leading edge modulated by the output of the error
amplifier in LLC and synchronous regulation modes, and
trailing edge modulated in PWM half bridge drive mode.
This signal can be used in combination with AOUT and
BOUT to extend regulation range in LLC operation mode
or provide additional driving capabilities in synchronous
regulation mode.
Soft start is accomplished by internal circuitry in
combination with the SST/BCOM capacitor charging
control. At power on the SST/BCOM capacitor is
discharged to zero during POR. When the operation
commences following POR the SST/BCOM pin is
disconnected from the dimming control circuit and a
small soft start current source of 2 µA is turned on to
charge the SST/BCOM capacitor slowly. The voltage of
the SST/BCOM capacitor pulls down the COMP signal
through the soft start circuit to force the VCOMP signal to
rise slowly together with it. During this course the
voltage amplitude of SST/BCOM is monitored. When the
SST/BCOM signal rises to 2.5V, the soft start current
source is turned off and the SST/BCOM pin switches over
to the internal dimming control circuit. The capacitor at
SST/BCOM is charged and discharged by the ACU_BRITE
brightness compensation circuit and its voltage is
compared with a 2.5V reference to turn on and off the
AOUT, BOUT and C_OUT signals while the COMP signal
resumes its role in the regulation function. During start
up a timer-counter circuit is also furnished to monitor
the system operation. If the ISNS signal does not reach
100mV after the counter reaches the full count of 32k
(15 bit) clock cycles, the start-up is considered failed and
a fault flag is raised by pulling down the FAULT pin
The following system operating conditions are
monitored with fault reporting and protection:
Open LED string, Short LED string, Power supply failure,
Over voltage and Over current. The above fault
conditions are monitored from the ISNS, VSNS and
UVS/SYN inputs. The ISNS signal is used to monitor open
LED, power supply failure and over current conditions.
Open LED detection is disabled during start up until the 15
bit counter times out.
After the counter time out if ISNS signal is still below
100mV while the LED is on, it indicates an open LED or
power supply failure condition. A fault counter will start
to count the fault. When the counter reaches the full
count of 256, a fault condition is confirmed and the
FAULT pin is pulled to low state to indicate a fault
condition. The fault counter is incremented by a clock at
the same frequency as AOUT, BOUT and reset
periodically at an interval of 32768 clock pulses. In
addition, during the interval if there is any single
occurrence of ISNS>100mV it will reset the fault counter
and the fault counting has to start all over again. Such
reset mechanism guarantees reliable fault detection and
prevents noise triggered false fault reporting. The ISNS
signal is also used to monitor over current and short
circuit conditions. A typical threshold of 600mV is set
for over current detection and a typical threshold of
930mV is set for short circuit detection. The fault
counter will start counting when ISNS>600mV occurs
and reports a fault when the counter reaches full count
of 256. Periodical reset at every 32768 clock cycle
interval is also employed for the fault counter.
In addition, a time delay circuit, similar to a one shot, is
employed to hold the over current status for about 50µs.
The fault counter will be reset if the over current
condition does not persist when the elapsed holding
time is over. When ISNS signal exceeds 930mV typically
it will be recognized as a short circuit. The output signal
will be shut off immediately with a fault flag raised. The
short circuit detection is active all the time after POR
The VSNS signal is used to limit and monitor over
voltage condition. When the voltage sense signal reaches
the threshold of 2V, a clamping current source will be
activated to pull down COMP signal to limit the sensed
voltage. In the meanwhile, the fault counter starts
counting and reports fault condition when the counter
reaches full count. Periodical reset at every 32768 clock
cycle interval also applies to the VSNS fault counting.
Similarly a time delay circuit is also employed to hold the
over voltage status for about 50µs. The fault counter will
be reset if the over voltage condition does not persist
when the elapsed holding time is over. In actual
applications, if a balancer network is deployed in the
drive system, the signals from the secondary winding
loop can also be fed to VSNS pin to detect open or short
LED fault. When a LED string is open or shorted, the