Dear reader of this benchmark
The following general comments should be noted on C Code benchmarking:
•O ur goa l wit h th is pr e s en ta ti on is to s u ppo r t ou r clai m tha t w e ha v e a ver y High Level La ng ua ge (in this c as e ‘C ’) sui tabl e ar chitecture.
•The results may vary from application to application, but in average you will find AVR among the most code efficient architectures in the
•The r e do es no t exi s t an y s ta nd ar d to me as u r e C Cod e effi cie nc y, hen c e we hav e col lec te d r ea l ap pl ica ti o ns from c u st o m er s. The r e is,
however, an emerging standard for measuring C Code efficiency. The EEMBC (EDN Embedded Microprocessor Benchmark Consortium) are
currently developing a benchmark suite of real and synthetic applications written in C which we will look into when it becomes available.
•Since not all code could be compiled for all compilers, all the indexes are relative to AVR. Only the applications that could be compiled for both
two applications are summed, and the ratio between the code sizes is displayed.
•Since not all code could be compiled for all compilers, all the indexes are relative to AVR. Only the applications that could be compiled for both
two applications are used, and the ratio between every two applications is computed. The averaged ratio is displayed in the figure.
•Most of the compile r s used ar e fr om IA R. Th e ad van t a ge of us ing t he same com p iler c om p an y f or m os t of the pro ces sors is tha t the di ffere nce
in the code size does not depend on the global optimization which all compilers will benefit from, but to a larger degree of architectural
•Some of the compilers exist in la te r versions, so the results might be diff erent for some of the mic rocontrollers.
The AVR C Compiler is, compared to many of our competitors, a relatively young compiler. The AVR C Comp iler still gains significant
code size decrease in every new release of the compiler.
By writing the code with the AVR architecture a s maller code s ize can be achieved. The code in the benchmark i s NOT optimi zed for
AVR, but the result is still very good !
Enj o y you r rea d ing