Altera Corporation 23
FLEX 10KE Embed d ed Prog ra mmable Logic De vi ces Data Shee t
Normal Mode
The normal mode is suitable for general logic applica tions and wide
de cod ing f un ctions that can take adv a nt ag e of a cas ca de chain. In normal
mode, four data inputs from the LAB local interconnect and th e carry-in
are inpu ts to a fou r-input LUT . The A lte ra Com piler aut omati cally select s
the ca rry-in or the DATA3 signal as one of the inputs to the LUT. The LUT
output can be combined with the cascade-in signal to form a cascade chain
thr ough th e casc ade -out sign al. Either the reg ister or th e LUT ca n be used
to drive both the local interconnect and the FastTrack Interconnect routing
str uct ur e at the same time .
The LUT and the regist er in the LE can be used indep endently (regi ster
packin g). To suppor t regi ster pa cking , the LE h as tw o outputs ; one dr ives
the local interconnect, and the other drives the FastTrack Interconnect
routing st ructure. The DATA4 si gnal can drive the reg ister dir ectly,
allowing the LUT to compute a function that is independent of the
regis tered s ignal; a thre e-input function can be compute d in the LUT, and
a fourth independent signal can be registered. Alternatively, a four-input
function can be generated, and one of the in puts to this function can be
used to drive the register. The register in a packed LE can still use the clock
enable, clear, and preset signals in the LE. In a packed LE, the register can
drive the FastTrack Interconnect routing structure while the LUT drives
the local interconnect, or vice versa.
Arithmetic Mode
The arithmetic mode offers 2 three-input L UTs th at are ideal for
implementing adders, accumulators, and comparators. One LUT
computes a three-input function; the other generates a carr y output. As
shown in Figure 11 on page 22, the first LUT uses the car r y-in si gnal and
two data inputs from the LAB local interconnect to generate a
combi nator ial o r regi ste r ed out put. For e xample , in a n a dde r, th is output
is the sum of three signals: a, b, and carry-in. The second LUT uses the
same thr e e signals to ge ne rate a carry-out signal, th er eb y cre ating a carr y
chai n. The ar ithmetic m ode al so support s simultane ous use of the casc ade
Up/Down Counter Mode
The up/down counter mode offers counter enable, clock enable,
synchronous up/down control, and data loading options. These control
sign als ar e g e ner a te d by the da ta inpu ts f rom th e L AB loca l int er co nne ct,
the carry-in signal, and output feedback from the programmable register.
Use 2 three-input LUTs: one generates the counter data, and the other
generates the fast carry bit. A 2-to-1 multiplexer provides synchronous
loading. Data can also be loaded asynchronously with the clear and preset
regist er co ntrol signals wi thout using t he LU T reso urc e s.