operational Amplifier 7-79 -06-10 FEATURES Vy @ LowVos........ State eect rene ee neces 25uV Max. - @ Low Vog Drift....) 0.0... cece eee ee aes 0.6V:/C'Max. @ Very Stable .......... cc cece 1.02V/Month Max. @ Replaces 725, 108A/308A, AD510 - @ Wide input Voltage Range ..............0005 1 +14V APPLICATIONS @ High-Stabillty Instrumentation Amplifiers @ Precision Absolute Value Circuits @ Adjustment-Free Precision Summing Amplifiers | OP-07 DESCRIPTION The OP-07 is a very low offset (25nV max. for OP-07A), very low drift operational amplifier. Because of this low offset voltage, in many applications the OP-07 does not require external nulling. OP-07 also exhibits a very low input bias current (+2nA for OP-07A) and high gain (300,000). The OP-07 can be used as a direct replacement for 725 and 108A/308A (in TO-99 package) amplifiers, as well as for unnuled 741 amplifiers. Military temperature devices, OP-07 and OP-07A are available in TO-99 metal can and in 8-pin hermetic DIP packages. Commercial temperature range devices, OP-07C, OP-07D and OP-07E are also available in 8-pin plastic DIP packages. ORDERING INFORMATIONt PACKAGE Ta=25C HERMETIC PLASTIC PLASTIC OPER. AVog MAX = TO-99 oIP DIP SOIC TEMP. (V) 8-PIN 8-PIN 8-PIN | 8-PIN ' LCC RANGE 25 OPO7AJ* OPO7AZ* MIL 75 OPO7EJ, OPO7EZ OPO7EP OPO7ES COM 75 OPO7J* ' OPO7Z* OPO7RC/883 MIL 150 OPO7CJ OPO7CZ OPO7CP OPO7ZCS COM 150 OPO7DJ OPO7DP OP07DS COM *For devices processed in total compliance to MIL-STD-883, add /883 after part number. Consult factory for 883 data sheet. tAll commercial and industrial temperature range parts are available with burn-in. Pin Connections (Top View) 8 Vos TRIM Vos TRIM 4 7 Ve t ) -IN2 6 OUT i +IN3 5 N.C. 4 V-(CASE) TO-99 (J-Suffix) OP-O5RC/883 (Z-Suffix) . . 8-PIN PLASTIC SOIC (RC-Suffix) (S-Suffix) EPOXY MINI-DIP (P-Suffix) 8-PIN HERMETIC DIPCALOGIC CORP cLE D M 1844322 0000038 4 mi Y-79-0,-/0 CORPORATION J \ ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Note 2) NOTES: Supply M0) Xe | $22V 1. See table for maximum ambient temperature rating and derating factor. Internal Power Dissipation (Note 1) ............... 500mW + MAXIMUM AMBIENT DERATE ABOYE Differential Input Voltage ......... kee eee +30V PACKAGE TYPE TEMPERATURE MAXIMUM AMBONT Input Voltage (Note 3)... Lene eee eee eee e ees . 22V FOR RATING TEMPERATURE Output Short-Circuit Duration .................. indefinite TO-99 (J) 80C 7.AmW/C Storage Temperature Range 8-Pin Hermetic DIP (2) 78C 6.7mW/C d, RC and Z Packages ................ 65C to +150C 8-Pin Plastic DIP (P) 36C 5.6mW/C P Package ....... 0... cece eee -65C to +125C LCC (RC) 72C 7.8mW/C Operating Temperature Range iy 2. Absolute maximum ratings apply to both packaged parts and DICE, unless OP-07A; OP-07, OP-O7RC ............. ~55C to +125C otherwise noted. OP-07E, OP-07C, OP-07D ................ 0C to 470C 3. For supply voltages less than 422V, the absolute maximum input voltage is Lead Temperature (Soldering, 60 sec.) ............. 300C Squal to the supply voltage. DICE Junction Temperature (T, Povceeeeees ~65C to '+150C : ' \ Simplified Schematic Ve 2 R2AS (OPTIONAL SA2B* Sry y __ NULL) c1i= @ ( RIA RIB ' a9 aro NON- 3 Kar ozs] OUTPUT INVERTING C2 Q17 6 We INPUT Q16 1 | invertine 2 ais INPUT Kara ais ) Yars a R6 SRe NOTE: R2A AND R2B ARE ELECTRONICALLY ADJUSTED ON CHIP AT FACTORY FOR MINIMUM INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE. Die Characteristics un a 1. TRIM ; 2. (-) INPUT 3.(+) INPUT. : 4.V- ! i 6. OUTPUT ; j 7. V+ { 8. TRIM ! B. fl a | mrt DIE SIZE 0.0990.066 inch, 6534 sq. mils (2.515 1.676mm, 4.215 sq. mm) CALOGIC CORP 24E D MM 1844322 0000039 & MIT=79-6)-10 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at Vs =415V, Ta =25C, unless otherwise noted. OP-07 OP-07A OP-07 PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN. TYP, MAX. MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS input Offset Voltage Vos (Note 1) _ 10 25 - 30 75 nV Long-Term Input Offset Voltage Stability AVgs/Time (Note 2) ~ 0.2. 1.0 - 0.2 1.0 mV input Offset Current los - 0.3 2.0 _ 0.4 2.8 nA Input Blas Current, |p - +0.7 $2.0 _ +1.0 +3.0 nA Input Nolse Voitage np-p 0.1Hz to 10Hz (Npf 3) - 0.35 0.6 - 035 0.6 BVo.p i fo = 10Hz (Note 3) - 10.3 18.0 _ 10.3 18.0 Input Nolse Voltage Density en fo = 100Hz (Note 3) _ 10.0 13.0 10.0 13.0 nvV/VHz fo = 1000Hz (Note 3) ~ 9.6 11.0 _ 9.6 11.0 Input Noise Current lnp-p 0.1Hz to 10Hz (Note 3) _ 14 30 _ 14 30 PAp-p . ' fo = 10Hz (Note 3) - 0.32 0.80 - 0.32 = 0.80 Input Nolse Current Density in fo = 100Hz (Note 3) = 0.14 0.23 - 0.14 =0.23' pA/VHz ; fo = 1000Hz,(Note 3) _ 0.12 0.17 _ 0.12 0.17 Input ResistanceDitferential-Mode Rin (Note 4) 30 80 - 20 60 _ MQ Input ResistanceCommon-Mode Rincm _ 200 - - 200 _ Ga Input Voltage Range IVR +13 +14 ~_ +13 14 - Vv Common-Mode Rejection Ratio CMRR Vom= + 18V 110 126 - 110 126 _ dB Power Supply Rejection Ratio PSAR Vs=+3Vto +4 BV ~ 4. 10 _ 4 10 wVIN 7) Ri>2kh, Vo= + 10V 300 500 - 200 500 - Large-Signal Voltage Gain Avo RL >5002, Vo= +0.5V, Vs= +3V(Note 4) 150 400 10 400 vim RL>10k0 412.5 +13.0 - 125 +130 Output Voltage Swing Vo Ruz 2ko $12.0 412.8 _~ +12.0 4+12.8 Vv Rie 1ka $10.5 +12.0 _ +105 412.0 - . Slew Rate SR RL>2kf (Note 3) 0.1 0.3 ~ 0.1 0.3 - Vins Closed-Loop Bandwidth BW Aver = + 1 (Note 3) 0.4 06 0.4 0.6 MHz Open-Loop Output Resistance Ro Vo=0,lo=0 | 60 - _ 60 _ 9 | 1 t Vg = +15V,NoLoad . _ 75 120 - 75 120 | Power Consumption Py Vg= 3V, No load _ 4 6 ~. 4 6 mw | Offset Adjustment Range Rp = 20k9 -_ +4 _ - +4. - mV NOTES: 1. OP-07A grade Vos Is measured approximately one minute after application of power. For all other grades Vos Is measured approximately 0.5 seconds after application of power. 2. Long-Term Input Offset Voltage Stability refers to the averaged trend line of Vos vs. Time over extended periods after the first 30 days of operation. Exciuding the initial hour of operation, changes in Vog during the first 30 operating days are typically 2.5nVrefer to typical performance curves. 3. Sample tested. 4. Guaranteed by design. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at Vg = +15V, 55C- <T, < +125C, unless otherwise noted. 1. OP-07A grade Vos is measured approximately one minute after application of power. For all other grades Vos is measured approximately 0.5 seconds after application of power. 2. Sample tested. 3. Guaranteed by design. OP-07A OP-07 PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN. TYP MAX. MIN. TYP, MAX. UNITS input Offset Voltage Vos (Note 1) ' _ 25 60 60 200 nV Average Input Offset Voltage ' Drift Without External Trim TCVos (Note 2) _ 0.2 0.6 7 0.3 13 uC ' With External Trim TCVosn Rp =20kN (Note 3) - 0.2 0.6 _ 0.3 13 Input Offset Current los i = 0.8 4 to ' 4.2 56 nA Average Input Offset Current Drift TClog (Note 2) ' _ 5 25 - \ 8 50 pA/C Input Blag Current Ig _ +1 +4 42 +6 nA Average Input Bias Current Drift TCle (Note 2) - 8 25 * 19 50 pA/ec Input Voltage Range IVR 13 +135 - +13 +135 Vv Common-Mode Rejection, Ratio CMRR Vom=13V 106 123 - 106 123 _ dB Power Supply Rejection Ratio PSAR Vs =+38V to +18V - 5 20 5 20 BVIV ? Large-Signal Voltage Gain Avo Riz 2k, Vo =410V 200 400 -_ 150 400 VimV Output Voltage Swing Vo Ri22ko $12 $12.6 - +12 +12.6 _ Vv NOTES:CALOGIC CORP eLE D mi 1844322 o000040 2 mi T=99-0)-10 calogic a OP-07 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at Vs = +15V, Ta =25C, unless otherwise noted. ' OP-07E OP-07C . OP-07D PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN. TYP. MAX, MIN. TYP. MAX. MIN. TYP. MAX, UNITS Input Offset Voltage Vos (Note 1) ' _ 30 75 - 60 =150 _ 60 150 nV Long-Term Vos Stability Vos/Time (Note 2) - 0.3 1.5 - 0.4 2.0 _ 0.5 3.0 yV/Mo input Offset Current los , _ 05 . 38 _ 08 60 ' O8 6.0 nA Input Bias Current Ip . _ $1.2 +4.0 - 18 +7.0 _ +2.0 +12 nA input Nolse Voltage np-p 0.1Hz to 10Hz (Note 3) ~ 0.35 0.6 ~ 0.38 0.65 _ 0.38 0.65 uVpo , fo = 10Hz vt _ 10.3 18.0 - 10.5 20.0 _- 10.5 20.0 Input Noise Voitage Density @n fo = 100Hz (Note 3} - 10.0 13.0 .10.2 13.5 _ 10.3 13.5 nV/VHz 1 ' fo = 1000Hz . - 9.6 11.0 _ 98 11.5 _ 9.8 11.5 Input Nolse Current inp-p O.1Hzto10Hz(Note3) ~ 14 30 - 1 36 15 35 PAp.p ! fo = 10Hz - 0.32 0.80 - 0.35 0.90 _ 0.35 0.90 Input Noise Current Density in fo = 100Hz (Note 3) - 0.14 0.23 - 0.15 0.27 _ 0.15 0.27 pA/VHz . ' fo = 1000Hz - _ 0.12 0.17 - 0.13 0.18 _ 0.13 0.18 input ResistanceDitferential-Mode Rin (Note 4) 15 50 _ 8 33 7 31 Ma Input ResistanceCommon-Mode Rincm . -_ 160 - _ 120 - ~~ 120 _ Gn Input Voltage Range IVR . +13 +14 13 +14 ~_ 413 +14 _ Vv Common-Mode Rejection Ratio CMRR Vom= +18V. . 106 123 _ 100 120 _ 94 110 _ dB Power Supply Rejection Ratio PSRR Vs= +3V to + 18V _ 5 20 a 32 _ 7 32 BVI : ol RL 2k0, Vo= + 10V 200 500 1- 120 400 _ 120 400 _ Large-Signal Voltage Gain Avo , RL> 5002, Vo= +0.5V VimvV Vs = +3V (Note 3) 150 400 _- 100 400 ~ _ 400 _ R= 10k? $12.5 +13.0 120 +130 +12.0 413.0 _ Output Voltage Swing Vo Ri22kn $12.0 +12.8 -_ 115 4128 t11.5 +128 _ Vv : Ri>1kn . +105 +12.0 ~ +12.0 - 120 _ Slew Rate SR Ri> 2kf (Note 3) 0.1 0.3 - 0.1 03 0.1 0.3 - Vins Closed-Loop Bandwidth BW Avci # + 1.0 (Note 5) 0.4 0.6 -~ _ 0.4 06 0.4 0.6 _ MHz Open-Loop Output Resistance Ro Vo =0,lo=0 oe 60 _ 60 _ 60 - Q Vs = + 15V, No Load _ 75 120 _ 80 150 _- 80 150 Power Consumption Pg Vg 43V, No load _ 4 6 _ 4 8 _ 4 8 mw Offset Adjustment Range Rp = 20k +44 4 _ +4 _ mV T NOTES: \ 1. Input Offset Voltage measurements are performed by automated test Excluding the inital hour of operation, changes in Vog during the first 30 equipment approximately 0.5 seconds after application of power. Operating days are typically 2.54Vrefer to typical performance curves. 2. Long-Term Input Offset Voltage Stability refers to the averaged trend line of 3. Sample tested. Vos Vs. Tinie over extended periods after the first 30 days of operation. 4. Guaranteed by design.ele D mH 1844322 OOO004l 4 mm T=49-0L-16 OP07 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at Vg = +15V, 0C <T, < +70C, unless otherwise noted. OP-07E OP-07C . OP-07D PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN. TYP, MAX, MIN. TYP, MAX. MIN. TYP MAX. UNITS Input Offset Voltage Vos (Note 1) - 45 180 - 85 260 _ 85 250 uV Average Input Offset Voltage . , Drift Without External Trim TCVos (Note 3) - 03 13 - 05 18 ~_ 0.7 25 V/C With External Trim TCVosn Rp =20k2 (Note 3) _ 03 138 - 0.4 Woe 0.7 25 # Input Offset Current los . - 0.9 53 _ 1.6 8.0 - 16 8.0 nA Average Input Offset Current Drift TClos (Note 2) ip - 8 35 - 12 50 . _ 12 50 pA/C {nput Bias Current . la ' - +15 +5.5 - $2.2 +90 - +30 +14 nA Average Input Bias Current Drift TCle (Note 2) - 13 35 18 50 _ 18 50 pA/c Input Voltage Range IVR , . +130 4135 - +130 4135 130 +135 - v Common-Mode Rejection Ratio CMRR Vom =213V ' 103 123 - 97 120 _ 94 106 dB Power Supply Rejection Ratio PSRR Vs =+3V to +18V , _ 7 32 - 10 51 _ 10 51 pViV Large-Signal Voltage Gain Avo Ry > 2k0, Vo =+10V 180 450 _ 100 400 - 100 400 Vimv Output Voltage Swing Vo Ry2 2kn +12 12.6 - +11 12.6 ~_ +11 +126 v NOTES: 1. Input offset voltage measurements are performed by automated test equipment approximately 0.5 seconds after application of power... | 2. Sample tested. 3. Guaranteed by design. i } i Optional Offset Nulling Circuit Burn-In Circuit 1 } Ve 8 2 ~ 7 OUTPUT | OP-07 6 3 J <a\ -18V 3 PINOUTS SHOWN FOR J, P, AND Z PACKAGES PINOUTS SHOWN FOR J, P, AND Z PACKAGES