Commercial Temperature
3.3V CMOS SYNCFIFO™ 512 x 36, 1,024 x 36 AND 2,048 x 36
is complete, the X and Y register values are loaded bitwise through the FS0/
SD input on each LOW-to-HIGH transition of CLKA that the FS1/SEN input is
LOW. There are 18-, 20-, or 22-bit writes needed to complete the programming
for the IDT72V3631, IDT72V3641, or IDT72V3651, respectively. The first-bit
write stores the most significant bit of the Y register, and the last-bit write stores
the least significant bit of the X register. Each register value can be programmed
from 1 to 508 (IDT72V3631), 1 to 1,020 (IDT72V3641), or 1 to 2,044
When the option to program the Offset registers serially is chosen, the
Input Ready (IR) flag remains LOW until all register bits are written. The IR flag
is set HIGH by the LOW-to-HIGH transition of CLKA after the last bit is loaded
to allow normal FIFO operation. The timing diagram for serial load of offset
registers can be found in Figure 4.
The state of the port-A data (A0-A35) outputs is controlled by the port-A
Chip Select (CSA) and the port-A Write/Read select (W/RA). The A0-A35
outputs are in the high-impedance state when either CSA or W/RA is HIGH. The
A0-A35 outputs are active when both CSA and W/RA are LOW.
Data is loaded into the FIFO from the A0-A35 inputs on a LOW-to-HIGH
transition of CLKA when CSA and the port-A Mailbox select (MBA) are LOW,
W/RA, the port-A Enable (ENA), and the Input Ready (IR) flag are HIGH (see
Table 2). Writes to the FIFO are independent of any concurrent FIFO read. For
the Write Cycle Timing diagram, see Figure 5.
The port-B control signals are identical to those of port-A with the
exception that the port-B Write/Read select (W/RB) is the inverse of the port-
A Write/Read select (W/RA). The state of the port-B data (B0-B35) outputs is
controlled by the port-B Chip Select (CSB) and the port-B Write/Read select (W/
RB). The B0-B35 outputs are in the high-impedance state when either CSB is
HIGH or W/RB is LOW. The B0-B35 outputs are active when CSB is LOW and
Data is read from the FIFO to its output register on a LOW-to-HIGH transition
of CLKB when CSB and the port-B Mailbox select (MBB) are LOW, W/RB, the
port-B Enable (ENB), and the Output Ready (OR) flag are HIGH (see Table 3).
Reads from the FIFO are independent of any concurrent FIFO writes. For the
Read Cycle Timing diagram, see Figure 6.
The setup- and hold-time constraints to the port clocks for the port Chip
Selects and Write/Read selects are only for enabling write and read operations
and are not related to high-impedance control of the data outputs. If a port Enable
is LOW during a clock cycle, the port Chip Select and Write/Read select may
change states during the setup- and hold time window of the cycle.
When the OR flag is LOW, the next data word is sent to the FIFO output
register automatically by the CLKB LOW-to-HIGH transition that sets the
OR flag HIGH. When OR is HIGH, an available data word is clocked to the
FIFO output register only when a FIFO read is selected by the port-B Chip Select
(CSB), Write/Read select (W/RB), Enable (ENB), and Mailbox select (MBB).
The IDT72V3631/72V3641/72V3651 is reset by taking the Reset (RST)
input LOW for at least four port-A Clock (CLKA) and four port-B (CLKB) LOW-
to-HIGH transitions. The Reset input may switch asynchronously to the clocks.
A reset initializes the memory read and write pointers and forces the Input
Ready (IR) flag LOW, the Output Ready (OR) flag LOW, the Almost-Empty (AE)
flag LOW, and the Almost-Full (AF) flag HIGH. Resetting the device also forces
the Mailbox Flags (MBF1, MBF2) HIGH. After a FIFO is reset, its Input Ready
flag is set HIGH after at least two clock cycles to begin normal operation. A FIFO
must be reset after power up before data is written to its memory. The relevant
FIFO Reset timing diagram can be found in Figure 2.
These devices operate in the First Word Fall Through mode (FWFT). This
mode uses the Output Ready function (OR) to indicate whether or not there is
valid data at the data outputs (B0-B35). It also uses the Input Ready (IR) function
to indicate whether or not the FIFO memory has any free space for writing. In
the FWFT mode, the first word written to an empty FIFO goes directly to data
outputs, no read request necessary. Subsequent words must be accessed by
performing a formal read operation.
Two registers in these devices are used to hold the offset values for the
Almost-Empty and Almost-Full flags. The Almost-Empty (AE) flag Offset
register is labeled X, and the Almost-Full (AF) flag Offset register is labeled Y.
The Offset register can be loaded with a value in three ways: one of two preset
values are loaded into the Offset registers, parallel load from port A, or serial
load. The Offset register programming mode is chosen by the flag select (FS1,
FS0) inputs during a LOW-to-HIGH transition on the RST input (See Table 1).
If the preset value of 8 or 64 is chosen by the FS1 and FS0 inputs at the
time of a RST LOW-to-HIGH transition according to Table 1, the preset value
is automatically loaded into the X and Y registers. No other device initialization
is necessary to begin normal operation, and the IR flag is set HIGH after two
LOW-to-HIGH transitions on CLKA. For the Preset value loading timing
diagram, see Figure 2.
To program the X and Y registers from port A, the device is reset with FS0
and FS1 LOW during the LOW-to-HIGH transition of RST. After this reset is
complete, the IR flag is set HIGH after two LOW-to-HIGH transitions on CLKA.
The first two writes to the FIFO do not store data in its memory but load the Offset
registers in the order Y, X. Each Offset register of the IDT72V3631, IDT72V3641,
and IDT72V3651 uses port-A inputs (A8-A0), (A9-A0), and (A10-A0), respec-
tively. The highest number input is used as the most significant bit of the binary
number in each case. Each register value can be programmed from 1 to 508
(IDT72V3631), 1 to 1,020 (IDT72V3641), and 1 to 2,044 (IDT72V3651). After
both Offset registers are programmed from port A, subsequent FIFO writes
store data in the RAM. The timing diagram for parallel load of offset registers
can be found in Figure 3.
To program the X and Y registers serially, the device is reset with FS0/SD
and FS1/SEN HIGH during the LOW-to-HIGH transition of RST. After this reset
1. X register holds the offset for AE; Y register holds the offset for AF.
FS1 FS0 RST X and Y Registers (1)
HH↑Serial Load
LL↑Parallel Load From Port A
Table 1. Flag Programming