Document #: 38-16008 Rev. *E Page 2 of 34
Applications Support
The CYWUSB6935 is supported by both the CY3632
WirelessUSB Development Kit and the CY3635 WirelessUSB
N:1 Development Kit. The CY3635 devel opment ki t p rovides all
of the materials and documents needed to cut the cord on multi-
point to point and point-to-point low bandwidth, high node density
applications includi ng four small form-factor sensor boards and
a hub board that connects to WirelessUSB LR RF module
boards, a software application that graphically demonstrates the
multipoint to point protocol, comprehensive WirelessUSB
protocol code examples and all of the associated schematics,
gerber files and bill of materials. The WirelessUSB N:1 Devel-
opment Kit is also supported by the WirelessUSB Listener Tool.
Functional Overview
The CYWUSB6935 provides a complete SPI-to-antenna radio
modem. The CYWUSB6 935 is designed to implement wireless
devices operating in the worldwide 2.4-GHz Industrial, Scientific,
and Medical (ISM) freque ncy band (2.400 GHz–2.4835 GHz). It
is intended for systems compliant with world-wide regulations
covered by ETSI EN 301 489-1 V1.4.1, ETSI EN 300 328-1
V1.3.1 (European Countries); FCC CFR 47 Part 15 (USA and
Industry Canada) and ARIB STD-T66 (Japan).
The CYWUSB6935 contains a 2.4-GHz radio transceiver, a
GFSK modem, and a dual DSSS reconfigurable baseband. The
radio and baseband are both code- and frequency-agile.
Forty-nine spreading codes selected for optimal performance
(Gold codes) are supported ac ross 78 1-MHz chan nel s yield ing
a theoretical spectral capacity of 3822 channels. The
CYWUSB6935 supports a range of up to 50 meters or more.
2.4 GHz Radio
The receiver and transmi tter are a single-conversion, low-Inte r-
mediate Frequency (low-IF) archi tecture with fully integrated IF
channel matched filters to achieve high performance in the
presence of interference. An integrated Power Amplifier (PA)
provides an output power control range of 30 dB in seven steps.
Both the receiver and transmitter integrated Voltage Controlled
Oscillator (VCO) and synthesizer have the agility to cover the
complete 2.4-GHz GFSK radio transmitter ISM band. The
synthesizer provides the frequency-hopping local oscillator for
the transmitter and receiver. The VCO loop filter is also
integrated on-chip.
GFSK Modem
The transmitter uses a DSP-based vecto r modulator to convert
the 1-MHz chips to an accurate GFSK carrier.
The receiver uses a fully integrated Frequency Modulator (F M)
detector with automatic data slicer to demodulate the GFSK
Dual DSSS Baseband
Data is converted to DSSS chips by a digital spreader.
De-spreading is performed by an oversampled correlator. The
DSSS baseband cancels spurious noise and assembles
properly correlated data bytes.
The DSSS baseband has three operating modes: 64-chips/bit
Single Channel, 32-chips/bit Single Channel, and 32-chips/bit
Single Channel Dual Data Rate (DDR).
64 Chips/Bit Single Channel
The baseband supports a single data stream operating at 15.625
kbits/sec. The advantage of selecting this mode is its ability to
tolerate a noisy environment. This is because the 15.625
kbits/sec data stream utilizes the longest PN Code resulting in
the highest probability for recovering packets over the air. This
mode can also be selected for systems requiring data transmis-
sions over longer ranges.
32 Chips/Bit Single Channel
The baseband supports a single data stream operating at 31.25
32 Chips/Bit Single Channel Dual Data Rate (DDR)
The baseband spreads bits in pairs and supports a single data
stream operating at 62.5 kbits/sec.
Serialize r/Deserializer (SERDES)
CYWUSB6935 provides a data Serializer/Deserializer
(SERDES), which provides byte-level framing of transmit and
receive data. Bytes for transmission are loaded into the SERDES
and receive bytes are read from the SERDES via the SPI
interface. The SERDES provides double buffering of transmit
and receive data. While one byte is being transmitted by the
radio the next byte can be written to the SERDES data register
insuring there are no breaks in transmitted data.
After a receive byte has been received it is loaded into the
SERDES data register and can be read at any time until the next
byte is received, at which time the old contents of the SERDES
data register will be overwritten.
Application Interfaces
CYWUSB6935 has a fully synchronous SPI slave interface for
connectivity to the application MCU. Configuration and
byte-oriented data transfer can be performed over this interface.
An interrupt is provided to trigger real time events.
An optional SERDES Bypass mode (DIO) is provided for appli-
cations that require a synchronous serial bit-orien ted data path.
This inter fa c e i s for da ta only.
Clocking and Power Management
A 13-MHz crystal is directly connected to X13IN and X13 without
the need for external capacitors. The CYWUSB6935 has a
Table 1. Internal PA Output Power Step Tabl e
PA Setting T ypical Output Power (dBm)
6 –2.4
5 –5.6
4 –9.7
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