Table 2. Thermal data
Note: 1.Per channel
Note: 2.Wh en mou nted using minimum recomm end ed pad size on FR-4 board
El ectric al Ch ra cteri sti cs (10V < VCC < 3 6 V; - 25 °C < T J < 125 °C ; un les s ot herwis e spec if ied)
Table 3. Power Section
Table 4. Logical Input
Note: 3. The input voltage is internally clamped at 32V minimum, it is possible to connect the input
pins to an higher voltage via an external resistor ca lculate to not exceed 10mA
Symbol Parameter Max Value Unit
RthJC Ther m al r esistance junction-cas e (Note:1) Max 2 °C/W
RthJA Thermal resistance junction- ambient (Note:2) Max 50 °C/W
Symbol Parameter Test Condit ions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
VCC Supply vol tag e 10 36 V
RON On state resistance
IOUT = 0.5A; TJ = 125°C
IOUT = 0.5A; TJ = 85°C
IOUT = 0.5A; TJ = 25°C
ISSupply current All chann els OFF; VIN = 30V;
On state; TJ = 125°C IOUT1...IOUT4 = 0V 1
10 mA
Vdemag Output voltage at turn-off IOUT = 0.5A; LLOAD >= 1mH VCC-65 VCC-55 VCC-45 V
S ymbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Ty p. Max. Unit
VIL Input low level voltage 2 V
VIH Input high level voltage . Note:33.5 V
VI(HYST) Input hysteresis voltage 0.5 V
IIN Input current VIN = 0 t o 30V
VIN = 0 t o 2V 25
600 µΑ
ILGND Output current in ground
disconnection VCC = VINn = GND = DIAG = 24V;
TJ = 25°C 25 mA
VICL Input clamp voltage
Note:3IIN = 1m A
IIN = -1m A 32 36
-0.7 V