➀ A full-scale input voltage of 50.00mV is used to calibrate all models for their designated
measurement range. The ammeter’s rear calibration potentiometer compensates for
full-scale input variations up to ±1% (49.5 to 50.5mV).
Measuring positive and negative currents (bipolar operation): In applications
where both positive and negative currents must be measured, Murata Power Solu-
tions recommends using ‘-DC4’ 8-36V isolated supply models. Negative current
fl ow is denoted by the illumination of the display’s negative (–) sign; the absence of
a negative sign implies positive current fl ow. Contact MPS if you have any questions
regarding bipolar operation of DCA5-20PC ammeters.
➁ On non-isolated ‘-DC1’ models, continuous application of single-ended ±400mV
inputs will not damage the ammeter. Single-ended inputs are defi ned as those
whose TB1-1 (–IN) potential is within ±0.1V of the potential on TB2-2 (-V). For
all models, the application of short-duration (5 seconds max.) ±1V inputs will not
damage the ammeter.
➂ Breakdown (isolation) voltage applies only to ‘-DC4’ isolated-power models.
Breakdown voltage is tested with TB1-1 tied to TB1-2 (–IN shorted to +IN) and
TB2-1 tied to TB2-2 (+V shorted to -V). 500Vdc is then applied between the
two shorted terminal-block pairs; the max. allowable leakage current is 5uA.
➃ Zero reading is measured with TB1-1 (–IN) shorted to TB1-2 (+IN).
➄ Power supply currents noted are measured with the 50mV shunt input (TB1) at
zero volts (display reads “000”) and one decimal point enabled.
➅ Each model’s full-scale display reading with a 50.0mV input is designated by the
fi rst X in the DCA5-20PC-X-XXX model number structure. Decimal point selection
(DP1, DP2, DP3, or none) is performed by the user to suit desired amperage range.
Input ranges -1, -2, -3, -4, -7, -8 and -9 can accommodate 100mV shunts. For these
ranges, the indicated 50mV reading is doubled when a 100mV input is applied.
Performance/Functional Specifi cations
Typical at TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.
DCA5-20PC - x - DC1 - R L - C
Power Supply:
DC1 = +5-40Vdc, non-isolated power
(available with -RL, -BL, or -PGL LEDs)
DC4 = +8-36Vdc, isolated power
(available with -RL, -BS, or -GS LEDs)
LED Color:
BL = Low-Power Blue
BS = Super Blue
GS = Standard Green
PGL = Low-Power Green
RL = Low-Power Red
DMS-20-CP Panel Cutout Punch
A DMS-BZL4-C bezel assembly with sealing gasket is supplied with each ammeter.
Shunt Model Rating Use with
3020-01097-0 5A/50mV DCA5-20PC-1
3020-01107-0 10A/100mV DCA5-20PC-1
3020-01098-0 20A/50mV DCA5-20PC-6
3020-01096-0 50A/50mV DCA5-20PC-1
3020-01099-0 100A/50mV DCA5-20PC-2
3020-01108-0 100A/100mV DCA5-20PC-1
3020-01100-0 150A/50mV DCA5-20PC-5
3020-01101-0 200A/50mV DCA5-20PC-6
3020-01102-0 300A/50mV DCA5-20PC-3
3020-01103-0 500A/50mV DCA5-20PC-1
3020-01104-0 800A/50mV DCA5-20PC-10
3020-01105-0 1000A/50mV DCA5-20PC-2
3020-01106-0 1200A/50mV DCA5-20PC-11
Input (TB1) ➀Min. Typ. Max. Units
Full Scale Input ➀49.5 50 50.5 mV
Overvoltage Rating ➁±400 – – mV
Input Impedance – 1K – Ohms
Shunt Input to Power Supply Isolation ➂
DCA-20PC-X-DC4 models only 500 – – Vdc
Sampling Rate 2.5 reading per second
Accuracy ±0.15%FS
Zero-Current Reading ➃“–001” “000” “001” Counts
Temperature Drift (0 = +60°C) – ±0.2 ±0.4 Cnts/°C
Power Supply Voltage (TB2)
DCA-20PC-X-DC1-XX +5.0 – +40 Vdc
DCA-20PC-X-DC4-XX +8 – +36 Vdc
Power Supply Current ➄
DCA-20PC-X-DC1-XX (@ 5-40V) – 10 15 mAdc
DCA-20PC-X-DC4-XX (@ 8V) – 100 150 mAdc
DCA-20PC-X-DC4-XX (@ 36V) – 25 40 mAdc
TB1 and TB2 Terminal Blocks
Wire Size 16-22AWG, solid or stranded
Insulation Strip Length 0.250 inches
Screw Tightening Torque 2.2 lb·in (0.25 N·m) ±20%
Rated Current 20A with 12AWG solid copper wire;
15A with 14AWG solid or stranded
copper wire
Display Type and Size 3½ digit, 0.37"/9.4mm high red, blue or
green LED
Overrange Indication "–1_ _ _" for negative Vin
"1_ _ _" for positive Vin
Display Reading/Decimal Point Model dependent
Operating Temperature 0 – +60 °C
Storage Temperature –20 – +75 °C
Humidity (non-condensing) 0 – 85 %
Case Material Polycarbonate
Dimensions 1.38"W x 0.88" x 1.0" nominal
Weight 0.6 ounces (17 grams)
Ordering Information
Add -C for RoHS
Use with these 50mV shunts* or with these 100mV shunts*
1 5A 50A 500A 10A 100A 1000A
2 1A 10A 100A 1000A 2A 20A 200A 2000A
3 30A 300A 60A 600A
4 75A 750A 15A 150A 1500A
5 15A 150A 1500A —
6 2A 20A 200A 2000A —
7 25A 250A 5A 50A 500A
8 400A 80A 800A
9 600A 120A 1200A
10 80A 800A —
11 1200A —
*With respective decimal point user enabled. See technical note 7.
Input Range:
See www.murata-ps.com/dpm-availability for model-specifi c availability.
DCA5-20PC Series
50mV & 100mV Input, LED-Display, Subminiature DC Ammeters
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