Base plate and elastomeric bearing
Operating Instructions
Notes on handling the
Application planning
Service and maintenance
Technical specifications
Dimension drawings
Ordering data
Siemens AG
Industry Sector
Postfach 48 48
Order number: A5E31529044A
07/2013 Technical data subject to change
Copyright © Siemens AG 2013.
All rights reserved
Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.
indicates that death or severe personal injury
result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death or severe personal injury
result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to
property damage.
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by
personnel qualified
for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions.
Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and
avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:
Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended
or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and
maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible
ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.
All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication
may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the
information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent
Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01 3
Table of contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 7
1.1 Purpose of this documentation ...................................................................................................... 7
1.2 History ............................................................................................................................................ 7
1.3 Product package ............................................................................................................................ 7
1.3.1 Product package for base plate ..................................................................................................... 7
1.3.2 Product package for elastomeric bearing ...................................................................................... 8
1.4 Environmental protection ............................................................................................................... 8
2 Notes on handling the product ................................................................................................................. 9
3 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 11
3.1 Application .................................................................................................................................... 11
3.1.1 Base plate and elastomeric bearing............................................................................................. 11
3.1.2 Lifting protection ........................................................................................................................... 12
3.1.3 Overload protection ...................................................................................................................... 12
3.1.4 Use of the grounding cable .......................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Layout and function ...................................................................................................................... 13
3.2.1 Design / function of base plate and elastomeric bearing ............................................................. 13
3.2.2 Design and function of the grounding cable ................................................................................ 15
4 Application planning .............................................................................................................................. 17
4.1 Load cell dummies ....................................................................................................................... 17
4.2 Lifting protection ........................................................................................................................... 17
4.3 Load pick-up ................................................................................................................................. 18
4.4 Overload protection ...................................................................................................................... 19
4.5 Guide elements ............................................................................................................................ 20
4.6 Protection against explosion ........................................................................................................ 22
5 Installation ............................................................................................................................................ 23
5.1 Safety information/instructions ..................................................................................................... 23
5.2 Installing the base plate and elastomeric bearing........................................................................ 25
5.2.1 General installation information ................................................................................................... 25
5.2.2 Procedure ..................................................................................................................................... 25
5.2.3 Preparing the load cell ................................................................................................................. 26
5.2.4 Prepare the base plate ................................................................................................................. 26
5.2.5 Prepare the elastomeric bearing .................................................................................................. 27
5.2.6 Bolt the load cell to the base plate ............................................................................................... 28
5.2.7 Install the elastomeric bearing in the load cell ............................................................................. 29
5.2.8 Install the load cell with elastomeric bearing unit ......................................................................... 30
5.2.9 Checking the installation .............................................................................................................. 32
Table of contents
4 Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01
5.3 Installing the grounding cable ..................................................................................................... 33
5.4 Dismantling.................................................................................................................................. 33
6 Service and maintenance ...................................................................................................................... 35
6.1 Servicing and maintenance ......................................................................................................... 35
6.2 Care and maintenance of elastomer components ...................................................................... 36
7 Technical specifications ........................................................................................................................ 39
8 Dimension drawings .............................................................................................................................. 41
8.1 Dimensional drawing of base plate / elastomeric bearing .......................................................... 41
8.2 Dimension drawing of the grounding cable ................................................................................. 42
9 Ordering data ........................................................................................................................................ 43
A Appendix .............................................................................................................................................. 45
A.1 Technical support ........................................................................................................................ 45
Index .................................................................................................................................................... 47
Table of contents
Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01 5
Table 8- 1 Dimensions SB-S SA 0.5 t / 1 t, 2 t, 5 t ........................................................................................ 41
Table 9- 1 Ordering information for base plate ............................................................................................. 43
Table 9- 2 Ordering information for elastomeric bearing .............................................................................. 43
Table 9- 3 Ordering information for grounding cable .................................................................................... 43
Figure 3-1 Base plate and elastomeric bearing with load cell ....................................................................... 11
Figure 3-2 Example usage of the grounding cable ....................................................................................... 12
Figure 3-3 Base plate and elastomeric bearing............................................................................................. 13
Figure 3-4 Sectional view .............................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 4-1 Proposed solution for lifting protection ......................................................................................... 17
Figure 4-2 Pendulum limitation with a maximum deflection of 4 mm as exemplified by two weighing
platforms ...................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 4-3 Arrangement of guide elements ................................................................................................... 20
Figure 5-1 Load cell SB-S SA ....................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 5-2 Product package for base plate ................................................................................................... 26
Figure 5-3 Product package for elastomeric bearing .................................................................................... 27
Figure 5-4 Bolt the load cell to the base plate ............................................................................................... 28
Figure 5-5 Install the elastomeric bearing in the load cell ............................................................................. 29
Figure 5-6 Insert the elastomeric bearing unit ............................................................................................... 31
Figure 8-1 Dimensional drawing of base plate and elastomeric bearing ...................................................... 41
Figure 8-2 Dimension drawing of the grounding cable .................................................................................. 42
Table of contents
6 Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01
Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01 7
Purpose of this documentation
These instructions contain all the information you need for commissioning and using the
It is aimed at persons who install the device mechanically and commission it, as well as at
service and maintenance engineers.
The following versions of this documentation have been released to date. The changes apply
to the previous version:
Comment / change
03/2013 Initial release
Product package
Product package for base plate
The product package consists of the following components:
Information sheet
Base plate
Other product package information
You can find sketches of the base plate parts in the section Installation (Page 23).
See also
Dimension drawings (Page 41)
1.4 Environmental protection
8 Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01
Product package for elastomeric bearing
The product package consists of the following components:
Information sheet
Elastomeric bearing, retaining bracket
Other product package information
You can find sketches of the elastomeric bearing parts in the section Installation
(Page 23).
See also
Dimension drawings (Page 41)
Environmental protection
Devices described in this programming manual can be recycled owing to the low content of
noxious substances in their version.
Please contact a certified waste disposal company for eco-friendly recycling and to dispose
of your old devices.
Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01 9
Notes on handling the product
Proper use
Proper use means that this product must only be used within the limits of the technical
specifications and intended purposes of these operating instructions.
If this device is used properly in compliance with the safety notices, this device will not
present any danger.
This device can only function correctly and safely if it is transported, stored, set up and
mounted correctly.
Correct operation of the device must be ensured by complying with the technical
Improper handling can result in death, personal injury or property damage.
Notes on liability for defects
We expressly point out that the product quality is exclusively and conclusively described in
the sales contract. The content of this product documentation is neither part of a previous or
existing agreement, promise or legal relationship, nor is it intended to modify these. All
obligations on the part of Siemens AG are contained in the respective sales contract, which
also contains the complete and solely applicable liability provisions. The provisions defined
in the sales contract for the responsibility for defects are neither extended nor limited by the
remarks in this document.
Delivery information
The current product package is listed on the shipping documents enclosed with the delivery
in accordance with the valid sales contract.
When opening the packaging, please observe the relevant information. Check the delivery
for completeness and undamaged condition. In particular, the order number on the rating
plate must be compared to the ordering data.
Before you start work, please read these operating instructions. They contain important
information and data whose observation ensures the general safety and functionality of this
device. The manual will help you to handle this product more easily and efficiently, allowing
you to achieve reliable results.
Notes on handling the product
10 Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01
Qualified personnel
In the context of this documentation, qualified personnel are people who are familiar with the
installation, mounting, commissioning, and operation of the product.
These people must have the following qualifications:
They must be trained, instructed and authorized to operate and maintain devices and
systems in accordance with their place of work and in compliance with the safety
engineering standards for
Electrical circuits
High pressures
Corrosive and hazardous media
They must be trained, instructed and authorized to maintain and use appropriate safety
equipment according to the standards for safety engineering.
In the case of devices with explosion protection, qualified persons must be trained,
instructed and authorized to perform work on electrical circuits in plants subject to
explosion hazards.
Protection against explosion
There is no potential risk of ignition from base plates and elastomeric bearings of load cells.
Therefore they are not subject to the EC directive 94/9 EC (ATEX).
SIWAREX ® is a registered trademark of Siemens AG.
All other names appearing in these instructions may be trademarks; use of such names by
third parties for their own purposes may infringe upon owners rights.
Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01 11
Base plate and elastomeric bearing
The elastomeric bearing is responsible for the direct transmission of force in the load cells.
The base plate fixes the load cell to the foundation.
The base plate and elastomeric bearing have the following features:
Easy installation of the load cell
Self-centering effect on the load bearing implement
Elastomeric bearing for SIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA
The self-centering elastomeric bearing for SIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA type load cells is
especially well suited for installation in roller table, single-point and container scales.
Figure 3-1 Base plate and elastomeric bearing with load cell
3.1 Application
12 Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01
Danger to life from collapse of the structure
Without any protective measures the structure can collapse if the load cell is not installed
correctly. Supporting structures complying with the general rules of mechanical engineering
must therefore be designed by the customer for installing the base plate or elastomeric
As an alternative installation units from the product range of Siemens can be used.
Lifting protection
The lifting protection prevents the load bearing implements from being lifted off of the load
If there is a risk of the load bearing implement being lifted or toppled, then lifting protection is
required. This is required in the case of lightweight containers and tall, outdoor silos.
Overload protection
The overload protection protects load cells from a load that is too great.
There is overload protection against excessive loads in the measuring direction and overload
protection against excessive transverse forces.
Transverse forces are caused by, for example, wind, filling processes, acceleration, or
conveyor belt friction. If these forces exceed certain values, the load cells must be protected
from them.
Use of the grounding cable
The grounding cable is used to protect the load cells from undesired currents. The causes of
such currents are, for example:
Equalizing currents with missing or faulty equipotential bonding conductors.
A lightning strike nearby
Welding work
Static charge
Figure 3-2 Example usage of the grounding cable
3.2 Layout and function
Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01 13
Layout and function
Design / function of base plate and elastomeric bearing
The base plate and the elastomeric bearing consist of the following components:
Elastomeric bearing
Retaining bracket
Base plate
Together with the load cell, the elastomeric bearing represents a self-centering bearing unit.
Load cell, not included in the product package
Retaining bracket for securing the elastomeric bearing
Elastomeric bearing
Base plate
Figure 3-3 Base plate and elastomeric bearing
3.2 Layout and function
14 Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01
Elastomeric bearings provide lateral guidance of the load cells and the base plate. Together
with the load cell, both form a self-centering unit.
Figure 3-4 Sectional view
3.2 Layout and function
Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01 15
Design and function of the grounding cable
The grounding cable consists of a fine-gauge copper wire with a cross-section of 50 mm2 as
well as two Ø 10 mm lugs.
The grounding cable represents an electrical bypass via the load cell and elastomeric
bearing unit. High weld currents can destroy the load cell and the electronics. The
electronics can be affected by voltage sparkovers of static discharges.
3.2 Layout and function
16 Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01
Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01 17
Application planning
Load cell dummies
Load cells are sensitive sensors. We recommend the following to prevent damage during
installation and transportation of load cells:
Install the load cells at the latest possible time.
Use so-called "dummies" or "phantoms" during installation or transportation.
The following can be used as dummies, for example:
A copy of the installation unit by means of a welded construction for installation work
A SIWAREX WL230 compact installation unit This option is only useful as an alternative
to elastomeric bearings.
A copy of the installation unit by means of a welded construction
A piece of pipe or some other steel profile is welded between two plates with the hole pattern
for the fixing screws. Installation work can be carried out with the welded construction.
Use of a SIWAREX WL230 compact installation unit
The compact installation units are delivered pre-assembled. Compact installation units are
set to the installation height of the operational unit. Compact installation units can be used to
perform light assembly work.
Lifting protection
The following figure shows a proposed solution for lifting protection. The X designates the
possible lifting path of the load bearing implement. The bore ØD must be larger than the
diameter of the bolt Ød. The movement of the load bearing implement must not be hindered.
Figure 4-1 Proposed solution for lifting protection
Application planning
4.3 Load pick-up
18 Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01
Load pick-up
Mounting surfaces
The following requirements apply for the mounting surfaces of base plates and elastomeric
The positional and angular deviations of the mounting surfaces to each other should
correspond to the general tolerances for welded constructions in EN ISO 13920.
Ensure that the foundations are absolutely firm and free of depressions. The base plate
should be mounted on flat steel plates installed in concrete foundations.
The mounting surfaces must be vertical to the measuring direction and preferably in one
A plane of 0.2 mm is required for the mounting surfaces.
More than three support points
The bearing is usually statically indeterminate with more than three support points. With firm
foundations and load bearing implements, the load is not evenly distributed to all load cells.
The same applies to unstable mounts such as a steel construction. Two diagonal load cells
bear the main load. The other cells only support the load bearing implement.
There are two ways to take this into consideration:
Over-dimensioning of the load cells
Height compensation of the support points
Over-dimensioning of the load cells
The rated load of the load cells is calculated such that with, for example, four support points
the entire weight can be borne by two load cells.
This also prevents an overload of the load cells if depressions in the foundation have to be
taken into consideration, e.g. for racks in the steel structure.
Height compensation of the support points
With this method, the output signals of all of the load cells are attuned to each other under a
load. To ensure that all of the load cells receive approximately the same load, spacer plates
are used to compensate the heights.
The output signals of the individual load cells correspond to the load distribution.
Proceed as follows to measure the output signals:
1. Disconnect the load cell wires SIG+ and SIG-.
2. Supply the load cells with power from the power supply.
3. Measure the output voltage between SIG+ and SIG- of each individual load cell.
4. Place spacing plates under the load cell bracket with the lowest value until the output
voltages are equal.
Application planning
4.4 Overload protection
Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01 19
Overload protection
Irreparable faults and damage to the load cells
When using load cells with small rated loads, always provide overload protection in order to
protect the cells from becoming damaged. This applies both to the measuring direction and
the transverse direction.
If load cells are used beyond the maximum working load or the maximum transverse load,
this can cause irreparable faults and even fracturing of the load cell or the installation unit.
Overload protection in the measuring direction
Load cells can be protected against vertical overload by limiting the measuring path with
For load cells with high rated loads, the risk of an unintentional overload is not as great.
Possible additional loads can already be taken into consideration during the dimensioning of
the load cells.
Another method for protecting load cells from an overload is to over-dimension the load cells.
Overload protection in the transverse direction
For the elastomeric bearings of SB-S SA load cells, the weight force is transmitted in the
load cells via elastomer packets. Up to a certain degree, these elastomer packets allow
lateral movement of the load bearing implement or a change in its length as a result of
expansion due to heat. They generate a restoring force corresponding to the deflection,
which re-centers the load bearing implement. This freedom of movement is desired and
necessary for accurate weighing.
If the transverse force is so great that it exceeds the restoring force of the load cell (and thus
the deflection limit), then corresponding protective measures are required. Pendulum limiters
or guide elements are suitable for this, for example.
Pendulum limiters must be constructed or set in such a way that the maximum deflection
cannot be exceeded in any direction. This is shown in two examples in the following figure.
Figure 4-2 Pendulum limitation with a maximum deflection of 4 mm as exemplified by two weighing
Application planning
4.5 Guide elements
20 Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01
Guide elements
Use the guide elements in the following cases:
A weight should be determined under the influence of transverse forces.
Horizontal movement of the load bearing implement should be prevented.
A change in the distance between the support points, for example as a result of expansion of
the load bearing implement due to heat, must not lead to mutual tensioning of the guide
The following figure shows the ideal arrangement of guide elements.
Figure 4-3 Arrangement of guide elements
Application planning
4.5 Guide elements
Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01 21
To ensure that no force components occur in the measuring direction, you must install guide
elements at precise right angles to the effective direction of the load cells.
Three guide elements are sufficient to statically fix a weighing platform or container.
Weighing errors
With four guide elements, there is a risk of the guide elements mutually tensioning, which in
turn induces weighing errors. If you nevertheless want to use four guide elements, the guide
elements must be installed with a sufficient amount of play.
Guide elements are critical in conjunction with elastomeric bearings. Guide elements must
be installed exactly horizontal so that they do not affect the weighing result. This cannot be
guaranteed across the weighing range with soft elastomeric bearings.
Ensure that the guide elements to be used comply with the principles applicable to weighing
Application planning
4.6 Protection against explosion
22 Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01
Protection against explosion
Protection against explosion
There is no potential risk of ignition from the base plates and elastomeric bearings of load
cells. This means base plates and elastomeric bearings are not subject to the EC Directive
94/9 EC (ATEX).
Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01 23
Safety information/instructions
Load cells are precision components and must therefore be handled carefully. Particular
care must be taken during transport and installation.
Danger to life from falling loads
Load cells are not machine components which have been constructed with the normal
safety factors. For this reason, appropriate protection against falling and catastrophes
must be implemented in accordance with the potential risks.
Use suitable hoisting equipment to lift the load carrier. Observe the appropriate safety
Damage to load cells through incorrect handling
SIWAREX load cells are only permitted to be mounted and connected by qualified
Mechanical shocks or falls can irreparably damage the load cell.
When mounting the load cell, ensure that you do not damage or cut the cables of the
load cell. Load cells must not be carried by their connecting cables.
Protect the load cells from shocks and welding currents. Replace the load cells with
dummies until the installation work on the scale structure is completed.
Damage to load cells through high currents
If welding is undertaken after the load cells have been installed, ensure that the welding
current is not diverted through the load cells.
You can do this by attaching the grounding clamp of the welding unit making reliable
contact close to the weld.
Bridge the load cells with a grounding cable, see Installing the grounding cable
(Page 33).
Disconnect the individual load cells.
Undesirable electrical currents can arise during lightning. To protect the load cell against
such currents, bridge the load cells using highly flexible grounding cables, see also
Installing the grounding cable (Page 33).
5.1 Safety information/instructions
24 Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01
Damage to load cells through incorrect mounting
Provide indented claws or crane eyebolts on the load carrier to ensure that hoisting gear
can be used safely.
Load cells must never be overloaded. Put the load carrier down slowly for this reason.
With load cells of smaller rated loads in particular, there is a risk of stretching the load
cell bodies when attaching force transfer devices, for example, when tightening
Adjust the existing overload protection to ensure that it can still reliably sense transfer of
the required load. The overload protection must permit a rise in weight unhindered until
the setpoint weight is reached.
Protect the gap above the overload protection from deposits of dirt and ice.
The load must be introduced in the measuring direction of the load cell. Torsional and
bending moments, eccentric loads and transverse loads are disturbances. These
disturbances cause errors in the measuring result and can damage load cells and
elastomeric bearings if the maximum limits are exceeded.
The mounting components normally allow so much room for movement that heat
expansion will not result in lateral loading.
See also
Design and function of the grounding cable (Page 15)
Use of the grounding cable (Page 12)
5.2 Installing the base plate and elastomeric bearing
Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01 25
Installing the base plate and elastomeric bearing
General installation information
The installation conditions vary widely. The dead load of the load bearing implement can be
very low or relatively high. You might be dealing with a container, platform or a roller table.
The following installation instructions can therefore only describe the general procedures.
Always set up the load bearing implement on dummies to protect the load cells from damage
during installation.
The load bearing implement then only has to be raised a few millimeters from bracket to
bracket to position the elastomeric bearing unit. The following description of the installation is
based on this assumption.
Maintenance-friendly design
When planning the layout, ensure that the load cells are easily accessible once they are
Depending on the installation conditions, the detailed procedure may deviate from the
following description.
The following actions are required to install the elastomeric bearing.
1. Prepare the load cell
2. Prepare the base plate
3. Prepare the elastomeric bearing
4. Bolt the load cell to the base plate
5. Install the elastomeric bearing in the load cell
6. Install the elastomeric bearing unit
7. Check the installation
The actions are described in detail in the following.
5.2 Installing the base plate and elastomeric bearing
26 Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01
Preparing the load cell
Damage to the load cell
The following applies to prevent damage to the load cells:
Observe the operating instructions for the load cell.
Do not carry the load cell by its connection cables.
When mounting the load cell, ensure that you do not damage or cut the cables of the
load cell.
1. Unpack the load cell.
Figure 5-1 Load cell SB-S SA
2. Read the accompanying information sheet.
3. Read the operating instructions for the SIWAREX WL load cells.
Prepare the base plate
Base plate
Hexagon bolts
Figure 5-2 Product package for base plate
1. Unpack the base plate.
2. Read the accompanying information sheet.
3. Check the delivered unit.
5.2 Installing the base plate and elastomeric bearing
Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01 27
Prepare the elastomeric bearing
Retaining bracket
Elastomeric bearing
Figure 5-3 Product package for elastomeric bearing
1. Unpack the elastomeric bearing.
2. Read the accompanying information sheet.
3. Check the delivered unit.
5.2 Installing the base plate and elastomeric bearing
28 Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01
Bolt the load cell to the base plate
Figure 5-4 Bolt the load cell to the base plate
1. Place the load cell on the base plate in alignment with the drill holes.
2. Position the washers.
3. Screw in and tighten the hexagon bolts.
Damage to the load cell
When tightening the bolts, do not hold the load cell to counter the force. This will prevent
damage to the load cell.
Adhere to the tightening torques:
SIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA load cell with a rated load of 0.5 t, 1 t, 2 t: 80 Nm
SIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA load cell with a rated load of 5 t: 391 Nm
5.2 Installing the base plate and elastomeric bearing
Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01 29
Install the elastomeric bearing in the load cell
Figure 5-5 Install the elastomeric bearing in the load cell
1. Position the elastomeric bearing and insert into the receptacle of the load cell.
2. Attach the retaining bracket with the open ends into the mounting holes of the load cell.
5.2 Installing the base plate and elastomeric bearing
30 Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01
Install the load cell with elastomeric bearing unit
Safety guidelines
Death or serious bodily injury
A falling load bearing implement can lead to serious bodily injury or considerable material
damage depending on the potential risk.
Personal injuries, damage to the load cells
Insufficiently secured loads can fall and cause injuries or material damage. Therefore,
appropriate lifting tools must be used to lift the load bearing implement. The corresponding
safety regulations must be observed.
Damaging of load cells
Incorrect or incomplete installation can result in damage to the load cells, installed parts
and the load bearing implement.
Observe the warning notices at the start of the chapter, see: Safety information/instructions
(Page 23)
Damage of the load cells and the elastomeric bearing
Check that the load cells and installation unit are installed correctly, e.g. by checking the
mounting dimensions and oscillation distances. Incorrect assembly can result in damage
to the load cell and the installation unit.
Ensure that the cable does not become damaged or is cut off.
Lay the cables through cable glands in the form of a vertical downwards loop to
discourage the penetration of water.
Installation requirements
Flatness of the mounting surfaces: The flatness of mounting surface planes must be
0.2 mm.
Compressive strength of the mounting surfaces: The compressive strength of the
mounting surfaces has to be appropriate for the contact surface pressure of the base
plate and elastomeric bearing.
5.2 Installing the base plate and elastomeric bearing
Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01 31
Install the elastomeric bearing unit
Adapt the procedure to the installation conditions.
Figure 5-6 Insert the elastomeric bearing unit
1. Insert the elastomeric bearing unit.
2. Bolt the base plate to the bottom mounting plate.
3. Align the elastomeric bearing with the top mounting plate.
4. Lower the load bearing implement onto the elastomeric bearing.
5. Bolt the elastomeric bearing to the mounting plate.
5.2 Installing the base plate and elastomeric bearing
32 Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01
Checking the installation
Damage to the load cell and elastomeric bearing
Ensure that the load cells and elastomeric bearing are installed correctly, for example, by
checking the mounting dimensions and oscillation distances. Incorrect assembly can result
in damage to the load cell and elastomeric bearing.
Check the installation of the load cell:
The load bearing implement must be able to oscillate freely.
5.3 Installing the grounding cable
Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01 33
Installing the grounding cable
1. Prepare a permanently contacting bolted connection such as M10 on the load bearing
implement and foundation for securing the grounding cable.
2. Screw the grounding cable tight.
For the disassembly of load cells, the same safety rules and requirements apply as for
installation and assembly.
1. Disconnect all the supply voltages and auxiliary voltages.
2. Secure the load carrier against falling.
3. Use appropriate hoisting gear and tools.
4. Take the load off the load cell.
5. Carefully remove the load cell without using force. Do not pull on the cable of the load
6. Do not cut the cable if the load cell is to be re-used or sent in for repair.
7. Do not carry the load cell by the cable.
5.4 Dismantling
34 Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01
Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01 35
Service and maintenance
Servicing and maintenance
Important notes on cleaning
Damage to load cells, measurement errors
Dirt must not be allowed to accumulate in the vicinity of a load cell.
Do not subject cable glands and seals directly to the jet of a pressure washer.
Do not clean the load cell and installed parts with aggressive cleaning agents. This can
even cause corrosion to stainless steel if not used correctly.
Elastomeric bearing
Check the elastomeric bearing in relation to the ambient conditions.
Select the servicing intervals based on the emergence of dust, dirt and moisture.
Keep the elastomeric bearing free of dirt.
You can find more information on servicing, maintenance and care of elastomeric
bearings in the section Care and maintenance of elastomer components (Page 36).
Overload protection
Personal injury and damage to property
Dirty, frozen or incorrectly adjusted overload protection elements lead to erroneous
measurements due to blockage or to an overflow of the scale. Personal injury and material
damage may occur.
Regularly check the existing overload protection elements:
Select the servicing intervals based on the emergence of dust, dirt and moisture.
Keep the overload protection elements free of dirt and ice.
Check the settings for the overload protection elements.
Re-adjust (correct) the overload protection as needed.
Grounding cable
Check the connecting points at regular intervals for corrosion and conductivity.
Service and maintenance
6.2 Care and maintenance of elastomer components
36 Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01
Care and maintenance of elastomer components
General information
The physical properties of most rubber products change under poor storage conditions or
with improper treatment. The following examples of changes, however, can make them
Excessive hardening
Permanent deformation
Peeling, cracking and/or other surface damage
Such changes may be caused by external influences, for example:
Environmental factors (ozone, heat, light, humidity)
Storage under stress
Properly stored and treated rubber products will remain unchanged in their properties for a
period of several years.
Service life and inspection
The service life of elastomer components depends on the design and the stress it
experiences. Rubber is subject to a natural aging process. If it is stressed within a permitted
range, you can expect a service life of more than 6 years.
The rubber-metal parts are maintenance-free during their operational use. The spherical
surface of the pendulum bolt may need to be regreased.
Components should be visually inspected 6 months after installation and once a year
The bonding between rubber and metal can be inspected by checking the mechanical bond
manually. The rubber can be pressed with a blunt "metal probe" (curved radius). If there are
partial edge separations in the bonding zone between elastomer and metal, or surface
cracks in the individual layers of elastomer, you must check these spots regularly.
Replacement must be performed in the following cases:
When several substantial cracks have formed in each square centimeter of the rubber
surface due to weathering.
When the item has swollen greatly due to improper oil wetting.
When there is a loss of rubber-metal bonding.
When there is mechanical damage that can lead to further damage to the product due to
the notch sensitivity of the rubber.
Service and maintenance
6.2 Care and maintenance of elastomer components
Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01 37
The following applies to cleaning:
We recommend the use of a pH-neutral detergent. Do not use cleaning agents containing
non-polar solvents (e.g., gasoline)!
Rinse the components with water after cleaning, if needed.
Protect the rubber-metal bonding from contact with detergents using constructive
Do not clean with sharp objects, for example, a wire brush or sandpaper.
Check the overload protection for contamination.
Service and maintenance
6.2 Care and maintenance of elastomer components
38 Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01
Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01 39
Technical specifications
Elastomeric bearing
Value at rated load
500 kg
1 t
2 t
5 t
Maximum permitted
lateral deflection
±4 mm ±4 mm ±4 mm ±4 mm
Vertical stiffness 5.9 kN/mm 5.9 kN/mm 28.98 kN/mm 28.98 kN/mm
Horizontal stiffness 0.16 kN/mm 0.16 kN/mm 0.54 kN/mm 0.54 kN/mm
Deflection at rated
0.68 mm 1.28 mm 0.62 mm 1.46 mm
Technical specifications
40 Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01
Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01 41
Dimension drawings
Dimensional drawing of base plate / elastomeric bearing
The following dimensional drawing shows the SIWAREX WL230 SB-S SA base plates and
elastomeric bearing. All dimensions are in millimeters.
Figure 8-1 Dimensional drawing of base plate and elastomeric bearing
Table 8- 1 Dimensions SB-S SA 0.5 t / 1 t, 2 t, 5 t
0.5 t / 1 t
100 75 85 140 120 15 110 90 11 15 47 117.4 108
2 t
120 90 100 140 120 15 110 90 11 15 51 117.4 112
5 t
120 90 100 185 150 20 145 110 13.5 25 69 153.1 134
Dimension drawings
8.2 Dimension drawing of the grounding cable
42 Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01
Dimension drawing of the grounding cable
Figure 8-2 Dimension drawing of the grounding cable
Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01 43
Ordering data
Table 9- 1 Ordering information for base plate
Base plate
Rated load
Order number
SB-S SA 1) 500 kg / 1 t 7MH5707-4AB00
2 t 7MH5707-4GB00
5 t 7MH5707-4PB00
1) The load cells are not included.
Table 9- 2 Ordering information for elastomeric bearing
Elastomeric bearing
Rated load
Order number
SB-S SA 1) 500 kg / 1 t 7MH5707-4AC00
2 t 7MH5707-4GC00
5 t 7MH5707-4PC00
The load cells are not included.
Table 9- 3 Ordering information for grounding cable
Highly flexible grounding cable
Order number
SIWAREX R grounding cable Highly flexible grounding cable
for diverting parasitic currents
Ordering data
44 Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01
Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01 45
Technical support
Technical Support
You can contact Technical Support for weighing technology:
E-mail (
Phone: +49 (721) 595-2811
You can contact Technical Support for all IA and DT products:
Via the Internet using the
Support Request:
Support request (
Phone: +49 (911) 895-7222
Fax: +49 (911) 895-7223
Additional information about our Technical Support is available on the Internet at
Technical Support (
Service & Support on the Internet
In addition to our documentation, we offer a comprehensive knowledge base online on the
Internet at:
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There you will find:
The latest product information, FAQs, downloads, tips and tricks.
Our newsletter, providing you with the latest information about your products.
A Knowledge Manager to find the right documents for you.
Our bulletin board, where users and specialists share their knowledge worldwide.
You can find your local contact partner for Industry Automation and Drives Technologies
in our partner database.
Information about field service, repairs, spare parts and lots more under "Services".
A.1 Technical support
46 Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01
Additional Support
Please contact your local Siemens representative and offices if you have any questions
about the products described in this manual and do not find the right answers.
Find your contact partner at:
Partner (
A signpost to the documentation of the various products and systems is available at:
Documentation (
Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01 47
Additional Support, 46
Application, 11
Cleaning, 35
Customer Support Hotline, 45
Elastomeric bearing unit, 13
Grounding cable, 15
Dimension drawing
Elastomeric bearing unit, 41
Grounding cable, 42
Dismantling, 33
Dismantling load cells, 33
Load cells, 17
Elastomeric bearing
Function, 14
Servicing and maintenance, 35
Elastomeric bearing unit
Design, 13
Elastomeric bearing, 13, 14
Grounding cable, 15
Grounding cable
Application, 12
Dimension drawing, 42
Installing, 33
Servicing and maintenance, 35
Guide element, 20
Hotline, 45
Installation, 31
Elastomeric bearing unit, 31
Installing the grounding cable, 33
Installing the load cell, 30
Installing the load cell, 30
Internet, 45
Lifting protection, 17
Application, 12
Load bearing, 18
Mounting surfaces, 18
Overload protection, 19
Application, 12
Servicing and maintenance, 35
Product package
Base plate, 26
Elastomeric bearing, 27
Overview, 7, 8
Protection against explosion, 22
Recycling, 8
48 Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E31529044A-01
Service, 45
Support, 45
Support point, 18