Flash Erasable, Reprogrammable CMOS PAL® Devi ce
For new designs, please ref er to the PALCE22 V10
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation • 3901 North First Street • San Jose • CA 95134 • 408-943-2600
July 1991 - Revised October 1995
• Ad vanced second- generation PAL architect ure
•Low power
—90 mA max. comme rcial (10 ns)
—1 30 mA m ax. co mm e rc ia l (7 .5 n s)
• CMOS Flash EPR OM technolog y f or electr ical erasabil-
ity and reprogrammabilit y
• Vari able product terms
—2 x(8 thr ough 16) product terms
• User-programmabl e macrocell
—Output polarity control
—Indivi dually select able for regi stered or combinato-
rial operation
• Up to 22 input terms and 10 outputs
• DIP, LCC, and PLCC available
—7.5 ns comme rcial version
5 ns tCO
5 ns tS
7.5 ns tPD
133-M Hz state machine
—10 ns military and indust rial versions
6 ns tCO
6 ns tS
10 ns tPD
110-M Hz state machine
—1 5- n s co mm e rc ia l an d militar y
—2 5- n s co mm e rc ia l an d militar y
• High reliability
—Proven Flash EPROM technology
100% programming and functional testing
Functional Description
The Cypress PALC22V10D is a CMOS Flash Erasable sec-
ond-generation programmable array logic device. It is imple-
mented with the familiar sum-of-products (AND-OR) logic
struct ure and the programmable macroce ll .
The PALC22 V10D is e x e cuted i n a 24-pin 300-mil molded DIP,
a 300-m il cerDIP, a 28-l ead square cer amic l eadless chip car-
rier, a 28-le ad square pl astic leaded chi p carrier, and pro vides
up t o 22 inputs an d 10 outputs . The 22V10D can b e electri cally
erased a nd reprog ram med. The pr ogr ammab le mac rocell pro -
vides the capability of defining the arch it ecture of each output
indiv idually. Each of the 10 potential out puts may be specified
as “reg ister ed” or “com binatorial .” Po larity of each out put ma y
also be individually selected, allowing complete flexibility of
output configuration. Further configurability is provided
through “arra y” configur able “output enable” for each potential
output. This feature allow s the 10 outputs t o be reconf igured
as inputs on an indivi dual basi s, or alternat ely used as a com-
bination I/O cont rolled by t he programmable arra y.
PALC22V10D features a variable product term architecture.
There ar e 5 pa irs of produc t term sums beg in ning at 8 produc t
terms per output and incrementing by 2 to 16 product terms
per output. By providing this variable structure, the PAL C
22V10D is optimized to the configurations found in a majority
of applications without creating devices that bur den the prod-
uct term structures with unusable product terms and lower per-
Additional features of the Cypress PALC22V10D include a
synchro nous pr eset and an async hronous r eset product term.
These product t erms are common to all macrocells, eliminat-
ing the need t o dedicate standard product term s for ini tializa-
tion funct ions. T he de vice aut omatically res ets upon powe r-up .
The PALC22V10D, featuring programmable macrocells and
variab le produ ct terms, provides a device with the flexibility to
implement l ogi c functions in the 500- to 800-gate-array com-
plexity. Since each of the 10 output pins may be individually
confi gured as i nputs on a temporary or permanent basis , func-
tions requiring up to 21 inputs and only a single output and
down to 12 inputs and 10 outpu ts are possible. The 10 poten-
tial outputs are enabled using product terms. Any output pin
may be permanently selected as an output or arbitrarily en-
abled as an output and an input through the sel ective use of
indiv idual product terms associated with each output. Each of
these out puts is achie ved th rough an individua l programmab le
macrocell. These macrocells are programmable to provide a
combinat orial or regi stered i nverting or non-inve rting o utput. I n
a registered mode of opera tion, the output of the register is f ed
back into the array, providing current status information to the
array. This information is av ailable for establishing the next re-
sult in appli cations such as cont rol state machines. In a com-
binatorial configuration, the combinatori al output or, if the out-
put is disabled, the signal present on the I/O pin is made
available to the array. The flexibi lity provided b y both program-
mab le produ ct term contro l of the outputs and v ariab le product
terms allows a significan t gai n in funct ional de nsity th rough t he
use of programmable logic.
Along with this increase in functional density, the Cypress
PALC22V10D prov ides lo wer-pow er operati on through the use
of CMOS technology, and incr eased testability with Flash re-
PAL is a register ed trademark of Advanced Micro Devices