vider is connected to the FB input. The voltage at FB is
compared to a 0.8V internal reference. In normal operation
an on-time cycle is initiated when the voltage on the FB pin
falls below 0.8V. The main MOSFET on-time cycle causes the
output voltage to rise and the voltage at the FB to exceed
0.8V. As long as the voltage at FB is above 0.8V, on-time
cycles will not occur.
The regulated output voltage determined by the external di-
vider resistors RFBT and RFBB is:
VO = 0.8V * (1 + RFBT / RFBB) (2)
Rearranging terms; the ratio of the feedback resistors for a
desired output voltage is:
RFBT / RFBB = (VO / 0.8V) - 1 (3)
These resistors should be chosen from values in the range of
1.0 kohm to 10.0 kohm.
For VO = 0.8V the FB pin can be connected to the output di-
rectly so long as an output preload resistor remains that draws
more than 20uA. Converter operation requires this minimum
load to create a small inductor ripple current and maintain
proper regulation when no load is present.
A feed-forward capacitor is placed in parallel with RFBT to im-
prove load step transient response. Its value is usually deter-
mined experimentally by load stepping between DCM and
CCM conduction modes and adjusting for best transient re-
sponse and minimum output ripple.
A table of values for RFBT , RFBB , CFF and RON is included in
the applications schematic.
Programmable soft-start permits the regulator to slowly ramp
to its steady state operating point after being enabled, thereby
reducing current inrush from the input supply and slowing the
output voltage rise-time to prevent overshoot.
Upon turn-on, after all UVLO conditions have been passed,
an internal 8uA current source begins charging the external
soft-start capacitor. The soft-start time duration to reach
steady state operation is given by the formula:
tSS = VREF * CSS / Iss = 0.8V * CSS / 8uA (4)
This equation can be rearranged as follows:
CSS = tSS * 8 μA / 0.8V (5)
Use of a 0.022μF capacitor results in 2.2 msec soft-start in-
terval which is recommended as a minimum value.
As the soft-start input exceeds 0.8V the output of the power
stage will be in regulation. The soft-start capacitor continues
charging until it reaches approximately 3.8V on the SS pin.
Voltage levels between 0.8V and 3.8V have no effect on other
circuit operation. Note that the following conditions will reset
the soft-start capacitor by discharging the SS input to ground
with an internal 200 μA current sink.
• The enable input being “pulled low”
• Thermal shutdown condition
• Over-current fault
• Internal Vcc UVLO (Approx 4V input to VIN)
None of the required CO output capacitance is contained with-
in the module. At a minimum, the output capacitor must meet
the worst case minimum ripple current rating of 0.5 * ILR P-P,
as calculated in equation (19) below. Beyond that, additional
capacitance will reduce output ripple so long as the ESR is
low enough to permit it. A minimum value of 10 μF is generally
required. Experimentation will be required if attempting to op-
erate with a minimum value. Ceramic capacitors or other low
ESR types are recommended. See AN-2024 for more detail.
The following equation provides a good first pass approxima-
tion of CO for load transient requirements:
CO≥ 1A*0.8V*10μH*12V / (4*3.3V*( 12V — 3.3V)*33mV)
≥ 25μF (7)
The LMZ12001EXT demonstration and evaluation boards are
populated with a 100 uF 6.3V X5R output capacitor. Locations
for other output capacitors are provided.
The LMZ12001EXT module contains an internal 0.47 µF input
ceramic capacitor. Additional input capacitance is required
external to the module to handle the input ripple current of the
application. This input capacitance should be located in very
close proximity to the module. Input capacitor selection is
generally directed to satisfy the input ripple current require-
ments rather than by capacitance value. Worst case input
ripple current rating is dictated by the equation:
I(CIN(RMS)) ≊ 1 /2 * IO * √ (D / 1-D) (8)
where D ≊ VO / VIN
(As a point of reference, the worst case ripple current will oc-
cur when the module is presented with full load current and
when VIN = 2 * VO).
Recommended minimum input capacitance is 10uF X7R ce-
ramic with a voltage rating at least 25% higher than the
maximum applied input voltage for the application. It is also
recommended that attention be paid to the voltage and tem-
perature deratings of the capacitor selected. It should be
noted that ripple current rating of ceramic capacitors may be
missing from the capacitor data sheet and you may have to
contact the capacitor manufacturer for this rating.
If the system design requires a certain minimum value of input
ripple voltage ΔVIN be maintained then the following equation
may be used.
CIN ≥ IO * D * (1–D) / fSW-CCM * ΔVIN(9)
If ΔVIN is 1% of VIN for a 20V input to 3.3V output application
this equals 200 mV and fSW = 400 kHz.
CIN≥ 1A * 3.3V/20V * (1– 3.3V/20V) / (400000 * 0.200 V)
≥ 1.7μF
Additional bulk capacitance with higher ESR may be required
to damp any resonant effects of the input capacitance and
parasitic inductance of the incoming supply lines.
Many designs will begin with a desired switching frequency in
mind. For that purpose the following equation can be used.
fSW(CCM) ≊ VO / (1.3 * 10-10 * RON) (10)
This can be rearranged as
RON ≊ VO / (1.3 * 10 -10 * fSW(CCM) )(11)
The selection of RON and fSW(CCM) must be confined by limi-
tations in the on-time and off-time for the COT control section.
The on-time of the LMZ12001EXT timer is determined by the
resistor RON and the input voltage VIN. It is calculated as fol-
tON = (1.3 * 10-10 * RON) / VIN (12) 12