Absolute Pressure Sensor 2SMPB-01-01 1
Absolute Pressure Sensor
High accuracy and small size absolute pressure
sensor with low current consumption
Measure absolute pressure and temperature with high accuracy.
Built in low noise 24 bits ADC.
Digital control and output via I2C interface.
Automatically power down non-working circuit to minimize
current consumption.
Individual calibration parameters stored in OTP *.
*One Time Programmable Non Volatile Memory
RoHS Compliant
Application Example
Smart Phone
•Activity monitor
Wearable device
Ordering Information
Standard Models with Surface Mounting Terminals
Ratings, Specifications, and Function
Recommended Operating Conditions
* Never use corrosive gases.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Operation Ratings
Structure Packaging Model Minimum Order Quantity Minimum Packing Unit
8-pin QFN Tape and Reel 2SMPB-01-01-TR 1,000 1,000
Embossed Carrier Tape 2SMPB-01-01 10 10
Type of Pressure Absolute pressure
Medium Air *
Operating Pressure Range 30 kPa to 110 kPa
Item Symbol Rating Unit Remark
Power Supply Voltage Vddmax 4.0 V
Input Voltage (other than power) Vmax -0.2 to Vopr+0.2 V
Maximum Pressure Pmax 160 kPa
Storage Temperature Tstr -40 to 85 °C with no condensation or icing
Storage Humidity Hstr 10 to 95 %RH with no condensation
Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Remark
Operating Voltage
Vopr 2.25 2.5 3.6 V VDD
Vddio 1.62 2.5 3.6 V VDDIO
Operating Temperature Topr -40 - 85 °C
2Absolute Pressure Sensor 2SMPB-01-01
Sensor Characteristics (At Ta = 25°C, VDD = 2.5 V, unless otherwise noted)
* These characteristics are guaranteed by design.
Note: The above table shows the characteristics without a mounting board. Please confirm the fitness of these sensors in your application and use
your own judgment to determine the appropriateness of using them in such an application.
I2C Characteristics (At Ta = 25°C, VDD = 2.5 V, unless otherwise noted)
Power On Reset
Note: 1. When the power is turned on, please activate power on reset.
For more information, please refer to the section of “Power on Reset”.
2. About detailed I2C bus information, please refer to the I2C-bus specification and user manual presented by NXP.
Characteristics by Power Mode
*1. Please see “I2C_SREQ: Sensor Request Register” for setting up power mode.
*2. Please see “Execute timing chart” for meaning of waiting time. These characteristics are guaranteed by design.
Item Name Min. Typ. Max. Unit Remarks
Average Current * Ihp -9-μA 1 sample/s High accuracy mode
Current Consumption Idd - 500 610 μA
Sleep Mode Current
Isleep -0.30.6μA
Measureable Pressure Range Popr 30 - 110 kPa
Absolute Pressure Accuracy * Pabs1 -750 - 750 Pa 70 k to 110 kPa High accuracy mode
Relative Pressure Accuracy * Prel1 - 6 - Pa 70 k to 110 kPa High accuracy mode
rms Noise * Pnois - 2 - Pa 70 k to 110 kPa High accuracy mode
Absolute Temperature Accuracy Tabs -2 - 2 °C
Pressure Resolution * Pres - 0.06 - Pa High accuracy mode
Temperature Resolution * Tres - 0.0002 - °C High accuracy mode
Discharge time of VDD * Toff -60-secTime@ V
DD From 2.5 V to 0.01 V
Item Name Standard Mode Fast Mode Unit Remark
SCLK Clock Frequency fscl -100-400kHz
Digital Input L (I2C) Vil2 -0.2 VDD×0.2 -0.2 VDD×0.2 V
Digital Input H (I2C) Vih2 VDD×0.8 VDD+0.2 VDD×0.8 VDD+0.2 V
Digital Output L (I2C) Vol2 00.400.4V
Pull-up Resister Rpullup 2.2 10 2.2 10 kΩ
Capacitive Load Cb- 400 - 400 pF
Power On Supply Startup Waiting Time Tpor -0.8-0.8msec
Power On Start Up Time tstart -2-2msec
Pulse Width of Asynchronous Reset trar 100 - 100 - μsec
0.1 V
2.4 V
Mode *1 Waiting Time [msec] *2 Average Current @1 sample/s
[µA] *2
rms Noise [Pa] *2
Low power mode 746
Standard mode 953
High accuracy mode 17 9 2
Absolute Pressure Sensor 2SMPB-01-01 3
Block Diagram
Pin Description and Layout (Top view)
* These pins are for test purpose only.
Please leave disconnected while operating.
Typical Connection
Vsensor, Vcm
Logic Block
(100 kHz
/400 kHz)
CLK Gen.
Supply BG
Pin No. Symbol Description
PP OTP write enable *
DD Power
DDIO Digital I/O Power
4 TESTA Analog out for test *
5 RST Asynchronous reset
6SCL I2C clock
7SDA I2C data
8 GND Ground
Pin 1 mark 123
7 6 5
1 µF1 µF
I2C Interface
4.7 kΩ
4.7 kΩ
4Absolute Pressure Sensor 2SMPB-01-01
Dimensions (Unit: mm)
IC Package Structure
Package Type: QFN (Quad Flat No-lead package), 8 pin
Package Size: 3.8 mm × 3.8 mm × 1.0 mm (max.)
Outline Dimension
Mounting PAD Dimensions (Top View) : recommended
Lot Code Marking structure
Pin 1
Pin 1
Terminal surface material : Gold Plate
Top viewTop viewTop view
Front view
Bottom view
PCB Land Pad
1.50 0.70
PB0 1 (Type : Fixed)
Sequence number (from 0 to 9, from A to Z (without O, Q, I))
Week of manufacture (from 01 to 52)
Year of manufacture (One digit at the end of the year)
Absolute Pressure Sensor 2SMPB-01-01 5
2SMPB-01-01-TR / Tape and Reel
Configuration of shipment
Emboss pitch 4 mm type & tape width 12 mm type
Model Packaging Minimum Order Quantity Minimum Packing Unit
2SMPB-01-01-TR Tape and Reel 1,000 1,000
2SMPB-01-01 Embossed Carrier Tape 10 10
Packaging Embossed Carrier Tape
SPQ 1,000 pcs
Max. 5,000 pcs/reel
1 reel / 1 Interior box
Reel model EIAJ reel (330 mm dia.)
Insert method see below
Core side of the reel
Core side
of the reel
Cover Tape (no Sensor)
(The same dimensions as
the embossed carrier tape)
Cover Tape (no Sensor)
Cover Tape
Direction to pull out
Trailer (no Sensor)
500 - 550 mm
Embossed Carrier Tape
Sensor housing unit
Leader (no Sensor)
540 - 590 mm
540nm or more
540 mm - 550 mm
Pin 1 mark
in the upper left
6Absolute Pressure Sensor 2SMPB-01-01
Individual packaging
2SMPB-01-01 / Embossed Carrier Tape
To ensure shipment of sample quantities that are less than 1,000 pieces, the tape will be supplied in multiple units of 10 pieces.
Embossed Carrier Tape
Sensor housing unit (10 pcs) × n
Cover Tape
Absolute Pressure Sensor 2SMPB-01-01 7
Recommended Soldering Method
Soldering method
Air reflow (Max. 2 times)
Temperature Condition
Max. 26 C, within 10 seconds
Recommended Soldering Method
Temperature profile conditions of reflow soldering should be set as shown in the below table, and then confirm that actual conditions coincide with
the conditions shown in the table.
We recommend a thickness of 150 to 200 μm for the solder cream.
Since the pressure sensor chip is exposed to atmosphere, cleaning fluid shall not be allowed to enter inside the sensor’s case.
The recommended mounting PAD dimensions should be used for the land pattern.
Item Preheating (T1 to T2, t1) Soldering (T3, t2) Peak value (T4)
Terminal 150°C to 180°C 120 s max. 230°C min. 30 s max. 250°C max.
Upper surface of case - - 255°C max.
Time (s)
Preheating Soldering
Temperature (°C)
8Absolute Pressure Sensor 2SMPB-01-01
Safety Precautions
Correct Use
1. Only air can be used as pressure media on the product directly. It
is prohibited to use pressure media including corrosive gases
(e.g. organic solvents gases, sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide
gases), fluid and any other foreign materials.
2. The product is not water proof. The product shall be kept dry in
use including the sensor port.
3. The product shall not be used under dew-condensing conditions.
Frozen fluid on sensor chips may cause fluctuation of sensor out-
put and other troubles.
4. The product shall be used within rated pressure. Usage at pres-
sure out of the range may cause damage.
5. The product may be damaged by static electricity. Charged mate-
rials (e.g. a workbench and a floor) and workers should provide
measures against static electricity, including a ground connection.
6. Overpowering pins may deform terminals and detract solder abili-
ties of sensor terminals. The product shall not be dropped and
handled roughly.
7. The product shall not be used under dusty or damp conditions.
8. Please connect the sensor terminals according to the connection
9. The product shall not be used under high-frequency vibration
including ultrasonic waves.
10.This product uses the elastic adhesive for bonding the lid, so do
not add excessive stress to the lid.
11.Check the sensors within your actual application, if used under
conditions not described in this document.
Environmental conditions for transport and storage
1. The product shall not be kept with corrosive gases (e.g. organic sol-
vents gases, sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide gases).
2. The product is not water proof. The product shall be kept dry
during storage.
3. By condition of the place and storage period, there are cases that
strength of outer boxes may be degraded. Please use the product
in order.
4. For this product, please keep away from direct sunlight or ultravio-
let rays.
5. The product shall be kept in appropriate conditions of temperature
and humidity.
6. Sometimes the color of the terminals of the product may change
depending on the conditions. It is not covered under warranty.
7. The product shall not be kept under dusty or damp conditions.
Absolute Pressure Sensor 2SMPB-01-01 9
Outline of Sensor Operation
This page describes the typical operation after power on.
1. Wait until OTP initialization. (waiting for OTP automatically initialize finish)
2. Start-up ADC by setting up I2C_SETUP register
- Write 02h in I2C_SETUP register.
3. Access COE_* registers and get calibration parameters.
- Write 25h in I2C_AADJ register to enable OTP read operation.
- Access COE_* registers and get calibration data.
- After completion of read operation, write 65h to I2C_AADJ register.
4. Set up I2C_SREQ register to enable temperature measurement.
5. Get temperature data from I2C_TXD0 register after waiting time.
6. Set up I2C_SREQ register to enable pressure measurement.
7. Get pressure data from I2C_TXD0 register after waiting time.
8. Correct measured data with calibration data got at step 3.
9. Repeat 6 to 8. May need step 4, 5, and 8 when ambient temperature is changed.
Execute timing chart
Outline of Sleep Operation
Sleep operation of this sensor is controlled by start/stop internal clock.
System will automatically stop clock and sleep after completion of analog to digital conversion.
ADC and Digital Filter Block are powered down while sleeping.
Other part such as OTP (N.V.Memory) and I2C continue working during sleep, then can communicate outside via I2C interface.
ADC and Digital Filter Block can be awakened by I2C_SREQ bit 4 (ACTBIT) = “1”.
Valid pressure data Valid PTAT data
C Access
Internal Data
Waiting time (Note)
Is Sleep
Wake up after
I2C access
I2C and OTP (N.V.Memory) are active even
under sleep mode.
Note: About waiting time, please refer to sec-
tion “Characteristics by Power Mode.
10 Absolute Pressure Sensor 2SMPB-01-01
Compensation of pressure and temperature
1. Read calibration data which are contained in internal NVM through I2C.
These coefficients are used at compensation calculation below step (4) or step (5).
2. Read temperature data which are output by absolute pressure sensor through I2C.
This temperature data is used at step (4) using coefficients of step (1) for compensation.
3. Read pressure data which are output by absolute pressure sensor through I2C.
This pressure data is used at step (5) using coefficients of step (1) for compensation.
4. Using coefficients of step (1) and temperature data of step (2), the operator corrects temperature data by using the following temperature
compensation formula:
Tr = (Dt – ca) × ba0
Tr: Calculation result [1/256°C]
Dt: 2SMPB-01-01 digital output of temperature (internal) [digit]
ba0: 2SMPB-01-01 calibration coefficient (16 bits read value of COE_PTAT2 Reg)
ca: 2SMPB-01-01 calibration coefficient (24 bits read value of COE_PTAT3 Reg and COE_CEX Reg)
5. Using coefficients of step (1) and pressure data of step (3), the operator corrects pressure data by using the following pressure compensation
Pl = (Dp – cp) × bp0
Pl: Calculation result. This result is a relative value from 90 kPa. [Pa]
Dp: 2SMPB-01-01 digital output of pressure [digit]
bp0: 2SMPB-01-01 calibration coefficient (16 bits read value of COE_PR2 Reg)
cp: 2SMPB-01-01 calibration coefficient (24 bits read value of COE_PR3 Reg and COE_CEX Reg)
: Read Values through I2C I/F
: Calculate outside MCU
(1) Read Calibration Data
from N.V Memory
(2) Read Uncompensated
Temperature Value
(3) Read Uncompensated
Pressure Value
(4) Compensate
Temperature Value
(5) Compensate
Pressure Value
Absolute Pressure Sensor 2SMPB-01-01 11
Next, by using the result data of step (4), the operator corrects pressure data temperature compensation:
Po = Pl + 90000 + (Pl + 90000) (ct0 + bt0 × Tr) – 90000 Ta 25 [°C]
Pl + 90000 + (Pl + 90000) (ct20 + bt20 × Tr ) – 90000 Ta < 25 [°C]
Po: Final compensated result. This result is a relative value from 90 kPa. [Pa]
bt0: 2SMPB-01-01 calibration coefficient (16 bits read value of COE_TEMP2 Reg)
ct0: 2SMPB-01-01 calibration coefficient (16 bits read value of COE_TEMP3 Reg)
bt20: 2SMPB-01-01 calibration coefficient (16 bits read value of COE_TEMP22 Reg)
ct20: 2SMPB-01-01 calibration coefficient (16 bits read value of COE_TEMP23 Reg)
Temperature calibration of the pressure is calculated after converting to an absolute pressure value because Pl is a relative value from 90 [kPa].
Power on Reset
Power-on reset circuit of 2SMPB-01-01 is using the CR delay. Therefore power-on reset is not working properly on below situations.
At the time of the following circumstances when power is switched on again:
The potential of the VDD pin is not 0 volt.
The instantaneous voltage drop occurs in the VDD pin.
Circuit diagram of a power-on reset and discharge characteristics of the VDD pin are as follow:
When the power is turned on, the power-on reset should be activated. If the power-on reset is not working properly, it can be returned to normal
operation by executing reset using the asynchronous reset pin, hardware reset or software reset.
Power On Reset Circuit Discharge characteristic of VDD Terminal
(VDD Terminal OPEN at OFF)
time [sec]
12 Absolute Pressure Sensor 2SMPB-01-01
Example of reset using the asynchronous reset pin
Note: Please fix the No.5 pin into Low during normal operation.
Example of the software reset
L (0)
100 µsec
7 6 5
1 µF1 µF
I2C Interface
4.7 kΩ
4.7 kΩ
Reset Pulse
Examples of the reset pulse
(reset at the potential of High)
Pulse width : 100 µsec. or more
No. Register Operation Write
address I2C Order MCU Operation Explanation
1 0x05 Read
(search slave address of module by I2C_FIND0)
Note: Refer to the next section of sequence for searching
the slave address
Run for the searched slave address below.
The searched slave address is shown as Y.
2 0x03 Write 0x10 Write 0x10 to slave address Y, register address 0x03 Single operation
Setting low power mode for clear early
3 Waiting 20 msec or more
4 0x05 Read
Find the slave address of the module using the I2C_FIND0
Note: For details, see sequence for searching the slave
address in next section
Run for the slave address that searched, slave address is Y
5 0x04 Write 0x50 Write 0x50 to slave address Y, register address 0x04 To ASIC forced mode of operation (internal clock starts oscil-
lating) => It is required for writing to 0x07 address
6 0x0A Write 0x02 Write 0x02 to slave address Y, register address 0x0A Normal initialization of Setup register
7 0x0C Write 0x00 Write 0x00 to slave address Y, register address 0x0C Normal initialization of IOTEST register
8 0x08 Write 0x25 Write 0x25 to slave address Y, register address 0x08 Change AADJ resister, transition to OTP read mode
9Waiting 10 msec or more Waiting for transition to OTP read mode
10 0x09 Write 0x22 Write 0x22 to slave address Y, register address 0x09 Normal initialization of WAKEUP register
11 0x30 Read Read 16 bit from slave address Y, register address 0x30,
and save as Z upper 8 bits.
Trimming value of W/T results acquisition
Note: It is required OTP read mode on
8 Address of Z are 0x01, 0x02, 0x03...0x0F.
12 0x07 Write Write Z to slave address Y, register address 0x07 In particular, run the I2C communication less than 100 kHz.
Henceforth, slave address return 0x70.
13 0x04 Write 0x10 Write 0x10 to slave address 0x70, register address 0x04 Normal initialization of MODESEL register ASIC ; sleep mode,
DSP ; normal mode
14 0x08 Write 0x65 Write 0x65 to slave address 0x70, register address 0x08 Normal initialization of AADJ register
15 0x03 Write 0x16 Write 0x16 to slave address 0x70, register address 0x03 Single operation on high accuracy mode
16 Waiting 20 msec or more
17 Reset program of absolute pressure sensor module
Absolute Pressure Sensor 2SMPB-01-01 13
Sequence for searching the slave address
The current value is
recognized as
subsequent Slave Address.
Read 8 bits data from 0x05
Return Ack
Result of Reading
is 0x5A
Slave address 0x70
Slave address
is 0x7F
Abnormal termination,
error code issue
+1 on slave address
14 Absolute Pressure Sensor 2SMPB-01-01
I2C Protocol
About I2C Slave Address
The 2SMPB-01-01 module I2C slave address is shown below.
Write Access : Please set LSB of slave address as “0”, and this byte is E0h (1110_0000b). (70h << 1 + WR (0))
Read Access : Please set LSB of slave address as “1”, and this byte is E1h (1110_0001b). (70h << 1 + RD (1))
I2C Access Protocol Examples
START : START condition
STOP : STOP condition
Re-START : Re-START condition for Read
SACK : Acknowledge by Slave
MACK : Acknowledge by Master
MNACK : Not Acknowledge by Master
1. Register Write Access Protocol
(Application: Addresses other than OTP Registers (20h - 34h) )
Example: Write data (8 bits) to address (03h)
2. Register Read Access Protocol
(Application: Pressure/Temperature Data Register = I2C_TXD0 )
Example: Read pressure data (24 bits) from I2C_TXD0=address (00h).
Pressure/Temperature data consists of 24 bits and output as three blocks of 8 bits.
Data will be output as H, L and XL order and each 8 bits also output as MSB first.
24 bit data format is below.
In order to read only data (L) or data (XL), use next protocol (3).
Bit bit7bit6bit5bit4bit3bit2bit1bit0
Add [6] Add [5] Add [4] Add [3] Add [2] Add [1] Add [0] R/W
Value11100001 / 0
76543210 765432 10 76543210
Word Address
=> 03h Address
Write Data
=> 1Ch WR data
Device Address + W/R
=> E0h (70h + “WR”)
76543210 76543210
76543210 76543210 76543210 76543210
Device Address + W/R
E0h (70h + “WR”)
Word Address
00h Address
Device Address + W/R
=> E1h ( 70h + “RD”)
Read Data (H, 8 bits)
12h Read data
Read Data (L, 8 bits)
34h Read data
Read Data (XL, 8 bits)
56h Read data
Bit bit23 ... bit16 bit15 ... bit8 bit7 ... bit0
Data Read Data H Read Data L Read Data XL
Absolute Pressure Sensor 2SMPB-01-01 15
3. Register Read Access Protocol
(Application: Addresses other than OTP Registers (20h - 34h), I2C_TXD0.)
Example: Read data (8 bits) from I2C_SREQ = address (03h)
Each 8 bit data will be output as MSB first.
4. Register Read Access Protocol
(Application: OTP Registers (20h - 34h))
Example: Read calibration data (16 bits) from COE_PR2 = address (22h).
Set VBGACT bit “L” of I2C_AADJ before this operation.
Each 8 bit data will be output as MSB first.
I2C Register
76543210 76543210 76543210 76543210
Device Address + W/R
=> E0h (70h + “WR”)
Word Address
=> 03h
Device Address + W/R
=> E1h (70h + “RD”)
Read Data (L side 8 bits)
=> 35h RD data
Register Name Address Bits R/W Default Contents
I2C_TXD0 00h 8 bits R/- 00h Data Register MSB (24-17 bits)
I2C_TXD1 01h 8 bits R/- 00h Data Register LSB (16-9 bits)
I2C_TXD2 02h 8 bits R/- 00h Data Register XLSB (8-1 bits)
I2C_SREQ 03h 8 bits R/W 00h Sense Request
I2C_AADJ 08h 8 bits R/W 65h OTP Read Register
I2C_SETUP 0Ah 8 bits R/W 00h Setup Register
COE_PR2 22h 16 bits R/- 00h Pressure Linearity Calib.2: 1st Coefficient
COE_PR3 24h 16 bits R/- 00h Pressure Linearity Calib.3: offset
COE_TEMP2 26h 16 bits R/- 00h Temp Calibration 2: 1st Coefficient
COE_TEMP3 28h 16 bits R/- 00h Temp Calibration 3: offset
COE_TEMP22 2Ah 16 bits R/- 00h Temp Calibration 2-2: 1st Coefficient-2
COE_TEMP23 2Ch 16 bits R/- 00h Temp Calibration 2-3: offset-2
COE_PTAT2 2Eh 16 bits R/- 00h PTAT Linearity Calib.2: 1st Coefficient
COE_PTAT3 32h 16 bits R/- 00h PTAT Linearity Calib.3: offset
COE_CEX 34h 16 bits R/- 00h Pressure & PTAT Linearity extend bits
Bit [15:8] => COE_PR3 extend bit [23:16]
Bit [7:0] => COE_PTAT3 extend bit [23:16]
76543210 76543210
76543210 76543210 76543210
Device Address + W/R
=> E0h (70h + “WR”)
Word Address
=> 22h Address
Device Address + W/R
=> E1h (70h + “RD”)
Read Data (H, 8 bits)
=> 12h Read Data
Read Data (L, 8 bits)
=> 34h Read Data
16 Absolute Pressure Sensor 2SMPB-01-01
I2C_TXDx: Sensor Data TXD0 (Address = 00h), TXD1 (Address = 01h) or TXD2 (Address = 02h)
ADC output is stored with 22 to 24bit accuracy which depends on power mode.
Data can be retrieved as 24 bits by one operation. If data consists of less than 24 bits, additional “0” will be filled as shown in the table below.
I2C_TXD0 address can be accessed by memory map method.
I2C_SREQ: Sensor Request Register (Address = 03h)
Note: Use of a bit combination other than what is specified above will not assure proper operation.
I2C_AADJ: OTP Read Register (Address = 08h)
Note: Use of a bit combination other than what is specified above will not assure proper operation.
Bit bit23 bit22 bit21 ... bit2 bit1 bit0
R/W R/- R/- R/- ... R/- R/- R/-
Initial 000...000
Bit 232221...3210
22 bits data (Low power mode) valid valid valid ... valid valid 0 0
24 bits data
(Standard & High Accuracy
valid valid valid ... valid valid valid valid
Bit bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0
R/W Resv Resv R/- -/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Initial 00000000
Bit7 Reserved Reserved.
Set “0” when write register I2C_SREQ
Bit6 Reserved Reserved.
Set “0” when write register I2C_SREQ
Sleep state (SLEEPST)
Indicate operation mode while reading.
1: sleep mode
0: operating mode
Set “0” when write register I2C_SREQ
Wake up request (ACTREQ)
Control sleep mode.
Set “1” when write register I2C_SREQ.
1: Awaken the system
0: Not awaken the system
Bit3 to 1
Mode select
Select measurement mode.
“0_0_0” Low power mode
“0_1_0” Standard mode
“0_1_1” High accuracy mode
Bit0 Sensor select (PTATSEL)
Sensor Input Select
0: Pressure (Default)
Bit bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0
R/W Resv R/W Resv Resv Resv Resv Resv Resv
Initial 01100101
Bit7 Reserved Reserved.
Set “0” when write register I2C_ADDJ
Bit6 OTP Read Mode (VBGACT) 0: OTP Read Enabled
1: OTP Read Disabled (Default)
Bit5 to 4 Reserved Reserved.
Set “1_0” when write register I2C_ADDJ.
Bit3 to 2 Reserved Reserved.
Set “0_1” when write register I2C_ADDJ.
Bit1 to 0 Reserved Reserved.
Set “0_1” when write register I2C_ADDJ.
Absolute Pressure Sensor 2SMPB-01-01 17
I2C_SETUP: Set Up Register (Address = 0Ah)
Note: 1. This set-up is required to start ADC operation.
2. Use of a bit combination other than what is specified above will not assure proper operation.
COE_PR*: Calibration Data Register for Pressure Linearity (OTP Register) (Address = 22h to 24h)
Read only. Calibration data is stored.
I2C_AADJ bit6 (VBGACT bit) should be set to “0” to enable read operation of these OTP registers.
COE_TEMP*: Calibration Data Register for Temperature Correction of Pressure (OTP Register) (Address = 26h to 2Ah)
Read only. Calibration data is stored.
I2C_AADJ bit6 (VBGACT bit) should be set to “0” to enable read operation of these OTP registers.
COE_PTAT*: Calibration Data Register for PTAT Linearity (OTP Register) (Address = 2Ch to 32h)
Read only. Calibration data is stored.
I2C_AADJ bit6 (VBGACT bit) should be set to “0” to enable read operation of these OTP registers.
COE_CEX: Calibration Data Register for Extend Bits for PR3 & PTAT3 (OTP Register) (Address = 34h)
Read only. Calibration data is stored.
Bit15 to 8: These bits are extend bits of COE_PR3 register.
Bit7 to 0: These bits are extend bits of COE_PTAT3 register.
I2C_AADJ bit6 (VBGACT bit) should be set to “0” to enable read operation of these OTP registers.
Bit bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0
R/W Resv Resv Resv Resv Resv Resv R/W R/W
Initial 00000010
bit7 to 2 Reserved Reserved.
Set “0” when write register I2C_SETUP
bit1 to 0 Setup
ADC Power Up Mode
“1_0”: Start ADC Setup (Default)
“0_0”/“0_1”/“1_1”: Please DO NOT USE
Bit bit15 bit14 bit13 ... bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0
R/W R/- R/- R/- ... R/- R/- R/- R/-
Initial 000...0000
Bit bit15 bit14 bit13 ... bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0
R/W R/- R/- R/- ... R/- R/- R/- R/-
Initial 000...0000
Bit bit15 bit14 bit13 ... bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0
R/W R/- R/- R/- ... R/- R/- R/- R/-
Initial 000...0000
Bit bit15 bit14 bit13 ... bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0
R/W R/- R/- R/- ... R/- R/- R/- R/-
Initial 000...0000
18 Absolute Pressure Sensor 2SMPB-01-01
Global - http://www.omron.com
USA - http://www.components.omron.com
Cat. No. A233-E-02 Printed in USA
08/14 (07/14) Specifications subject to change without notice
All sales are subject to Omron Electronic Components LLC standard terms and conditions of sale, which
can be found at http://www.components.omron.com/components/web/webfiles.nsf/sales_terms.html
To convert millimeters into inches, multiply by 0.03937. To convert grams into ounces, multiply by 0.03527.
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