ZZiiggBBeeee//880022..1155..44.. The ZMN2430 includes the ZigBee
2006 stack as well as Cirronet’s CSM profile eliminating the need
for any firmware development. The ZMN2430 can operate as a
reduced function device (RFD) for end devices to consume the
least amount of power, or as a full function device (FFD) to act as
a Coordinator or Router. Each node type can be ordered sepa-
rately or the module’s bootloader can be used to load the appro-
priate firmware during manufacture.
IInndduussttrriiaall NNeettwwoorrkkiinngg.. With 1mW (0dBm) of transmit
power has the power to communicate in industrial and high noise
environments while minimizing the power consumed. The
ZMN2430 also has a full industrial temperature operating range,
-40°C to +85°C. Building on Cirronet's many years of developing
products for industrial applications, the ZMN2430 is uniquely
designed with Cirronet’s proprietary technology that guarantees
industrial grade performance.
RRaappiidd && CCoosstt--EEffffeeccttiivvee IInntteeggrraattiioonn..The ZMN2430 is
treated just like other integrated circuits. Even though it is a
complete RF module, it is reflow soldered to the host PCB - there
is no need for expensive, unreliable connectors and with its small
footprint, there is no size penalty for using a module. Cirronet
has relied on its experience in helping hundreds of OEMs inte-
grate Cirronet modules to create a full set of development and
configuration tools.
tiiffiiccaattiioonnss..Cirronet has obtained FCC and
ETSI certifications as a module. This means FCC & CE type
acceptance testing is not required for the device into which the
module is integrated, saving you money and getting your product
to market faster.
EExxppeerriieennccee..Cirronet’s 20 years of experience in RF goes
into every ZMN2430 module. Our RF know-how and practical
engineering have made Cirronet the choice of hundreds of
OEMs. OEMs know they can rely on Cirronet products and
Cirronet’s unsurpassed technical support to help get their prod-
ucts to market on time.
LLeett uuss bbee yyoouurr eexxppeerrttss..Cirronet has delivered high-
performance wireless products since 1987. To find out how to put
our experience to work for you, call ++11..667788..668844..22000000or visit
our website at wwwwww..cciirrrroonneett..ccoomm..
•2.4 GHz Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
•Ad hoc mesh network
•Small size, light weight
•FCC & ETSI certified for
unlicensed operation
•Worldwide license-free operation
•Redundant, self healing network
•Supports large number of nodes
•Ideal for noisy, industrial applications
•Easy to integrate
•Shortens time to market
•Low cost
Small in size, the low cost ZMN2430 module is ideal for ZigBee applica-
tions needing very low current consumption including industrial sensors, building
and home automation, and any other applications requiring ZigBee’s unique
capabilities. The 2.4GHz, license-free band is also more widely accepted inter-
nationally. Based on the CC2430 SoC, the sleep current is less than 3uA for the
entire module.
ZMN2430 2.4GHz
Single Chip ZigBee™ Wireless
Mesh Networking Module
CIRRONETTM 3079 Premiere pkwy, Suite 140, Duluth, georgia 30097
www.cirronet.com p: +1 678 684 2000 f: +1 678 684 2001