12 Absolute Pressure Sensor 2SMPB-01-01
Example of reset using the asynchronous reset pin
Note: Please fix the No.5 pin into Low during normal operation.
Example of the software reset
L (0)
100 µsec
7 6 5
1 µF1 µF
I2C Interface
4.7 kΩ
4.7 kΩ
Reset Pulse
Examples of the reset pulse
(reset at the potential of High)
Pulse width : 100 µsec. or more
No. Register Operation Write
address I2C Order MCU Operation Explanation
1 0x05 Read
(search slave address of module by I2C_FIND0)
Note: Refer to the next section of sequence for searching
the slave address
Run for the searched slave address below.
The searched slave address is shown as Y.
2 0x03 Write 0x10 Write 0x10 to slave address Y, register address 0x03 Single operation
Setting low power mode for clear early
3 Waiting 20 msec or more
4 0x05 Read
Find the slave address of the module using the I2C_FIND0
Note: For details, see sequence for searching the slave
address in next section
Run for the slave address that searched, slave address is Y
5 0x04 Write 0x50 Write 0x50 to slave address Y, register address 0x04 To ASIC forced mode of operation (internal clock starts oscil-
lating) => It is required for writing to 0x07 address
6 0x0A Write 0x02 Write 0x02 to slave address Y, register address 0x0A Normal initialization of Setup register
7 0x0C Write 0x00 Write 0x00 to slave address Y, register address 0x0C Normal initialization of IOTEST register
8 0x08 Write 0x25 Write 0x25 to slave address Y, register address 0x08 Change AADJ resister, transition to OTP read mode
9Waiting 10 msec or more Waiting for transition to OTP read mode
10 0x09 Write 0x22 Write 0x22 to slave address Y, register address 0x09 Normal initialization of WAKEUP register
11 0x30 Read Read 16 bit from slave address Y, register address 0x30,
and save as Z upper 8 bits.
Trimming value of W/T results acquisition
Note: It is required OTP read mode on
8 Address of Z are 0x01, 0x02, 0x03...0x0F.
12 0x07 Write Write Z to slave address Y, register address 0x07 In particular, run the I2C communication less than 100 kHz.
Henceforth, slave address return 0x70.
13 0x04 Write 0x10 Write 0x10 to slave address 0x70, register address 0x04 Normal initialization of MODESEL register ASIC ; sleep mode,
DSP ; normal mode
14 0x08 Write 0x65 Write 0x65 to slave address 0x70, register address 0x08 Normal initialization of AADJ register
15 0x03 Write 0x16 Write 0x16 to slave address 0x70, register address 0x03 Single operation on high accuracy mode
16 Waiting 20 msec or more
17 Reset program of absolute pressure sensor module