208 54179/74179 4-BitParailel-Access Shift Register _Schottky TT | High'Speed TLL Low-power Schottky TTL Standard TTL Low-Power TTL = _Package Package | | Package = Package | Pac K Device Type }- <=) Device Type Tap Device Type | | _Fae 1D gs ac age ' 1 evice Type | Device T . c e|M CF ic] Pi mcr cl] Pi Mice ype le IM|ce r + T Tl. J TT ed SNES wy | Cy SN74179 it i 4 ia { 7 FAIRCHILD | ----- . 14 ed FMS4179/F M931 79 DG.) ch T | l Tl Forza 093179 oat eat | | : roto + pon + MOTOROLA} -~ ~~. =} 4-4-4 P= t+ | coe ff - fefq i 1 , 1 T + T T N.S.C ies pep pe po ate bf eb .S. { a - $f ai : ~ i 1 + PHILIPS = | --._ |. - 2 eee ee eee 4+ 4.4 N74S 179 1 1 Trzai79 wl 1 + * _T SIGNETICS }.-. -----}...-1-+ . a ne [yt he I | 74179 2 taf Tt : al T ! T 7 T SIEMENS a ee Le 4 1 i 1 - : TY Fuyitsu f---- - bo - bef dpe af - +44 | r ' * T t + HITACHI bE ate L bap a ee tH i i | T Perot MITSUBISHI} -- }-+ a Se a | + NEC 4 4. | - : - fp n it TOSHIBA | -.--___| foo {ob fo ~t- cnet ttt co i mo ery Electrical Characteristics SN54 { 79/SN74 ! 79 Pin Assignment (Top View) t TO 7 INPUTS ourPuTS ovreut absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range veo ETD. suirt Bp Oo" Loan iri ee Operating free- rel 15] 14 fi3 fiz 11jto[J 9 | Our ee 4 Input voltage | temperature range [ | [ tage ac eemfn 2 orature na as 65* Up ti logic + ) | Storage temperature range cL BSC to 150 c WD 4 beh at ls positive jogic . age see functi tab recommended operating conditions CLEAR ac enon rane ee oo sns4179 | SN74179__ NIT a am On og - [MIN NOM MAX, MIN NOM MAX | | | i | Supply voltage, Voc _ [4s 5 S5/475 5 5.25] Vv il ~High-levet output current, lo 800 800 | pA WMWj2y3fafsyef7iys / Gurrentin; 7 \mA | CLEAR B a a. O1 Low: level Auiput current, Joi . 46 |r mA | ai eR NU UT OUTPUT GND Clock frequency. flock 0 25 __. 25 [MHz] INPUTS Width of clock or clear pulse, tw 20 Ins | _ Function T Table Shift (Hol) ortoad | 35 | - Setup time, tsetup Data 30 ns 179 a [Clear inactive-state 15 \ [eee SHIFT LOAD | Hold time at any input, thold _ po a ns | (See Note2) 7 x | x x a xxxPo Lo LOL Operating free-ar temperature, TA 173s tT 8 70) C i oH x xX 1, oH X |X X X]@aq QB0 eco @po oo electrical characteristics over recommended operating 4 r 4 | : | X |X XX X/@ao @Bo Aco Spo Spo; - . ; xX [abe dla b c @ @ free-air temperature range 4 Hox | nH [xx x x] Gan Gan Cen Gon PARAMETER * _t FEST CONDITIONS tL MIN TYP F MAX [UNIT ; 0 x 4 LX ARK __Oan San cn Ben | Vin Hgh-level input voltage 2 v B08 eee a 7 T ~~ Vit. Low-level input voltage a 08] V . . vi input clamp voltage Voo=MIN, y= t2mA [ =v Functional Block Diagram Vec=MIN, Vin=2, lat vi Hightevel output volt 24 3.4 v semiae OH Mighiovel ouput voltge Vy =0.8V, IgH=800uA oe Voc=MIN, ViIn= 2V, 13 w VoL Low-level output voltage ce = 02 o4alv pataa oe soy % ee Vi =9.8V, Ig = !6mA irrent i iS i Input current at maximum Voc=MAX, Vj=5.5V 1] mA Leap 12! lj " ean input voltage . _ a. __ _ | ft WH High-level input current Voc=MAX, Vi=2. 4V 40 | uA | We Low-level input current Voco=MAX, Vj=0. 4V !.6 |mA patan 2 so 17) gg \ Sh output | Voo=Max | SNS# ad 87 ma mT Ort-circuit oul current! = : end 0s Sperverroun owes ce SN74" ~i8 =37 Lt Voc=MAX, [SN54 46 70 CLEAR 4 : A oo Supply current ____ [see Noter [S74 Ce " fmax Maximum input clock {1st tal rrequency, 25 39 Mbz parac Lt $ O% O& 'PLH {from Clear to output OD | Vog=8V. Ta=25C. 15 23 { . PHL | from Clear to output CL=I5pF, Ry =4002 24 . 36 ns 7 CLEAR 9%, 9B, Oc, Po +4 'PLH a t 7 26 . 1 PHL wl from Clock to Any output } 35 [ne DATA inal re sa 18 op NOTES: |-ICG is moasured as !oliows f 2) 4.5V is apphed to sorial inputs, load, shift, and cleas, suey oe f> Log a 4 192) Sp b) parallel inputs A through D are grounded, ciean ) 4.5V 13 momentarily applied to clock which 1s then grounded. 2. H=high level (steady state). L low level (steady stats) crock it! X =irrelevant (any inpyt, inoluding transitions ) | =tranzition from high to low level cueaa Af >_> a,b. , dethe tevel of steady-state inputt at inputs A. B.C. or D. respectively. \ 940, P80, 8CO. Ppa =the level of O4, OB, Q, of Op, respectively, before the nc steady stats mpl centinona wore satbichen. > _. . Osnotes input activated by a transition from a high level to & low evel. Sha, an, OGn=rhe teva of OA, OB, oF OC, respectively beloe the mest ramen | i 179 4BIT PARALLEL-ACCESS SHIFT REGISTER + For conditions shown as MIN or MAX, use the appropriate value ified under r ded operating di for the applicadie device type $ Alltypical values are at Vog= 5 V, TA=25C. @Not more than one output should be shorted at a time. % tPHL =propagavion delay time, high-todow-level output tpLh= Propagation delay time, low-to- high-level output