1. See test circuits and waveforms.
2. Minimum limits are guaranteed but not tested on Propagation Delays.
3. tPLH, tPHL, tSK(t) are production tested. All other parameters guaranteed but not production tested.
4. Propagation delay range indicated by Min. and Max. limit is due to VCC, operating temperature and process parameters. These propagation delay limits do not imply skew.
FCT3807 FCT3807A
Symbol Parameter Conditions(1) Min.(2) Max.Min.(2) Max.Unit
tPLH Propagation Delay CL = 30pF 1.5 4.5 1.5 4 ns
tPHL f ≤ 67MHz
tROutput Rise Time (0.8 to 2V) (See figure 3) — 1.5 — 1.5 ns
tFOutput Fall Time (0.8 to 2V) — 1.5 — 1.5 ns
tSK(O) Output skew: skew between outputs of — 0.5 — 0.35 ns
same package (same transition)
tSK(P) Pulse skew: skew between opposite transitions — 0.5 — 0.35 ns
of same output (|tPHL -– tPLH|)
tSK(T) Package skew: skew between outputs of different — 1 — 0.75 ns
packages at same power supply voltage,
temperature, package type and speed grade
FCT3807 FCT3807A
Symbol Parameter Conditions(1) Min.(2) Max.Min.(2) Max.Unit
tPLH Propagation Delay CL = 50pF 1.5 4.8 1.5 4.3 ns
tPHL f ≤ 40MHz
tROutput Rise Time (0.8 to 2V) (See figure 4) — 1.5 — 1.5 ns
tFOutput Fall Time (0.8 to 2V) — 1.5 — 1.5 ns
tSK(O) Output skew: skew between outputs of — 0.5 — 0.35 ns
same package (same transition)
tSK(P) Pulse skew: skew between opposite transitions — 0.5 — 0.35 ns
of same output (|tPHL -– tPLH|)
tSK(T) Package skew: skew between outputs of different — 1 — 0.75 ns
packages at same power supply voltage,
temperature, package type and speed grade
FCT3807 FCT3807A
Symbol Parameter Conditions(1) Min.(2) Max.Min.(2) Max.Unit
tPLH Propagation Delay 50Ω to VCC/2 1.5 3.5 1.5 3 ns
tPHL CL = 10pF
tROutput Rise Time (0.8 to 2V) (See figure 1) — 1.5 — 1.5 ns
tFOutput Fall Time (0.8 to 2V) or 10Ω AC — 1.5 — 1.5 ns
tSK(O) Output skew: skew between outputs of termination, — 0.5 — 0.35 ns
same package (same transition) CL = 50pF
tSK(P) Pulse skew: skew between opposite transitions (See figure 2) — 0.5 — 0.35 ns
of same output (|tPHL -– tPLH|) f ≤ 100MHz
tSK(T) Package skew: skew between outputs of different Outputs — 0.9 — 0.65 ns
packages at same power supply voltage, connected in
temperature, package type and speed grade groups of two