VN330SP(8932) QUAD HIGH SIDE SMART POWER SOLID STATE RELAY General Features Type Vdemag(*) RDSon(*) Iout(*) VCC VN330SP(8932) VCC-55V 0.32(**) 36V 1A PowerSO-10TM (*)Per channel. (**)at TJ = 85C Features OUTPUT CURRENT : 1A PER CHANNEL DIGITAL INPUT CLAMPED AT 32V MINIMUM VOLTAGE SHORTED LOAD AND OVERTEMPERATURE PROTECTIONS BUILT-IN CURRENT LIMITER UNDERVOLTAGE SHUT-DOWN OPEN DRAIN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT FAST DEMAGNETIZATION OF INDUCTIVE LOADS Description The VN330SP(8932) is a monolithic device made using STMicroelectronics VIPower Technology, intended for driving four indipendent resistive or inductive loads with one side connected to ground. Active current limitation avoids dropping the system power supply in case of shorted load. Built-in thermal shut-down protects the chip from overtemperature and short circuit. The open drain diagnostic output indicates over-temperature conditions. Block Diagram September 2005 Rev 2 1/14 14 VN330SP(8932) Table 1. Absolute Maximum Rating Symbol Parameter VCC Power supply voltage -VCC Reverse supply voltage IOUT Output current (continuos) IR Reverse output current (per channel) IIN Input current (per channel) Value Unit 45 V -0.3 V Internally limited A -6 A 10 mA IDIAG Diag pin current 10 mA VESD Electrostatic discharge (R = 1.5KW; C = 100pF) 2000 V EAS Single pulse avalanche energy per channel not simultaneously Figure 3. 400 mJ Ptot Power dissipation at Tc <= 25C Internally limited W TJ Junction operating temperature Internally limited C Tstg Storage Temperature -55 to 150 C Figure 1. Connection Diagram (Top View) Figure 2. Current and Voltage Conventions 2/14 VN330SP(8932) Table 2. Thermal data Symbol Parameter Max Value Unit RthJC Thermal resistance junction-case (Note:1) Max 2 C/W RthJA Thermal resistance junction-ambient (Note:2) Max 50 C/W Note: 1.Per channel Note: 2.When mounted using minimum recommended pad size on FR-4 board Electrical Chracteristics (10V < V CC < 36V; -25C < TJ < 125C; unless otherwise specified) Table 3. Symbol VCC RON Power Section Parameter Test Conditions Supply voltage On state resistance Min. Typ. 10 IOUT = 0.5A; TJ = 125C IOUT = 0.5A; TJ = 85C IOUT = 0.5A; TJ = 25C IS Vdemag Table 4. Symbol Supply current Unit 36 V 0.4 0.32 0.2 1 10 mA mA VCC-65 VCC-55 VCC-45 V Logical Input Parameter Input low level voltage VIH Input high level voltage . VI(HYST) Input hysteresis voltage Input current ILGND Output current in ground disconnection VICL Input clamp voltage Note:3 Note: On state; TJ = 125C IOUT1...IOUT4 = 0V Output voltage at turn-off IOUT = 0.5A; LLOAD >= 1mH VIL IIN All channels OFF; VIN = 30V; Max. Test Conditions Note:3 Min. Typ. Max. Unit 2 V 3.5 V 0.5 VIN = 0 to 30V VIN = 0 to 2V VCC = VINn = GND = DIAG = 24V; IIN = -1mA 25 mA 25 TJ = 25C IIN = 1mA V 600 32 36 -0.7 V V 3.The input voltage is internally clamped at 32V minimum, it is possible to connect the input pins to an higher voltage via an external resistor calculate to not exceed 10mA 3/14 VN330SP(8932) Table 5. Symbol td(ON) Switching ( VCC = 24V) Parameter Turn-on delay time of Output current Test Conditions IOUT = 0.5A, Resistive Load Input rise time < 0.1s, TJ = 25C Min. Typ. Max. Unit 30 40 60 s s 50 100 115 s s 20 30 40 s s 8 15 20 s s 0.5 2 /s /s 2 4 /s /s TJ = 125C tr Rise time of Output current IOUT = 0.5A, Resistive Load Input rise time < 0.1s, TJ = 25C TJ = 125C td(OFF) Turn-off delay time of Output current IOUT = 0.5A, Resistive Load Input rise time < 0.1s, TJ = 25C TJ = 125C tf Fall time of Output current IOUT = 0.5A, Resistive Load Input rise time < 0.1s, TJ = 25C TJ = 125C (di/dt)on Turn-on current slope (di/dt)off Turn-off current slope 4/14 IOUT = 0.5A, IOUT = ILIM, T J = 25C IOUT = 0.5A, IOUT = ILIM, T J = 25C VN330SP(8932) Table 6. Symbol Protections Parameter Test Conditions VDIAG(*) Status voltage output low IDIAG = 5mA ( Fault condition ) VSCL (*) Status clamp voltage VUSD Undervoltage shut down ILIM DC Short circuit current IDIAG = 1mA VCC = 24V; R LOAD < 10m Peak short circuit current VCC = 24V; V IN = 30; RLOAD < 10m IDIAGH Leakage on diag pin in high state ILOAD Output leakage current TTSD TR 32 IDIAG = -1mA IOVPK tSC Min. Typ. Max. Unit 1 V 36 -0.7 V V 5 8 V 1 2.5 A 4 A 100 25 100 s VDIAG = 24V VCC = 10 to 36V; V IN = VIL 4 Channels in Parallel Delay time of current limiter Thermal shut down temperature 150 170 C Thermal reset temperature 135 155 C (*)Status determination > 100ms after the switching edge. Note: Figure 3. If INPUT pin is floating the corrisponding channel will automatically switch OFF. If GND pin is disconnected, the channel will switch OFF provided VCC not exceed 36V. Avalance Energy Test Circuit 5/14 VN330SP(8932) Figure 4. Peak Short Circuit Test Diagram Table 7. Truth Table 6/14 Conditions INPUTn OUTPUTn Diagnostic Normal operation L H L H H H Overtemperature L H L L H L Undervoltage L H L L H H Shorted load ( Current limitation ) L H L H H H VN330SP(8932) Figure 5. Switching Waveforms 7/14 VN330SP(8932) Figure 6. Switching Parameter Test Conditions Figure 7. Driving Circuit 8/14 VN330SP(8932) PowerSO-10TM Thermal Data Figure 8. PowerSO-10TM PC Board Figure 9. RthJA Vs. PBC copper area in open box free air condition 9/14 VN330SP(8932) Table 8. PowerSO-10TM Mechanical Data Figure 10. PowerSO-10TM Package Dimensions 10/14 VN330SP(8932) Figure 11. PowerSO-10TM Suggested Pad and Tube Shipment (No Suffix) Figure 12. Tape and Reel Shipment (Suffix "TR") 11/14 VN330SP(8932) Table 9. 12/14 Order Codes Package Tube Tape and Reel PowerSO-10TM VN330SP(8932) VN330SP(8932)TR VN330SP(8932) Table 10. Revision History Date Revision 5-Sep-2005 2 Changes New Template. Final release 13/14 VN330SP(8932) Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics. The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics. All other names are the property of their respective owners (c) 2005 STMicroelectronics - All rights reserved STMicroelectronics group of companies Australia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States of America 14/14