Product data sheet Industrial CompactFlashTM Card C-320 Series up to UDMA4 / MDMA4 / PIO6 Standard & ZoneProtection B U: Fl a sh Pr od u ct s Date : De ce m be r 13 , 2 01 2 Re vi si o n: 1 .3 0 Fi le : C -3 2 0_ dat a_ s he e t_ C F - H x BO _Re v 13 0 .d oc Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 1 of 101 C-320 Series - Industrial UDMA CompactFlashTM Card, 2GByte up to 32GByte, 3.3/5V Supply 1 Features Highly-integrated memory controller o Fully compliant with CompactFlashTM specification 3.0, compatible with specification 4.1 o Fully compatible with PCMCIA specification o PC Card ATA Interface supported o True IDE mode compatible o Up to PIO mode 6 supported o Up to MDMA4 supported o Up to UDMA4 supported o Hardware RS-code ECC (4 Bytes/528 Bytes correction) o Fix drive (IDE mode) & removable drive (PCMCIA mode) as default configuration Small form factor o CFC Type I: 36.4mm x 42.8mm x 3.3mm Low-power CMOS technology 3.3V or 5.0V power supply Power saving mode (with automatic wake-up) S.M.A.R.T. support in *-SMA product type Optional Security feature: Swissbit ZoneProtection on request in *-ZP1 product type (2GB up to 16GB) Wear Leveling: equal wear leveling of static and dynamic data The wear leveling assures that dynamic data as well as static data is balanced evenly across the memory. With that the maximum write endurance of the device is guaranteed. Data Retention: 10 year (JESD47) Patented power-off reliability o No data loss of older sectors o Max. 32 sectors data loss (old data kept) o All data written to the flash if card status is ready after write command High reliability o MTBF > 3,000,000 hours o Data reliability: < 1 non-recoverable error per 1014 bits read o Number of connector insertions/removals: >10,000 Hot swappable in PCMCIA modes High performance o Up to 66MB/s burst transfer rate in UDMA4 o Sustained Write performance: up to 35MB/s (UDMA4) o Sustained Read Performance: up to 45MB/s (UDMA4) Available densities o up to 32GBytes Operating System support o Standard Software Drivers operation CompactFlash 2 Temperature ranges o Commercial Temperature range 0 ... +70C o Industrial Temperature range -40 ... +85C Life Cycle Management Controlled BOM RoHS compatible Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 2 of 101 2 Table of Contents 1 FEATURES ............................................................................................................................................................................... 2 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................................................... 3 3 ORDER INFORMATION............................................................................................................................................................. 6 3.3 OFFERED OEM OPTIONS ................................................................................................................................................................. 6 4 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 4.1 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE ................................................................................................................................................................... 7 4.2 ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS...................................................................................................................................................... 8 4.3 PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS ................................................................................................................................................................... 9 4.4 RELIABILITY ................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 4.5 DRIVE GEOMETRY / CHS PARAMETER ............................................................................................................................................... 9 4.6 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................................................ 10 5 ELECTRICAL INTERFACE ......................................................................................................................................................... 11 5.1 ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................................................... 11 5.2 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION............................................................................................................................................................. 16 5.3 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPACTFLASH ADVANCED TIMING MODE............................................................................................. 17 6 COMMAND INTERFACE .......................................................................................................................................................... 18 6.1 ATTRIBUTE MEMORY READ AND WRITE ............................................................................................................................................ 18 6.2 COMMON MEMORY READ AND WRITE ............................................................................................................................................. 19 6.3 I/O READ AND WRITE .................................................................................................................................................................. 21 6.4 TRUE IDE MODE ........................................................................................................................................................................ 22 6.5 ULTRA DMA MODE .................................................................................................................................................................... 24 7 CARD CONFIGURATION ......................................................................................................................................................... 43 7.1 CONFIGURATION OPTION REGISTER (200H IN ATTRIBUTE MEMORY) ....................................................................................................... 43 7.2 COMPACTFLASH MEMORY CARD CONFIGURATIONS .............................................................................................................................. 44 7.3 PIN REPLACEMENT REGISTER (204H IN ATTRIBUTE MEMORY) .............................................................................................................. 44 7.4 SOCKET AND COPY REGISTER (206H IN ATTRIBUTE MEMORY) .............................................................................................................. 45 7.5 ATTRIBUTE MEMORY FUNCTION ...................................................................................................................................................... 45 7.6 I/O TRANSFER FUNCTION .............................................................................................................................................................. 46 7.7 COMMON MEMORY TRANSFER FUNCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 46 7.8 TRUE IDE MODE I/O FUNCTION ..................................................................................................................................................... 46 7.9 HOST CONFIGURATION REQUIREMENTS FOR MASTER/SLAVE OR NEW TIMING MODES ................................................................................ 47 8 SOFTWARE INTERFACE .......................................................................................................................................................... 48 8.1 CF-ATA DRIVE REGISTER SET DEFINITION AND PROTOCOL................................................................................................................... 48 8.2 MEMORY MAPPED ADDRESSING .................................................................................................................................................... 48 8.3 CONTIGUOUS I/O MAPPED ADDRESSING .......................................................................................................................................... 49 8.4 I/O PRIMARY AND SECONDARY ADDRESS CONFIGURATIONS ................................................................................................................. 50 8.5 TRUE IDE MODE ADDRESSING ...................................................................................................................................................... 50 9 CF-ATA REGISTERS ............................................................................................................................................................... 51 9.1 DATA REGISTER ........................................................................................................................................................................... 51 9.2 ERROR REGISTER ........................................................................................................................................................................ 51 9.3 FEATURE REGISTER ...................................................................................................................................................................... 52 9.4 SECTOR COUNT REGISTER .............................................................................................................................................................. 52 9.5 SECTOR NUMBER (LBA 7-0) REGISTER .......................................................................................................................................... 52 9.6 CYLINDER LOW (LBA 15-8) REGISTER ........................................................................................................................................... 52 9.7 CYLINDER HIGH (LBA 23-16) REGISTER......................................................................................................................................... 52 9.8 DRIVE/HEAD (LBA 27-24) REGISTER ............................................................................................................................................ 52 9.9 STATUS & ALTERNATE STATUS REGISTERS ........................................................................................................................................ 53 9.10 DEVICE CONTROL REGISTER ......................................................................................................................................................... 54 9.11 CARD (DRIVE) ADDRESS REGISTER ................................................................................................................................................. 54 10 CF-ATA COMMAND DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................................................... 56 Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 3 of 101 10.1 CHECK POWER MODE (98H OR E5H) ............................................................................................................................................ 57 10.2 ERASE SECTOR(S) (C0H) ............................................................................................................................................................. 57 10.3 EXECUTE DRIVE DIAGNOSTIC (90H) .............................................................................................................................................. 57 10.4 FLUSH CACHE (E7H) .................................................................................................................................................................. 58 10.5 FORMAT TRACK (50H) ................................................................................................................................................................ 58 10.6 IDENTIFY DEVICE (ECH) .............................................................................................................................................................. 58 10.7 IDLE (97H OR E3H) ................................................................................................................................................................... 66 10.8 IDLE IMMEDIATE (95H OR E1H) ................................................................................................................................................... 66 10.9 INITIALIZE DRIVE PARAMETERS (91H)............................................................................................................................................ 66 10.10 NOP (00H) ........................................................................................................................................................................... 67 10.11 READ BUFFER (E4H)................................................................................................................................................................. 67 10.12 READ DMA (C8H) ................................................................................................................................................................... 67 10.13 READ MULTIPLE (C4H).............................................................................................................................................................. 68 10.14 READ NATIVE MAX ADDRESS (F8H) ............................................................................................................................................. 68 10.15 READ SECTOR(S) (20H OR 21H) .................................................................................................................................................. 69 10.16 READ VERIFY SECTOR(S) (40H OR 41H) ....................................................................................................................................... 69 10.17 RECALIBRATE (1XH) .................................................................................................................................................................. 69 10.18 REQUEST SENSE (03H) ............................................................................................................................................................. 70 10.19 SEEK (7XH) ............................................................................................................................................................................ 70 10.20 SECURITY DISABLE PASSWORD (F6H) .......................................................................................................................................... 71 10.21 SECURITY ERASE PREPARE (F3H) ................................................................................................................................................. 71 10.22 SECURITY ERASE UNIT (F4H) ..................................................................................................................................................... 71 10.23 SECURITY FREEZE LOCK (F5H) .................................................................................................................................................... 72 10.24 SECURITY SET PASSWORD (F1H).................................................................................................................................................. 72 10.25 SECURITY UNLOCK (F2H) ........................................................................................................................................................... 73 10.26 SET FEATURES (EFH) ................................................................................................................................................................ 73 10.27 SET MAX ADDRESS (F9H)........................................................................................................................................................... 75 10.28 SET MULTIPLE MODE (C6H) ...................................................................................................................................................... 76 10.29 SET SLEEP MODE (99H OR E6H) ............................................................................................................................................... 77 10.30 S.M.A.R.T. (B0H)................................................................................................................................................................ 77 10.31 STANDBY (96H OR E2) ............................................................................................................................................................. 77 10.32 STANDBY IMMEDIATE (94H OR E0H) .......................................................................................................................................... 78 10.33 TRANSLATE SECTOR (87H) ......................................................................................................................................................... 78 10.34 WEAR LEVEL (F5H) ................................................................................................................................................................. 78 10.35 WRITE BUFFER (E8H) .............................................................................................................................................................. 78 10.36 WRITE DMA (CAH) ................................................................................................................................................................. 79 10.37 WRITE MULTIPLE COMMAND (C5H) ............................................................................................................................................. 79 10.38 WRITE MULTIPLE WITHOUT ERASE (CDH) ..................................................................................................................................... 80 10.39 WRITE SECTOR(S) (30H OR 31H) ................................................................................................................................................ 80 10.40 WRITE SECTOR(S) WITHOUT ERASE (38H) .................................................................................................................................... 81 10.41 WRITE VERIFY (3CH) ................................................................................................................................................................ 81 11 S.M.A.R.T FUNCTIONALITY ................................................................................................................................................... 82 11.1 S.M.A.R.T. ENABLE / DISABLE OPERATIONS ................................................................................................................................... 82 11.2 S.M.A.R.T. ENABLE / DISABLE ATTRIBUTE AUTOSAVE ...................................................................................................................... 82 11.3 S.M.A.R.T. READ DATA ............................................................................................................................................................. 82 11.4 S.M.A.R.T. READ ATTRIBUTE THRESHOLDS .................................................................................................................................... 87 11.5 S.M.A.R.T. RETURN STATUS ....................................................................................................................................................... 88 12 SWISSBIT ZONEPROTECTION FEATURE FUNCTIONALITY......................................................................................................... 89 13 CIS INFORMATION (TYPICAL)................................................................................................................................................. 90 14 PACKAGE MECHANICAL ......................................................................................................................................................... 94 15 DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY............................................................................................................................................. 95 16 ROHS AND WEEE UPDATE FROM SWISSBIT .......................................................................................................................... 96 17 PART NUMBER DECODER ...................................................................................................................................................... 98 17.1 MANUFACTURER ......................................................................................................................................................................... 98 17.2 MEMORY TYPE ........................................................................................................................................................................... 98 17.3 PRODUCT TYPE........................................................................................................................................................................... 98 17.4 DENSITY ................................................................................................................................................................................... 98 Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 4 of 101 17.5 PLATFORM ................................................................................................................................................................................ 98 17.6 PRODUCT GENERATION................................................................................................................................................................ 98 17.7 MEMORY ORGANIZATION.............................................................................................................................................................. 98 17.8 CONTROLLER TYPE ...................................................................................................................................................................... 98 17.9 NUMBER OF FLASH CHIP ............................................................................................................................................................. 98 17.10 FLASH CODE ............................................................................................................................................................................ 98 17.11 TEMP. OPTION .......................................................................................................................................................................... 99 17.12 DIE CLASSIFICATION .................................................................................................................................................................. 99 17.13 PIN MODE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 99 17.14 COMPACT FLASH XYZ................................................................................................................................................................. 99 17.15 OPTION................................................................................................................................................................................... 99 18 SWISSBIT CF LABEL SPECIFICATION .................................................................................................................................... 100 18.1 FRONT SIDE LABEL .................................................................................................................................................................... 100 18.2 BACK SIDE LABEL ..................................................................................................................................................................... 100 19 REVISION HISTORY .............................................................................................................................................................. 101 Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 5 of 101 3 Order Information 3.1 Standard part numbers IDE-FIX & PCMCIA-Removable / PIO, DMA & UDMA support Density Part Number 2GB SFCF2048HxBO2TO-t-M0-5y3-SMA 4GB SFCF4096HxBO2TO-t-D1-5y3-SMA 8GB SFCF8192HxBO2TO-t-Q1-5y3-SMA 16GB SFCF16GBHxBO4TO-t-Q1-5y3-SMA 32GB SFCF32GBHxBO4TO-t-NC-5y3-SMA Table 1: product list for standard product variations x= depends on product generation; y=depends on latest FW revision t=C: commercial temperature; I: industrial temperature 3.2 ZoneProtection part numbers IDE-FIX & PCMCIA-Removable / PIO, DMA & UDMA support / ZoneProtection feature implemented Density Part Number 2GB SFCF2048HxBO2TO-t-M0-5y3-ZP1 4GB SFCF4096HxBO2TO-t-D1-5y3-ZP1 8GB SFCF8192HxBO2TO-t-Q1-5y3-ZP1 16GB SFCF16GBHxBO4TO-t-Q1-5y3-ZP1 32GB Not available Table 2: product list for ZoneProtection variations x= depends on product generation; y=depends on latest FW revision t=C: commercial temperature; I: industrial temperature 3.3 Offered OEM options Disabling MDMA and/or UDMA modes Customer specified card size and card geometry (C/H/S - cylinder/head/sector) Customer specified CIS and drive ID strings Preload service (also images with any file system) Customized front label ROM mode (write protected with preloaded software) Special Firmware solutions for additional customer requirements ... Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 6 of 101 4 Product Specification The CompactFlash is a small form factor non-volatile memory card which provides high capacity data storage. Its aim is to capture, retain and transport data, audio and images, facilitating the transfer of all types of digital information between a large variety of digital systems. The Card operates in three basic modes: PC card ATA I/O mode PC card ATA memory mode True IDE mode The CompactFlash also supports Advanced Timing modes. Advanced Timing modes are ATA I/O modes that are 100ns or faster, ATA Memory modes that are 100ns or 80ns. Standard cards are shipped as max. PIO6 and MDMA4 (80ns) and UDMA4 (30ns). If the cards should be used in extended speed modes, they should be qualified on the target system and the system should fulfill the requirements listed below. It conforms to the PCMCIA Card Specification 2.1 when operating in the ATA I/O mode, and in the ATA Memory mode (Personal Computer Memory Card International Association standard, JEIDA in Japan), and to the ATA specification when operating in True IDE Mode. CompactFlash Cards can be used with passive adapters in a PC-Card Type II or Type III socket. The Card has an internal intelligent controller which manages interface protocols, data storage and retrieval as well as hardware RS-code Error Correction Code (ECC), defect handling, diagnostics and clock control. The wear leveling mechanism assures an equal usage of the Flash memory cells to extend the life time. Once the Card has been configured by the host, it behaves as a standard ATA (IDE) disk drive. The hardware RScode ECC allows to detect and correct 4 symbols per 528 Bytes. The Card has a voltage detector and a powerful power-loss management feature to prevent data corruption after power-down. The specification has been realized and approved by the CompactFlash Association (CFA). This non-proprietary specification enables users to develop CF products that function correctly and are compatible with future CF design. The system highlights are shown in Table 3 ... Table 9. Related Documentation PCMCIA PC Card Standard, 1995 PCMCIA PC Card ATA Specification, 1995 AT Attachment Interface Document, American National Standards Institute, X3.221-1994 CF+ and CompactFlash Specification Revision 3.0 4.1 System Performance Table 3: System Performance System Performance Sleep to write Sleep to read Power up to Ready Reset to Ready (PCMCIA/IDE Master ) Data transfer Rate (UDMA4 burst) (1, 3) Sustained Read (measured) 2 channel 4k Sustained Write (measured) 2 channel 4k(1, 3) (2, 3) Sustained Read (measured) 2 channel 4k (2, 3) Sustained Write (measured) 2 channel 4k Read Command to DRQ Write Access Time Read Typ. <500 200 2GB-32GB 2GB-32GB 2GB-32GB 2GB-32GB 37 32 27 20 100 30 0.22 Max. 5 5 1000 500 66 45 35 30 22 2000 1000 Unit ms MB/s MB/s MB/s s ms 1. All values refer to Toshiba Flash chips with firmware revisions 1, 2, 4 2. All values refer to Toshiba Flash chips with firmware revision 3 3. CompactFlash Card in UDMA mode 4, cycle time 30ns in True-IDE mode with Sequential write/read test. The number of flash is decoded in the part number, also the flash page size is depicted in this table. Sustained Speed depends on flash type and number, file size, and burst speed. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 7 of 101 Requirements for using extended speed (PIO 5, 6/ MDMA 3, 4) (CompactFlash Specification 3.0; section 4.3.7) The CF Advanced Timing modes include PCMCIA I/O and Memory modes that are 100ns or faster and True IDE PIO Modes 5,6 and Multiword DMA Modes 3,4. When operating in CF Advanced timing modes, the host shall conform to the following requirements: 1. Only one CF device shall be attached to the CF Bus. 2. The host shall not present a load of more than 40pF to the device for all signals, including any cabling. 3. The maximum cable length is 0.05 m (2 in). The cable length is measured from the card connector to the host controller. 0.46 m (18 in) cables are not supported. 4. The -WAIT and IORDY signals shall be ignored by the host. Devices supporting CF Advanced timing modes shall also support slower timing modes, to ensure operability with systems that do not support CF Advanced timing modes. Ultra DMA Electrical Requirements (CompactFlash Specification 3.0; section 4.3.8) Operation in Ultra DMA mode requires careful attention to cabling, printed circuit board (PCB) trace routing and termination for reliable operation. These requirements are described in the following sections. Host and Card signal capacitance limits for Ultra DMA operation The host interface signal capacitance at the host connector shall be a maximum of 25pF for each signal as measured at 1 MHz. The card interface signal capacitance at the card connector shall be a maximum of 20pF for each signal as measured at 1 MHz. Series termination required for Ultra DMA operation Series termination resistors are required at both the host and the card for operation in any of the Ultra DMA modes. The CF specification describes typical values for series termination at the host and the device. 4.2 Environmental Specifications 4.2.1 Recommended Operating Conditions Table 4: CF Card Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Commercial Operating Temperature Industrial Operating Temperature Power Supply VCC Voltage (5V) Power Supply VCC Voltage (3.3V) Value 0C to 70C -40C to 85C 4.5V to 5.5V - 5.0V 10% 2.97V to 3.63V - 3.3V 10% Table 5: Current consumption (1) Current Consumption (type) Read (MDMA2/UDMA4/max) Write (MDMA2/UDMA4/max) Sleep/Idle Mode (typ/max) 1. 3.3V 60 / 90 / 140 60 / 90 / 140 0.5 / 1.5 5V 100 / 140 / 180 95 / 130 / 160 2.0 / 5.0 Unit mA All values are typical at 25 C and nominal supply voltage and refer to 8Gbyte CompactFlash Card. Max values are for 32GB cards in UDMA4 mode in IDE mode. Cards with smaller capacity have smaller current. The card goes to Sleep/idle mode 20ms (default) after last host command. The sleep current at 5V depends on the signal level at the CF-Bus 4.2.2 Recommended Storage Conditions Table 6: CF Card Recommended Storage Conditions Parameter Storage Temperature Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Value -50C to 100C Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 8 of 101 4.2.3 Shock, Vibration, and Humidity Table 7: Shock, Vibration, and Humidity Parameter Humidity (non-condensing) Vibration Value 85% RH 85C, 1000 hrs (JEDEC JESD22, method A101-B) 20 G peak, 20-2000Hz, 4 per direction (JEDEC JESD22, method B103) 5.35G RMS, 15 min per plane (IEC 68-2-6) 1.5k G peak, 0.5ms 5 times (JEDEC JESD22, method B110) 30 G, 11ms 1 time (IEC 68-2-27) Shock 4.3 Physical Dimensions Table 8: Physical Dimensions Parameter Width Height Thickness Weight (typ.) Value 42.8 36.4 3.3 10 Unit mm g 4.4 Reliability Table 9: System Reliability and Maintenance Parameter MTBF (at 25C) Insertions/Removals Data Reliability Data Retention Value > 3,000,000 hours (1) > 10,000 14 < 1 Non-Recoverable Error per 10 bits Read (1) 10 years (JESD47) (1) Dependent on final system qualification data. 4.5 Drive Geometry / CHS Parameter Table 10: CF capacity specification Capacity 2GB 4GB 8GB 16GB 32GB Cylinders 3,970 7,964 15,880 (1) 16,383 (1) 16,383 Heads 16 16 16 16 16 Sectors / track 63 63 63 63 63 Sectors 4,001,760 8,027,712 16,007,040 31,717,728 64,028,160 Total addressable capacity (Byte) 2,048,901,120 4,110,188,544 8,195,604,480 16,239,476,736 32,782,417,920 (1) The CHS addressing is limited to about 8GB. Larger drives should be used in LBA mode. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 9 of 101 4.6 Physical description The CompactFlash Memory Card contains a single chip controller and Flash memory module(s). The controller interfaces with a host system allowing data to be written to and read from the Flash memory module(s). Figure 1 shows the Block Diagram of the CompactFlash Memory Card. The Card is offered in a Type I package with a 50-pin connector consisting of two rows of 25 female contacts on 50 mil (1.27mm) centers. Figure 21 shows Type I Card Dimensions. Figure 1: CompactFlash Memory Card Block Diagram Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 10 of 101 5 Electrical interface 5.1 Electrical description The CompactFlash Memory Card operates in three basic modes: PC Card ATA using I/O Mode PC Card ATA using Memory Mode True IDE Mode with MWDMA and UDMA, which is compatible with most disk drives The signal/pin assignments are listed in Table 11 Low active signals have a `-' prefix. Pin types are Input, Output or Input/Output. The configuration of the Card is controlled using the standard PCMCIA configuration registers starting at address 200h in the Attribute Memory space of the memory card. Table 12 describes the I/O signals. Inputs are signals sourced from the host while Outputs are signals sourced from the Card. The signals are described for each of the three operating modes. All outputs from the Card are totem pole except the data bus signals that are bi-directional tri-state. Refer to the section titled "Electrical Specifications" for definitions of Input and Output type. Table 11: Pin Assignment and Pin Type Pin Num PC Card Memory Mode Signal Pin In, Out Name Type Type 1 GND 2 D03 PC Card I/O Mode Signal Pin In, Out Name Type Type Ground GND I/O I1Z,OZ3 D03 (4) True IDE Mode Signal Pin In, Out Name Type Type Ground GND Ground I/O I1Z,OZ3 D03 I/O I1Z,OZ3 3 D04 I/O I1Z,OZ3 D04 I/O I1Z,OZ3 D04 I/O I1Z,OZ3 4 D05 I/O I1Z,OZ3 D05 I/O I1Z,OZ3 D05 I/O I1Z,OZ3 5 D06 I/O I1Z,OZ3 D06 I/O I1Z,OZ3 D06 I/O I1Z,OZ3 6 D07 I/O I1Z,OZ3 D07 I/O I1Z,OZ3 D07 I/O I1Z,OZ3 7 -CE1 I I3U -CE1 I I3U -CS0 I I3Z (2) I I1Z 8 9 (1) 10 11 A10 I I1Z -OE I A09 I A08 12 A07 13 Vcc 14 A06 15 A05 I I I I A10 I I1Z I3U -OE I I3U I1Z A09 I I1Z I1Z A08 I1Z A07 Power Vcc I1Z A06 I1Z A05 I I1Z I I1Z Power I I1Z I I1Z A10 -ATASEL I I3U A09 (2) I I1Z A08 (2) I I1Z (2) I A07 Vcc I1Z Power (2) I I1Z (2) I I1Z (2) I I1Z (2) I I1Z A02 I I1Z A06 A05 16 A04 I I1Z A04 I I1Z A04 17 A03 I I1Z A03 I I1Z A03 18 A02 I I1Z A02 I I1Z 19 A01 I I1Z A01 I I1Z A01 I I1Z 20 A00 I I1Z A00 I I1Z A00 I I1Z 21 D00 I/O I1Z,OZ3 D00 I/O I1Z,OZ3 D00 I/O I1Z,OZ3 22 D01 I/O I1Z,OZ3 D01 I/O I1Z,OZ3 D01 I/O I1Z,OZ3 23 D02 I/O I1Z,OZ3 D02 I/O I1Z,OZ3 D02 I/O I1Z,OZ3 24 WP O OT3 -IOIS16 O OT3 -IOIS16 O ON3 25 -CD2 O Ground -CD2 O Ground -CD2 O Ground 26 -CD1 O Ground -CD1 O Ground -CD1 O Ground 27 (1) (1) I/O I1Z,OZ3 (1) I/O I1Z,OZ3 (1) I/O I1Z,OZ3 (1) I/O I1Z,OZ3 D11 D11 I/O I1Z,OZ3 D12 (1) I/O I1Z,OZ3 D13 D12 29 D13 D14 Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland I1Z,OZ3 (1) 28 30 I/O (1) (1) I/O I1Z,OZ3 I/O I1Z,OZ3 D11 (1) I/O I1Z,OZ3 D12 (1) I/O I1Z,OZ3 D13 D14 (1) I/O I1Z,OZ3 D14 Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 11 of 101 Pin Num PC Card Memory Mode Signal Pin In, Out Name Type Type (1) 31 D15 32 -CE2 PC Card I/O Mode Signal Pin In, Out Name Type Type (1) I/O I1Z,OZ3 D15 I I3U -CE2 (1) (1) (4) True IDE Mode Signal Pin In, Out Name Type Type (1) I/O I1Z,OZ3 (1) I I3Z O Ground I I3Z I I3Z I I3U O I/O I1Z,OZ3 D15 I I3U -CS1 33 -VS1 O Ground -VS1 O Ground 34 -IORD I I3U -IORD I I3U 35 -IOWR I I3U -IOWR I I3U 36 -WE I I3U -WE I I3U -VS1 (7) -IORD (8) HSTROBE (9) -HDMARDY (7) -IOWR (8)(9) STOP (3) -WE O OT1 -IREQ O Power Vcc 37 READY 38 Vcc 39 -CSEL I I2Z 40 -VS2 O 41 RESET I 42 -WAIT 43 -INPACK (5) (5) I I2U -VS2 O OPEN -VS2 O OPEN I2Z RESET I I2Z I I2Z O OT1 -WAIT O OT1 O ON1 O OT1 -INPACK O OT1 -RESET (7) IORDY (8) -DDMARDY (9) DSTROBE DMARQ O OZ1 I I3U 45 BVD2 I/O 46 BVD1 I/O I I3U I1U,OT1 -SPKR I/O I1U,OT1 -DASP I/O I1U,ON1 I1U,OT1 -STSCHG I/O I1U,OT1 -PDIAG I/O I1U,ON1 D08 (1) I/O I1Z,OZ3 (1) I/O I1Z,OZ3 (1) I/O I1Z,OZ3 D08 48 D09 (1) I/O I1Z,OZ3 D09 49 D10 (1) I/O I1Z,OZ3 D10 50 GND Ground GND I/O (6) -REG (1) 7. 8. 9. -CSEL OPEN I3U 6. OZ1 Power I2Z I 2. 3. 4. 5. Vcc I -REG 1. INTRQ -CSEL 44 47 OT1 Power I1Z,OZ3 D08 (1) I/O I1Z,OZ3 -DMACK (1) I/O I1Z,OZ3 D09 (1) I/O I1Z,OZ3 D10 Ground GND Ground These signals are required only for 16 bit accesses and not required when installed in 8 bit systems. Devices should allow for 3-state signals not to consume current. The signal should be grounded by the host. The signal should be tied to VCC by the host. The mode is required for CompactFlash Storage Cards. The -CSEL signal is ignored by the card in PC Card modes. However, because it is not pulled up on the card in these modes, it should not be left floating by the host in PC Card modes. In these modes, the pin should be connected by the host to PC Card A25 or grounded by the host. If DMA operations are not used, the signal must be held high or tied to VCC by the host, also for read registers. Signal usage in True IDE Mode except when Ultra DMA mode protocol is active. Signal usage in True IDE Mode when Ultra DMA mode protocol DMA Write is active. Signal usage in True IDE Mode when Ultra DMA mode protocol DMA Read is active. The signal should be grounded by the host. Table 12: Signal Description Signal Name Dir. A10 to A0 (PC Card Memory Mode) I A10 to A0 (PC Card I/O Mode) Pin Description These address lines along with the -REG signal are used to select the following: The I/O port address registers within the CompactFlash Storage Card, the memory mapped port address registers within the CompactFlash Storage Card, a byte in the 8,10,11,12, card's information structure and its configuration control and 14,15,16,17, status registers. 18,19,20 This signal is the same as the PC Card Memory Mode signal. In True IDE Mode, only A[2:0] are used to select the one of eight registers in the Task File, the remaining address lines should be grounded by the host. A2 to A0 (True IDE Mode) BVD1 (PC Card Memory Mode) Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland I/O 46 This signal is asserted high, as BVD1 is not supported. Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 12 of 101 Signal Name Dir. Pin -STSCHG (PC Card I/O Mode) -PDIAG (True IDE Mode) BVD2 (PC Card Memory Mode) This signal is asserted high, as BVD2 is not supported. -SPKR (PC Card I/O Mode) I/O -DASP (True IDE Mode) D15-D00 (PC Card Memory Mode) D15-D00 (PC Card I/O Mode) I/O D15-D00 (True IDE Mode) GND (PC Card Memory Mode) GND (PC Card I/O Mode) GND (True IDE Mode) -INPACK (PC Card Memory Mode) This line is the Binary Audio output from the card. If the Card does not support the Binary Audio function, this line should be held negated. In the True IDE Mode, this input/output is the Disk Active/Slave Present signal in the Master/Slave handshake protocol. These lines carry the Data, Commands and Status information 31, 30, 29, between the host and the controller. D00 is the LSB of the Even 28, 27, 49, Byte of the Word. D08 is the LSB of the Odd Byte of the Word. 48, 47, 6, This signal is the same as the PC Card Memory Mode signal. 5, 4, 3, 2, In True IDE Mode, all Task File operations occur in byte mode 23, 22, 21 on the low order bus D[7:0] while all data transfers are 16 bit using D[15:0]. 45 Ground. 1, 50 This signal is not used in this mode. O 43 DMARQ (True IDE Mode) -IORD (PC Card Memory Mode) -IORD (True IDE Mode) Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Same for all modes. Same for all modes. -INPACK (PC Card I/O Mode) -IORD (PC Card I/O Mode) Description This signal is asserted low to alert the host to changes in the READY and Write Protect states, while the I/O interface is configured. Its use is controlled by the Card Config and Status Register. In the True IDE Mode, this input / output is the Pass Diagnostic signal in the Master / Slave handshake protocol. The Input Acknowledge signal is asserted by the CompactFlash Storage Card when the card is selected and responding to an I/O read cycle at the address that is on the address bus. This signal is used by the host to control the enable of any input data buffers between the CompactFlash Storage Card and the CPU. This signal is a DMA Request that is used for DMA data transfers between host and device. It shall be asserted by the device when it is ready to transfer data to or from the host. For Multiword DMA transfers, the direction of data transfer is controlled by -IORD and -IOWR. This signal is used in a handshake manner with -DMACK, i.e., the device shall wait until the host asserts -DMACK before negating DMARQ, and reasserting DMARQ if there is more data to transfer. DMARQ shall not be driven when the device is not selected. While a DMA operation is in progress, -CS0 and -CS1 shall be held negated and the width of the transfers shall be 16 bits. If there is no hardware support for DMA mode in the host, this output signal is not used and should not be connected at the host. In this case, the BIOS must report that DMA mode is not supported by the host so that device drivers will not attempt DMA mode. A host that does not support DMA mode and implements both PCMCIA and True-IDE modes of operation need not alter the PCMCIA mode connections while in True-IDE mode as long as this does not prevent proper operation in any mode. This signal is not used in this mode. I 34 This is an I/O Read strobe generated by the host. This signal gates I/O data onto the bus from the CompactFlash Storage Card when the card is configured to use the I/O interface. In True IDE Mode, while Ultra DMA mode is not active, this signal has the same function as in PC Card I/O Mode. Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 13 of 101 Signal Name Dir. Pin O 26, 25 -HDMARDY (True IDE Mode - In Ultra DMA Protocol DMA Read) HSTROBE (True IDE Mode - In Ultra DMA Protocol DMA Write) -CD1, -CD2 (PC Card Memory Mode) -CD1, -CD2 (PC Card I/O Mode) -CD1, -CD2 (True IDE Mode) This signal is the same for all modes. This signal is the same for all modes. -CE1, -CE2 (PC Card Memory Mode) I 7, 32 -CE1, -CE2 (PC Card I/O Mode) -CSEL (PC Card Memory Mode) -CSEL (PC Card I/O Mode) I 39 -CSEL (True IDE Mode) -IOWR (PC Card Memory Mode) I 35 I 9 -IOWR (True IDE Mode - Except Ultra DMA Protocol Active) STOP (True IDE Mode - Ultra DMA Protocol Active) Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland In the True IDE Mode, -CS0 is the chip select for the task file registers while -CS1 is used to select the Alternate Status Register and the Device Control Register. While -DMACK is asserted, -CS0 and -CS1 shall be held negated and the width of the transfers shall be 16 bits. This signal is not used for this mode, but should be connected by the host to PC Card A25 or grounded by the host. This signal is not used for this mode, but should be connected by the host to PC Card A25 or grounded by the host. This internally pulled up signal is used to configure this device as a Master or a Slave when configured in the True IDE Mode. When this pin is grounded, this device is configured as a Master. When the pin is open, this device is configured as a Slave. This signal is not used in this mode. -IOWR (PC Card I/O Mode) -OE (PC Card I/O Mode) These input signals are used both to select the card and to indicate to the card whether a byte or a word operation is being performed. -CE2 always accesses the odd byte of the word. -CE1 accesses the even byte or the Odd byte of the word depending on A0 and -CE2. A multiplexing scheme based on A0, -CE1, -CE2 allows 8 bit hosts to access all data on D0-D7. See Table 32, Table 40, Table 41Table 42, and Table 43. This signal is the same as the PC Card Memory Mode signal. -CS0, -CS1 (True IDE Mode) -OE (PC Card Memory Mode) Description In True IDE Mode when Ultra DMA mode DMA Read is active, this signal is asserted by the host to indicate that the host is read to receive Ultra DMA data-in bursts. The host may negate -HDMARDY to pause an Ultra DMA transfer. In True IDE Mode when Ultra DMA mode DMA Write is active, this signal is the data out strobe generated by the host. Both the rising and falling edge of HSTROBE cause data to be latched by the device. The host may stop generating HSTROBE edges to pause an Ultra DMA data-out burst. These Card Detect pins are connected to ground on the CompactFlash Storage Card. They are used by the host to determine that the CompactFlash Storage Card or is fully inserted into its socket. The I/O Write strobe pulse is used to clock I/O data on the Card Data bus into the CompactFlash Storage Card controller registers when the CompactFlash Storage Card is configured to use the I/O interface. The clocking shall occur on the negative to positive edge of the signal (trailing edge). In True IDE Mode, while Ultra DMA mode protocol is not active, this signal has the same function as in PC Card I/O Mode. When Ultra DMA mode protocol is supported, this signal must be negated before entering Ultra DMA mode protocol. In True IDE Mode, while Ultra DMA mode protocol is active, the assertion of this signal causes the termination of the Ultra DMA burst. This is an Output Enable strobe generated by the host interface. It is used to read data from the CompactFlash Storage in Memory Mode and to read the CIS and configuration registers. In PC Card I/O Mode, this signal is used to read the CIS and configuration registers. Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 14 of 101 Signal Name -ATASEL (True IDE Mode) Dir. Pin O 37 I 44 I 41 Description To enable True IDE Mode this input should be grounded by the host. In Memory Mode, this signal is set high when the CompactFlash Storage Card is ready to accept a new data transfer operation and is held low when the card is busy. At power up and at Reset, the READY signal is held low (busy) until the CompactFlash Storage Card has completed its power up or reset function. No access of any type should be made to the CompactFlash Storage Card during this time. Note, however, that when a card is powered up and used with RESET continuously disconnected or asserted, the Reset function of the RESET pin is disabled. Consequently, the continuous assertion of RESET from the application of power shall not cause the READY signal to remain continuously in the busy state. I/O Operation - After the CompactFlash Storage Card has been configured for I/O operation, this signal is used as -Interrupt Request. This line is strobed low to generate a pulse mode interrupt or held low for a level mode interrupt. In True IDE Mode signal is the active high Interrupt Request to the host. This signal is used during Memory Cycles to distinguish between Common Memory and Register (Attribute) Memory accesses. High for Common Memory, Low for Attribute Memory. The signal shall also be active (low) during I/O Cycles when the I/O address is on the Bus. This is a DMA Acknowledge signal that is asserted by the host in response to DMARQ to initiate DMA transfers. While DMA operations are not active, the card shall ignore the -DMACK signal, including a floating condition. If DMA operation is not supported by a True IDE Mode only host, this signal should be driven high or connected to VCC by the host. A host that does not support DMA mode and implements both PCMCIA and True-IDE modes of operation need not alter the PCMCIA mode connections while in True-IDE mode as long as this does not prevent proper operation all modes. The CompactFlash Storage Card is Reset when the RESET pin is high with the following important exception: The host may leave the RESET pin open or keep it continually high from the application of power without causing a continuous Reset of the card. Under either of these conditions, the card shall emerge from power-up having completed an initial Reset. The CompactFlash Storage Card is also Reset when the Soft Reset bit in the Card Configuration Option Register is set. READY (PC Card Memory Mode) -IREQ (PC Card I/O Mode) INTRQ (True IDE Mode) -REG (PC Card Memory Mode) -REG (PC Card I/O Mode) -DMACK (True IDE Mode) RESET (PC Card Memory Mode) RESET (PC Card I/O Mode) -RESET (True IDE Mode) Vcc (PC Card Memory Mode) Vcc (PC Card I/O Mode) Vcc (True IDE Mode) This signal is the same as the PC Card Memory Mode signal. In the True IDE Mode, this input pin is the active low hardware reset from the host. +5V, +3.3V power. 13, 38 Same for all modes. -VS1, -VS2 (PC Card Memory Mode) -VS1, -VS2 (PC Card I/O Mode) -VS1, -VS2 (True IDE Mode) Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Same for all modes. O 33, 40 Voltage Sense Signals. -VS1 is grounded on the Card and sensed by the Host so that the CompactFlash Storage Card CIS can be read at 3.3 volts and -VS2 is reserved by PCMCIA for a secondary voltage and is not connected on the Card. This signal is the same for all modes. This signal is the same for all modes. Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 15 of 101 Signal Name Dir. Pin -WAIT (PC Card Memory Mode) -WAIT (PC Card I/O Mode) IORDY (True IDE Mode - Except Ultra DMA Mode) Description The -WAIT signal is driven low by the CompactFlash Storage Card to signal the host to delay completion of a memory or I/O cycle that is in progress. This signal is the same as the PC Card Memory Mode signal. In True IDE Mode, except in Ultra DMA modes, this output signal may be used as IORDY. -DDMARDY (True IDE Mode - Ultra DMA Write Mode) O 42 I 36 O 24 DSTROBE (True IDE Mode - Ultra DMA Read Mode) -WE (PC Card Memory Mode) -WE (PC Card I/O Mode) -WE (True IDE Mode) WP (PC Card Memory Mode) -IOIS16 (PC Card I/O Mode) -IOCS16 (True IDE Mode) In True IDE Mode, when Ultra DMA mode DMA Write is active, this signal is asserted by the host to indicate that the device is read to receive Ultra DMA data-in bursts. The device may negate -DDMARDY to pause an Ultra DMA transfer. In True IDE Mode, when Ultra DMA mode DMA Write is active, this signal is the data out strobe generated by the device. Both the rising and falling edge of DSTROBE cause data to be latched by the host. The device may stop generating DSTROBE edges to pause an Ultra DMA data-out burst. This is a signal driven by the host and used for strobing memory write data to the registers of the CompactFlash Storage when the card is configured in the memory interface mode. It is also used for writing the configuration registers. In PC Card I/O Mode, this signal is used for writing the configuration registers. In True IDE Mode, this input signal is not used and should be connected to VCC by the host. Memory Mode - The CompactFlash Storage Card does not have a write protect switch. This signal is held low after the completion of the reset initialization sequence. I/O Operation - When the CompactFlash Storage Card is configured for I/O Operation Pin 24 is used for the -I/O Selected is 16 Bit Port (-IOIS16) function. A Low signal indicates that a 16 bit or odd byte only operation can be performed at the addressed port. In True IDE Mode this output signal is asserted low when this device is expecting a word data transfer cycle. 5.2 Electrical Specification Table 13 defines the DC Characteristics for the CompactFlash Memory Card. Unless otherwise stated, conditions are: Vcc = 5V 10% Vcc = 3.3V 10% 0 C to +85 C Table 13 shows that the Card operates correctly in both the voltage ranges and that the current requirements must not exceed the maximum limit shown. The current is measured by connecting an amp meter in series with the Vcc supply. The meter should be set to the 2A scale range, and have a fast current probe with an RC filter with a time constant of 0.1ms. Current measurements are taken while looping on a data transfer command with a sector count of 128. Current consumption values for both read and write commands are not to exceed the Maximum Average RMS Current specified in Table 13. Table 14 shows the Input Leakage Current, Table 15 the Input Characteristics, Table 16 the Output Drive Type and Table 17 the Output Drive Characteristics. Table 13: Absolute Maximum Conditions Parameter Input Power Voltage on any pin except VCC with respect to GND Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Symbol VCC V Conditions -0.3V to 6.5V -0.5V to VCC +0.5V Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 16 of 101 Table 14: Input Leakage current(1) Type Parameter Symbol IxZ Input Leakage Current IxU Pull Up Resistor RPU1 Pull Down Resistor RPD1 IxD IL x refers to the characteristics described in Table characteristic. 1. Conditions VIH =Vcc VIL = GND Vcc = 5.0V Min. Vcc = 5.0V Typ. Max. Units -1 1 A 50 500 kOhm 50 500 kOhm 15 For example, I1U indicates a pull up resistor with a type 1 input Table 15: Input characteristics Type Parameter 1 Input Voltage CMOS 2 Input Voltage CMOS 3 Input Voltage CMOS Schmitt Trigger Min. Symbol VIH VIL VIH VIL VTH VTL 2.0 -0.3 2.0 -0.3 2.0 -0.3 Typ. Max. Vcc = 3.3V 3.6 0.6 3.6 0.6 3.6 0.6 Min. Typ. Max. Vcc = 5.0V 2.0 5.3 -0.3 0.8 2.0 5.3 -0.3 0.8 2.0 5.3 -0.3 0.8 Units V V V Table 16: Output Drive Type(1) Type Otx Ozx Opx Onx Output Type Totempole Tri-State N-P Channel P-Channel Only N-Channel Only x refers to the characteristics described in Table characteristic. 1. Valid Conditions IOH & IOL IOH & IOL IOH only IOL only 15 For example, OT3 refers to totem pole output with a type 3 output drive Table 17: Output Drive Characteristics Type 1 2 3 X Parameter Output Voltage Output Voltage Output Voltage Tri-State Leakage Current Symbol VOH VOL VOH VOL VOH VOL IOZ Conditions IOH= -1mA IOL = 4mA IOH = -1mA IOL = 4mA IOH= -1mA IOL = 4mA VOL= Gnd VOH = Vcc Min. 2.4 Typ. Max. 0.45 2.4 0.45 2.4 0.45 -10 10 Units V V V A 5.3 Additional requirements for CompactFlash Advanced Timing mode When operating in a CompactFlash Advanced timing mode, the following conditions must be respected: Only one CompactFlash Card must be connected to the CompactFlash bus. The load capacitance (cable included) for all signals must be lower than 40pF. The cable length must be lower than 0.15m (6 inches). The cable length is measured from the Card connector to the host controller. 0.46m (18 inches) cables are not supported. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 17 of 101 6 Command Interface There are two types of bus cycles and timing sequences that occur in the PCMCIA type interface, direct mapped I/O transfer and memory access. Two types of bus cycles are also available in True IDE interface type: PIO transfer and Multi-Word DMA transfer. Table 18, Table 19, Table 20, Table 21, Table 22, Table 23, Table 24, and Table 25 show the read and write timing parameters. Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 7, and Figure 8 and Figure 9 show the read and write timing diagrams. In order to set the card mode, the -OE (-ATASEL) signal must be set and kept stable before applying VCC until the reset phase is completed. To place the card in Memory mode or I/O mode, -OE (-ATASEL) must be driven High, while it must be driven Low to place the card in True IDE mode. 6.1 Attribute Memory Read and Write Figure 2: Attribute Memory Read waveforms Table 18: Attribute Memory Read timing Speed version Item Symbol Read Cycle Time tcI Address Access Time ta(A) Card Enable Access Time ta(CE) Output Enable Access Time ta(OE) Output Disable Time from CE tdis(CE) Output Disable Time from OE tdis(OE) Output Enable Time from CE ten(CE) Output Enable Time from OE ten(OE) Data Valid from Address Change tv(A) Address Setup Time tsu(A) Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland IEEEE Symbol tAVAV tAVQV tELQV tGLQV tEHQZ tGHQZ tELQNZ tGLQNZ tAXQX tAVWL 300ns Min. (ns) Max. (ns) 300 300 300 150 100 100 5 5 0 30 Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 18 of 101 Figure 3: Configuration Register (Attribute Memory) Write waveforms 16 DIN signifies data provided by the system to the CompactFlash Card. Table 19: Configuration Register (Attribute Memory) Write timing Speed Version Item Symbol IEEEE Symbol Write Cycle Time tc(W) tAVAV Write Pulse Width tw(WE) tWLWH Address Setup Time tsu(A) tAVWL Data Setup Time for WE tsu(D-WEH) tDVWH Data Hold Time th(D) tWMDX Write Recovery Time trec(WE) tWMAX Min. (ns) 250 150 30 80 30 30 250ns Max. (ns) 6.2 Common Memory Read and Write Figure 4: Common Memory Read waveforms 17 Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland DOUT means data provided by the CompactFlash Memory Card to the system. Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 19 of 101 Table 20: Common Memory Read timing (1)$ Cycle Time Mode Item 250ns IEEEE Min Max Symbol (ns) (ns) Output Enable Access Time ta(OE) tGLQV 125 Output Disable Time from OE tdis(OE) tGHQZ 100 Address Setup Time tsu(A) tAVGL 30 Address Hold Time th(A) tGHAX 20 CE Setup before OE tsu(CE) tELGL 0 CE Hold following OE th(CE) tGHEH 20 18 Swissbit CF does not assert the WAIT signal. Symbol 120ns Min Max (ns) (ns) 60 60 15 15 0 15 100ns Min Max (ns) (ns) 50 50 10 15 0 15 Min (ns) 80ns Max (ns) 45 45 10 10 0 10 Figure 5: Common Memory Write Waveforms Table 21: Common Memory Write Timing(1) Cycle Time Mode 250ns Item Symbol IEEEE Min Max Symbol (ns) (ns) Data Setup before WE tsu(D-WEH) tDVWH 80 Data Hold following WE th(D) tIWMDX 30 WE Pulse Width tw(WE) tWLWH 150 Address Setup Time tsu(A) tAVWL 30 CE Setup before WE tsu(CE) tELWL 0 Write Recovery Time trec(WE) tWMAX 30 Address Hold Time th(A) tGHAX 20 CE Hold following WE th(CE) tGHEH 20 19 Swissbit CF does not assert the WAIT signal. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland 120ns Min Max (ns) (ns) 50 15 70 15 0 15 15 15 100ns Min Max (ns) (ns) 40 10 60 10 0 15 15 15 Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. 80ns Min Max (ns) (ns) 30 10 55 10 0 15 10 10 Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 20 of 101 6.3 I/O Read and Write Figure 6: I/O Read waveforms 20 DOUT signifies data provided by the CompactFlash Memory Card or to the system. Table 22: I/O Read timing(1) Cycle Time Mode Item Symbol Data Delay after IORD td(IORD) Data Hold following IORD th(IORD) IORD Width Time tw(IORD) Address Setup before IORD tsuA(IORD) Address Hold following IORD thA(IORD) CE setup before IORD tsuCE(IORD) CE Hold following IORD thCE(IORD) REG setup before IORD tsuREG(IORD) REG Hold following IORD thREG(IORD) INPACK Delay Falling from tdfINPACK(IORD) IORD NPACK Delay Rising from IORD tdrINPACK(IORD) IOIS16 Delay Falling from tdfIOIS16(ADR) Address IOIS16 Delay Rising from tdrIOIS16(ADR) Address 1. Swissbit CF does not assert the WAIT signal. 2. -IOIS16 is not supported in this mode. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland IEEEE Symbol tIGLQV tIGHQX tIGLIGH tAVIGL tIGHAX tELIGL tIGHEH tRGLIGL tIGHRGH tIGLIAL 250ns Min Max (ns) (ns) 100 0 165 70 20 5 20 5 0 0 45 tIGHIAH tAVISL 45 35 tAVISH 35 120ns Min Max (ns) (ns) 50 5 70 25 10 5 10 5 0 0 NA(2) 100ns Min Max (ns) (ns) 50 5 65 25 10 5 10 5 0 0 NA(2) 80ns Min Max (ns) (ns) 45 5 55 15 10 5 10 5 0 0 NA(2) NA(2) NA(2) NA(2) Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 21 of 101 Figure 7: I/O Write waveforms Table 23: I/O write timing Cycle Time Mode Symbol Item Data Setup before IOWR Data Hold following IOWR IOWR Width Time Address Setup before IOWR Address Hold following IOWR CE setup before IOWR CE Hold following IOWR REG setup before IOWR REG Hold following IOWR IOIS16 Delay Falling from Addr. IOIS16 Delay Rising from Addr. 1. 2. tsu(IOWR) th(IOWR) tw(IOWR) tsuA(IOWR) thA(IOWR) tsuCE(IOWR) thCE(IOWR) tsuREG(IOWR) thREG(IOWR) tdfIOIS16(ADR) tdrIOIS16(ADR) IEEEE Symbol tDVIWH tIWHDX tIWLIWH tAVIWL tIWHAX tELIWL tIWHEH tRGLIWL tIWHRGH tAVISL tAVISH 250ns Min Max (ns) (ns) 60 30 165 70 20 5 20 5 0 35 35 120ns Min Max (ns) (ns) 20 10 70 25 20 5 20 5 0 (2) NA (2) NA 100ns Min Max (ns) (ns) 20 5 65 25 10 5 10 5 0 (2) NA (2) NA 80ns Min Max (ns) (ns) 15 5 55 15 10 5 10 5 0 (2) NA (2) NA DIN signifies data provided by the system to the CompactFlash Memory Card. -IOIS16 and -INPACK are not supported in this mode. 6.4 True IDE Mode The timing waveforms for True IDE mode and True IDE DMA mode of operation in this section are drawn using the conventions in the ATA-4 specification, which are different than the conventions used in the PCMCIA specification and earlier versions of this specification. Signals are shown with their asserted state as High regardless of whether the signal is actually negative or positive true. Consequently, the -IORD, the -IOWR and the -IOCS16 signals are shown in the waveforms inverted from their electrical states on the bus. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 22 of 101 Figure 8: True IDE PIO mode Read/Write waveforms 1. 2. 3. The device addresses consists of -CS0, -CS1, and A2-A0. The Data I/O consist of D15-D0 (16-bit) or D7-D0 (8 bit). -IOCS16 is shown for PIO modes 0, 1 and 2. For other modes, this signal is ignored. Table 24: True IDE PIO mode Read/Write timing(1) Parameter Cycle time (min) Address Valid to -IORD/-IOWR setup (min) -IORD/-IOWR (min) -IORD/-IOWR (min) Register (8 bit) -IORD/-IOWR recovery time (min) -IOWR data setup (min) -IOWR data hold (min) -IORD data setup (min) -IORD data hold (min) -IORD data tri-state (max) Address valid to -IOCS16 assertion (max) Address valid to -IOCS16 released (max) -IORD/-IOWR to address valid hold 1. 2. 3. 4. Symbol (2) t0 t1 (2) t2 (2) t2 (2) t2i t3 t4 t5 (3) t6z (4) t7 (4) t8 t7 t9 Mode 0 (ns) 600 70 165 290 60 30 50 5 30 90 60 20 1 (ns) 383 50 125 290 45 20 35 5 30 50 45 15 2 (ns) 240 30 100 290 30 15 20 5 30 40 30 10 3 (ns) 180 30 80 80 70 30 10 20 5 30 NA NA 10 4 (ns) 120 25 70 70 25 20 10 20 5 30 NA NA 10 5(5) (ns) 100 15 65 65 25 20 5 15 5 20 NA NA 10 6(5) (ns) 80 10 55 55 20 15 5 10 5 20 NA NA 10 The maximum load on -IOCS16 is 1 LSTTL with a 50pF total load. t0 is the minimum total cycle time, t2 is the minimum command active time, and t2i is the minimum command recovery time or command inactive time. The actual cycle time equals the sum of the actual command inactive time. The three timing requirements of t0, t2, and t2i have to be met. The requirement is greater than the sum of t2 and t2i. This means a host implementation can ensure that t0 is equal to or greater than the value reported in the devices identify drive Card implementation should support any legal host implementation. This parameter specifies the time from the falling edge of -IORD to the moment when the CompactFlash Memory Card (tri-state). t7 and t8 apply only to modes 0, 1 and 2. The -IOCS16 signal is not valid for other modes. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 23 of 101 Figure 9: True IDE Multi-Word DMA Mode Read/Write waveforms -DMARQ -DMACK Table 25: True IDE Multi-Word DMA Mode Read/Write timing Parameter Symbol Mode 0 (ns) 1 (ns) 2 (ns) 3 (ns) 4 (ns) (1) Cycle time (min) 480 150 120 100 80 t0 (1) -IORD / -IOWR asserted width (min) 215 80 70 65 55 tD -IORD data access (max) 150 60 50 50 45 tE -IORD data hold (min) 5 5 5 5 5 tF -IORD/-IOWR data setup (min) 100 30 20 15 10 tG -IOWR data hold (min) 20 15 10 5 5 tH DMACK to -IORD/-IOWR setup (min) 0 0 0 0 0 tI -IORD / -IOWR to -DMACK hold (min) 20 5 5 5 5 tJ (1) -IORD Low width (min) 50 50 25 25 20 tKR (1) -IOWR Low width (min) 215 50 25 25 20 tKW -IORD to DMARQ delay (max) 120 40 35 35 35 tLR -IOWR to DMARQ delay (max) 40 40 35 35 35 tLW CS(1:0) valid to -IORD / -IOWR 50 30 25 10 5 tM CS(1:0) hold 15 10 10 10 10 tN -DMACK 20 25 25 25 25 tZ 1. t0 is the minimum total cycle time. TD is the minimum command active time. TKR and tKW are the minimum command recovery time or command inactive time for input and output cycles, respectively. The actual cycle time is the sum of the actual command active time and the actual command inactive time. The timing requirements of t0, tD, tKR, and tKW must be respected. T0 is higher than tD + tKR or tD + tKW, for input and output cycles respectively. This means the host can lengthen either tD or tKR/tKW, or both, to ensure that t0 is equal to or higher than the value reported in the devices identify device data. A CompactFlash Storage Card implementation shall support any legal host implementation. 6.5 Ultra DMA Mode 6.5.1 Ultra DMA Overview Ultra DMA is an optional data transfer protocol used with the READ DMA, and WRITE DMA, commands. When this protocol is enabled, the Ultra DMA protocol shall be used instead of the Multiword DMA protocol when these commands are issued by the host. This protocol applies to the Ultra DMA data burst only. When this protocol is used there are no changes to other elements of the ATA protocol (e.g., Command Block Register access). Ultra DMA operations can take place in any of the three basic interface modes: PC Card Memory mode, PC Card I/O mode, and True IDE (the original mode to support UDMA). The usage of signals in each of the modes is shown in Table 26: Ultra DMA Signal Usage In Each Interface Mode Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 24 of 101 Table 26: Ultra DMA Signal Usage In Each Interface Mode UDMA Signal Type Pin # (Non UDMA PC CARD MEM MEM MODE) MODE UDMA PC CARD IO MODE UDMA TRUE IDE MODE UDMA DMARQ DMACK STOP HDMARDYI HSTROBE(W) Output Input Input Input -DMARQ DMACK 1 STOP 1, 2 -HDMARDYI 1, 3, 4 HSTROBE(W) DMARQ -DMACK 1 STOP 1, 2 -HDMARDYI 1, 3, 4 HSTROBE(W) DDMARDY(W) DSTROBEI Output 42 (-WAIT) DATA ADDRESS CSEL INTRQ Card Select Bidir Input Input Output Input 43 (-INPACK) 44 (-REG) 35 (-IOWR) 34 (-IORD) ... (D[15:00]) ... (A[10:00]) 39 (-CSEL) 37 (READY) 7 (-CE1) 31 (-CE2) -DMARQ -DMACK 1 STOP 1, 2 -HDMARDYI 1, 3, 4 HSTROBE(W) -DDMARDY(W) 1. 2. 4 DSTROBEI 1, 3 D[15:00] A[10:00] -CSEL READY -CE1 -CE2 -DDMARDY(W) 1. 2. 4 DSTROBEI 1, 3 D[15:00] A[10:00] -CSEL -INTRQ -CE1 -CE2 -DDMARDY(W) 1. 2. 4 DSTROBEI 1, 3 D[15:00] 5 A[02:00] -CSEL INTRQ -CS0 -CS1 Notes: 1. The UDMA interpretation of this signal is valid only during an Ultra DMA data burst. 2. The UDMA interpretation of this signal is valid only during and Ultra DMA data burst during a DMA Read command. 3. The UDMA interpretation of this signal is valid only during an Ultra DMA data burst during a DMA Write command. 4. The HSTROBE and DSTROBE signals are active on both the rising and the falling edge. 5. Address lines 03 through 10 are not used in True IDE mode. Several signal lines are redefined to provide different functions during an Ultra DMA burst. These lines assume these definitions when: 1. an Ultra DMA mode is selected, and 2. a host issues a READ DMA, or a WRITE DMA command requiring data transfer, and 3. the device asserts (-)DMARQ, and 4. the host asserts -DMACK. These signal lines revert back to the definitions used for non-Ultra DMA transfers upon the negation of -DMACK by the host at the termination of an Ultra DMA burst. With the Ultra DMA protocol, the STROBE signal that latches data from D[15:00] is generated by the same agent (either host or device) that drives the data onto the bus. Ownership of D[15:00] and this data strobe signal are given either to the device during an Ultra DMA data-in burst or to the host for an Ultra DMA data-out burst. During an Ultra DMA burst a sender shall always drive data onto the bus, and, after a sufficient time to allow for propagation delay, cable settling, and setup time, the sender shall generate a STROBE edge to latch the data. Both edges of STROBE are used for data transfers so that the frequency of STROBE is limited to the same frequency as the data. Words in the IDENTIFY DEVICE data indicate support of the Ultra DMA feature and the Ultra DMA modes the device is capable of supporting. The Set transfer mode subcommand in the SET FEATURES command shall be used by a host to select the Ultra DMA mode at which the system operates. The Ultra DMA mode selected by a host shall be less than or equal to the fastest mode of which the device is capable. Only one Ultra DMA mode shall be selected at any given time. All timing requirements for a selected Ultra DMA mode shall be satisfied. Devices supporting any Ultra DMA mode shall also support all slower Ultra DMA modes. An Ultra DMA capable device shall retain the previously selected Ultra DMA mode after executing a software reset sequence or the sequence caused by receipt of a DEVICE RESET command if a SET FEATURES disable reverting to defaults command has been issued. The device may revert to a Multiword DMA mode if a SET FEATURES enable reverting to default has been issued. An Ultra DMA capable device shall clear any previously selected Ultra DMA mode and revert to the default non-Ultra DMA modes after executing a power-on or hardware reset. Both the host and device perform a CRC function during an Ultra DMA burst. At the end of an Ultra DMA burst the host sends its CRC data to the device. The device compares its CRC data to the data sent from the host. If the two values do not match, the device reports an error in the error register. If an error occurs during one or more Ultra DMA bursts for any one command, the device shall report the first error that occurred. If the device detects that a CRC error has occurred before data transfer for the command is complete, the device may complete the transfer and report the error or abort the command and report the error. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 25 of 101 NOTE - If a data transfer is terminated before completion, the assertion of INTRQ should be passed through to the host software driver regardless of whether all data requested by the command has been transferred. 6.5.2 Restrictions and Considerations During Ultra DMA Commands There are number of important restrictions and considerations for the implementation and use of Ultra DMA commands in CompactFlash devices. These are highlighted in the subsections below. Additional restrictions on specific modes of operation are given in sections 5.3 and 6.5.3 System Restrictions for Ultra DMA modes 3 and above Ultra DMA modes 3 and above are valid only for systems that meet the requirements of section 5.3 UDMA Address and Card Enable Signals The Card Enable signals (-CE1 / -CS0 and -CE2 / -CS1) shall remain negated during Ultra DMA data bursts. The Address bus (A[10:00]) shall not transition unnecessarily during the UDMA command and shall remain fixed during an Ultra DMA data burst. In True IDE mode, the address lines (A[02:00]) shall be held to all zeros. This will reduce unnecessary noise during the UDMA command. Task File registers shall not be written during an Ultra DMA command The task file registers shall not be written after an Ultra DMA command is issued by the host and before the command completes. Writing to the device control register is permitted between bursts, but is expected to occur only to reset the card after an unrecoverable protocol error. Ultra DMA transfers shall be 16 bits wide All transfers during an Ultra DMA data burst are 16 bit wide transfers. The Set Features command that controls the bus width for PIO transfers does not affect the width of Ultra DMA transfers. No Access to Memory or I/O Space during an Ultra DMA Data Burst No access to common or attribute memory or to I/O space on the device is permitted during an Ultra DMA data burst. 6.5.3 Specific rules for PC Card Memory Mode Ultra DMA In addition to the general restrictions for all Ultra DMA operations, these additional considerations exist for PC Card Memory Mode Ultra DMA operations. No Access to Attribute Memory during PC Card Memory Mode DMA Commands The host shall not attempt to access Attribute Memory space during a PC Card Memory Mode DMA command either before, between or within Ultra DMA data bursts. READY signal handling during DMA commands in PC Card Memory Mode In PC Card Memory Mode, the READY signal shall be negated (made BUSY) by the device upon receipt of a DMA command and shall remain negated until the command has completed at which time it shall be re-asserted. This treatment allows the host to receive a single interrupt at the end of the command and avoids the extra overhead that would be associated with processing busy to ready transitions for each sector transferred as is the case when the READY toggles at the end of every sector of PIO Memory Mode transfers. The BSY bit in the status register is permitted to be negated in the status register at any time that the DRQ bit in the status register is asserted. The only restriction is that either DRQ or BSY or both must remain asserted while the command is in progress. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 26 of 101 6.5.4 Ultra DMA Phases of Operation An Ultra DMA data transfer is accomplished through a series of Ultra DMA data-in or data-out bursts. Each Ultra DMA burst has three mandatory phases of operation: the initiation phase, the data transfer phase, and the Ultra DMA burst termination phase. In addition, an Ultra DMA burst may be paused during the data transfer phase (see: , for the detailed protocol descriptions for each of these phases. Table 27: Ultra DMA Data Burst Timing Requirements and Table 28: Ultra DMA Data Burst Timing Descriptions define the specific timing requirements). In the following rules -DMARDY is used in cases that could apply to either -DDMARDY or -HDMARDY, and STROBE is used in cases that could apply to either DSTROBE or HSTROBE. The following are general Ultra DMA rules. 1. An Ultra DMA burst is defined as the period from an assertion of -DMACK by the host to the subsequent negation of -DMACK. 2. When operating in Ultra DMA modes 2, 1, or 0 a recipient shall be prepared to receive up to two data words whenever an Ultra DMA burst is paused. When operating in Ultra DMA modes 6, 5, 4, or 3 a recipient shall be prepared to receive up to three data words whenever an Ultra DMA burst is paused. Ultra DMA Burst Initiation Phase Rules 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. An Ultra DMA burst initiation phase begins with the assertion of DMARQ by a device and ends when the sender generates a STROBE edge to transfer the first data word. An Ultra DMA burst shall always be requested by a device asserting DMARQ. When ready to initiate the requested Ultra DMA burst, the host shall respond by asserting -DMACK. A host shall never assert -DMACK without first detecting that DMARQ is asserted. For Ultra DMA data-in bursts: a device may begin driving D[15:00] after detecting that -DMACK is asserted, STOP negated, and -HDMARDY is asserted. After asserting DMARQ or asserting -DDMARDY for an Ultra DMA data-out burst, a device shall not negate either signal until the first STROBE edge is generated. After negating STOP or asserting -HDMARDY for an Ultra DMA data-in burst, a host shall not change the state of either signal until the first STROBE edge is generated. Ultra DMA Data transfer phase rules 1. 2. The data transfer phase is in effect from after Ultra DMA burst initiation until Ultra DMA burst termination. A recipient pauses an Ultra DMA burst by negating -DMARDY and resumes an Ultra DMA burst by reasserting -DMARDY. 3. A sender pauses an Ultra DMA burst by not generating STROBE edges and resumes by generating STROBE edges. 4. A recipient shall not signal a termination request immediately when the sender stops generating STROBE edges. In the absence of a termination from the sender the recipient shall always negate -DMARDY and wait the required period before signaling a termination request. 5. A sender may generate STROBE edges at greater than the minimum period specified by the enabled Ultra DMA mode. The sender shall not generate STROBE edges at less than the minimum period specified by the enabled Ultra DMA mode. A recipient shall be able to receive data at the minimum period specified by the enabled Ultra DMA mode. Ultra DMA Burst Termination Phase Rules 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Either a sender or a recipient may terminate an Ultra DMA burst. Ultra DMA burst termination is not the same as command completion. If an Ultra DMA burst termination occurs before command completion, the command shall be completed by initiation of a new Ultra DMA burst at some later time or aborted by the host issuing a hardware or software reset or DEVICE RESET command if implemented by the device. An Ultra DMA burst shall be paused before a recipient requests a termination. A host requests a termination by asserting STOP. A device acknowledges a termination request by negating DMARQ. A device requests a termination by negating DMARQ. A host acknowledges a termination request by asserting STOP. Once a sender requests a termination, the sender shall not change the state of STROBE until the recipient acknowledges the request. Then, if STROBE is not in the asserted state, the sender shall return STROBE to the asserted state. No data shall be transferred on this transition of STROBE. A sender shall return STROBE to the asserted state whenever the sender detects a termination request from the recipient. No data shall be transferred nor CRC calculated on this edge of DSTROBE. Once a recipient requests a termination, the responder shall not change DMARDY from the negated state for the remainder of an Ultra DMA burst. A recipient shall ignore a STROBE edge when DMARQ is negated or STOP is asserted. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 27 of 101 Ultra DMA Data Transfers Timing Table 27 and Table 28 define the timings associated with all phases of Ultra DMA bursts. Table 27: Ultra DMA Data Burst Timing Requirements Name UDMA UDMA UDMA UDMA UDMA Mode 0 Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4 (ns) (ns) (ns) (ns) (ns) Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max 240 160 120 90 60 t2CYCTYP 112 73 54 39 25 tCYC 230 153 115 86 57 t2CYC 15.0 10.0 7.0 7.0 5.0 tDS 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 tDH 70.0 48.0 31.0 20.0 6.7 tDVS 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 tDVH 15.0 10.0 7.0 7.0 5.0 tCS 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 tCH 70.0 48.0 31.0 20.0 6.7 tCVS 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 tCVH 0 0 0 0 0 tZFS 70.0 48.0 31.0 20.0 6.7 tDZFS 230 200 170 130 120 tFS 0 150 0 150 0 150 0 100 0 100 tLI 20 20 20 20 20 tMLI 0 0 0 0 0 tUI 10 10 10 10 10 tAZ 20 20 20 20 20 tZAH 0 0 0 0 0 tZAD 20 70 20 70 20 70 20 55 20 55 tENV 75 70 60 60 60 tRFS 160 125 100 100 100 tRP 20 20 20 20 20 tIORDYZ 0 0 0 0 0 tZIORDY 20 20 20 20 20 tACK 50 50 50 50 50 tSS Measurement location (See Note 2) Sender Note 3 Sender Recipient Recipient Sender Sender Device Device Host Host Device Sender Device Note 4 Host Host Note 5 Host Device Host Sender Recipient Device Device Host Sender Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. All timing measurement switching points (low to high and high to low) shall be taken at 1.5 V. All signal transitions for a timing parameter shall be measured at the connector specified in the measurement location column. For example, in the case of tRFS, both STROBE and -DMARDY transitions are measured at the sender connector. The parameter tCYC shall be measured at the recipient's connector farthest from the sender. The parameter tLI shall be measured at the connector of the sender or recipient that is responding to an incoming transition from the recipient or sender respectively. Both the incoming signal and the outgoing response shall be measured at the same connector. The parameter tAZ shall be measured at the connector of the sender or recipient that is driving the bus but must release the bus the allow for a bus turnaround. See the AC Timing requirements in Table 28: Ultra DMA Data Burst Timing Descriptions. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 28 of 101 Table 28: Ultra DMA Data Burst Timing Descriptions Name Comment Notes t2CYCTYP Typical sustained average two cycle time tCYC Cycle time allowing for asymmetry and clock variations (from STROBE edge to STROBE edge) t2CYC Two cycle time allowing for clock variations (from rising edge to next rising edge or from falling edge to next falling edge of STROBE) tDS Data setup time at recipient (from data valid until STROBE edge) tDH Data hold time at recipient (from STROBE edge until data may become invalid) tDVS Data valid setup time at sender (from data valid until STROBE edge) tDVH Data valid hold time at sender (from STROBE edge until data may become invalid) tCS CRC word setup time at device tCH CRC word hold time device tCVS CRC word valid setup time at host (from CRC valid until -DMACK negation) tCVH CRC word valid hold time at sender (from -DMACK negation until CRC may become invalid) tZFS Time from STROBE output released-to-driving until the first transition of critical timing. TDZFS Time from data output released-to-driving until the first transition of critical timing. TFS First STROBE time (for device to first negate DSTROBE from STOP during a data in burst) tLI Limited interlock time tMLI Interlock time with minimum tUI Unlimited interlock time tAZ Maximum time allowed for output drivers to release (from asserted or negated) tZAH Minimum delay time required for output tZAD drivers to assert or negate (from released) tENV Envelope time (from -DMACK to STOP and -HDMARDY during data in burst initiation and from DMACK to STOP during data out burst initiation) tRFS Ready-to-final-STROBE time (no STROBE edges shall be sent this long after negation of -DMARDY) tRP Ready-to-pause time (that recipient shall wait to pause after negating -DMARDY) tIORDYZ Maximum time before releasing IORDY tZIORDY Minimum time before driving IORDY tACK Setup and hold times for -DMACK (before assertion or negation) tSS Time from STROBE edge to negation of DMARQ or assertion of STOP (when sender terminates a burst) Notes: 2, 5 2, 5 3 3 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 4 1. The parameters tUI, tMLI (in Figure 13: Ultra DMA Data-In Burst Device Termination Timing and Figure 14: Ultra DMA Data-In Burst Host Termination Timing), and tLI indicate sender-to-recipient or recipient-tosender interlocks, i.e., one agent (either sender or recipient) is waiting for the other agent to respond with a signal before proceeding. TUI is an unlimited interlock that has no maximum time value. TMLI is a limited time-out that has a defined minimum. TLI is a limited time-out that has a defined maximum. 2. 80-conductor cabling shall be required in order to meet setup (tDS, tCS) and hold (tDH, tCH) times in modes greater than 2. 3. Timing for tDVS, tDVH, tCVS and tCVH shall be met for lumped capacitive loads of 15 and 40 pF at the connector where the Data and STROBE signals have the same capacitive load value. Due to reflections on the cable, these timing measurements are not valid in a normally functioning system. 4. For all modes the parameter tZIORDY may be greater than tENV due to the fact that the host has a pull-up on IORDY- giving it a known state when released. 5. The parameters tDS, and tDH for mode 5 are defined for a recipient at the end of the cable only in a configuration with a single device located at the end of the cable. This could result in the minimum values for tDS and tDH for mode 5 at the middle connector being 3.0 and 3.9 ns respectively. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 29 of 101 Table 29: Ultra DMA Sender and Recipient IC Timing Requirements Name Comments UDMA UDMA Mode 0 Mode 1 (ns) (ns) Min Max Min Max UDMA Mode 2 (ns) Min Max UDMA Mode 3 (ns) Min Max UDMA Mode4 (ns) Min Max tDSIC tDHIC tDVSIC tDVHIC Notes: 1. 2. 3. Recipient IC data setup time (from data valid until STROBE edge) (see note 2) Recipient IC data hold time (from STROBE edge until data may become invalid) (see note 2) Sender IC data valid setup time (from data valid until STROBE edge) (see note 3) Sender IC data valid hold time (from STROBE edge until data may become invalid) (see note 3) 14.7 9.7 6.8 6.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 72.9 50.9 33.9 22.6 9.5 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 All timing measurement switching points(low to high and high to low) shall be taken at 1.5 V. The correct data value shall be captured by the recipient given input data with a slew rate of 0.4 V/ns rising and falling and the input STROBE with a slew rate of 0.4 V/ns rising and falling at t DSIC and tDHIC timing (as measured through 1.5 V). The parameters tDVSIC and tDVHIC shall be met for lumped capacitive loads of 15 and 40 pF at the IC where all signals have the same capacitive load value. Noise that may couple onto the output signals from external sources has not been included in these values. Table 30: Ultra DMA AC Signal Requirements Name Comment SRISE SFALL Note: 1. Min [V/ns] Rising Edge Slew Rate for any signal Falling Edge Slew Rate for any signal Max [V/ns] Notes 1.25 1.25 1 1 The sender shall be tested while driving an 18 inch long, 80 conductor cable with PVC insulation material. The signal under test shall be cut at a test point so that it has not trace, cable or recipient loading after the test point. All other signals should remain connected through to the recipient. The test point may be located at any point between the sender's series termination resistor and one half inch or less of conductor exiting the connector. If the test point is on a cable conductor rather than the PCB, an adjacent ground conductor shall also be cut within one half inch of the connector. The test load and test points should then be soldered directly to the exposed source side connectors. The test loads consist of a 15 pF or a 40 pF, 5%, 0.08 inch by 0.05 inch surface mount or smaller size capacitor from the test point to ground. Slew rates shall be met for both capacitor values. Measurements shall be taken at the test point using a <1 pF, >100 Kohm, 1 Ghz or faster probe and a 500 MHz or faster oscilloscope. The average rate shall be measured from 20% to 80% of the settled VOH level with data transitions at least 120 ns apart. The settled VOH level shall be measured as the average output high level under the defined testing conditions from 100 nsec after 80% of a rising edge until 20% of the subsequent falling edge. Initiating an Ultra DMA Data-In Burst a) An Ultra DMA Data-In burst is initiated by following the steps lettered below. The timing diagram is shown in Figure 10: Ultra DMA Data-In Burst Initiation Timing. The associated timing parameters are specified in Table 27: Ultra DMA Data Burst Timing Requirements and are described in Table 28: Ultra DMA Data Burst Timing Descriptions. b) The following steps shall occur in the order they are listed unless otherwise specifically allowed: c) The host shall keep -DMACK in the negated state before an Ultra DMA burst is initiated. d) The device shall assert DMARQ to initiate an Ultra DMA burst. After assertion of DMARQ the device shall not negate DMARQ until after the first negation of DSTROBE. e) Steps I, (d), and (e) may occur in any order or at the same time. The host shall assert STOP. f) The host shall negate -HDMARDY. g) The host shall negate -CS0, -CS1, DA2, DA1, and DA0. The host shall keep -CS0, -CS1, DA2, DA1, and DA0 negated until after negating -DMACK at the end of the burst. h) Steps I, (d), and (e) shall have occurred at least tACK before the host asserts -DMACK. The host shall keep - DMACK asserted until the end of an Ultra DMA burst. i) The host shall release D[15:00] within tAZ after asserting -DMACK. j) The device may assert DSTROBE tZIORDY after the host has asserted -DMACK. Once the device has driven DSTROBE the device shall not release DSTROBE until after the host has negated -DMACK at the end of an Ultra DMA burst. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 30 of 101 k) The host shall negate STOP and assert -HDMARDY within tENV after asserting -DMACK. After negating STOP and asserting -HDMARDY, the host shall not change the state of either signal until after receiving the first transition of DSTROBE from the device (i.e., after the first data word has been received). l) The device shall drive D[15:00] no sooner than tZAD after the host has asserted -DMACK, negated STOP, and asserted -HDMARDY. m) The device shall drive the first word of the data transfer onto D[15:00]. This step may occur when the device first drives D[15:00] in step (j). n) To transfer the first word of data the device shall negate DSTROBE within tFS after the host has negated STOP and asserted -HDMARDY. The device shall negate DSTROBE no sooner than tDVS after driving the first word of data onto D[15:00]. Figure 10: Ultra DMA Data-In Burst Initiation Timing Notes: The definitions for the IORDY:-DDMARDY:DSTROBE, -IORD: -HDMARDY:HSTROBE, and -IOWR:STOP signal lines are not in effect until DMARQ and -DMACK are asserted. Sustaining an Ultra DMA Data-In Burst An Ultra DMA Data-In burst is sustained by following the steps lettered below. The timing diagram is shown in Figure 11: Sustained Ultra DMA Data-In Burst Timing. The timing parameters are specified in Table 27: Ultra DMA Data Burst Timing Requirements and are described in Table 28: Ultra DMA Data Burst Timing Descriptions. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 31 of 101 The following steps shall occur in the order they are listed unless otherwise specifically allowed: a) The device shall drive a data word onto D[15:00]. b) The device shall generate a DSTROBE edge to latch the new word no sooner than t DVS after changing the state of D[15:00]. The device shall generate a DSTROBE edge no more frequently than tCYC for the selected Ultra DMA mode. The device shall not generate two rising or two falling DSTROBE edges more frequently than 2tcyc for the selected Ultra DMA mode. c) The device shall not change the state of D[15:00] until at least tDVH after generating a DSTROBE edge to latch the data. d) The device shall repeat steps (a), (b), and (c) until the data transfer is complete or an Ultra DMA burst is paused, whichever occurs first. Figure 11: Sustained Ultra DMA Data-In Burst Timing Notes: D[15:00] and DSTROBE signals are shown at both the host and the device to emphasize that cable settling time as well as cable propagation delay shall not allow the data signals to be considered stable at the host until some time after they are driven by the device. Host Pausing an Ultra DMA Data-In Burst The host pauses a Data-In burst by following the steps lettered below. A timing diagram is shown in Figure 12: Ultra DMA Data-In Burst Host Pause Timing. The timing parameters are specified in Table 27: Ultra DMA Data Burst Timing Requirements and are described in Table 28: Ultra DMA Data Burst Timing Descriptions. The following steps shall occur in the order they are listed unless otherwise specifically allowed: a) The host shall not pause an Ultra DMA burst until at least one data word of an Ultra DMA burst has been transferred. b) The host shall pause an Ultra DMA burst by negating -HDMARDY. c) The device shall stop generating DSTROBE edges within tRFS of the host negating -HDMARDY. d) If the host negates -HDMARDY within tSR after the device has generated a DSTROBE edge, then the host shall be prepared to receive zero or one additional data words. If the host negates -HDMARDY greater than tSR after the device has generated a DSTROBE edge, then the host shall be prepared to receive zero, one or two additional data words. The additional data words are a result of cable round trip delay and tRFS timing for the device. e) The host shall resume an Ultra DMA burst by asserting -HDMARDY. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 32 of 101 Figure 12: Ultra DMA Data-In Burst Host Pause Timing Notes: 1. 2. The host may assert STOP to request termination of the Ultra DMA burst no sooner than tRP after -HDMARDY is negated. After negating -HDMARDY, the host may receive zero, one, two, or three more data words from the device. Device Terminating an Ultra DMA Data-In Burst The device terminates an Ultra DMA Data-In burst by following the steps lettered below. The timing diagram is shown in Figure 13: Ultra DMA Data-In Burst Device Termination Timing. The timing parameters are specified in Table 27: Ultra DMA Data Burst Timing Requirements and are described in Table 28: Ultra DMA Data Burst Timing Descriptions. The following steps shall occur in the order they are listed unless otherwise specifically allowed: a) The device shall not pause an Ultra DMA burst until at least one data word of an Ultra b) The device shall pause an Ultra DMA burst by not generating DSTROBE edges. c) NOTE - The host shall not immediately assert STOP to initiate Ultra DMA burst termination when the device stops generating STROBE edges. If the device does not negate DMARQ, in order to initiate ULTRA DMA burst termination, the host shall negate d) The device shall resume an Ultra DMA burst by generating a DSTROBE edge. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 33 of 101 Figure 13: Ultra DMA Data-In Burst Device Termination Timing Notes: The definitions for the STOP, HDMARDY, and DSTROBE signal lines are no longer in effect after DMARQ and DMACK are negated. Host Terminating an Ultra DMA Data-In Burst The host terminates an Ultra DMA Data-In burst by following the steps lettered below. The timing diagram is shown in Figure 14: Ultra DMA Data-In Burst Host Termination Timing. The timing parameters are specified in Table 27: Ultra DMA Data Burst Timing Requirements and are described in Table 28: Ultra DMA Data Burst Timing Descriptions. The following steps shall occur in the order they are listed unless otherwise specifically allowed: a) The host shall not initiate Ultra DMA burst termination until at least one data word of an Ultra DMA burst has been transferred. b) The host shall initiate Ultra DMA burst termination by negating -HDMARDY. The host shall continue to negate -HDMARDY until the Ultra DMA burst is terminated. c) The device shall stop generating DSTROBE edges within tRFS of the host negating -HDMARDY d) If the host negates -HDMARDY within tSR after the device has generated a DSTROBE edge, then the host shall be prepared to receive zero or one additional data words. If the host negates HDMARDYgreater than tSR after the device has generated a DSTROBE edge, then the host shall be prepared to receive zero, one or two additional data words. The additional data words are a result of cable round trip delay and t RFS timing for the device. e) The host shall assert STOP no sooner than tRP after negating -HDMARDY. The host shall not negate STOP again until after the Ultra DMA burst is terminated. f) The device shall negate DMARQ within tLI after the host has asserted STOP. The device shall not assert DMARQ again until after the Ultra DMA burst is terminated. g) If DSTROBE is negated, the device shall assert DSTROBE within tLI after the host has asserted STOP. No data shall be transferred during this assertion. The host shall ignore this transition on DSTROBE. DSTROBE shall remain asserted until the Ultra DMA burst is terminated. h) The device shall release D[15:00] no later than tAZ after negating DMARQ. i) The host shall drive DD D[15:00] no sooner than tZAH after the device has negated DMARQ. For this step, the host may first drive D[15:00] with the result of its CRC calculation (see ). Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 34 of 101 j) k) l) m) n) o) p) If the host has not placed the result of its CRC calculation on D[15:00] since first driving D[15:00] during (9), the host shall place the result of its CRC calculation on D[15:00] (see ). The host shall negate -DMACK no sooner than tMLI after the device has asserted DSTROBE and negated DMARQ and the host has asserted STOP and negated -HDMARDY, and no sooner than tDVS after the host places the result of its CRC calculation on D[15:00]. The device shall latch the host's CRC data from D[15:00] on the negating edge of -DMACK. The device shall compare the CRC data received from the host with the results of its own CRC calculation. If a miscompare error occurs during one or more Ultra DMA burst for any one command, at the end of the command, the device shall report the first error that occurred (see ). The device shall release DSTROBE within tIORDYZ after the host negates -DMACK. The host shall neither negate STOP nor assert -HDMARDY until at least tACK after the host has negated - DMACK. The host shall not assert -IORD, -CS0, -CS1, DA2, DA1, or DA0 until at least tACK after negating DMACK. Figure 14: Ultra DMA Data-In Burst Host Termination Timing Notes: The definitions for the STOP, HDMARDY, and DSTROBE signal lines are no longer in effect after DMARQ and DMACK are negated. Initiating an Ultra DMA Data-Out Burst An Ultra DMA Data-out burst is initiated by following the steps lettered below. The timing diagram is shown in Figure 15: Ultra DMA Data-Out Burst Initiation Timing. The timing parameters are specified in Table 27: Ultra DMA Data Burst Timing Requirements and are described in Table 28: Ultra DMA Data Burst Timing Descriptions. The following steps shall occur in the order they are listed unless otherwise specifically allowed: a) The host shall keep -DMACK in the negated state before an Ultra DMA burst is initiated. b) The device shall assert DMARQ to initiate an Ultra DMA burst. c) Steps I, (d), and (e) may occur in any order or at the same time. The host shall assert STOP. d) The host shall assert HSTROBE. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 35 of 101 e) The host shall negate -CS0, -CS1, DA2, DA1, and DA0. The host shall keep -CS0, -CS1, DA2, DA1, and DA0 negated until after negating -DMACK at the end of the burst. f) Steps I, (d), and (e) shall have occurred at least tACK before the host asserts -DMACK. The host shall keep - DMACK asserted until the end of an Ultra DMA burst. g) The device may negate -DDMARDY tZIORDY after the host has asserted -DMACK. Once the device has negated -DDMARDY, the device shall not release -DDMARDY until after the host has negated DMACK at the end of an Ultra DMA burst. h) The host shall negate STOP within tENV after asserting -DMACK. The host shall not assert STOP until after the first negation of HSTROBE. i) The device shall assert -DDMARDY within tLI after the host has negated STOP. After asserting DMARQ and - DDMARDY the device shall not negate either signal until after the first negation of HSTROBE by the host. j) The host shall drive the first word of the data transfer onto D[15:00]. This step may occur any time during Ultra DMA burst initiation. k) To transfer the first word of data: the host shall negate HSTROBE no sooner than t UI after the device has asserted -DDMARDY. The host shall negate HSTROBE no sooner than tDVS after the driving the first word of data onto D[15:00]. Figure 15: Ultra DMA Data-Out Burst Initiation Timing Note: The definitions for the STOP, DDMARDY, and HSTROBE signal lines are not in effect until DMARQ and DMACK are asserted. Sustaining an Ultra DMA Data-Out Burst An Ultra DMA Data-Out burst is sustained by following the steps lettered below. The timing diagram is shown in Figure 16: Sustained Ultra DMA Data-Out Burst Timing. The associated timing parameters are specified in Table 27: Ultra DMA Data Burst Timing Requirements and are described in Table 28: Ultra DMA Data Burst Timing Descriptions. The following steps shall occur in the order they are listed unless otherwise specifically allowed: a) The host shall drive a data word onto D[15:00]. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 36 of 101 b) The host shall generate an HSTROBE edge to latch the new word no sooner than t DVS after changing the state of D[15:00]. The host shall generate an HSTROBE edge no more frequently than t CYC for the selected Ultra DMA mode. The host shall not generate two rising or falling HSTROBE edges more frequently than 2t cyc for the selected Ultra DMA mode. c) The host shall not change the state of D[15:00] until at least tDVH after generating an HSTROBE edge to latch the data. d) The host shall repeat steps (a), (b), and (c) until the data transfer is complete or an Ultra DMA burst is paused, whichever occurs first. Figure 16: Sustained Ultra DMA Data-Out Burst Timing Note: Data (D15:D00) and HSTROBE signals are shown at both the device and the host to emphasize that cable settling time as well as cable propagation delay shall not allow the data signals to be considered stable at the device until some time after they are driven by the host. Device Pausing an Ultra DMA Data-Out Burst The device pauses an Ultra DMA Data-Out burst by following the steps lettered below. The timing diagram is shown in Figure 17: Ultra DMA Data-Out Burst Device Pause Timing. The timing parameters are specified in Table 27: Ultra DMA Data Burst Timing Requirements and are described in Table 28: Ultra DMA Data Burst Timing Descriptions. The following steps shall occur in the order they are listed unless otherwise specifically allowed: a) The device shall not pause an Ultra DMA burst until at least one data word of an Ultra DMA burst has been transferred. b) The device shall pause an Ultra DMA burst by negating -DDMARDY. c) The host shall stop generating HSTROBE edges within tRFS of the device negating -DDMARDY. d) If the device negates -DDMARDY within tSR after the host has generated an HSTROBE edge, then the device shall be prepared to receive zero or one additional data words. If the device negates -DDMARDY greater than tSR after the host has generated an HSTROBE edge, then the device shall be prepared to receive zero, one or two additional data words. The additional data words are a result of cable round trip delay and tRFS timing for the host. e) The device shall resume an Ultra DMA burst by asserting -DDMARDY. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 37 of 101 Figure 17: Ultra DMA Data-Out Burst Device Pause Timing Notes: 1. 2. The device may negate DMARQ to request termination of the Ultra DMA burst no sooner than tRP after -DDMARDY is negated. After negating -DDMARDY, the device may receive zero, one, two, or three more data words from the host. Device Terminating an Ultra DMA Data-Out Burst The device terminates an Ultra DMA Data-Out burst by following the steps lettered below. The timing diagram for the operation is shown in Figure 18: Ultra DMA Data-Out Burst Device Termination Timing. The timing parameters are specified in Table 27: Ultra DMA Data Burst Timing Requirements and are described in Table 28: Ultra DMA Data Burst Timing Descriptions. The following steps shall occur in the order they are listed unless otherwise specifically allowed: a) The device shall not initiate Ultra DMA burst termination until at least one data word of an Ultra DMA burst has been transferred. b) The device shall initiate Ultra DMA burst termination by negating -DDMARDY. c) The host shall stop generating an HSTROBE edges within tRFS of the device negating -DDMARDY. d) If the device negates -DDMARDY within tSR after the host has generated an HSTROBE edge, then the device shall be prepared to receive zero or one additional data words. If the device negates -DDMARDY greater than tSR after the host has generated anHSTROBE edge, then the device shall be prepared to receive zero, one or two additional data words. The additional data words are a result of cable round trip delay and tRFS timing for the host. e) The device shall negate DMARQ no sooner than tRP after negating -DDMARDY. The device shall not assert DMARQ again until after the Ultra DMA burst is terminated. f) The host shall assert STOP within tLI after the device has negated DMARQ. The host shall not negate STOP again until after the Ultra DMA burst is terminated. g) If HSTROBE is negated, the host shall assert HSTROBE within tLI after the device has negated DMARQ. No data shall be transferred during this assertion. The device shall ignore this transition of HSTROBE. HSTROBE shall remain asserted until the Ultra DMA burst is terminated. h) The host shall place the result of its CRC calculation on D[15:00] (see ). i) The host shall negate -DMACK no sooner than tMLI after the host has asserted HSTROBE and STOP and the device has negated DMARQ and -DDMARDY, and no sooner than tDVS after placing the result of its CRC calculation on D[15:00]. j) The device shall latch the host's CRC data from D[15:00] on the negating edge of -DMACK. k) The device shall compare the CRC data received from the host with the results of its own CRC calculation. If a miscompare error occurs during one or more Ultra DMA bursts for any one command. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 38 of 101 Figure 18: Ultra DMA Data-Out Burst Device Termination Timing Note: The definitions for the STOP, DDMARDY, and HSTROBE signal lines are no longer in effect after DMARQ and DMACK are negated. Host Terminating an Ultra DMA Data-Out Burst Termination of an Ultra DMA Data-Out burst by the host is shown in Figure 19: Ultra DMA Data-Out Burst Host Termination Timing while timing parameters are specified in Table 27: Ultra DMA Data Burst Timing Requirements and timing parameters are described in Table 28: Ultra DMA Data Burst Timing Descriptions. The following steps shall occur in the order they are listed unless otherwise specifically allowed: a) The host shall initiate termination of an Ultra DMA burst by not generating HSTROBE edges. b) The host shall assert STOP no sooner than tSS after it last generated an HSTROBE edge. The host shall not negate STOP again until after the Ultra DMA burst is terminated. c) The device shall negate DMARQ within tLI after the host asserts STOP. The device shall not assert DMARQ again until after the Ultra DMA burst is terminated. d) The device shall negate -DDMARDY within tLI after the host has negated STOP. The device shall not assert - DDMARDY again until after the Ultra DMA burst termination is complete. e) If HSTROBE is negated, the host shall assert HSTROBE within tLI after the device has negated DMARQ. No data shall be transferred during this assertion. The device shall ignore this transition on HSTROBE. HSTROBE shall remain asserted until the Ultra DMA burst is terminated. f) The host shall place the result of its CRC calculation on D[15:00] (see ). g) The host shall negate -DMACK no sooner than tMLI after the host has asserted HSTROBE and STOP and the device has negated DMARQ and -DDMARDY, and no sooner than tDVS after placing the result of its CRC calculation on D[15:00]. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 39 of 101 h) The device shall latch the host's CRC data from D[15:00] on the negating edge of -DMACK. i) The device shall compare the CRC data received from the host with the results of its own CRC calculation. If a miscompare error occurs during one or more Ultra DMA bursts for any one command, at the end of the command, the device shall report the first error that occurred (see ). j) The device shall release -DDMARDY within tIORDYZ after the host has negated -DMACK. k) The host shall neither negate STOP nor negate HSTROBE until at least tACK after negating -DMACK. l) The host shall not assert -IOWR, -CS0, -CS1, DA2, DA1, or DA0 until at least tACK after negating -DMACK. Figure 19: Ultra DMA Data-Out Burst Host Termination Timing Notes: The definitions for the STOP, DDMARDY, and HSTROBE signal lines are no longer in effect after DMARQ and DMACK are negated. Ultra DMA CRC Calculation The following is a list of rules for calculating CRC, determining if a CRC error has occurred during an Ultra DMA burst, and reporting any error that occurs at the end of a command. 1. Both the host and the device shall have a 16-bit CRC calculation function. 2. Both the host and the device shall calculate a CRC value for each Ultra DMA burst. 3. The CRC function in the host and the device shall be initialized with a seed of 4ABAh at the beginning of an Ultra DMA burst before any data is transferred. 4. For each STROBE transition used for data transfer, both the host and the device shall calculate a new CRC value by applying the CRC polynomial to the current value of their individual CRC functions and the word being transferred. CRC is not calculated for the return of STROBE to the asserted state after the Ultra DMA burst termination request has been acknowledged. 5. At the end of any Ultra DMA burst the host shall send the results of its CRC calculation function to the device on D[15:00] with the negation of -DMACK. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 40 of 101 6. The device shall then compare the CRC data from the host with the calculated value in its own CRC calculation function. If the two values do not match, the device shall save the error and report it at the end of the command. A subsequent Ultra DMA burst for the same command that does not have a CRC error shall not clear an error saved from a previous Ultra DMA burst in the same command. If a miscompare error occurs during one or more Ultra DMA bursts for any one command, at the end of the command, the device shall report the first error that occurred. 7. For READ DMA, WRITE DMA, READ DMA QUEUED, or WRITE DMA QUEUED commands: When a CRC error is detected, it shall be reported by setting both ICRC and ABRT (bit 7 and bit 2 in the Error register) to one. ICRC is defined as the "Interface CRC Error" bit. The host shall respond to this error by reissuing the command. 8. For a REQUEST SENSE packet command (see SPC T10/955D for definition of the REQUEST SENSE command): When a CRC error is detected during transmission of sense data the device shall complete the command and set CHK to one. The device shall report a Sense key of 0Bh (ABORTED COMMAND). The device shall preserve the original sense data that was being returned when the CRC error occurred. The device shall not report any additional sense data specific to the CRC error. The host device driver may retry the REQUEST SENSE command or may consider this an unrecoverable error and retry the command that caused the Check Condition. 9. For any packet command except a REQUEST SENSE command: If a CRC error is detected, the device shall complete the command with CHK set to one. The device shall report a Sense key of 04h (HARDWARE ERROR). The sense data supplied via a subsequent REQUEST SENSE command shall report an ASC/ASCQ value of 08h/03h (LOGICAL UNIT COMMUNICATION CRC ERROR). Host drivers should retry the command that resulted in a HARDWARE ERROR. NOTE - If excessive CRC errors are encountered while operating in Ultra mode 2 or 1, the host should select a slower Ultra mode. Caution: CRC errors are detected and reported only while operating in an Ultra mode. 10. A host may send extra data words on the last Ultra DMA burst of a data out command. If a device determines that all data has been transferred for a command, the device shall terminate the burst. A device may have already received more data words than were required for the command. These extra words are used by both the host and the device to calculate the CRC, but, on an Ultra DMA data out burst, the extra words shall be discarded by the device. 11. 11. The CRC generator polynomial is: G(X) = X16 + X12 + X5 + 1. Table 31 describes the equations for 16-bit parallel generation of the resulting polynomial (based on a word boundary). NOTE - Since no bit clock is available, the recommended approach for calculating CRC is to use a word clock derived from the bus strobe. The combinational logic is then equivalent to shifting sixteen bits serially through the generator polynomial where D00 is shifted in first and D15 is shifted in last. Table 31: Equations for parallel generation of an Ultra DMA CRC CRCIN0 = f16 CRCIN8 = f8 XOR f13 CRCIN1 = f15 CRCIN9 = f7 XOR f12 CRCIN2 = f14 CRCIN10 = f6 XOR f11 CRCIN3 = f13 CRCIN11 = f5 XOR f10 CRCIN4 = f12 CRCIN12 = f4 XOR f9 XOR f16 CRCIN5 = f11 XOR f16 CRCIN13 = f3 XOR f8 XOR f15 CRCIN6 = f10 XOR f15 CRCIN14 = f2 XOR f7 XOR f14 CRCIN7 = f9 XOR f14 CRCIN15 = f1 XOR f6 XOR f13 f1 = D00 XOR CRCOUT15 f9 = D08 XOR CRCOUT7 XOR f5 f2 = D01 XOR CRCOUT14 f10 = D09 XOR CRCOUT6 XOR f6 f3 = D02 XOR CRCOUT13 f11 = D10 XOR CRCOUT5 XOR f7 f4 = D03 XOR CRCOUT12 f12 = D11 XOR CRCOUT4 XOR f1 XOR f8 f5 = D04 XOR CRCOUT11 XOR f1 f13 = D12 XOR CRCOUT3 XOR f2 XOR f9 f6 = D05 XOR CRCOUT10 XOR f2 f14 = D13 XOR CRCOUT2 XOR f3 XOR f10 f7 = D06 XOR CRCOUT9 XOR f3 f15 = D14 XOR CRCOUT1 XOR f4 XOR f11 f8 = D07 XOR CRCOUT8 XOR f4 f16 = D15 XOR CRCOUT0 XOR f5 XOR f12 Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. f=feedback D[15:0] = Data to or from the bus CRCOUT = 16-bit edge triggered result (current CRC) CRCOUT[15:0] are sent on matching order bits of D[15:00] An example of a CRC generator implementation is provided below in Figure 20: Ultra DMA Parallel CRC Generator Example. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 41 of 101 Figure 20: Ultra DMA Parallel CRC Generator Example Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 42 of 101 7 Card Configuration The CompactFlash Memory Card is identified by information in the Card Information Structure (CIS). The Card has four configuration registers (Table 32and Table 33). Configuration Option Register Pin Replacement Register Card Configuration and Status Register Socket and Copy Register They are used to coordinate the I/O spaces and the Interrupt level of cards that are located in the system. In addition, in I/O Card mode these registers provide a method for accessing status information that would normally appear on dedicated pins in Memory Card mode. The base address of the card configuration registers is 200h in the Attribute Memory space. No write operation should be performed to the attribute memory area except for the configuration register addresses. All other attribute memory locations are reserved. See 7.5 Attribute Memory Function. Table 32: CompactFlash Memory Card Registers and Memory Space Decoding -CE2 1 X 1 0 0 X 1 0 0 X 1 1 1 0 0 -CE1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 -REG X 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -OE X 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 -WE X 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 A10 X X X X X X X X X 0 0 X X X X A9 X 1 X X X 1 X X X 0 0 X X X X A8-A4 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX A3 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X A2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X A1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X A0 X 0 X X 0 0 X X 0 0 0 1 1 X X Selected Space Standby Configuration Register Read Common Memory Read (8 bit - D7 to D0) Common Memory Read (8 bit - D15 to D8) Common Memory Read (16 bit - D15 to D0) Configuration Register Write Common Memory Write (8 bit - D7 to D0) Common Memory Write (8 bit - D15 to D8) Common Memory Write (16 bit - D15 to D0) Card Information Structure Read Invalid Access (CIS Write) Invalid Access (CIS Odd Byte Read) Invalid Access (CIS Odd Byte Write) Invalid Access (CIS Odd Byte Read) Invalid Access (CIS Odd Byte Write) Table 33: CompactFlash Memory Card Configuration Registers Decoding -CE2 X X X X X X X X -CE1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -REG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -OE 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 -WE 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 A10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A8~A4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 A1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 A0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Selected Space Configuration Option Register Read(200h) Configuration Option Register Write(200h) Card Status Register Read (202h) Card Status Register Write (202h) Pin Replacement Register Read (204h) Pin Replacement Register Write (204h) Socket and Copy Register Read (206h) Socket and Copy Register Write (206h) Note: The location of the Card Configuration Registers should always be read from the CIS since these locations may vary in future products. No Writes should be performed to the Card Attribute Memory except to the Card Configuration Register Addresses. All other attribute memory locations are reserved. 7.1 Configuration Option Register (200h in Attribute Memory) The Configuration Option Register is used to configure the Card's interface, address decoding and interrupt to the Card (see Table 34). 7.1.1 SRESET Setting the SRESET bit to `1' and returning the bit `0' places the CompactFlash Storage Card in the Reset state. Setting this bit to `1' is equivalent to asserting the RESET signal except that the SRESET bit is not cleared. Returning the SRESET bit to `0' leaves the CompactFlash Storage Card in the same un-configured Reset state as after a power-up and hardware reset. This bit is set to `0' at power-up and taking the Card through a hardware reset. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 43 of 101 7.1.2 LevlREQ This bit is set to one (1) when Level Mode Interrupt is selected, and zero (0) when Pulse Mode is selected. Set to zero (0) after Power Up. 7.1.3 Conf5 - Conf0 (Configuration Index) These bits are used to select the operation mode of the Card as shown in Table 35. This bit is set to `0' after Power Up. Table 34: Configuration Option Register (default value: 00h) Operation D7 D6 D5 R/W SRESET LevlREQ Conf5 D4 Conf4 D3 Conf3 D2 Conf2 D1 Conf1 D0 Conf0 Table 35: CompactFlash Memory Card Configurations Conf5 Conf4 Conf3 Conf2 Conf1 Conf0 Mapping Mode 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Memory Contiguous I/O Primary I/O Secondary I/O Card Mode Memory I/O I/O I/O Task File Register Address 0h - Fh, 400h - 7FFh xx0h - xxFh 1F0h - 1F7h, 3F6h - 3F7h 170h - 177h, 376h - 377h 7.2 CompactFlash Memory Card Configurations The Card Configuration and Status Register contains information about the Card's status (see Table 36). 7.2.1 Changed Indicates that one or both of the Pin Replacement register (CRDY, or CWProt) bits are set to `1'. When the Changed bit is set, -STSCHG (Pin 46) is held Low and if the SigChg bit is `1' the Card is configured for the I/O interface. 7.2.2 SigChg This bit is set and reset by the host to enable and disable a state-change signal from the Status Register (issued on Status Changed pin 46). If no state change signal is desired, this bit should be set `0' and pin 46 (-STSCHG) will be held High while the Card is configured for I/O. 7.2.3 Iois8 The host sets this bit to `1' if the Card is to be configured in 8 bit I/O Mode. The Card is always configured for both 8 and 16 bit I/O, so this bit is ignored. 7.2.4 PwrDwn This bit indicates whether the Card is in the power saving mode or active mode. When the PwrDwn bit is set to `1', the Card enters power down mode. When set to `0', the Card enters active mode. The READY value on Pin Replacement Register becomes BUSY when this bit is changed. READY will not become Ready until the power state requested has been entered. The Card automatically powers down when it is idle and powers back up when it receives a command. 7.2.5 Int This bit represents the internal state of the interrupt request. It is available whether or not the I/O interface has been configured. It remains valid until the condition which caused the interrupt request has been serviced. If interrupts are disabled by the -IEN bit in the Device Control Register, this bit is `0'. Table 36: Card Configuration and Status Register (default value: 00h) Operation Read Write D7 Changed 0 D6 SigChg SigChg D5 IOIS8 IOIS8 D4 0 0 D3 0 0 D2 PwrDwn PwrDwn D1 Int 0 D0 0 0 7.3 Pin Replacement Register (204h in Attribute Memory) This register contains information on the state of the READY signal when configured in memory mode and the IREQ signal in I/O mode. See Table 37 and Table 38. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 44 of 101 7.3.1 Cready This bit is set to `1' when the bit Rready changes state. This bit can also be written by the host. 7.3.2 CWProt This bit is set to `1' when the bit RWProt changes state. This bit can also be written by the host. 7.3.3 Rready This bit is used to determine the internal state of the Ready signal. In I/O mode it is used as an interrupt request. When written, this bit acts as a mask (Mready) for writing the corresponding bit Cready. 7.3.4 Wprot This bit is always `0' since the CompactFlash Memory Card does not have a Write Protect switch. When written, this bit acts as a mask for writing the corresponding CWProt bit. 7.3.5 Mready This bit acts as a mask for writing the corresponding Cready bit. 7.3.6 MWProt This bit when written acts as a mask for writing the corresponding CWProt bit. Table 37: Pin Replacement Register (default value: 0Ch) Operation Read Write D7 0 0 D6 0 0 D5 Cready Cready D4 CWProt CWProt D3 1 0 D2 1 0 D1 Rready Rready D0 Wprot MWProt Table 38: Pin Replacement Changed Bit/Mask Bit Values Written by Host `C' Bit `M' Bit X 0 X 0 0 1 1 1 Initial Value of `C' Status 0 1 X X Final `C' Bit Comments 0 1 0 1 Unchanged Unchanged Cleared by Host Set by Host 7.4 Socket and Copy Register (206h in Attribute Memory) This register contains additional configuration information which identifies the Card from other cards. This register is always written by the system before writing the Configuration Option Register (see Table 39). 7.4.1 Drive # This value can be used to address two different cards in the case of twin card configuration. 7.4.2 X The socket number is ignored by the Card. Table 39: Socket and Copy Register (default value: 00h) Operation Read Write D7 Reserved 0 D6 0 0 D5 0 0 D4 Drive # Drive # D3 0 X D2 0 X D1 0 X D0 0 X 7.5 Attribute Memory Function Attribute memory is a space where identification and configuration information are stored. Only 8 bit wide accesses at even addresses can be performed in this area. The Card configuration registers are also located in the Attribute Memory area, at base address 200h. Attribute memory is not accessible in True IDE mode of operation. For the Attribute Memory Read function, signals -REG and -OE must be active and -WE inactive during the cycle. As in the Main Memory Read functions, the signals -CE1 and -CE2 control the even and odd Byte address, but only the even Byte data is valid during the Attribute Memory access. Refer to Table 40 for signal states and bus validity. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 45 of 101 Table 40: Attribute Memory Function Function Mode -REG -CE2(1) -CE1(1) A10 A9 A0 -OE(1) -WE(1) D15 to D8 D7 to D0 Standby X H H X X X X X High-Z High-Z Read Byte Access CIS (8 bits) L H L L L L L H High-Z Even Byte Write Byte Access CIS (8 bits) L H L L L L H L Don't Care Even Byte Invalid Read Byte Access L H L L H L L H High-Z Even Byte Configuration (8 bits) Write Byte Access L H L L H L H L Don't Care Even Byte Configuration (8 bits) Read Byte Access L H L X X L L H High-Z Even Byte Configuration CF+ (8 bits) Read Word Access CIS (16 L L L L L X L H Not Valid Even Byte bits) Write Word Access CIS (16 L L L L L X H L Don't Care Even Byte bits) Invalid Read Word Access L L L L H X L H Not Valid Even Byte Configuration (16 bits) Write Word Access L L L L H X H L Don't Care Even Byte Configuration (16 bits) 21 The -CE signal or both the -OE signal and the -WE signal must be de-asserted between consecutive cycle operations. 7.6 I/O Transfer Function The I/O transfer to or from the Card can be either 8 or 16 bits. When a 16 bit accessible port is addressed, the - IOIS16 signal is asserted by the Card, otherwise it is de-asserted. When a 16 bit transfer is attempted, and the - IOIS16 signal is not asserted, the system must generate a pair of 8 bit references to access the Word's even and odd Bytes. The Card permits both 8 and 16 bit accesses to all of its I/O addresses, so -IOIS16 is asserted for all addresses (see Table 41). Table 41: I/O Function Function Code Standby Mode Byte Input Access (8 bits) Byte Output Access (8 bits) Word Input Access (16 bits) Word Output Access (16 bits) I/O Read Inhibit I/O Write Inhibit High Byte Input Only (8 bits) High Byte Output Only (8 bits) -REG X L L L L L L H H L L -CE2 H H H H H L L X X L L -CE1 H L L L L L L X X H H A0 X L H L H L L X X X X -IORD X L L H H L H L H L H -IOWR X H H L L H L H L H L D15 to D8 High Z High Z High Z Don't Care Don't Care Odd Byte Odd Byte Don't Care High Z Odd Byte Odd Byte D7 to D0 High Z Even Byte Odd Byte Even Byte Odd Byte Even Byte Even Byte Don't Care High Z High Z Don't Care 7.7 Common Memory Transfer Function The Common Memory transfer to or from the Card permits both 8 or 16 bit access to all of the Common Memory addresses (see Table 42). Table 42: Common Memory Function Function Code Standby Mode Byte Read Access (8 bits) Byte Write Access (8 bits) Word Read Access (16 bits) Word Write Access (16 bits) Odd Byte Read Only (8 bits) Odd Byte Write Only (8 bits) -REG X H H H H H H H H -CE2 H H H H H L L L L -CE1 H L L L L L L H H A0 X L H L H X X X X -OE X L L H H L H L H -WE X H H L L H L H L D15 to D8 High Z High Z High Z Don't Care Don't Care Odd Byte Odd Byte Odd Byte Odd Byte D7 to D0 High Z Even Byte Odd Byte Even Byte Odd Byte Even Byte Even Byte High Z Don't Care 7.8 True IDE Mode I/O Function The Card can be configured in a True IDE Mode of operation. It is configured in this mode only when the -OE signal is grounded by the host during the power off to power on cycle. In this True IDE Mode the PCMCIA protocol and configuration are disabled and only I/O operations to the Task File and Data Register are allowed. No Memory Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 46 of 101 or Attribute Registers are accessible to the host. The Set Feature Command can be used to put the device in 8 bit Mode (see Table 43). Removing and reinserting the Card while the host computer's power is on will reconfigure the Card to PC Card ATA mode. Table 43: True IDE Mode I/O Function Function Code Invalid Mode Standby Mode Task File Write Task File Read PIO Data Register Write DMA Data Register Write PIO Data Register Read DMA Data Register Read Control Register Write Alternate Status Read Drive Address -CS1 -CS0 A2 to A0 -DMACK -IORD -IOWR L L X X X X L L X X H H H H H H H L L L X X L L H L L L L L H H H H X X X X X 1h-7h 1h-7h 0 X 0 X 6h 6h 7h L L L L H H H H L H L H H H L X L X X H L H H L L H L L X L X L X L H L L H H L H H D15 to D8 Undefined In/Out Undefined Out Undefined In Undefined Out Undefined In High Z Don't Care High Z Odd-Byte In Odd-Byte In Odd-Byte Out Odd-Byte Out Don't Care High Z High Z D7 to D0 Undefined In/Out Undefined Out Undefined In Undefined Out Undefined In High Z Data In Data Out Even-Byte In Even-Byte In Even-Byte Out Even-Byte Out Control In Status Out Data Out 7.9 Host Configuration Requirements for Master/Slave or New Timing Modes The CF Advanced Timing modes include PCMCIA PC Card style I/O modes that are faster than the original 250 ns cycle time. These modes are not supported by the PCMCIA PC Card specification nor CF by cards based on revisions of the CF specification before Revision 3.0. Hosts shall ensure that all cards accessed through a common electrical interface are capable of operation at the desired, faster than 250 ns, I/O mode before configuring the interface for that I/O mode. Advanced Timing modes are PCMCIA PC Card style I/O modes that are 100 ns or faster, PC Card Memory modes that are 100ns or faster, True IDE PIO Modes 5,6 and Multiword DMA Modes 3,4. These modes are permitted to be used only when a single card is present and the host and card are connected directly, without a cable exceeding 0.15m in length. Consequently, the host shall not configure a card into an Advanced Timing Mode if two cards are sharing I/O lines, as in Master/Slave operation, nor if it is constructed such that a cable exceeding 0.15 meters is required to connect the host to the card. The load presented to the Host by cards supporting Ultra DMA is more controlled than that presented by other CompactFlash cards. Therefore, the use of a card that does not support Ultra DMA in a Master/Slave arrangement with a Ultra DMA card can affect the critical timing of the Ultra DMA transfers. The host shall not configure a card into Ultra DMA mode when a card not supporting Ultra DMA is also present on the same interface When the use of two cards on an interface is otherwise permitted, the host may use any mode that is supported by both cards, but to achieve maximum performance it should use its highest performance mode that is also supported by both cards. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 47 of 101 8 Software interface 8.1 CF-ATA Drive Register Set Definition and Protocol The CompactFlash Memory Card can be configured as a high performance I/O device through: Standard PC-AT disk I/O address spaces o 1F0h-1F7h, 3F6h-3F7h (primary); o 170h-177h, 376h-377h (secondary) with IRQ 14 (or other available IRQ). Any system decoded 16 Byte I/O block using any available IRQ. Memory space. Communication to or from the Card is done using the Task File registers which provide all the necessary registers for control and status information. The PCMCIA interface connects peripherals to the host using four-register mapping methods. Table 44: I/O Configurations is a detailed description of these methods: Table 44: I/O Configurations Config Index 0 1 2 3 I/O or Memory Memory I/O I/O I/O Standards Configurations Address 0h-Fh, 400h-7FFh xx0h-xxFh 1F0-1F7h, 3F6h-3F7h 170-177h, 376h-377h Description Memory Mapped I/O Mapped 16 Continuous Registers Primary I/O Mapped Secondary I/O Mapped 8.2 Memory Mapped Addressing When the Card registers are accessed via memory references, the registers appear in the common memory space window: 0-2Kbytes as shown in Table 45: Memory Mapped Decoding. This window accesses the Data Register FIFO. It does not allow random access to the data buffer within the Card. Register 0 is accessed with -CE1 and -CE2 Low, as a Word register on the combined Odd and Even Data Bus (D15 to D0). It can also be accessed with -CE1 Low and -CE2 High, by a pair of Byte accesses to offset 0. The address space of this Word register overlaps the address space of the Error and Feature Byte-wide registers at offset 1. When accessed twice as Byte register with -CE1 Low, the first Byte is the even Byte of the Word and the second is the odd Byte. A Byte access to address 0 with -CE1 High and -CE2 Low accesses the Error (read) or Feature (write) register. Registers at offset 8, 9 and D are non-overlapping duplicates of the registers at offset 0 and 1. Register 8 is equivalent to register 0, while register 9 accesses the odd Byte. Therefore, if the registers are Byte accessed in the order 9 then 8 the data will be transferred odd Byte then even Byte. Repeated Byte accesses to register 8 or 0 will access consecutive (even then odd) Bytes from the data buffer. Repeated Word accesses to register 8, 9 or 0 will access consecutive Words from the data buffer, however repeated Byte accesses to register 9 are not supported. Repeated alternating Byte accesses to registers 8 then 9 will access consecutive (even then odd) Bytes from the data buffer. Accesses to even addresses between 400h and 7FFh access register 8. Accesses to odd addresses between 400h and 7FFh access register 9. This 1 kByte memory window to the data register is provided so that hosts can perform memory-to-memory block moves to the data register when the register lies in memory space. Some hosts, such as the X86 processors, must increment both the source and destination addresses when executing the memoryto-memory block move instruction. Some PCMCIA socket adapters also have embedded auto incrementing address logic. A Word access to address at offset 8 will provide even data on the least significant Byte of the data bus, along with odd data at offset 9 on the most significant Byte of the data bus. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 48 of 101 Table 45: Memory Mapped Decoding -REG 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A10 A9 to A4 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 0 X 1 X 1 X A3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 X X A2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 X X A1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 X X A0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Offset 0h 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h 6h 7h 8h 9h Dh Eh Fh 8h 9h -OE=0 Even Data Register Error Register Sector Count Register Sector Number Register Cylinder Low Register Cylinder High Register Select Card/Head Register Status Register Dup. Even Data Register Dup. Odd Data Register Dup. Error Register Alternate Status Register Drive Address Register Even Data Register Odd Data Register -WE=0 Even Data Register Feature Register Sector Count Register Sector Number Register Cylinder Low Register Cylinder High Register Select Card/Head Register Command Register Dup. Even Data Register Dup. Odd Data Register Dup. Feature Register Device Control Register Reserved Even Data Register Odd Data Register 8.3 Contiguous I/O Mapped Addressing When the system decodes a contiguous block of I/O registers to select the Card, the registers are accessed in the block of I/O space decoded by the system as shown in Table 46. As for the Memory Mapped Addressing, register 0 is accessed with -CE1 Low and -CE2 Low (and A0 don't Care) as a Word register on the combined Odd and Even Data Bus (D15 to D0). This register may also be accessed with -CE1 Low and -CE2 High, by a pair of Byte accesses to offset 0. The address space of this Word register overlaps the address space of the Error and Feature Byte-wide registers at offset 1. When accessed twice as Byte register with - CE1 Low, the first Byte is the even Byte of the Word and the second is the odd Byte. A Byte access to register 0 with -CE1 High and -CE2 Low accesses the error (read) or feature (write) register. Registers at offset 8, 9 and D are non-overlapping duplicates of the registers at offset 0 and 1. Register 8 is equivalent to register 0, while register 9 accesses the odd Byte. Therefore, if the registers are Byte accessed in the order 9 then 8 the data will be transferred odd Byte then even Byte. Repeated Byte accesses to register 8 or 0 will access consecutive (even than odd) Bytes from the data buffer. Repeated Word accesses to register 8, 9 or 0 will access consecutive Words from the data buffer, however repeated Byte accesses to register 9 are not supported. Repeated alternating Byte accesses to registers 8 then 9 will access consecutive (even then odd) Bytes from the data buffer. Table 46: Contiguous I/O Decoding -REG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A10 to A4 X X X X X X X X X X X X X Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland A3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 A2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 A1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 A0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 Offset 0h 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h 6h 7h 8h 9h Dh Eh Fh -IORD=0 Even Data Register Error Register Sector Count Register Sector Number Register Cylinder Low Register Cylinder High Register Select Card/Head Register Status Register Dup. Even Data Register Dup. Odd Data Register Dup. Error Register Alternate Status Register Drive Address Register -IOWR=0 Even Data Register Feature Register Sector Count Register Sector Number Register Cylinder Low Register Cylinder High Register Select Card/Head Register Command Register Dup. Even Data Register Dup. Odd Data Register Dup. Feature Register Device Control Register Reserved Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 49 of 101 8.4 I/O Primary and Secondary Address Configurations When the system decodes the Primary and Secondary Address Configurations, the registers are accessed in the block of I/O space as shown in Table 47. As for the Memory Mapped Addressing, register 0 is accessed with -CE1 Low and -CE2 Low (and A0 don't Care) as a Word register on the combined Odd and Even Data Bus (D15 to D0). This register may also be accessed with -CE1 Low and -CE2 High, by a pair of Byte accesses to offset 0. The address space of this Word register overlaps the address space of the Error and Feature Byte-wide registers at offset 1. When accessed twice as Byte register with - CE1 Low, the first Byte is the even Byte of the Word and the second is the odd Byte. A Byte access to register 0 with -CE1 High and -CE2 Low accesses the error (read) or feature (write) register. Table 47: Primary and Secondary I/O Decoding -REG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A9 to A4 1F(17)h 1F(17)h 1F(17)h 1F(17)h 1F(17)h 1F(17)h 1F(17)h 1F(17)h 3F(37)h 3F(37)h A3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 A1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 A0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 -IORD=0 Even Data Register Error Register Sector Count Register Sector Number Register Cylinder Low Register Cylinder High Register Select Card/Head Register Status Register Alternate Status Register Drive Address Register -IOWR=0 Even Data Register Feature Register Sector Count Register Sector Number Register Cylinder Low Register Cylinder High Register Select Card/Head Register Command Register Device Control Register Reserved 8.5 True IDE Mode Addressing When the Card is configured in the True IDE Mode, the I/O decoding is as shown in Table 48. Table 48: True IDE Mode I/O Decoding -CS1 -CS0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland A2 0 X 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 A1 0 X 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 A0 0 X 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 -DMACK 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -IORD=0 PIO RD Data DMA RD Data Error Register Sector Count Sector No. Cylinder Low Cylinder High Select Card/Head Status Alt Status -IOWR=0 PIO WR Data DMA WR Data Features Sector Count Sector No. Cylinder Low Cylinder High Select Card/Head Command Control Register Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 50 of 101 9 CF-ATA Registers The following section describes the hardware registers used by the host software to issue commands to the Card. These registers are collectively referred to as the `task file'. In accordance with the PCMCIA specification, each register that is located at an odd offset address can be accessed in the PC Card Memory or PC Card I/O modes. The register can be addressed in two ways: Using the normal register address. Using the corresponding even address (normal address -1) when -CE1 is High and -CE2 Low, unless -IOIS16 is High (not asserted by the card) and an I/O cycle is in progress. Register data are input or output on data bus lines D15-D8. In True IDE mode, the size of the transfer is based solely on the register being addressed. All registers are 8-bit only except for the Data Register, which is normally 16 bits. However, they can be configured to be accessed in 8bit mode for non-DMA operations, by using a Set Features command (see Section 10.20 ). 9.1 Data Register The Data register is located at address 1F0h [170h], offset 0h, 8h, and 9h. The Data Register is a 16 bit register used to transfer data blocks between the Card data buffer and the Host. This register overlaps the Error Register. Table 49 and Table 50 describe the combinations of Data register access and explain the overlapped Data and Error/Feature Registers. Because of the overlapped registers, access to the 1F1h, 171h or offset 1 are not defined for Word (-CE2 and -CE1 set to `0') operations, and are treated as accesses to the Word Data Register. The duplicated registers at offsets 8, 9 and Dh have no restrictions on the operations that can be performed. Table 49: Data Register Access (Memory and I/O mode) Data Register -CE2 -CE1 A0 -REG Offset Data Bus Word Data Register 0 0 X 0h, 8h, 9h D15 to D0 Even Data Register 1 0 0 0h, 8h D7 to D0 Odd Data Register 1 0 1 9h D7 to D0 Odd Data Register 0 1 X 8h, 9h D15 to D8 Error/Feature Register 1 0 1 1h, Dh D7 to D0 Error/Feature Register 0 1 X 1h D15 to D8 Error/Feature Register 0 0 X Dh D15 to D8 22 -REG signal is mode dependent. It must be Low when the Card operates in I/O Mode and High when it operates in (1) Memory Mode. Table 50: Data Register Access (True IDE mode) Data Register PIO Word Data Register DMA Word Data Register PIO Byte Data Register (Selected Using Set Features Command) -CS1 1 1 1 -CS0 0 1 0 A0 0 X 0 -DMACK 1 0 1 Offset 0h X 0h Data Bus D15 to D0 D15 to D0 D7 to D0 9.2 Error Register The Error register is a read-only register, located at address 1F1h [171h], offset 1h, 0Dh. This read only register contains additional information about the source of an error when an error is indicated in bit 0 of the Status register. The bits are defined in Table 51 This register is accessed on data bits D15 to D8 during a write operation to offset 0 with -CE2 Low and -CE1 High. 9.2.1 Bit 7 (BBK) This bit is set when a Bad Block is detected. 9.2.2 Bit 6 (UNC) This bit is set when an Uncorrectable Error is encountered. 9.2.3 Bit 5 This bit is `0'. 9.2.4 Bit 4 (IDNF) This bit is set if the requested sector ID is in error or cannot be found. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 51 of 101 9.2.5 Bit 3 This bit is `0'. 9.2.6 Bit 2 (Abort) This bit is set if the command has been aborted because of a Card status condition (Not Ready, Write Fault, etc.) or when an invalid command has been issued. 9.2.7 Bit 1 This bit is `0'. 9.2.8 Bit 0 (AMNF) This bit is set when there is a general error. Table 51: Error Register D7 BBK D6 UNC D5 0 D4 IDNF D3 0 D2 ABRT D1 0 D0 AMNF 9.3 Feature Register The Feature register is a write-only register, located at address 1F1h [171h], offset 1h, Dh. This write-only register provides information on features that the host can utilize. It is accessed on data bits D15 to D8 during a write operation to Offset 0 with -CE2 Low and -CE1 High. 9.4 Sector Count Register The Sector Count register is located at address 1F2h [172h], offset 2h. This register contains the number of sectors of data to be transferred on a read or write operation between the host and Card. If the value in this register is zero, a count of 256 sectors is specified. If the command was successful, this register is zero at completion. If not successfully completed, the register contains the number of sectors that need to be transferred in order to complete the request. The default value is 01h. 9.5 Sector Number (LBA 7-0) Register The Sector Number register is located at address 1F3h [173h], offset 3h. This register contains the starting sector number or bits 7 to 0 of the Logical Block Address (LBA), for any data access for the subsequent sector transfer command. 9.6 Cylinder Low (LBA 15-8) Register The Cylinder Low register is located at address 1F4h [174h], offset 4h. This register contains the least significant 8 bits of the starting cylinder address or bits 15 to 8 of the Logical Block Address. 9.7 Cylinder High (LBA 23-16) Register The Cylinder High register is located at address 1F5h [175h], offset 5h. This register contains the most significant bits of the starting cylinder address or bits 23 to 16 of the Logical Block Address. 9.8 Drive/Head (LBA 27-24) Register The Driver/Head register is located at address 1F6h [176h], offset 6h. The Drive/Head register is used to select the drive and head. It is also used to select LBA addressing instead of cylinder/head/sector addressing. The bits are defined in Table 52. 9.8.1 Bit 7 This bit is set to `1'. 9.8.2 Bit 6 (LBA) LBA is a flag to select either Cylinder/Head/Sector (CHS) or Logical Block Address Mode (LBA). When LBA is set to `0', Cylinder/Head/Sector mode is selected. When LBA is set to'1', Logical Block Address is selected. In Logical Block Mode, the Logical Block Address is interpreted as follows: Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 52 of 101 LBA7-LBA0: Sector Number Register D7 to D0 LBA15-LBA8: Cylinder Low Register D7 to D0 LBA23-LBA16: Cylinder High Register D7 to D0 LBA27-LBA24: Drive/Head Register bits HS3 to HS0 9.8.3 Bit 5 This bit is set to `1'. 9.8.4 Bit 4 (DRV) DRV is the drive number. When DRV is `0', drive/card 0 is selected (Master). When DRV is `1', drive/card 1 is selected (Slave). The Card is set to Card 0 or 1 using the copy field (Drive #) of the PCMCIA Socket & Copy configuration register. 9.8.5 Bit 3 (HS3) When operating in the Cylinder, Head, Sector mode, this is bit 3 of the head number. It is bit 27 in the Logical Block Address mode. 9.8.6 Bit 2 (HS2) When operating in the Cylinder, Head, Sector mode, this is bit 2 of the head number. It is bit 26 in the Logical Block Address mode. 9.8.7 Bit 1 (HS1) When operating in the Cylinder, Head, Sector mode, this is bit 1 of the head number. It is Bit 25 in the Logical Block Address mode. 9.8.8 Bit 0 (HS0) When operating in the Cylinder, Head, Sector mode, this is bit 0 of the head number. It is Bit 24 in the Logical Block Address mode. Table 52: Drive/Head Register D7 1 D6 LBA D5 1 D4 DRV D3 HS3 D2 HS2 D1 HS1 D0 HS0 9.9 Status & Alternate Status Registers The Status & Alternate Status registers are located at addresses 1F7h [177h] and 3F6h [376h], respectively. Offsets are 7h and Eh. These registers return the Card status when read by the host. Reading the Status Register clears a pending interrupt. Reading the Auxiliary Status Register does not clear a pending interrupt. The Status Register should be accessed in Byte mode; in Word mode it is recommended that Alternate Status Register is used. The status bits are described as follows 9.9.1 Bit 7 (BUSY) The busy bit is set when only the Card can access the command register and buffer, The host is denied access. No other bits in this register are valid when this bit is set to `1'. 9.9.2 Bit 6 (RDY) This bit indicates whether the device is capable of performing CompactFlash Memory Card operations. This bit is cleared at power up and remains cleared until the Card is ready to accept a command. 9.9.3 Bit 5 (DWF) When set this bit indicates a Write Fault has occurred. 9.9.4 Bit 4 (DSC) This bit is set when the Card is ready. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 53 of 101 9.9.5 Bit 3 (DRQ) The Data Request is set when the Card requires information be transferred either to or from the host through the Data register. The bit is cleared by the next command. 9.9.6 Bit 2 (CORR) This bit is set when a Correctable data error has been encountered and the data has been corrected. This condition does not terminate a multi-sector read operation. 9.9.7 Bit 1 (IDX) This bit is always set to `0'. 9.9.8 Bit 0 (ERR) This bit is set when the previous command has ended in some type of error. The bits in the Error register contain additional information describing the error. In case of read or write access commands that end with an error, the address of the first sector with an error is in the command block registers. This bit is cleared by the next command. Table 53: Status & Alternate Status Register D7 BUSY D6 RDY D5 DWF D4 DSC D3 DRQ D2 CORR D1 0 D0 ERR 9.10 Device Control Register The Device Control register is located at address 3F6h [376h], offset Eh. This Write-only register is used to control the CompactFlash Memory Card interrupt request and to issue an ATA soft reset to the Card. This register can be written even if the device is BUSY. The bits are defined as follows: 9.10.1 Bit 7 to 3 Don't care. The host should reset this bit to `0'. 9.10.2 Bit 2 (SW Rst) This bit is set to 1 in order to force the CompactFlash Storage Card to perform an AT Disk controller Soft Reset operation. This clears Status Register and writes Diagnostic Code in Error register after a Write or Read Sector error. The Card remains in Reset until this bit is reset to `0.' 9.10.3 Bit 1 (-Ien) When the Interrupt Enable bit is set to `0', -IREQ interrupts are enabled. When the bit is set to `1', interrupts from the Card are disabled. This bit also controls the Int bit in the Card Configuration and Status Register. It is set to `0' at Power On. 9.10.4 Bit 0 This bit is set to `0'. Table 54: Device Control Register D7 X(0) D6 X(0) D5 X(0) D4 X(0) D3 X(0) D2 SW Rst D1 -Ien D0 0 9.11 Card (Drive) Address Register The Card (Drive) Address register is located at address 3F7h [377h], offset Fh. This read-only register is provided for compatibility with the AT disk drive interface and can be used for confirming the drive status. It is recommended that this register is not mapped into the host's I/O space because of potential conflicts on Bit 7. The bits are defined as follows: 9.11.1 Bit 7 This bit is don't care. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 54 of 101 9.11.2 Bit 6 (-WTG) This bit is `0' when a write operation is in progress; otherwise, it is `1'. 9.11.3 Bit 5 (-HS3) This bit is the negation of bit 3 in the Drive/Head register. 9.11.4 Bit 4 (-HS2) This bit is the negation of bit 2 in the Drive/Head register. 9.11.5 Bit 3 (-HS1) This bit is the negation of bit 1 in the Drive/Head register. 9.11.6 Bit 2 (-HS0) This bit is the negation of bit 0 in the Drive/Head register. 9.11.7 Bit 1 (-nDS1) This bit is `0' when drive 1 is active and selected. 9.11.8 Bit 0 (-nDS0) This bit is `0' when the drive 0 is active and selected. Table 55: Card (Drive) Address Register D7 X Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland D6 -WTG D5 -HS3 D4 -HS2 D3 -HS1 D2 -HS0 D1 -nDS1 Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. D0 -nDS0 Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 55 of 101 10 CF-ATA command description This section defines the software requirements and the format of the commands the Host sends to the Card. Commands are issued to the Card by loading the required registers in the command block with the supplied parameters, and then writing the command code to the Command Register. There are three classes of command acceptance, all dependent on the host not issuing commands unless the Card is not busy (BSY is `0'). Class 1: Upon receipt of a Class 1 command, the Card sets BSY within 400ns. Class 2: Upon receipt of a Class 2 command, the Card sets BSY within 400ns, sets up the sector buffer for a write operation, sets DRQ within 700s, and clears BSY within 400ns of setting DRQ. Class 3:Upon receipt of a Class 3 command, the Card sets BSY within 400ns, sets up the sector buffer for a write operation, sets DRQ within 20ms (assuming no re-assignments), and clears BSY within 400ns of setting DRQ. For reasons of backward compatibility some commands are implemented as `no operation' NOP. Table 56 summarizes the CF-ATA command set with the paragraphs that follow describing the individual commands and the task file for each. Table 56: CF-ATA Command Set(1) Class 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 1. Command Check Power Mode Erase Sector(s) Execute Drive Diagnostic Flush cache Format track Identify Drive Idle Idle Immediate Initialize Drive Parameters NOP Read Buffer Read DMA Read Multiple Read native max address Read Sector(s) Read Verify Sector(s) Recalibrate Request Sense Seek Security Disable Password Security Erase Prepare Security Erase Unit Security Freeze Lock Security Set Password Security Unlock Set Features Set max address Set Multiple Mode Set Sleep Mode S.M.A.R.T. Stand By Stand By Immediate Translate Sector Wear Level Write Buffer Write DMA Write Multiple Write Multiple w/o Erase Write Sector(s) Write Sector(s) w/o Erase Write Verify Code E5h or 98h C0h 90h E7h 50h Ech E3h or 97h E1h or 95h 91h 00h E4h C8 C4h F8h 20h or 21h 40h or 41h 1Xh 03h 7Xh F6h F3h F4h F5h F1h F2h EFh F9h C6h E6h or 99h B0h E2h or 96h E0h or 94h 87h F5h E8h CA C5h CDh 30h or 31h 38h 3Ch FR SC SN CY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y DH D Y D D Y D D D Y D D Y Y D Y Y D D Y D D D D D D D Y D D D D D Y Y D Y Y Y Y Y Y LBA Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y FR = Features Register, SC = Sector Count Register, SN = Sector Number Register, CY = Cylinder Registers, DH = Card/Drive/Head Register, LBA = Logical Block Address Mode Supported (see command descriptions for use), Y - The register contains a valid parameter for this command. For the Drive/Head Register Y means both the CompactFlash Memory Card and head parameters are used. D - only the Compact Flash Memory Card parameter is valid and not the head parameter C - the register contains command specific data (see command descriptors for use). Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 56 of 101 10.1 Check Power Mode (98h or E5h) This command checks the power mode. Issuing the command while the Card is in Standby mode, is about to enter Standby, or is exiting Standby, the command will set BSY, set the Sector Count Register to 00h, clear BSY and generate an interrupt. Issuing the command when the Card is in Idle mode will set BSY, set the Sector Count Register to FFh, clear BSY and generate an interrupt. Table 57 defines the Byte sequence of the Check Power Mode command. Table 57: Check Power Mode Task File Register 7 COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD nu CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 6 5 nu nu 4 3 98h or E5h D nu nu nu nu nu 2 1 0 nu 10.2 Erase Sector(s) (C0h) This command is used to pre-erase and condition data sectors prior to a Write Sector without Erase command or a Write Multiple Without Erase command. There is no data transfer associated with this command but a Write Fault error status can occur. Table 58 defines the Byte sequence of the Erase Sector command. Table 58: Erase Sector(s) Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 C0h nu CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES L nu D H[3:0] or LBA[27:24] of the starting sector/LBA Cylinder[15:8] or LBA[23:16] of the first sector/LBA to erase Cylinder[7:0] or LBA[15:8] of the first sector/LBA to erase Sector[7:0] or LBA[7:0] of the first sector/LBA to erase The number of sectors/logical blocks to erase nu 10.3 Execute Drive Diagnostic (90h) This command performs the internal diagnostic tests implemented by the Card. In PCMCIA configuration, this command only runs on the Card which is addressed by the Drive/Head register when the command is issued. This is because PCMCIA Card interface does not allow for direct inter-drive communication. In True IDE Mode, the Drive bit is ignored and the diagnostic command is executed by both the Master and the Slave with the Master responding with the status for both devices. Table 59 defines the Execute Drive Diagnostic command Byte sequence. The Diagnostic codes shown in Table 60 are returned in the Error Register at the end of the command. Table 59: Execute Drive Diagnostic Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland 7 6 5 4 nu D 3 2 1 0 90h nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 57 of 101 Table 60: Diagnostic Codes Code 01h 02h 03h 04h 05h 8Xh Error Type No Error Detected Formatter Device Error Sector Buffer Error ECC Circuitry Error Controlling Microprocessor Error Slave Error in True IDE Mode 10.4 Flush Cache (E7h) This command causes the card to complete writing data from its cache. The card returns status with RDY=1 and DSC=1 after the data in the write cache buffer is written to the media. If the Compact Flash Storage Card does not support the Flush Cache command, the Compact Flash Storage Card shall return command aborted. Table 61: Flush Cache Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 E7h nu nu nu D nu nu nu nu nu nu 10.5 Format track (50h) This command writes the desired head and cylinder of the selected drive with a vendor unique data pattern (typically FFh or 00h). To remain host backward compatible, the CompactFlash Storage Card expects a sector buffer of data from the host to follow the command with the same protocol as the Write Sector(s) command although the information in the buffer is not used by the CompactFlash Storage Card. If LBA=1 then the number of sectors to format is taken from the Sec Cnt register (0=256). The use of this command is not recommended. Table 62: Format track Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 50h nu L H[3:0] or LBA[27:24] of the starting sector/LBA Cylinder[15:8] or LBA[23:16] of the first sector/LBA Cylinder[7:0] or LBA[15:8] of the first sector/LBA nu Sector Count (LBA only) nu CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES nu D 10.6 Identify Device (Ech) The Identify Device command enables the host to receive parameter information from the Card. This command has the same protocol as the Read Sector(s) command. Table 63 defines the Identify Device command Byte sequence. All reserved bits or Words are zero. Identify Device table shows the definition of each field in the Identify Drive Information. Table 63: Identify Device Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Ech nu nu nu D nu nu nu nu nu nu Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 58 of 101 Table 64: Identify Device Information Word Address Default Value Total Bytes 848Ah* 2 045Ah* 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-8 9 10-19 20 21 22 23-26 XXXXh 0000h 00XXh 0000h 0200h XXXXh XXXXh 0000h aaaa 0002h 0001h 0004h aaaa* 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 20 2 2 2 8 27-46 aaaa* 40 47 48 8001h 0000h 0F00h* 0E00h* 4001h 0200h 0000h 0007h* XXXXh XXXXh XXXXh XXXXh 010Xh XXXXh 0000h 0007h* 0000h* 0003h 0078h* 0000h* 0078h* 0000h* 0078h* 0078h* 0000h 0020h 0000h 740Xh* 5004h* 4000h* 740Xh* 1004h* 4000h* 101Fh* 0000h 0000h 0000h XXXXh XXXXh 0000h* 0000h 2 2 0 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57-58 59 60-61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69-79 80-81 82 -84 85-87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94-127 128 Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 Data Field Type Information General Configuration (REMOVABLE, signature of the CompactFlash Memory Card) In PCMCIA mode the HxBO cards have normally the value 848Ah but other configurations are possible Alternate Configuration FIX, In IDE mode the HxBO cards have normally the value 045Ah but other configurations are possible Default number of cylinders Reserved Default number of heads Obsolete Obsolete Default number of sectors per track Number of sectors per Card (Word 7 = MSW, Word 8 = LSW) Obsolete Serial number in ASCII (right justified) Obsolete Obsolete Reserved Firmware revision in ASCII. Big Endian Byte Order in Word Model number in ASCII (right justified) Big Endian Byte Order in Word ("SFCFxxxxHxBOxTO-x-xx-xxx-xxx") Maximum number of sectors on Read/Write Multiple command Reserved Capabilities with DMA without DMA (also in PCMCIA mode) Capabilities: device specific standby timer minimum PIO data transfer cycle timing mode Obsolete Field validity Current numbers of cylinders Current numbers of heads Current sectors per track Current capacity in sectors (LBAs)(Word 57 = LSW, Word 58 = MSW) Multiple sector setting is valid Total number of sectors addressable in LBA Mode Reserved. Multi-Word DMA transfer. In PCMCIA mode, this value is `0000h'. Advanced PIO modes supported Minimum Multi-Word DMA transfer cycle time per Word. In PCMCIA mode, this value is `0000h'. Recommended Multi-Word DMA transfer cycle time. In PCMCIA mode, this value is `0000h'. Minimum PIO transfer cycle time without flow control Minimum PIO transfer cycle time with IORDY flow control Reserved 4 ATA version 5 6 Features/command sets supported 6 Features/command sets enabled 2 2 2 2 2 2 68 2 Ultra DMA Mode Supported and Selected 0,1,2,3,4 (changes in operation) Time required for Security erase unit completion Time required for Enhanced security erase unit completion Current Advanced power mana9ementvalue Master Password Revision Code Hardware reset result Reserved Security status Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 59 of 101 Word Address 129 130-159 160 161 162 163 164 165-254 255 * XXXX Default Value XX00h 0000h A064h* 0000h 0000h 0012h* 0000h* 001Bh* 0000h* 0000h Xxa5 Total Bytes 2 60 2 2 2 2 2 180 2 Data Field Type Information Write Protect Status. Bit15=permanent write Protect, no more spare blocks available vendor unique bytes Power requirement description (100mA)* Reserved for assignment by the CFA Key management schemes not supported CF Advanced True lDE Timing Mode Capability and Setting (PIO6/MDMA4)* In PCMCIA mode, this value is `0000h'. CF Advanced PCMCIA I/O and Memory Timing Mode Capability In PCMCIA mode, this value is `0000h'. Reserved Integrity Word Standard values for full functionality, depending on Configuration Depending on Card capacity and drive geometry 10.6.1 Word 0: General Configuration This field indicates the general characteristics of the device. The default value for Word 0 is set to 848Ah. It is recommended that PCMCIA modes of operation report only the 848Ah value as they are always intended as removable devices. Alternate Configuration Values for Word 0 is 045Ah. Some operating systems require Bit 6 of Word 0 to be set to `1' (Non-removable device) to use the Card as the root storage device. The Card must be the root storage device when a host completely replaces conventional disk storage with a CompactFlash Card in True IDE mode. To support this requirement and provide capability for any future removable media cards, alternate value of Word 0 is set in True IDE Mode of operation. 10.6.2 Word 1: Default Number of Cylinders This field contains the number of translated cylinders in the default translation mode. This value will be the same as the number of cylinders. 10.6.3 Word 3: Default Number of Heads This field contains the number of translated heads in the default translation mode. 10.6.4 Word 6: Default Number of Sectors per Track This field contains the number of sectors per track in the default translation mode. 10.6.5 Word 7-8: Number of Sectors per Card This field contains the number of sectors per Card. This double Word value is also the first invalid address in LBA translation mode. 10.6.6 Word 10-19: Memory Card Serial Number The contents of this field are right justified and padded without spaces (20h). 10.6.7 Word 23-26: Firmware Revision This field contains the revision of the firmware for this product. 10.6.8 Word 27-46: Model Number This field contains the model number for this product and is left justified and padded with spaces (20h). 10.6.9 Word 47: Read/Write Multiple Sector Count This field contains the maximum number of sectors that can be read or written per interrupt using the Read Multiple or Write Multiple commands. 10.6.10 Word 49: Capabilities Bit 13 Standby Timer: is set to '0' to indicate that the Standby timer operation is defined by the manufacturer. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 60 of 101 Bit 11: IORDY Supported If bit 11 is set to 1 then this CompactFlash Storage Card supports IORDY operation. If bit 11 is set to 0 then this CompactFlash Storage Card may support IORDY operation. Bit 10: IORDY may be disabled Bit 10 shall be set to 0, indicating that IORDY may not be disabled. Bit 9 LBA support: CompactFlash Memory Cards support LBA mode addressing. Bit 8 DMA Support: Read/Write DMA commands are supported. 10.6.11 Word 51: PIO Data Transfer Cycle Timing Mode This field defines the mode for PIO data transfer. For backward compatibility with BIOSs written before Word 64 was defined for advanced modes, a device reports in Word 51, the highest original PIO mode it can support (PIO mode 0, 1 or 2). Bits 15-8: are set to 02H. 10.6.12 Word 53: Translation Parameter Valid Bit 0: is set to `1' to indicate that Words 54 to 58 are valid Bit 1: is set to `1' to indicate that Words 64 to 70 are valid Bit 2 shall be set to 1 indicating that word 88 is valid and reflects the supported True IDE UDMA 10.6.13 Word 54-56: Current Number of Cylinders, Heads, Sectors/Track These fields contain the current number of user addressable Cylinders, Heads, and Sectors/Track in the current translation mode. 10.6.14 Word 57-58: Current Capacity This field contains the product of the current cylinders, heads and sectors. 10.6.15 Word 59: Multiple Sector Setting Bits 15-9 are reserved and must be set to `0'. Bit 8 is set to `1', to indicate that the Multiple Sector Setting is valid. Bits 7-0 are the current setting for the number of sectors to be transferred for every interrupt, on Read/Write Multiple commands; the only values returned are `00h' or `01h'. 10.6.16 Word 60-61: Total Sectors Addressable in LBA Mode This field contains the number of sectors addressable for the Card in LBA mode only. 10.6.17 Word 63: Multi-Word DMA transfer Bits 15 through 8 of word 63 of the Identify Device parameter information is defined as the Multiword DMA mode selected field. If this field is supported, bit 1 of word 53 shall be set to one. This field is bit significant. Only one of bits may be set to one in this field by the CompactFlash Storage Card to indicate the multiword DMA mode which is currently selected. Of these bits, bits 15 through 11 are reserved. Bit 8, if set to one, indicates that Multiword DMA mode 0 has been selected. Bit 9, if set to one, indicates that Multiword DMA mode 1 has been selected. Bit 10, if set to one, indicates that Multiword DMA mode 2 has been selected. Selection of Multiword DMA modes 3 and above are specific to CompactFlash are reported in word 163 as described in Word 163. Bits 7 through 0 of word 63 of the Identify Device parameter information is defined as the Multiword DMA data transfer supported field. If this field is supported, bit 1 of word 53 shall be set to one. This field is bit significant. Any number of bits may be set to one in this field by the CompactFlash Storage Card to indicate the Multiword DMA modes it is capable of supporting. Of these bits, bits 7 through 2 are reserved. Bit 0, if set to one, indicates that the CompactFlash Storage Card supports Multiword DMA mode 0. Bit 1, if set to one, indicates that the CompactFlash Storage Card supports Multiword DMA modes 1 and 0. Bit 2, if set to one, indicates that the CompactFlash Storage Card supports Multiword DMA modes 2, 1 and 0. Support for Multiword DMA modes 3 and above are specific to CompactFlash are reported in word 163 as described in Word 163. 10.6.18 Word 64: Advanced PIO transfer modes supported This field is bit significant. Any number of bits may be set to `1' in this field by the CompactFlash Memory Card to indicate the advanced PIO modes it is capable of supporting. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 61 of 101 Support 163. Bits 7-2 are reserved for future advanced PIO modes. Bit 1 is set to `1', indicates that the CompactFlash Memory Card supports PIO mode 4. Bit 0 is set to `1' to indicate that the CompactFlash Memory Card supports PIO mode 3. for PIO modes 5 and above are specific to CompactFlash are reported in word 163 as described in Word 10.6.19 Word 65: Minimum Multi-Word DMA transfer cycle time Word 65 of the parameter information of the Identify Device command is defined as the minimum Multiword DMA transfer cycle time. This field defines, in nanoseconds, the minimum cycle time that, if used by the host, the CompactFlash Storage Card guarantees data integrity during the transfer. If this field is supported, bit 1 of word 53 shall be set to one. The value in word 65 shall not be less than the minimum cycle time for the fastest DMA mode supported by the device. This field shall be supported by all CompactFlash Storage Cards supporting DMA modes 1 and above. If bit 1 of word 53 is set to one, but this field is not supported, the Card shall return a value of zero in this field. 10.6.20 Word 66: Recommended Multi-Word DMA transfer cycle time Word 66 of the parameter information of the Identify Device command is defined as the recommended Multiword DMA transfer cycle time. This field defines, in nanoseconds, the cycle time that, if used by the host, may optimize the data transfer from by reducing the probability that the CompactFlash Storage Card will need to negate the DMARQ signal during the transfer of a sector. If this field is supported, bit 1 of word 53 shall be set to one. The value in word 66 shall not be less than the value in word 65. This field shall be supported by all CompactFlash Storage Cards supporting DMA modes 1 and above. If bit 1 of word 53 is set to one, but this field is not supported, the Card shall return a value of zero in this field. 10.6.21 Word 67: Minimum PIO transfer cycle time without flow control Word 67 of the parameter information of the Identify Device command is defined as the minimum PIO transfer without flow control cycle time. This field defines, in nanoseconds, the minimum cycle time that, if used by the host, the CompactFlash Storage Card guarantees data integrity during the transfer without utilization of flow control. If this field is supported, Bit 1 of word 53 shall be set to one. Any CompactFlash Storage Card that supports PIO mode 3 or above shall support this field, and the value in word 67 shall not be less than the value reported in word 68. If bit 1 of word 53 is set to one because a CompactFlash Storage Card supports a field in words 64-70 other than this field and the CompactFlash Storage Card does not support this field, the CompactFlash Storage Card shall return a value of zero in this field. 10.6.22 Word 68: Minimum PIO transfer cycle time with IORDY Word 68 of the parameter information of the Identify Device command is defined as the minimum PIO transfer with IORDY flow control cycle time. This field defines, in nanoseconds, the minimum cycle time that the CompactFlash Storage Card supports while performing data transfers while utilizing IORDY flow control. If this field is supported, Bit 1 of word 53 shall be set to one. Any CompactFlash Storage Card that supports PIO mode 3 or above shall support this field, and the value in word 68 shall be the fastest defined PIO mode supported by the CompactFlash Storage Card. If bit 1 of word 53 is set to one because a CompactFlash Storage Card supports a field in words 64-70 other than this field and the CompactFlash Storage Card does not support this field, the CompactFlash Storage Card shall return a value of zero in this field. 10.6.23 Words 82-84: Features/command sets supported Words 82, 83, and 84 shall indicate features/command sets supported. The value 0000h or FFFFh was placed in each of these words by CompactFlash Storage Cards prior to ATA-3 and shall be interpreted by the host as meaning that features/command sets supported are not indicated. Bits 1 through 13 of word 83 and bits 0 through 13 of word 84 are reserved. Bit 14 of word 83 and word 84 shall be set to one and bit 15 of word 83 and word 84 shall be cleared to zero to provide indication that the features/command sets supported words are valid. The values in these words should not be depended on by host implementers. If bit 0 of word 82 is set to one, the SMART feature set is supported. If bit 1 of word 82 is set to one, the Security Mode feature set is supported. Bit 2 of word 82 shall be set to zero; the Removable Media feature set is not supported. Bit 3 of word 82 shall be set to one; the Power Management feature set is supported. Bit 4 of word 82 shall be set to zero; the Packet Command feature set is not supported. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 62 of 101 If bit 5 of word 82 is set to one, write cache is supported. If bit 6 of word 82 is set to one, look-ahead is supported. Bit 7 of word 82 shall be set to zero; release interrupt is not supported. Bit 8 of word 82 shall be set to zero; Service interrupt is not supported. Bit 9 of word 82 shall be set to zero; the Device Reset command is not supported. Bit 10 of word 82 shall be set to zero; the Host Protected Area feature set is not supported. Bit 11 of word 82 is obsolete. Bit 12 of word 82 shall be set to one; the CompactFlash Storage Card supports the Write Buffer command. Bit 13 of word 82 shall be set to one; the CompactFlash Storage Card supports the Read Buffer command. Bit 14 of word 82 shall be set to one; the CompactFlash Storage Card supports the NOP command. Bit 15 of word 82 is obsolete. Bit 0 of word 83 shall be set to zero; the CompactFlash Storage Card does not support the Download Microcode command. Bit 1 of word 83 shall be set to zero; the CompactFlash Storage Card does not support the Read DMA Queued and Write DMA Queued commands. Bit 2 of word 83 shall be set to one; the CompactFlash Storage Card supports the CFA feature set. If bit 3 of word 83 is set to one, the CompactFlash Storage Card supports the Advanced Power Management feature set. Bit 4 of word 83 shall be set to zero; the CompactFlash Storage Card does not support the Removable Media Status feature set. 10.6.24 Words 85-87: Features/command sets enabled Words 85, 86, and 87 shall indicate features/command sets enabled. The value 0000h or FFFFh was placed in each of these words by CompactFlash Storage Cards prior to ATA-4 and shall be interpreted by the host as meaning that features/command sets enabled are not indicated. Bits 1 through 15 of word 86 are reserved. Bits 013 of word 87 are reserved. Bit 14 of word 87 shall be set to one and bit 15 of word 87 shall be cleared to zero to provide indication that the features/command sets enabled words are valid. The values in these words should not be depended on by host implementers. If bit 0 of word 85 is set to one; the SMART feature set is enabled. Bit 0 can be changed by the host and is not reset after power cycle If bit 1 of word 85 is set to one, the Security Mode feature set has been enabled via the Security Set Password command. Bit 2 of word 85 shall be set to zero; the Removable Media feature set is not supported. Bit 3 of word 85 shall be set to one; the Power Management feature set is supported. Bit 4 of word 85 shall be set to zero; the Packet Command feature set is not enabled. If bit 5 of word 85 is set to one, write cache is enabled. If bit 6 of word 85 is set to one, look-ahead is enabled. Bit 7 of word 85 shall be set to zero; release interrupt is not enabled. Bit 8 of word 85 shall be set to zero; Service interrupt is not enabled. Bit 9 of word 85 shall be set to zero; the Device Reset command is not supported. Bit 10 of word 85 shall be set to zero; the Host Protected Area feature set is not supported. Bit 11 of word 85 is obsolete. Bit 12 of word 85 shall be set to one; the CompactFlash Storage Card supports the Write Buffer command. Bit 13 of word 85 shall be set to one; the CompactFlash Storage Card supports the Read Buffer command. Bit 14 of word 85 shall be set to one; the CompactFlash Storage Card supports the NOP command. Bit 15 of word 85 is obsolete. Bit 0 of word 86 shall be set to zero; the CompactFlash Storage Card does not support the Download Microcode command. Bit 1 of word 86 shall be set to zero; the CompactFlash Storage Card does not support the Read DMA Queued and Write DMA Queued commands. If bit 2 of word 86 shall be set to one, the CompactFlash Storage Card supports the CFA feature set. If bit 3 of word 86 is set to one, the Advanced Power Management feature set has been enabled via the Set Features command. Bit 4 of word 86 shall be set to zero; the CompactFlash Storage Card does not support the Removable Media Status feature set. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 63 of 101 10.6.25 Word 88: True IDE Ultra DMA Modes Supported and Selected Word 88 identifies the Ultra DMA transfer modes supported by the device and indicates the mode that is currently selected. Only one DMA mode shall be selected at any given time. If an Ultra DMA mode is selected, then no Multiword DMA mode shall be selected. If a Multiword DMA mode is selected, then no Ultra DMA mode shall be selected. Support of this word is mandatory if Ultra DMA is supported. Word 88 shall return a value of 0 if the device is not in True IDE mode or if it does not support UDMA in True IDE Mode. Bit 15: Reserved Bit 14: 1 = Ultra DMA mode 6 is selected 0 = Ultra DMA mode 6 is not selected Bit 13: 1 = Ultra DMA mode 5 is selected 0 = Ultra DMA mode 5 is not selected Bit 12: 1 = Ultra DMA mode 4 is selected 0 = Ultra DMA mode 4 is not selected Bit 11: 1 = Ultra DMA mode 3 is selected 0 = Ultra DMA mode 3 is not selected Bit 10: 1 = Ultra DMA mode 2 is selected 0 = Ultra DMA mode 2 is not selected Bit 9: 1 = Ultra DMA mode 1 is selected 0 = Ultra DMA mode 1 is not selected Bit 8: 1 = Ultra DMA mode 0 is selected 0 = Ultra DMA mode 0 is not selected Bit 7: Reserved Bit 6: 1 = Ultra DMA mode 6 and below are supported. Bits 0-5 shall be set to 1. Bit 5: 1 = Ultra DMA mode 5 and below are supported. Bits 0-4 shall be set to 1. Bit 4: 1 = Ultra DMA mode 4 and below are supported. Bits 0-3 shall be set to 1. Bit 3: 1 = Ultra DMA mode 3 and below are supported, Bits 0-2 shall be set to 1. Bit 2: 1 = Ultra DMA mode 2 and below are supported. Bits 0-1 shall be set to 1. Bit 1: 1 = Ultra DMA mode 1 and below are supported. Bit 0 shall be set to 1. Bit 0: 1 = Ultra DMA mode 0 is supported 10.6.26 Word 160: Power Requirement Description This word is required for CompactFlash Storage Cards that support power mode 1. Bit 15: VLD If set to 1, indicates that this word contains a valid power requirement description. If set to 0, indicates that this word does not contain a power requirement description. Bit 14: RSV This bit is reserved and shall be 0. Bit 13: -XP If set to 1, indicates that the CompactFlash Storage Card does not have Power Level 1 commands. If set to 0, indicates that the CompactFlash Storage Card has Power Level 1 commands Bit 12: -XE If set to 1, indicates that Power Level 1 commands are disabled. If set to 0, indicates that Power Level 1 commands are enabled. Bit 0-11: Maximum current This field contains the CompactFlash Storage Card's maximum current in mA. 10.6.27 Word 163: Advanced True IDE Timing mode capabilities and settings This word describes the capabilities and current settings for CFA defined advanced timing modes using the True IDE interface. Notice! The use of True IDE PIO Modes 5 and above or of Multiword DMA Modes 3 and above impose significant restrictions on the implementation of the host as indicated in section 5.3 : Additional Requirements for CF Advanced Timing Modes. There are four separate fields defined that describe support and selection of Advanced PIO timing modes and Advanced Multiword DMA timing modes. The older modes are reported in words 63 and 64. Bits 2-0: Advanced True IDE PIO Mode Support Indicates the maximum True IDE PIO mode supported by the card. 0 Specified in word 64 1 PIO Mode 5 2 PIO Mode 6 3-7 Reserved Bits 5-3: Advanced True IDE Multiword DMA Mode Support Indicates the maximum True IDE Multiword DMA mode supported by the card. 0 Specified in word 63 1 Multiword DMA Mode 3 Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 64 of 101 2 3-7 Multiword DMA Mode 4 Reserved Bits 8-6: Advanced True IDE PIO Mode Selected Indicates the current True IDE PIO mode selected on the card. 0 Specified in word 64 1 PIO Mode 5 2 PIO Mode 6 3-7 Reserved Bits 11-9: Advanced True IDE Multiword DMA Mode Selected Indicates the current True IDE Multiword DMA Mode Selected on the card. 0 Specified in word 63 1 Multiword DMA Mode 3 2 Multiword DMA Mode 4 3-7 Reserved Bits 15-12 are reserved. 10.6.28 Word 164: Advanced PCMCIA I/O and Memory Timing modes capabilities and settings This word describes the capabilities and current settings for CFA defined advanced timing modes using the Memory and PC Card I/O interface. Notice! The use of PC Card I/O or Memory modes that are 100ns or faster impose significant restrictions on the implementation of the host as indicated in section 5.3 : Additional Requirements for CF Advanced Timing Modes. Bits 2-0: Maximum Advanced PC Card I/O Mode Support Indicates the maximum I/O timing mode supported by the card. 0 255 ns Cycle PC Card I/O Mode 1 120 ns Cycle PC Card I/O Mode 2 100 ns Cycle PC Card I/O Mode 3 80 ns Cycle PC Card I/O Mode 4-7 Reserved Bits 5-3: Maximum Memory timing mode supported Indicates the Maximum Memory timing mode supported by the card. 0 250 ns Cycle Memory Mode 1 120 ns Cycle Memory Mode 2 100 ns Cycle Memory Mode 3 80 ns Cycle Memory Mode 4-7 Reserved Bits 8-6: Maximum PC Card I/O UDMA timing mode supported Indicates the Maximum PC Card I/O UDMA timing mode supported by the card when bit 15 is set. 0 PC Card I/O UDMA mode 0 supported 1 PC Card I/O UDMA mode 1 supported 2 PC Card I/O UDMA mode 2 supported 3 PC Card I/O UDMA mode 3 supported 4 PC Card I/O UDMA mode 4 supported 5 PC Card I/O UDMA mode 5 supported 6 PC Card I/O UDMA mode 6 supported 7 Reserved Bits 11-9: Maximum PC Card Memory UDMA timing mode supported Indicates the Maximum PC Card Memory UDMA timing mode supported by the card when bit 15 is set. 0 PC Card Memory UDMA mode 0 supported 1 PC Card Memory UDMA mode 1 supported 2 PC Card Memory UDMA mode 2 supported 3 PC Card Memory UDMA mode 3 supported 4 PC Card Memory UDMA mode 4 supported 5 PC Card Memory UDMA mode 5 supported Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 65 of 101 6 7 PC Card Memory UDMA mode 6 supported Reserved Bits 14-12: PC Card Memory or I/O UDMA timing mode selected Indicates the PC Card Memory or I/O UDMA timing mode selected by the card. 0 PC Card I/O UDMA mode 0 selected 1 PC Card I/O UDMA mode 1 selected 2 PC Card I/O UDMA mode 2 selected 3 PC Card I/O UDMA mode 3 selected 4 PC Card I/O UDMA mode 4 selected 5 PC Card I/O UDMA mode 5 selected 6 PC Card I/O UDMA mode 6 selected 7 Reserved Bit 15: PC Card Memory and IO Modes Supported 10.7 Idle (97h or E3h) This command causes the Card to set BSY, enter the Idle mode, clear BSY and generate an interrupt. If the sector count is non-zero, it is interpreted as a timer count (each count is 5ms) and the automatic power down mode is enabled. If the sector count is zero, the automatic power down mode is disabled. Note that this time base (5ms) is different from the ATA specification. If no Idle command is performed, the card goes to sleep mode after 20ms. Table 65 defines the Byte sequence of the Idle command. Table 65: Idle Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 7 6 nu nu 5 4 3 2 97h or E3h nu D nu nu nu Timer Count (5ms increments) nu 1 0 nu 10.8 Idle Immediate (95h or E1h) This command causes the Card to set BSY, enter the Idle mode, clear BSY and generate an interrupt. Table 66 defines the Idle Immediate command Byte sequence. Table 66: Idle Immediate Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 7 6 5 nu nu nu 4 3 95h or E1h D nu nu nu nu nu 2 1 0 nu 10.9 Initialize Drive Parameters (91h) This command enables the host to set the number of sectors per track and the number of heads per cylinder. Only the Sector Count and the Card/Drive/Head registers are used by this command. Table 67 defines the Initialize Drive Parameters command Byte sequence. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 66 of 101 Table 67: Initialize Drive Parameters Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 7 6 5 4 nu nu nu D 3 2 1 0 91h Number of Heads minus 1 nu nu nu Number of Sectors per Track nu 10.10 NOP (00h) This command always fails with the CompactFlash Memory Card returning command aborted. Table 68 defines the Byte sequence of the NOP command. Table 68: NOP Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 00h nu nu nu D nu nu nu nu nu nu 10.11 Read Buffer (E4h) The Read Buffer command enables the host to read the current contents of the Card's sector buffer. This command has the same protocol as the Read Sector(s) command. Table 69 defines the Read Buffer command Byte sequence. Table 69: Read buffer Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 E4h nu nu nu D nu nu nu nu nu nu 10.12 Read DMA (C8h) This command uses DMA mode to read from 1 to 256 sectors as specified in the Sector Count register. A sector count of 0 requests 256 sectors. The transfer begins at the sector specified in the Sector Number Register. When this command is issued the CompactFlash Storage Card sets BSY, puts all or part of the sector of data in the buffer. The Card is then permitted, although not required, to set DRQ, clear BSY. The Card asserts DMAREQ while data is available to be transferred. The Card asserts DMAREQ while data is available to be transferred. The host then reads the (512 * sector-count) bytes of data from the Card using DMA. While DMAREQ is asserted by the Card, the Host asserts -DMACK while it is ready to transfer data by DMA and asserts -IORD once for each 16 bit word to be transferred to the Host. Interrupts are not generated on every sector, but upon completion of the transfer of the entire number of sectors to be transferred or upon the occurrence of an unrecoverable error. At command completion, the Command Block Registers contain the cylinder, head and sector number of the last sector read. If an error occurs, the read terminates at the sector where the error occurred. The Command Block Registers contain the cylinder, head, and sector number of the sector where the error occurred. The amount of data transferred is indeterminate. When a Read DMA command is received by the Card and 8 bit transfer mode has been enabled by the Set Features command, the Card shall return the Aborted error. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 67 of 101 Table 70: Read DMA Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 C8h D Head (LBA 27-24) Cylinder High (LBA23-16) Cylinder Low (LBA15-8) Sector Number (LBA7-0) Sector Count nu LBA 10.13 Read Multiple (C4h) The Read Multiple command performs similarly to the Read Sectors command. Interrupts are not generated on every sector, but on the transfer of a block which contains the number of sectors defined by a Set Multiple command. Command execution is identical to the Read Sectors operation except that the number of sectors defined by a Set Multiple command is transferred without intervening interrupts. DRQ qualification of the transfer is required only at the start of the data block, not on each sector. The block count of sectors to be transferred without intervening interrupts is programmed by the Set Multiple Mode command, which must be executed prior to the Read Multiple command. When the Read Multiple command is issued, the Sector Count Register contains the number of sectors (not the number of blocks or the block count) requested. If the number of requested sectors is not evenly divisible by the block count, as many full blocks as possible are transferred, followed by a final, partial block transfer. The partial block transfer is for n sectors, where: n = (sector count) module (block count). If the Read Multiple command is attempted before the Set Multiple Mode command has been executed or when Read Multiple commands are disabled, the Read Multiple operation is rejected with an Aborted Command error. Disk errors encountered during Read Multiple commands are posted at the beginning of the block or partial block transfer, but DRQ is still set and the data transfer will take place as it normally would, including transfer of corrupted data, if any. Interrupts are generated when DRQ is set at the beginning of each block or partial block. The error reporting is the same as that on a Read Sector(s) Command. This command reads from 1 to 256 sectors as specified in the Sector Count register. A sector count of 0 requests 256 sectors. The transfer begins at the sector specified in the Sector Number Register. If an error occurs, the read terminates at the sector where the error occurred. The Command Block Registers contain the cylinder, head and sector number of the sector where the error occurred. The flawed data are pending in the sector buffer. Subsequent blocks or partial blocks are transferred only if the error was a correctable data error. All other errors cause the command to stop after transfer of the block which contained the error. Table 71 defines the Read Multiple command Byte sequence. Table 71: Read Multiple Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 C4h 1 LBA 1 D Head (LBA 27-24) Cylinder High (LBA23-16) Cylinder Low (LBA15-8) Sector Number (LBA7-0) Sector Count nu 10.14 Read Native max address (F8h) The Read Native max address command reads the max native address of the drive. It is related to the Host protected Area feature set. Table 72 defines the Read max native address command Byte sequence. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 68 of 101 Table 72: Read native max address Task File Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 COMMAND F8h DRIVE/HEAD nu LBA nu D nu CYLINDER HI nu CYLINDER LOW nu SECTOR NUM nu SECTOR COUNT nu FEATURES nu The LBA bit shall be set to one to specify the address is an LBA. DEV shall specify the selected device. The native drive size is given in Drive/Head, Cyl Hi, Cyl Low and Sector num register as LBA value. 0 10.15 Read Sector(s) (20h or 21h) This command reads from 1 to 256 sectors as specified in the Sector Count register. A sector count of 0 requests 256 sectors. The transfer begins at the sector specified in the Sector Number Register. When this command is issued and after each sector of data (except the last one) has been read by the host, the Card sets BSY, puts the sector of data in the buffer, sets DRQ, clears BSY, and generates an interrupt. The host then reads the 512 Bytes of data from the buffer. If an error occurs, the read terminates at the sector where the error occurred. The Command Block Registers contain the cylinder, head, and sector number of the sector where the error occurred. The flawed data are pending in the sector buffer. Table 73 defines the Read Sector command Byte sequence. Table 73: Read sector(s) Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 7 6 1 LBA 5 4 3 2 1 20h or 21h 1 D Head (LBA 27-24) Cylinder High (LBA23-16) Cylinder Low (LBA15-8) Sector Number (LBA7-0) Sector Count nu 0 10.16 Read Verify Sector(s) (40h or 41h) This command is identical to the Read Sectors command, except that DRQ is never set and no data is transferred to the host. When the command is accepted, the Card sets BSY. When the requested sectors have been verified, the Card clears BSY and generates an interrupt. If an error occurs, the verify terminates at the sector where the error occurs. The Command Block Registers contain the cylinder, head and sector number of the sector where the error occurred. The Sector Count Register contains the number of sectors not yet verified. Table 74 defines the Read Verify Sector command Byte sequence. Table 74: Read Verify Sector(s) Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 7 6 1 LBA 5 4 3 2 1 40h or 41h 1 D Head (LBA 27-24) Cylinder High (LBA23-16) Cylinder Low (LBA15-8) Sector Number (LBA7-0) Sector Count nu 0 10.17 Recalibrate (1Xh) This command is effectively a NOP command to the Card and is provided for compatibility purposes. Table 75 defines the Recalibrate command Byte sequence. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 69 of 101 Table 75: Recalibrate Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 7 6 5 4 1 LBA 1 D 3 2 1 0 1Xh nu nu nu nu nu nu 10.18 Request Sense (03h) This command requests extended error information for the previous command. Table 76 defines the Request Sense command Byte sequence. Table 77 defines the valid extended error codes. The extended error code is returned to the host in the Error Register. Table 76: Request sense Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 03h 1 LBA 1 D nu nu nu nu nu nu Table 77: Extended Error Codes Extended Error Code 00h 01h 09h 21h 2Fh 35h, 36h 11h 18h 05h, 30-34h, 37h, 3Eh 10h, 14h 3Ah 1Fh 0Ch, 38h, 3Bh, 3Ch, 3Fh 03h Description No Error Detected Self Test OK (No Error) Miscellaneous Error Invalid Address (Requested Head or Sector Invalid) Address Overflow (Address Too Large) Supply or generated Voltage Out of Tolerance Uncorrectable ECC Error Corrected ECC Error Self Test or Diagnostic Failed ID Not Found Spare Sectors Exhausted Data Transfer Error / Aborted Command Corrupted Media Format Write / Erase Failed 10.19 Seek (7Xh) This command is effectively a NOP command to the Card although it does perform a range check of cylinder and head or LBA address and returns an error if the address is out of range. Table 78 shows the Seek command Byte sequence. Table 78: Seek Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7Xh 1 LBA 1 D Head (LBA 27-24) Cylinder High (LBA23-16) Cylinder Low (LBA15-8) nu (LBA7-0) nu nu Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 70 of 101 10.20 Security Disable Password (F6h) This command requests a transfer of a single sector of data from the host. Table 79 defines the content of this sector of information. If the password selected by word 0 matches the password previously saved by the device, the device disables the lock mode. This command does not change the Master password that may be reactivated later by setting a User password. Table 79: Security Disable Password Task File Register 7 COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD 1 CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 F6h LBA 1 D nu nu nu nu nu nu Table 80: Security Password Data Content Word 0 Content Control word Bit 0: identifier 0=compare User password 1=compare Master password Bit 1-15: Reserved Password (32 bytes) Reserved 1-16 17-255 10.21 Security Erase Prepare (F3h) This command shall be issued immediately before the Security Erase Unit command to enable device erasing and unlocking. This command prevents accidental erase of the CF card. Table 81: Security Erase Prepare Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 7 6 5 4 1 LBA 1 D 3 2 1 0 F3h nu nu nu nu nu nu 10.22 Security Erase Unit (F4h) This command requests transfer of a single sector of data from the host. Table 80 defines the content of this sector of information. If the password does not match the password previously saved by the CF card, the CF card rejects the command with command aborted. The Security Erase Prepare command shall be completed immediately prior to the Security Erase Unit command. If the CF Card receives a Security Erase Unit command without an immediately prior Security Erase Prepare command, the CF card aborts the Security Erase Unit command. Table 82: Security Erase Unit Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 F4h 1 LBA 1 D nu nu nu nu nu nu Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 71 of 101 10.23 Security Freeze Lock (F5h) The Security Freeze Lock command sets the CF card to Frozen mode. After command completion, any other commands that update the CF card Lock mode are rejected. Frozen mode is disabled by power off or hardware reset. If Security Freeze Lock is issued when the CF card is in Frozen mode, the command executes and the CF card remains in Frozen mode. After command completion, the Sector Count Register shall be set to 0. Commands disabled by Security Freeze Lock are: Security Set Password Security Unlock Security Disable Password Security Erase Unit If security mode feature set is not supported, this command shall be handled as Wear Level command. Table 83: Security Freeze Lock Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 F5h 1 LBA 1 D nu nu nu nu nu nu 10.24 Security Set Password (F1h) This command requests a transfer of a single sector of data from the host. Table 85 defines the content of the sector of information. The data transferred controls the function of this command. Table 86 defines the interaction of the identifier and security level bits. Table 84: Security Set Password Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 F1h 1 LBA 1 D nu nu nu nu nu nu Table 85: Security Set Password Data Content Word 0 1-16 17-255 Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Content Control word Bit 0: identifier 0=set User password 1=set Master password Bit 1-7: Reserved Bit 8: Security level 0=High 1=Maximum Bits 9-15: Reserved Password (32 bytes) Reserved Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 72 of 101 Table 86: Identifier and Security Level Bit Interaction Identifier Level User High User Maximum Master High or Maximum Command result The password supplied with the command shall be saved as the new User password. The lock mode shall be enabled from the next power-on or hardware reset. The CF card shall then be unlocked by either the User password or the previously set Master password. The password supplied with the command shall be saved as the new User password. The lock mode shall be enabled from the next power-on or hardware reset. The CF card shall then be unlocked by only the User password. The Master password previously set is still stored in the CF card shall not be used to unlock the CF card. This combination shall set a Master password but shall not enable or disable the Lock mode. The security level is not changed. 10.25 Security Unlock (F2h) This command requests transfer of a single sector of data from the host. Table 80 defines the content of this sector of information. If the identifier bit is set to Master and the device is in high security level, then the password supplied shall be compared with the stored Master password. If the device is in the maximum security level, then the unlock command shall be rejected. If the identifier bit is set to user, then the device compares the supplied password with the stored User password. If the password compare fails then the device returns command aborted to the host and decrements the unlock counter. This counter is initially set to five and is decremented for each password mismatch when Security Unlock is issued and the device is locked. Once this counter reaches zero, the Security Unlock and Security Erase Unit commands are command aborted until after a power-on reset or a hardware reset is received. Security Unlock commands issued when the device is unlocked have no effect on the unlock counter. Table 87: Security Unlock Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 7 6 5 4 1 LBA 1 D 3 2 1 0 F2h nu nu nu nu nu nu 10.26 Set Features (Efh) Table 88: Set Features Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Efh nu D nu nu nu nu Config Feature Table 89: Features Supported Feature Operation 01h/81h Enable/Disable 8-bit data transfers. 02h/82h Enable/Disable write cache. 03h Set transfer mode based on value in Sector Count register. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 73 of 101 05h/85h 09h/89h 0Ah/8Ah 55h/Aah 66h/CCh 69h 96h 97h 9Ah BBh Enable/Disable advance power management. Enable/Disable extended power operations. Enable/Disable power level 1 commands. Disable/Enable Read Look Ahead. Disable/Enable Power On Reset (POR) established of defaults at Soft Reset. NOP Accepted for backward compatibility. NOP Accepted for backward compatibility. Accepted for backward compatibility. Use of this Feature is not recommended. Set the host current source capability. Allows trade-off between current drawn and read/write speed. 4 bytes of data apply on Read/Write Long commands Features 01h and 81h are used to enable and clear 8 bit data transfer modes in True IDE Mode. If the 01h feature command is issued all data transfers shall occur on the low order D[7:0] data bus and the -IOIS16 signal shall not be asserted for data register accesses. The host shall not enable this feature for DMA transfers. Features 02h and 82h allow the host to enable or disable write cache in CompactFlash Storage Cards that implement write cache. When the subcommand disable write cache is issued, the CompactFlash Storage Card shall initiate the sequence to flush cache to non-volatile memory before command completion. Feature 03h allows the host to select the PIO or Multiword DMA transfer mode by specifying a value in the Sector Count register. The upper 5 bits define the type of transfer and the low order 3 bits encode the mode value. One PIO mode shall be selected at all times. For Cards which support DMA, one DMA mode shall be selected at all times. The host may change the selected modes by the Set Features command. Table 90: Transfer Mode Values Mode Bits (7:3) Bits (2:0) PIO default mode 00000b 000b PIO default mode, disable IORDY 00000b 001b (1) PIO flow control transfer mode 00001b Mode Reserved 00010b N/A (1) Multi-Word DMA mode 00100b Mode (1) Ultra DMA mode 01000b Mode Reserved 1000b N/A (1)Mode = transfer mode number Notes: Multiword DMA is not permitted for devices configured in the PC Card Memory or the PC Card I/O interface mode. If a CompactFlash Storage Card supports PIO modes greater than 0 and receives a Set Features command with a Set Transfer Mode parameter and a Sector Count register value of "00000000b", it shall set its default PIO mode. If the value is "00000001b" and the CompactFlash Storage Card supports disabling of IORDY, then the CompactFlash Storage Card shall set its default PIO mode and disable IORDY. A CompactFlash Storage Card shall support all PIO modes below the highest mode supported, e.g., if PIO mode 1 is supported PIO mode 0 shall be supported. Support of IORDY is mandatory when PIO mode 3 or above is the current mode of operation. A CompactFlash Storage Card reporting support for Multiword DMA modes shall support all Multiword DMA modes below the highest mode supported. For example, if Multiword DMA mode 2 support is reported, then modes 1 and 0 shall also be supported. Note that Multiword DMA shall not be supported while PC Card interface modes are selected. A CompactFlash Storage Card reporting support for Ultra DMA modes shall support all Ultra DMA modes below the highest mode supported. For example, if Ultra DMA mode 2 support is reported then modes 1 and 0 shall also be supported. If an Ultra DMA mode is enabled, any previously enabled Multiword DMA mode shall be disabled by the device. If a Multiword DMA mode is enabled any previously enabled Ultra DMA mode shall be disabled by the device. Feature 05h allows the host to enable Advanced Power Management. To enable Advanced Power Management, the host writes the Sector Count register with the desired advanced power management level and then executes a Set Features command with subcommand code 05h. The power management level is a scale from the lowest power consumption setting of 01h to the maximum performance level of Feh. Table 91: Advanced power management levels shows these values. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 74 of 101 Table 91: Advanced power management levels Level Maximum performance Intermediate power management levels without Standby Minimum power consumption without Standby Intermediate power management levels with Standby Minimum power consumption with Standby Reserved Reserved Sector Count Value Feh 81h-FDh 80h 02h-7Fh 01h FFh 00h In the current version the advanced power management levels are accepted, but don't influence performance and power consumption. Device performance may increase with increasing power management levels. Device power consumption may increase with increasing power management levels. The power management levels may contain discrete bands. For example, a device may implement one power management method from 80h to A0h and a higher performance, higher power consumption method from level A1h to Feh. Advanced power management levels 80h and higher do not permit the device to spin down to save power. Feature 85h disables Advanced Power Management. Subcommand 85h may not be implemented on all devices that implement Set Features subcommand 05h. Features 0Ah and 8Ah are used to enable and disable Power Level 1 commands. Feature 0Ah is the default feature for the CF+ CompactFlash Storage Card with extended power as they require Power Level 1 to perform their full set of functions. Power Enhanced CF Storage Cards are required to power up and execute all supported commands and protocols in Power Level 0, their default feature shall be 8Ah: Disable Power Level 1 Commands. No commands are actually excluded for such cards in Power Level 0 because no commands require Power Level 1. The 8Ah default allows the cards to restrict their operating power to Power Level 0 limits for compatibility with hosts that do not recognize or support the extended power capabilities of Power Enhanced CF Storage Cards. It also allows hosts that support extended power to take advantage of it by setting the feature to 0Ah: Enable Power Level 1 Commands. Features 55h and BBh are the default features for the CompactFlash Storage Card; thus, the host does not have to issue this command with these features unless it is necessary for compatibility reasons. Feature code 9Ah enables the host to configure the card to best meet the host system's power requirements. The host sets a value in the Sector Count register that is equal to one-fourth of the desired maximum average current (in mA) that the card should consume. For example, if the Sector Count register were set to 6, the card would be configured to provide the best possible performance without exceeding 24 mA. Upon completion of the command, the card responds to the host with the range of values supported by the card. The minimum value is set in the Cylinder Low register, and the maximum value is set in the Cylinder Hi register. The default value, after a power on reset, is to operate at the highest performance and therefore the highest current mode. The card shall accept values outside this programmable range, but shall operate at either the lowest power or highest performance as appropriate. Features 66h and CCh can be used to enable and disable whether the Power On Reset (POR) Defaults shall be set when a soft reset occurs. The default setting is to revert to the POR defaults when a soft reset occurs. 10.27 Set max address (F9h) The Set max address command sets the max address of the drive. It is related to the Host protected Area feature set. Table 92 defines the Set max address command Byte sequence. Table 92: Read native max address Task File Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 COMMAND F8h DRIVE/HEAD nu LBA nu D Set max LBA (27:24) CYLINDER HI Set max LBA (23:16) CYLINDER LOW Set max LBA (15:8) SECTOR NUM Set max LBA (7:0) SECTOR COUNT nu FEATURES Feature The LBA bit shall be set to one to specify the address is an LBA. DEV shall specify the selected device. 0 VV Prerequisites DRDY set to one. A successful READ NATIVE MAX ADDRESS command shall immediately precede a SET MAX ADDRESS command. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 75 of 101 VV =Value volatile. If bit 0 is set to one, the device shall preserve the maximum values over power-up or hardware reset. If bit 0 is cleared to zero, the device shall revert to the most recent nonvolatile maximum address value setting over power-up or hardware reset. The set max address can be locked/unlocked and secured by password with following features: Table 93: Set max features Feature register Command 00h Obsolete 01h SET MAX SET PASSWORD 02h SET MAX LOCK 03h SET MAX UNLOCK 04h SET MAX FREEZE LOCK 05-FFh Reserved Typical use of the Set max address (F9h) and Read native max address (F8h) commands would be: On reset BIOS receives control after a system reset; 1. BIOS issues a READ NATIVE MAX ADDRESS command to find the max capacity of the device; 2. BIOS issues a SET MAX ADDRESS command to the values returned by READ NATIVE MAX ADDRESS; 3. BIOS reads configuration data from the highest area on the disk; 4. BIOS issues a READ NATIVE MAX ADDRESS command followed by a SET MAX ADDRESS command to reset the device to the size of the file system. On save to disk 1. BIOS receives control prior to shut down; 2. BIOS issues a READ NATIVE MAX ADDRESS command to find the max capacity of the device; 3. BIOS issues a volatile SET MAX ADDRESS command to the values returned by READ NATIVE MAX ADDRESS; 4. Memory is copied to the reserved area; 5. Shut down completes; 6. On power-on or hardware reset the device max address returns to the last non-volatile setting. These commands are intended for use only by system BIOS or other low-level boot time process. Using these commands outside BIOS controlled boot or shutdown may result in damage to file systems on the device. Devices should return command aborted if a subsequent non-volatile SET MAX ADDRESS command is received after a power-on or hardware reset. 10.28 Set Multiple Mode (C6h) This command enables the Card to perform Read and Write Multiple operations and establishes the block count for these commands. The Sector Count Register is loaded with the number of sectors per block. Upon receipt of the command, the Card sets BSY and checks the Sector Count Register. If the Sector Count Register contains a valid value and the block count is supported, the value is loaded for all subsequent Read Multiple and Write Multiple commands and execution is enabled. If a block count is not supported, an Aborted Command error is posted, and Read Multiple and Write Multiple commands are disabled. If the Sector Count Register contains `0' when the command is issued, Read and Write Multiple commands are disabled. At power on the default mode is Read and Write Multiple disabled, unless it is disabled by a Set Feature command. Table 94 defines the Set Multiple Mode command Byte sequence. Table 94: Set Multiple Mode Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 C6h nu D nu nu nu nu Sector Count nu Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 76 of 101 10.29 Set Sleep Mode (99h or E6h) This command causes the CompactFlash Memory Card to set BSY, enter the Sleep mode, clear BSY and generate an interrupt. Recovery from sleep mode is accomplished by simply issuing another command. Sleep mode is also entered when internal timers expire so the host does not need to issue this command except when it wishes to enter Sleep mode immediately. The default value for the timer is 20 milliseconds. Note that this time base (5ms) is different from the ATA Specification. Table 95 defines the Set Sleep Mode command Byte sequence. Table 95: Set Sleep Mode Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 7 6 5 nu 4 3 99h or E6h D nu nu nu nu nu 2 1 0 nu 10.30 S.M.A.R.T. (B0h) The intent of self-monitoring, analysis, and reporting technology (the SMART feature set) is to protect user data and minimize the likelihood of unscheduled system downtime that may be caused by predictable degradation and/or fault of the device. By monitoring and storing critical performance and calibration parameters, SMART feature set devices attempt to predict the likelihood of near-term degradation or fault condition. Providing the host system the knowledge of a negative reliability condition allows the host system to warn the user of the impending risk of a data loss and advise the user of appropriate action. Support of this feature set is indicated in the IDENTIFY DEVICE data (Word 82 bit 0). Table 96: S.M.A.R.T. Features Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 B0h 1 1 1 D nu C2h 4Fh nu XXh Feature Details of S.M.A.R.T. features are described in Section 11. 10.31 Standby (96h or E2) This command causes the Card to set BSY, enter the Sleep mode (which corresponds to the ATA `Standby' Mode), clear BSY and return the interrupt immediately. Recovery from Sleep mode is accomplished by issuing another command. Table 97 defines the Standby command Byte sequence. Table 97: Standby Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland 7 6 5 nu 4 3 96h or E2h D nu nu nu nu nu 2 0 nu Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. 1 Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 77 of 101 10.32 Standby Immediate (94h or E0h) This command causes the Card to set BSY, enter the Sleep mode (which corresponds to the ATA Standby Mode), clear BSY and return the interrupt immediately. Recovery from Sleep mode is accomplished by issuing another command. Table 98 defines the Standby Immediate Byte sequence. Table 98: Standby Immediate Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 7 6 5 4 3 94h or E0h D nu nu nu nu nu nu 2 1 0 nu 10.33 Translate Sector (87h) This command is effectively a NOP command and only implemented for backward compatibility. The Sector Count Register will always be returned with a `00h' indicating Translate Sector is not needed. Table 99 defines the Translate Sector command Byte sequence. Table 99: Translate Sector Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 87h 1 LBA 1 D Head (LBA 27-24) Cylinder High (LBA23-16) Cylinder Low (LBA15-8) nu (LBA7-0) nu nu 10.34 Wear Level (F5h) This command is effectively a NOP command and only implemented for backward compatibility. The Sector Count Register will always be returned with a `00h' indicating Wear Level is not needed. Table 100 defines the Wear Level command Byte sequence. Table 100: Wear level Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 F5h nu D nu nu nu nu Completion Status nu 10.35 Write Buffer (E8h) The Write Buffer command enables the host to overwrite contents of the Card's sector buffer with any data pattern desired. This command has the same protocol as the Write Sector(s) command and transfers 512 Bytes. Table 101 defines the Write Buffer command Byte sequence. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 78 of 101 Table 101: Write Buffer Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 E8h nu D nu nu nu nu nu nu 10.36 Write DMA (Cah) This command uses DMA mode to write from 1 to 256 sectors as specified in the Sector Count register. A sector count of 0 requests 256 sectors. The transfer begins at the sector specified in the Sector Number Register. When this command is issued the CompactFlash Storage Card sets BSY, puts all or part of the sector of data in the buffer. The Card is then permitted, although not required, to set DRQ, clear BSY. The Card asserts DMAREQ while data is available to be transferred. The host then writes the (512 * sector-count) bytes of data to the Card using DMA. While DMAREQ is asserted by the Card, the Host asserts -DMACK while it is ready to transfer data by DMA and asserts -IOWR once for each 16 bit word to be transferred from the Host. Interrupts are not generated on every sector, but upon completion of the transfer of the entire number of sectors to be transferred or upon the occurrence of an unrecoverable error. At command completion, the Command Block Registers contain the cylinder, head and sector number of the last sector written. If an error occurs, the write terminates at the sector where the error occurred. The Command Block Registers contain the cylinder, head, and sector number of the sector where the error occurred. The amount of data transferred is indeterminate. When a Write DMA command is received by the Card and 8 bit transfer mode has been enabled by the Set Features command, the Card shall return the Aborted error. Table 102: Write DMA Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Cah LBA D Head (LBA 27-24) Cylinder High (LBA23-16) Cylinder Low (LBA15-8) Sector number (LBA7-0) Sector Count nu 10.37 Write Multiple Command (C5h) This command is similar to the Write Sectors command. The Card sets BSY within 400ns of accepting the command. Interrupts are not presented on each sector but on the transfer of a block which contains the number of sectors defined by Set Multiple. Command execution is identical to the Write Sectors operation except that the number of sectors defined by the Set Multiple command is transferred without intervening interrupts. DRQ qualification of the transfer is required only at the start of the data block, not on each sector. The block count of sectors to be transferred without intervening interrupts is programmed by the Set Multiple Mode command, which must be executed prior to the Write Multiple command. When the Write Multiple command is issued, the Sector Count Register contains the number of sectors (not the number of blocks or the block count) requested. If the number of requested sectors is not evenly divisible by the sector/block, as many full blocks as possible are transferred, followed by a final, partial block transfer. The partial block transfer is for n sectors, where: n = (sector count) module (block count). If the Write Multiple command is attempted before the Set Multiple Mode command has been executed or when Write Multiple commands are disabled, the Write Multiple operation will be rejected with an aborted command error. Errors encountered during Write Multiple commands are posted after the attempted writes of the block or partial block transferred. The Write command ends with the sector in error, even if it is in the middle of a block. Subsequent blocks are not transferred in the event of an error. Interrupts are generated when DRQ is set at the beginning of each block or partial block. The Command Block Registers contain the cylinder, head and sector number of the sector where the error occurred and the Sector Count Register contains the residual number of sectors that need to be transferred for successful completion of the command. For example, each block has 4 sectors, a request for 8 sectors is issued Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 79 of 101 and an error occurs on the third sector. The Sector Count Register contains 6 and the address is that of the third sector. Note: The current revision of the CompactFlash Memory Card only supports a block count of 1 as indicated in the Identify Drive Command information. The Write Multiple command is provided for compatibility with future products which may support a larger block count. Table 103 defines the Write Multiple command Byte sequence. Table 103: Write Multiple Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 7 6 5 1 LBA 1 4 3 2 1 0 C5h D Head (LBA 27-24) Cylinder High (LBA23-16) Cylinder Low (LBA15-8) Sector number (LBA7-0) Sector Count nu 10.38 Write Multiple without Erase (CDh) This command is similar to the Write Multiple command with the exception that an implied erase before write operation is not performed. The sectors should be pre-erased with the Erase Sector(s) command before this command is issued. Table 104 defines the Write Multiple without Erase command Byte sequence. Table 104: Write Multiple without Erase Task File Register 7 COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD 1 CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CDh LBA 1 D Head (LBA 27-24) Cylinder High (LBA23-16) Cylinder Low (LBA15-8) Sector number (LBA7-0) Sector Count nu 10.39 Write Sector(s) (30h or 31h) This command writes from 1 to 256 sectors as specified in the Sector Count Register. A sector count of zero requests 256 sectors. The transfer begins at the sector specified in the Sector Number Register. When this command is accepted, the Card sets BSY, sets DRQ and clears BSY, then waits for the host to fill the sector buffer with the data to be written. No interrupt is generated to start the first host transfer operation. No data should be transferred by the host until BSY has been cleared by the host. For multiple sectors, after the first sector of data is in the buffer, BSY will be set and DRQ will be cleared. After the next buffer is ready for data, BSY is cleared, DRQ is set and an interrupt is generated. When the final sector of data is transferred, BSY is set and DRQ is cleared. It will remain in this state until the command is completed at which time BSY is cleared and an interrupt is generated. If an error occurs during a write of more than one sector, writing terminates at the sector where the error occurred. The Command Block Registers contain the cylinder, head and sector number of the sector where the error occurred. The host may then read the command block to determine what error has occurred, and on which sector. Table 105 defines the Write Sector(s) command Byte sequence. Table 105: Write Sector(s) Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland 7 6 5 1 LBA 4 3 2 1 30h or 31h 1 D Head (LBA 27-24) Cylinder High (LBA23-16) Cylinder Low (LBA15-8) Sector number (LBA7-0) Sector Count nu Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. 0 Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 80 of 101 10.40 Write Sector(s) without Erase (38h) This command is similar to the Write Sector(s) command with the exception that an implied erase before write operation is not performed. This command has the same protocol as the Write Sector(s) command. The sectors should be pre-erased with the Erase Sector(s) command before this command is issued. If the sector is not preerased a normal write sector operation will occur. Table 106 defines the Write Sector(s) without Erase command Byte sequence. Table 106: Write Sector(s) without Erase Task File Register 7 COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD 1 CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 38h LBA 1 D Head (LBA 27-24) Cylinder High (LBA23-16) Cylinder Low (LBA15-8) Sector number (LBA7-0) Sector Count nu 10.41 Write Verify (3Ch) This command is similar to the Write Sector(s) command, except each sector is verified immediately after being written. This command has the same protocol as the Write Sector(s) command. Table 107 defines the Write Verify command Byte sequence. Table 107: Write Verify Task File Register COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3Ch 1 LBA 1 D Head (LBA 27-24) Cylinder High (LBA23-16) Cylinder Low (LBA15-8) Sector number (LBA7-0) Sector Count nu Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 81 of 101 11 S.M.A.R.T Functionality The C-300 CF cards support the following SMART commands, determined by the Feature Register value. Table 108: S.M.A.R.T. Features Supported Feature Operation D0h SMART Read Data D1h SMART Read Attribute Thresholds D2h SMART Enable/Disable Attribute D8h SMART Enable Operations D9h Autosave SMART Disable Operations Dah SMART Return Status SMART commands with Feature Register values not mentioned in the above table are not supported, and will be aborted. 11.1 S.M.A.R.T. Enable / Disable operations This command enables / disables access to the SMART capabilities of the CF card. The state of SMART (enabled or disabled) is preserved across power cycles. Table 109: S.M.A.R.T. Enable / Disable operations (Feature D8h / D9h) Task File Register 7 6 5 4 3 COMMAND B0h DRIVE/HEAD 1 1 1 D CYLINDER HI C2h CYLINDER LOW 4Fh SECTOR NUM nu SECTOR COUNT nu FEATURES D8h / D9h 2 1 0 nu 11.2 S.M.A.R.T. Enable / Disable Attribute Autosave This command is effectively a no-operation as the data for the SMART functionality is always available and kept current in the CF card. Table 110: S.M.A.R.T. Enable / Disable Attribute Autosave (Feature D0h) Task File Register 7 6 5 4 3 COMMAND B0h DRIVE/HEAD 1 1 1 D CYLINDER HI C2h CYLINDER LOW 4Fh SECTOR NUM nu SECTOR COUNT 00h or F1h FEATURES D2h 2 1 0 1 0 nu 11.3 S.M.A.R.T. Read data This command returns one sector of SMART data. Table 111: S.M.A.R.T. read data (Feature D0h) Task File Register 7 COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD 1 CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland 6 5 4 3 2 B0h 1 1 D nu C2h 4Fh nu nu D0h Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 82 of 101 The data structure returned is: Table 112: S.M.A.R.T. Data Structure Offset Value Description 0..1 0004h SMART structure version for firmware revision "1", "2", "4" 0010h SMART structure version for firmware "3" 2..361 Attribute entries 1 to 30 (12 bytes each) 362 00h Off-line data collection status (no off-line data collection) 363 00h Self-test execution status byte (self-test completed) 364..365 0000h Total time to complete off-line data collection 366 00h 367 00h Off-line data collection capability (no off-line data collection) 368..369 0003h SMART capabilities 370 00h Error logging capability (no error logging) 371 00h 372 00h Short self-test routine recommended polling time 373 00h Extended self-test routine recommended polling time 374..385 00h Reserved 386..387 0002h SMART Swissbit Structure Version for SMART structure version 0004h 0003h SMART Swissbit Structure Version for SMART structure version 0010h 388..391 "Commit" counter 392..395 Wear Level Threshold 396 Global Bad Block Management active 397 Global Wear Leveling active 398..510 00h 511 Data structure checksum The byte order for the multi-byte values is little endian (least significant byte first), unless specified otherwise. There are six attributes that are defined in the CF card. These return their data in the attribute section of the SMART data, using a 12 byte data field. The field at offset 386 gives a version number for the contents of the SMART data structure. In version 0, the spare block counts (offsets 4 to 11) in the Spare Block Count attribute need to be byte-swapped. The byte at offset 396 is 0 if the wear leveling has not yet started its global operation and 1 if the global wear leveling has started. This happens when the most used chip has reached the erase count threshold defined in the Erase Count Attribute. The byte at offset 397 is 0 if the bad block management is still working chip local, and 1 if the global bad block management has started. This happens when one of the flash chips runs out of spare blocks, in this case spare blocks from different flash chips are used. In the following sections the Attributes for different SMART structure versions (Byte 0..1) are specified that depend on the firmware. In version 0x0010 the worst value at offset 3 were added and other data were shifted. 11.3.1 SMART Attributes for SMART structure version 0004h Spare Block Count Attribute This attribute gives information about the amount of available spare blocks. Table 113: Spare Block Count Attribute for SMART structure version 0004h Offset Value Description 0 c4h Attribute ID - Reallocation Count 1..2 0003h Flags - Pre-fail type, value is updated during normal operation 3 Attribute value. The value returned here is the minimum percentage of remaining spare blocks over all flash chips, i.e. min over all chips (100 x current spare blocks / initial spare blocks) 4..5 initial number of spare blocks of the flash chip that has been used for the attribute value calculation 6..7 current number of spare blocks of the flash chip that has been used for the attribute value calculation 8..9 sum of the initial number of spare blocks for all flash chips 10..11 sum of the current number of spare blocks for all flash chips Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 83 of 101 This attribute is used for the SMART Return Status command. If the attribute value field is less than the spare block threshold, the SMART Return Status command will indicate a threshold exceeded condition. Erase Count Attribute This attribute gives information about the amount of flash block erases that have been performed. Table 114: Erase Count Attribute for SMART structure version 0004h Offset Value Description 0 E5h Attribute ID - Erase Count Usage (vendor specific) 1..2 0002h Flags - Advisory type, value is updated during normal operation 3 Attribute value. The value returned here is an estimation of the remaining card life, in percent, based on the number of flash block erases compared to the target number of erase cycles per block. 4..11 Estimated total number of block erases This attribute is used for the SMART Return Status command. If the attribute value field is less than the erase count threshold, the SMART Return Status command will indicate a threshold exceeded condition. Total ECC Errors Attribute This attribute gives information about the total number of ECC errors that have occurred on flash read commands. This attribute is not used for the SMART Return Status command. Table 115: Total ECC Errors Attribute for SMART structure version 0004h Offset Value Description 0 CBh Attribute ID - Number of ECC errors 1..2 0002h Flags - Advisory type, value is updated during normal operation 3 64h Attribute value. This value is fixed at 100. 4..7 Total number of ECC errors (correctable and uncorrectable) 8..11 - Correctable ECC Errors Attribute This attribute gives information about the total number of correctable ECC errors that have occurred on flash read commands. This attribute is not used for the SMART Return Status command. Table 116: Correctable ECC Errors Attribute for SMART structure version 0004h Offset Value Description 0 CCh Attribute ID - Number of corrected ECC errors 1..2 0002h Flags - Advisory type, value is updated during normal operation 3 64h Attribute value. This value is fixed at 100. 4..7 Total number of correctable ECC errors 8..11 - Total Number of Reads Attribute This attribute gives information about the total number of flash read commands. This can be useful for the interpretation of the number of correctable or total ECC errors. This attribute is not used for the SMART Return Status command. Table 117: Total Number of Reads Attribute for SMART structure version 0004h Offset Value Description 0 E8h Attribute ID - Number of Reads (vendor specific) 1..2 0002h Flags - Advisory type, value is updated during normal operation 3 64h Attribute value. This value is fixed at 100. 4..7 Total number of flash read commands 8..11 - UDMA CRC Errors Attribute This attribute gives information about the total number of UDMA CRC errors that have occurred on flash read commands. This attribute is not used for the SMART Return Status command. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 84 of 101 Table 118: UDMA CRC Errors Attribute for SMART structure version 0004h Offset Value Description 0 C7h Attribute ID - UDMA CRC error rate 1..2 0002h Flags - Advisory type, value is updated during normal operation 3 64h Attribute value. This value is fixed at 100. 4..7 Total number of UDMA CRC errors 8..11 - 11.3.2 SMART Attributes for SMART structure version 0010h Spare Block Count Attribute This attribute gives information about the amount of available spare blocks. Table 119: Spare Block Count Attribute for SMART structure version 0010h Offset Value Description 0 c4h Attribute ID - Reallocation Count 1..2 0003h Flags - Pre-fail type, value is updated during normal operation 3 Attribute value. The value returned here is the minimum percentage of remaining spare blocks over all flash chips, i.e. min over all chips (100 x current spare blocks / initial spare blocks) 4 Attribute value (worst value) 5..6 initial number of spare blocks of the flash chip with the lowest current number of spare blocks 7..8 current number of spare blocks of the flash chip with the lowest current number of spare blocks 9..10 sum of the current number of spare blocks for all flash chips 11 00h Reserved This attribute is used for the SMART Return Status command. If the attribute value field is less than the spare block threshold, the SMART Return Status command will indicate a threshold exceeded condition. Erase Count Attribute This attribute gives information about the amount of flash block erases that have been performed. Table 120: Erase Count Attribute for SMART structure version 0010h Offset Value Description 0 E5h Attribute ID - Erase Count Usage (vendor specific) 1..2 0002h Flags - Advisory type, value is updated during normal operation 3 Attribute value. The value returned here is an estimation of the remaining card life, in percent, based on the number of flash block erases compared to the target number of erase cycles per block. 4 Attribute value (worst value) 5..10 Estimated total number of block erases 11 00h Reserved This attribute is used for the SMART Return Status command. If the attribute value field is less than the erase count threshold, the SMART Return Status command will indicate a threshold exceeded condition. Total ECC Errors Attribute This attribute gives information about the total number of ECC errors that have occurred on flash read commands. This attribute is not used for the SMART Return Status command. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 85 of 101 Table 121: Total ECC Errors Attribute for SMART structure version 0010h Offset Value Description 0 CBh Attribute ID - Number of ECC errors 1..2 0002h Flags - Advisory type, value is updated during normal operation 3 64h Attribute value. This value is fixed at 100. 4 64h Attribute value (worst value) 5..8 Total number of ECC errors (correctable and uncorrectable) 9..10 11 00h Reserved Correctable ECC Errors Attribute This attribute gives information about the total number of correctable ECC errors that have occurred on flash read commands. This attribute is not used for the SMART Return Status command. Table 122: Correctable ECC Errors Attribute for SMART structure version 0010h Offset Value Description 0 CCh Attribute ID - Number of corrected ECC errors 1..2 0002h Flags - Advisory type, value is updated during normal operation 3 64h Attribute value. This value is fixed at 100. 4 64h Attribute value (worst value) 5..8 Total number of correctable ECC errors 9..10 11 00h Reserved Total Number of Reads Attribute This attribute gives information about the total number of flash read commands. This can be useful for the interpretation of the number of correctable or total ECC errors. This attribute is not used for the SMART Return Status command. Table 123: Total Number of Reads Attribute for SMART structure version 0010h Offset Value Description 0 E8h Attribute ID - Number of Reads (vendor specific) 1..2 0002h Flags - Advisory type, value is updated during normal operation 3 64h Attribute value. This value is fixed at 100. 4 64h Attribute value (worst value) 5..10 Total number of flash read commands 11 00h Reserved UDMA CRC Errors Attribute This attribute gives information about the total number of UDMA CRC errors that have occurred on flash read commands. This attribute is not used for the SMART Return Status command. Table 124: UDMA CRC Errors Attribute for SMART structure version 0010h Offset Value Description 0 C7h Attribute ID - UDMA CRC error rate 1..2 0002h Flags - Advisory type, value is updated during normal operation 3 64h Attribute value. This value is fixed at 100. 4 64h Attribute value (worst value) 5..8 Total number of UDMA CRC errors 9..10 11 00h Reserved Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 86 of 101 11.4 S.M.A.R.T. Read Attribute Thresholds This command returns one sector of SMART attribute thresholds. Table 125: S.M.A.R.T. read data (Feature D1h) Task File Register 7 COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD 1 CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES 6 5 4 1 1 D 3 2 1 0 B0h nu C2h 4Fh nu nu D1h The data structure returned is: Table 126: S.M.A.R.T. Data Structure Offset Value Description 0..1 0004h SMART structure version 2..361 Attribute threshold entries 1 to 30 (12 bytes each) 362..379 00h Reserved 380..510 00h 511 Data structure checksum Table 127: Spare Block Count Attribute Threshold Offset Value Description 0 C4h Attribute ID - Reallocation Count 1 Spare Block Count Threshold 2..11 00h Reserved Table 128: Erase Count Attribute Threshold Offset Value Description 0 E5h Attribute ID - Erase Count Usage (vendor specific) 1 Erase Count Threshold 2..11 00h Reserved Table 129: Total ECC Errors Attribute Threshold Offset Value Description 0 CBh Attribute ID - Number of ECC errors 1 00h No threshold for the Total ECC Errors Attribute 2..11 00h Reserved Table 130: Correctable ECC Errors Attribute Offset Value Description 0 CCh Attribute ID - Number of corrected ECC errors 1 00h No threshold for the Correctable ECC Errors Attribute 2..11 00h Reserved Table 131: Total Number of Reads Attribute Offset Value Description 0 E8h Attribute ID - Number of Reads (vendor specific) 1 00h No threshold for the Total Number of Reads Attribute 2..11 00h Reserved Table 132: UDMA CRC Errors Attribute Offset Value Description 0 C7h Attribute ID - UDMA CRC error rate 1 00h No threshold for the UDMA CRC Errors Attribute 2..11 00h Reserved Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 87 of 101 11.5 S.M.A.R.T. Return Status This command checks the device reliability status. If a threshold exceeded condition exists for either the Spare Block Count attribute or the Erase Count attribute, the device will set the Cylinder Low register to F4h and the Cylinder High register to 2Ch. If no threshold exceeded condition exists, the device will set the Cylinder Low register to 4Fh and the Cylinder High register to C2h. Table 133: S.M.A.R.T. read data (Feature D1h) Task File Register 7 COMMAND DRIVE/HEAD 1 CYLINDER HI CYLINDER LOW SECTOR NUM SECTOR COUNT FEATURES Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 B0h 1 1 D nu C2h 4Fh nu nu Dah Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 88 of 101 12 Swissbit ZoneProtection feature functionality The proprietary ZoneProtection functionality allows configuring multiple zones (up to 5) with either write protection or full protection (no read and no write), each zone with a separate password. Also included is a secure & fast zone erase command. Zone Protection is configured using vendor specific commands, the documentation is provided by Swissbit on request. Swissbit offers a configuration tool for Windows and Linux platforms. A simple programming library for integration of the functionality in customer specific software is available, please contact Swissbit sales for details. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 89 of 101 13 CIS information (typical) 0000: Code 01, link 03 D9 01 FF - Device Info Tuple Link is 3 bytes I/O Device, No WPS, speed=250ns if no wait (One) 2 Kilobytes of address space End of CISTPL_DEVICE 000A: Code 1C, link 04 02 D9 01 FF - Other Conditions Info Tuple Link is 4 bytes Conditions: 3V operation is allowed, and WAIT is used I/O Device, No WPS, speed = 250 ns if no wait (One) 2 Kilobytes of address space End of CISTPL_DEVICE 0016: Code 18, link 02 DF 01 - JEDEC programming info Tulpe Link is 2 bytes Device Manufactor ID Manufacturer specific info 001E: Code 20, link 04 00 00 00 00 - Manufacturer ID tuple Link length is 4 bytes PC Card manufacturer code Manufacturer specific info 002A: Code 21, link 02 04 01 - Function ID tuple Link length is 2 bytes Fixed disk drive R=0: no expansion ROM; P=1: configure at POST 0032: Code 22, link 02 01 01 Function Extension tuple - Link length is 2 bytes Disk interface information PC card ATA interface 003A: Code 22, link 03 02 04 07 - Function Extension tuple Link length is 3 bytes PC card ATA basic features D=0:single drive on card; U=0: no unique serial number; S=1: silicon device; V=0: no VPP required Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 90 of 101 - I=0: twin IOIS16# unspecified; E=0: index bit not emulated; N=0: I/O includes 0x3F7; P=7: sleep, standby, idle supported 0044: Code 1A, link 05 01 07 00 02 0F - Configuration Tuple Link length is 5 bytes RFS: reserved; RMS: 1 byte register mask; RAS: 2 bytes base address Last configuration entry is 07H Configuration registers are located at 0200h Configuration registers 0 to 3 are present 0052: Code 1B, link 0B C0 C0 A1 27 55 4D 5D 75 08 00 21 - Configuration tuple Link length is 11 bytes Memory mapped configuration, index=0; I=1: Interface byte follows; D=1: Default entry W=1: wait required; R=1: ready/busy active; P=0: WP not used;B=0: BVD1, BVD2 not used; Type=0: Memory interface M=1: misc info present; MS=1: 2 byte memory length; IR=0: no interrupt is used; IO=0: no I/O space is used; T=0: no timing info specified; Power=1: VCC info, no VPP DI: no power-down current;PI=1: peak current info; AI: no average current info; SI: no static current info; HV=1: max voltage info; LV=1: min voltage info;NV=1: nominal voltage info Nominal voltage 5.0V Minimum voltage 4.5V Maximum voltage 5.5V Peak current 80 mA Length of memory space is 2 Kbyte X=0: no more misc fields; P=1: power-down supported; RO=0:read/write media; A=0: audio not supported; T=1: max twins is 1 006C: Code 1B, link 06 00 01 21 B5 1E 4D - Configuration tuple Link length is 6 bytes Memory mapped configuration, index=0 Power=1: VCC info, no VPP PI=1: peak current info; NV=1: nominal voltage info X=1: extension byte present Nominal voltage 3.30V Peak current 45 mA 007C: Code 1B, link 0D C1 41 99 27 55 4D 5D 75 64 F0 FF FF 21 - Configuration tuple Link length is 11 bytes Memory mapped configuration, index=0; I=1: Interface byte follows; D=1: Default entry W=1: wait required; R=1: ready/busy active; P=0: WP not used;B=0: BVD1, BVD2 not used; Type=0: Memory interface M=1: misc info present; MS=1: 2 byte memory length; IR=0: no interrupt is used; IO=0: no I/O space is used; T=0: no timing info specified; Power=1: VCC info, no VPP DI: no power-down current;PI=1: peak current info; AI: no average current info; SI: no static current info; HV=1: max voltage info; LV=1: min voltage info;NV=1: nominal voltage info Nominal voltage 5.0V Minimum voltage 4.5V Maximum voltage 5.5V Peak current 80 mA Length of memory space is 2 Kbyte Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 91 of 101 - X=0: no more misc fields; P=1: power-down supported; RO=0:read/write media; A=0: audio not supported; T=1: max twins is 1 009A: Code 1B, link 06 01 01 21 B5 1E 4D - Configuration tuple Link length is 6 bytes I/O mapped, index=1 Power=1: VCC info, no VPP PI=1: peak current info; NV=1: nominal voltage info X=1: extension byte present Nominal voltage 3.30V Peak current 45 mA 00AA: Code 1B, link 12 C2 41 99 27 55 4D 5D 75 EA 61 F0 01 07 F6 03 01 EE 21 - Configuration tuple Link length is 18 bytes I/O mapped, index=2; I=1: Interface byte follows; D=1: Default entry W=0: wait not required; R=1: ready/busy active; P=0: WP not used; B=0: BVD1, BVD2 not used; Type=1: I/O interface M=1: misc info present; MS=0: no memory space info; IR=1: interrupt is used; IO=1: I/O space is used; T=0: no timing info specified; Power=1: VCC info, no VPP DI: no power-down current; PI=1: peak current info; AI: no average current info; SI: no static; current info; HV=1: max voltage info; LV=1: min voltage info; NV=1: nominal voltage info Nominal voltage 5.0V Minimum voltage 4.5V Maximum voltage 5.5V Peak current 80 mA R=1: range follows; S=1: support 16 bit hosts; E=1: support 8 bit hosts; IO=10: 10 lines decoded LS=1: 1 byte length; AS=2: 2 byte address; NR=1: 2 address ranges Address range 1 0x1F0 to 0x1F7 Address range 2 0x3F6 to 0x3F7 S=1: interrupt sharing logic; P=1: pulse mode supported; L=1: level mode supported; M=0: masks V..N not present; IRQN=14: use interrupt 14 X=0: no more misc fields; P=1: power-down supported; RO=0:read/write media; A=0: audio not supported; T=1: max twins is 1 00D2: Code 1B, link 06 02 01 21 B5 1E 4D - Configuration tuple Link length is 6 bytes I/O mapped, index=2 Power=1: VCC info, no VPP PI=1: peak current info; NV=1: nominal voltage info X=1: extension byte present Nominal voltage 3.30V Peak current 45 mA 00E2: Code 1B, link 12 C3 41 99 27 55 4D 5D 75 EA 61 70 01 07 76 03 01 EE 21 - Configuration tuple Link length is 18 bytes I/O mapped, index=2; I=1: Interface byte follows; D=1: Default entry W=0: wait not required; R=1: ready/busy active; P=0: WP not used; B=0: BVD1, BVD2 not used; Type=1: I/O interface M=1: misc info present; MS=0: no memory space info; IR=1: interrupt is used; IO=1: I/O space is used; T=0: no timing info specified; Power=1: VCC info, no VPP Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 92 of 101 - DI: no power-down current; PI=1: peak current info; AI: no average current info; SI: no static; current info; HV=1: max voltage info; LV=1: min voltage info; NV=1: nominal voltage info Nominal voltage 5.0V Minimum voltage 4.5V Maximum voltage 5.5V Peak current 80 mA R=1: range follows; S=1: support 16 bit hosts; E=1: support 8 bit hosts; IO=10: 10 lines decoded LS=1: 1 byte length; AS=2: 2 byte address; NR=1: 2 address ranges Address range 1 0x170 to 0x177 Address range 2 0x376 to 0x377 S=1: interrupt sharing logic; P=1: pulse mode supported; L=1: level mode supported; M=0: masks V..N not present; IRQN=14: use interrupt 14 X=0: no more misc fields; P=1: power-down supported; RO=0:read/write media; A=0: audio not supported; T=1: max twins is 1 010A: Code 1B, link 06 03 01 21 B5 1E 4D - Configuration tuple Link length is 6 bytes I/O mapped, index=3 Power=1: VCC info, no VPP PI=1: peak current info; NV=1: nominal voltage info X=1: extension byte present Nominal voltage 3.30V Peak current 45 mA 011A: Code 1B, link 04 07 00 28 D3 - Configuration tuple Link length is 4 bytes I/O mapped, index=7 No feature descriptions follow Swissbit specific data Swissbit specific data 0126: Code 14, link 00 - No link control tuple Link length is 0 bytes 012A: Code 15, link 14*) 04 01 53 77 69 73 73 62 69 74 00 43 46 20 43 61 72 64 00 FF *) - Level 1 version/product info Link length is 21 bytes PCMCIA2.0/JEIDA4.1 PCMCIA2.0/JEIDA4.1 Product name: "Swissbit" "CF Card" *) can vary in different configurations The length of the strings will affect the following start addresses 0156: Code FF, link FF - End of CISTPL_VERS_1 End of CIS Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 93 of 101 14 Package mechanical Figure 21: Type I CompactFlash Memory Card Dimensions Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 94 of 101 15 Declaration of Conformity We Manufacturer: Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland declare under our sole responsibility that the product Product Type: Brand Name: Product Series: Part Number: CompactFlashTM Card SWISSMEMORYTM CompactFlashTM C-320 SFCFxxxxHxxxxxx-x-xx-xxx-xxx to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following directives: CENELEC EN 55022B :2000 + CISPR22B :2000 CENELEC EN 55024 :2001 + CISPR24 :2001 FCC47 Part 15 Subpart B 2002/96/EC Category 3 (WEEE) following the provisions of Directive Electromagnetic compatibility 2004/108/EC Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances 2011/65/EU Swissbit AG, December 2012 Manuela Kogel Head of Quality Management Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 95 of 101 16 RoHS and WEEE update from Swissbit Dear Valued Customer, We at Swissbit place great value on the environment and thus pay close attention to the diverse aspects of manufacturing environmentally and health friendly products. The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union have published two Directives defining a European standard for environmental protection. This states that CompactFlash Cards must comply with both Directives in order for them to be sold on the European market: RoHS - Restriction of Hazardous Substances WEEE - Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Swissbit would like to take this opportunity to inform our customers about the measures we have implemented to adapt all our products to the European norms. What is the WEEE Directive (2002/96/EC)? The Directive covers the following points: Prevention of WEEE Recovery, recycling and other measures leading to a minimization of wastage of electronic and electrical equipment Improvement in the quality of environmental performance of all operators involved in the EEE life cycle, as well as measures to incorporate those involved at the EEE waste disposal points What are the key elements? The WEEE Directive covers the following responsibilities on the part of producers: Producers must draft a disposal or recovery scheme to dispose of EEE correctly. Producers must be registered as producers in the country in which they distribute the goods. They must also supply and publish information about the EEE categories. Producers are obliged to finance the collection, treatment and disposal of WEEE. Inclusion of WEEE logos on devices In reference to the Directive, the WEEE logo must be printed directly on all devices that have sufficient space. In exceptional cases where this is necessary because of the size of the product, the symbol of the WEEE Directive shall be printed on the packaging, on the instructions of use and on the warranty (WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC) When does the WEEE Directive take effect? The Directive came into effect internationally on 13 August, 2005. What is RoHS (2002/95/EC)? The goals of the Directive are to: Place less of a burden on human health and to protect the environment by restricting the use of hazardous substances in new electrical and electronic devices To support the WEEE Directive (see above) RoHS enforces the restriction of the following 6 hazardous substances in electronic and electrical devices: Lead (Pb) - no more than 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials Mercury (Hg) - no more than 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials Cadmium (Cd) - no more than 0.01% by weight in homogeneous materials Chromium (Cr6+) - no more than 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials PBB, PBDE - no more than 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 96 of 101 Swissbit is obliged to minimize the hazardous substances in the products. According to part of the Directive, manufacturers are obliged to make a self-declaration for all devices with RoHS. Swissbit carried out intensive tests to comply with the self-declaration. We have also already taken steps to have the analyses of the individual components guaranteed by third-party companies. Swissbit carried out the following steps during the year with the goal of offering our customers products that are fully compliant with the RoHS Directive. Preparing all far-reaching directives, logistical enhancements and alternatives regarding the full understanding and introduction of the RoHS Directive's standards Checking the components and raw materials: o o Replacing non-RoHS-compliant components and raw materials in the supply chain Cooperating closely with suppliers regarding the certification of all components and raw materials used by Swissbit Modifying the manufacturing processes and procedures o Successfully adapting and optimizing the new management-free integration process in the supply chain o Updating existing production procedures and introducing the new procedures to support the integration process and the sorting of materials Carrying out the quality process o Performing detailed function and safety tests to ensure the continuous high quality of the Swissbit product line When does the RoHS Directive take effect? As of 1 July, 2006, only new electrical and electronic devices with approved quantities of RoHS will be put on the market. When will Swissbit be offering RoHS-approved products? Swissbit's RoHS-approved products are available now. Please contact your Swissbit contact person to find out more about exchanging your existing products for RoHS-compliant devices. For your attention We understand that packaging and accessories are not EEE material and are therefore not subject to the WEEE or RoHS Directives. Contact details: Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4-8 CH 9552 Bronschhofen Tel: +41 71 913 03 03 - Fax: +41 71 913 03 15 E-mail: - Website: Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 97 of 101 17 Part Number Decoder S F CF 1024 H 1 B O 2 TO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Manuf. Memory Type. Product Type Density Platform Product Generation Memory Organization - I 11 - M 0 12 13 - 543 14 - SMA 15 Option Configuration Manuf. Code: Flash Mode Manuf. Code: Flash Package Temp. Option Flash vendor Code Number of flash chips Technology 17.1 Manufacturer Swissbit code S Flash F Compact Flash CF 17.2 Memory Type 17.3 Product Type 17.4 Density 2 GB 4 GB 8 GB 16 Gbyte 32 Gbyte 2048 4096 8192 16GB 32GB 17.5 Platform Compact Flash H First generation 1 x8 B 17.6 Product Generation 17.7 Memory Organization 17.8 Controller type C-320 Series CF Card O 17.9 Number of Flash Chip 1 Flash 2 Flash 4 Flash 1 2 4 Toshiba Samsung TO SA 17.10 Flash Code Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 98 of 101 17.11 Temp. Option Industrial Temp. Range -40C - 85C Standard Temp Range 0C - 70C I C 17.12 DIE Classification SLC MONO SLC DDP SLC QDP SLC ODP (single die package) (dual die package) (quad die package) (Octal die package) M D Q N 17.13 PIN Mode Normal nCE & R/nB - TSOP Dual nCE & Dual R/nB - TSOP Quad nCE & Quad R/nB - TSOP Normal nCE & R/nB - LGA Dual nCE & Dual R/nB - LGA Quad nCE & Quad R/nB - LGA 0/S 1/T 2/U A B C 17.14 Compact Flash XYZ X CFC Mode Removable/fix True IDE PC Card Mode Mode Removable Fix Fix Removable Fix Removable Fix Removable PIO DMA support X yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes - 1 2 3 4 5 6 Y Firmware revision per product generation FW Revision 090904 091110 110529c 110301 Y 1 2 3 4 Z max performance index Max PIO Mode / CIS PIO4 (MDMA2 if enabled) PIO6 (MDMA4 if enabled) UDMA4 (PIO6, MDMA4) Z 1 2 3 17.15 Option Swissbit S.M.A.R.T features enabled ZoneProtection feature active Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland SMA ZP1 Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 99 of 101 18 Swissbit CF Label specification 18.1 Front side label Commercial CFC Industrial CFC 18.2 Back side label SFCF8192H1BO4TO-I-Q1-523-SMA 18.2.1 Label content: o o o o o o o o o Swissbit logo CF logo Part number (defined by the data sheet) Barcode as assembly lot number (Code128) CE logo RoHs logo WEEE logo Manufacturing date "Made in Germany" string Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 100 of 101 19 Revision History Table 134: Document Revision History Date 08-July-2010 23-August-2010 03-December-2010 25-February-2011 18-January-2012 Version 1.00 1.01 1.10 1.11 1.20 13-December-2012 1.30 Revision Details First official release 8-die part number code added MTBF value correction Small adaption Update of new S.M.A.R.T. revision and attribute structure, ZoneProtection feature description in "-ZP1" card option New CE Declaration, new picture back side label Disclaimer: No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means, or transferred to any third party, without the prior written consent of an authorized representative of Swissbit AG ("SWISSBIT"). The information in this document is subject to change without notice. SWISSBIT assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions that may appear in this document, and disclaims responsibility for any consequences resulting from the use of the information set forth herein. SWISSBIT makes no commitments to update or to keep current information contained in this document. The products listed in this document are not suitable for use in applications such as, but not limited to, aircraft control systems, aerospace equipment, submarine cables, nuclear reactor control systems and life support systems. Moreover, SWISSBIT does not recommend or approve the use of any of its products in life support devices or systems or in any application where failure could result in injury or death. If a customer wishes to use SWISSBIT products in applications not intended by SWISSBIT, said customer must contact an authorized SWISSBIT representative to determine SWISSBIT willingness to support a given application. The information set forth in this document does not convey any license under the copyrights, patent rights, trademarks or other intellectual property rights claimed and owned by SWISSBIT. The information set forth in this document is considered to be "Proprietary" and "Confidential" property owned by SWISSBIT. ALL PRODUCTS SOLD BY SWISSBIT ARE COVERED BY THE PROVISIONS APPEARING IN SWISSBIT'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ONLY, INCLUDING THE LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY, WARRANTY AND INFRINGEMENT PROVISIONS. SWISSBIT MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, STATUTORY, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING INFORMATION SET FORTH HEREIN OR REGARDING THE FREEDOM OF THE DESCRIBED PRODUCTS FROM INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INFRINGEMENT, AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY SUCH WARRANTIES INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY EXPRESS, STATUTORY OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. (c)2011 SWISSBIT AG All rights reserved. Swissbit AG Industriestrasse 4 CH-9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland Swissbit reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice. Revision: 1.20 C-320_data_sheet_CF-HxBO_Rev130.doc Page 101 of 101 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Swissbit: SFCF8192H1BO2TO-C-Q1-543-SMA SFCF16GBH1BO4TO-C-Q1-543-SMA SFCF32GBH1BO4TO-C-NC-543-SMA SFCF4096H1BO2TO-C-D1-543-SMA SFCF2048H1BO2TO-C-M0-543-SMA