DATASHEET Serial Camera Module uCAM-II Document Date: 4th March 2014 Document Revision: 1.0 Uncontrolled Copy when printed or downloaded. Please refer to the 4D Systems website for the latest Revision of this document CAM - II Serial Camera Module Contents 1. Description ............................................................................................................................. 4 2. Features ................................................................................................................................. 4 3. Pin Configuration and Dimensions........................................................................................... 5 4. Pin Descriptions ...................................................................................................................... 6 5. Serial Interface - UART ............................................................................................................ 6 5.1. Single Byte Timing .................................................................................................................................. 6 5.2. Command Sequence Timing................................................................................................................... 6 5.3. Auto-Baud Detect ................................................................................................................................... 7 5.4. Setting the Baud Rates ........................................................................................................................... 7 5.5. Sleep mode............................................................................................................................................. 7 6. Command Set ......................................................................................................................... 8 6.1. INITIAL (AA01h) ...................................................................................................................................... 8 6.1.1. Image Format ............................................................................................................................... 8 6.1.2. RAW Resolution ............................................................................................................................ 8 6.1.3. JPEG Resolution ............................................................................................................................ 8 6.2. GET PICTURE (AA04h) ............................................................................................................................ 8 6.2.1. Picture Type .................................................................................................................................. 9 6.3. SNAPSHOT (AA05h) ................................................................................................................................ 9 6.3.1. Snapshot Type .............................................................................................................................. 9 6.3.2. Skip Frame Counter ...................................................................................................................... 9 6.4. SET PACKAGE SIZE (AA06h) .................................................................................................................... 9 6.4.1. Package Size ................................................................................................................................. 9 6.5. SET BAUD RATE (AA07h) ...................................................................................................................... 10 6.5.1. Baud Rates .................................................................................................................................. 10 6.6. RESET (AA08h) ...................................................................................................................................... 10 6.6.1. Reset Type .................................................................................................................................. 10 6.7. DATA (AA0Ah) ...................................................................................................................................... 10 6.7.1. Data Type ................................................................................................................................... 10 6.7.2. Length ......................................................................................................................................... 10 6.8. SYNC (AA0Dh) ....................................................................................................................................... 10 6.9. ACK (AA0Eh) ......................................................................................................................................... 11 6.9.1. Command ID ............................................................................................................................... 11 6.9.2. ACK Counter ............................................................................................................................... 11 6.9.3. Package ID .................................................................................................................................. 11 6.10. NAK (AA0Fh) ....................................................................................................................................... 11 6.10.1. NAK Counter ............................................................................................................................. 11 6.10.2. Error Number ........................................................................................................................... 11 CAM - II Serial Camera Module 6.11. LIGHT (AA13h) .................................................................................................................................... 11 6.11.1. Light Frequency Type ............................................................................................................... 11 7. Command Protocol ............................................................................................................... 12 7.1. Synchronising the uCAM-II ................................................................................................................... 12 7.2. INITIAL, GET PICTURE, SNAPSHOT, SET PACKAGE SIZE, RESET Commands .......................................... 13 7.2.1. Example: Sending commands ..................................................................................................... 13 7.3. Taking SNAPSHOT Pictures ................................................................................................................... 14 7.3.1. Example: JPEG Snapshot Picture (640 x 480 resolution) ............................................................ 14 7.3.2. Example: Snapshot Picture (160 x 120 resolution, 16bit colour, uncompressed/RAW picture) 15 7.4. JPEG Pictures (Video) ........................................................................................................................... 16 7.4.1. Example: JPEG Picture (320 x 240 resolution) ............................................................................ 16 7.4.2. Example: Picture (80 x 60 resolution, 12bit colour, uncompressed/RAW picture) .................... 17 8. Lens Information .................................................................................................................. 18 9. Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................... 18 10. Embedded Display Modules ................................................................................................ 19 11. 4D Systems - Workshop 4 IDE .............................................................................................. 20 12. Specifications and Ratings ................................................................................................... 21 13. Legal Notice ........................................................................................................................ 22 14. Contact Information............................................................................................................ 22 CAM - II Serial Camera Module 4D SYSTEMS CAM-II 1. Description 2. Features The uCAM-II (microCAM-II) is a highly integrated serial camera module which can be attached to any host system that requires a video camera or a JPEG compressed still camera for embedded imaging applications. The module uses a CMOS VGA colour sensor along with a JPEG compression chip that provides a low cost and low powered camera system. The module has an on-board serial interface (TTL) that is suitable for a direct connection to any host microcontroller UART or a PC system COM port. The uCAM-II is capable of outputting both RAW format and JPEG format images. User commands are sent using a simple serial protocol that can instruct the camera to send low resolution (80x60 to 160x120) single frame raw images for viewing or high resolution (160x128 to 640x480) JPEG images for storage or viewing. Small size, low cost and low powered camera module for embedded imaging applications. uCAM-II: 5V DC Supply nominal On-board EEPROM provides a command-based interface to external host via TTL serial link. UART: up to 3.68Mbps for transferring JPEG still pictures or raw images. On board VGA colour sensor and RAW / JPEG CODEC for different resolutions. Built-in down sampling, clamping and windowing circuits for VGA, QVGA or 160x120 image resolutions. Built-in colour conversion circuits for 16-bit CrYCbY, 8-bit gray, 16-bit RGB or standard JPEG images. No external DRAM required. Additions lenses available Locking nut for locking focus in place The uCAM-II comes in a compact form factor with a built in lens and a 5-wire connector that provides easy access to both power and serial data. Weight ~6g. There are 3 lenses available for this camera from 4D Systems. A 56 degree (Standard), a 76 degree, and a 116 degree. These are available to purchase from 4D Systems separately if required. The uCAM-II ships with the 56 degree lens installed. RoHS Dimensions: 32mm x 32mm x 21mm (without lens, including header) There is a locking nut on the barrel thread of the lens, which is used to lock the focus in place once set, to prevent it from inadvertently being changed. (c) 2014 4D SYSTEMS Page 4 of 22 CAM - II Serial Camera Module 4D SYSTEMS CAM-II 3. Pin Configuration and Dimensions 32mm 27.5mm 32mm 27.5mm PIN 5 PIN 1 uCAM-II Pin Outs Pin Symbol I/O 1 VCC P 2 TX O 3 RX I 4 5 GND NC P -- Description Main Voltage Supply +ve input pin. 4.5V to 9.0V DC range nominal 5V. Asynchronous Serial Transmit pin. Connect this pin to host controller Serial Receive (Rx) signal. The host receives data from uCAM-II via this pin. 3.3V Logic Asynchronous Serial Receive pin. Connect this pin to host controller Serial Transmit (Tx) signal. The host transmits commands to the uCAM-II via this pin. 3.3V Logic, however 5V Tolerant Supply Ground. Not Connected. I = Input, O = Output, P = Power (c) 2014 4D SYSTEMS Page 5 of 22 CAM - II Serial Camera Module 4D SYSTEMS CAM-II 4. Pin Descriptions 5. Serial Interface - UART VCC pin 1 (uCAM-II Supply Voltage Input): Module supply voltage input pin. This pin must be connected to a regulated supply voltage. 4.5V to 9.0V DC range, nominal 5.0V. The uCAM-II has a dedicated hardware UART that can communicate with a host via this serial port. This is the main interface used by the host to communicate with the module to send commands and receive back data. The primary features are: * Full-Duplex 8 bit data transmission and reception through the TX and RX pins. * Data format: 8 bits, No Parity, 1 Stop bit. * Auto detect specific Baud rates from 9600 baud up to 921600 baud. * Selectable Baud rates up to 3686400 bps. TX pin 2 (Serial Transmit): Asynchronous Serial port Transmit pin, TX. Connect this pin to host Serial Receive (Rx) signal. The host receives data from the uCAM-II module via this pin. This pin outputs 3.3V logic. RX pin 3 (Serial Receive): Asynchronous Serial port Receive pin, RX. Connect this pin to host Serial Transmit (Tx) signal. The host transmits data to the uCAM-II via this pin. This pin is 3.3V Logic however is 5.0V tolerant. GND pin 4 (uCAM-II Ground): Module ground pin. This pin must be connected to ground. The uCAM-II has low voltage serial TTL levels which can be directly interfaced to a micro-controller. The voltage levels could be converted to RS-232 through an external TTL to RS-232 converter to interface it to any RS-232 port such as the one on the PC. Please note that while the baud rate can go up to 3686400 bps, not all RS232/RS485/TTL USB adaptors/cables can go this high. Please ensure your hardware can handle the rate you want to use. Please refer to sections 5.3 and 5.4 for more information. 5.1. Single Byte Timing A single byte serial transmission consists of the start bit, 8-bits of data followed by the stop bit. The start bit is always 0, while a stop bit is always 1. The LSB (Least Significant Bit, Bit 0) is sent out first following the start bit. Figure 3.1 shows a single byte transmission timing diagram. Figure 3.1: Single Byte Timing Diagram 5.2. Command Sequence Timing A single command consists of 6 continuous single byte serial transmissions. The following Figure 3.2 shows an example of the SYNC (AA0D00000000h) command. (c) 2014 4D SYSTEMS Page 6 of 22 CAM - II Serial Camera Module 4D SYSTEMS CAM-II Figure 3.2: SYNC Command Timing Diagram Please refer to section 7.1 for more information regarding synchronising the uCAM-II. 5.3. Auto-Baud Detect The module can auto-detect the baud rate of the incoming command. The host should make connection with one of the following baud rates: * * * * * * 9600 bps 14400 bps 56000 bps 57600 bps 115200 bps 921600 bps The module will keep using the last baud rate until the next power cycle, or "full reset". Note: The baud rate can be set higher than the baud rated determined by the Auto-Baud detect function. Refer to Section 5.4 5.4. Setting the Baud Rates You can set Baud rates using the Set Baud command, refer to the table in section 6.5 Note: Baud rate changes holds until "full reset" command is sent or Power cycle occurs. So, you can synchronise at any of the Auto-detect Baud rate. 5.5. Sleep mode After the camera has been idle for 15 seconds it enters sleep (low power) mode. To wake up the camera in this state it is necessary to send the `Sync' command. If the camera is required to stay awake, it is recommended to periodically end a `Sync' command, such as every 10 seconds, to prevent the camera going to sleep if no other commands are being sent. If communications are occurring between the Host and the camera, the camera will not go to sleep until it has been idle for 15 seconds. (c) 2014 4D SYSTEMS Page 7 of 22 CAM - II Serial Camera Module 4D SYSTEMS CAM-II 6. Command Set Command ID Number Parameter1 Parameter2 Parameter3 Parameter4 INITIAL AA01h 00h Image Format GET PICTURE SNAPSHOT SET PACKAGE SIZE Set Baud Rate RESET DATA SYNC ACK NAK LIGHT AA04h AA05h Picture Type Snapshot Type 00h Skip Frame (Low Byte) RAW Resolution (Still Image only) 00h Skip Frame (High Byte) AA06h 08h Package Size (Low Byte) Package Size (High Byte) 00h AA07h AA08h AA0Ah AA0Dh AA0Eh AA0Fh AA13h 1st Divider Reset Type Data Type 00h Command ID 00h Frequency Type 2nd Divider 00h Length Byte 0 00h ACK Counter NAK Counter 00h 00h 00h Length Byte 1 00h 00h / Package ID Byte 0 Error Number 00h 00h XXh* Length Byte 2 00h 00h / Package ID Byte 1 00h 00h JPEG Resolution 00h 00h *If the parameter is 0xFF, the command is a special Reset command and the module responds to it immediately. 6.1. INITIAL (AA01h) The host issues this command to configure the image size and Image Format. After receiving this command, the module will send out an ACK command to the host if the configuration was successful. Otherwise, a NAK command will be sent out. 6.1.1. Image Format The uCAM-II can support 4 different image formats as follow: 8-bit Gray Scale (RAW, 8-bit for Y only) 16-bit Colour (RAW, CrYCbY) 16-bit Colour (RAW, 565(RGB)) JPEG 03h 08h 04h 07h 6.1.2. RAW Resolution The uCAM-II can support 4 different image resolutions when in RAW mode: 80 x 60 160 x 120 128 x 128 128 x 96 01h 03h 09h 0Bh 6.1.3. JPEG Resolution The uCAM-II embedded JPEG Code can support only multiples of 16 pixels, therefore the JPEG mode can only support following image sizes. It is different from the RAW mode. 160 x 128 320 x 240 640 x 480 03h 05h 07h 6.2. GET PICTURE (AA04h) The host issues this command to request a picture from the uCAM-II. (c) 2014 4D SYSTEMS Page 8 of 22 CAM - II Serial Camera Module 4D SYSTEMS CAM-II 6.2.1. Picture Type Snapshot Picture Mode RAW Picture Mode JPEG Picture Mode 01h 02h 05h 6.3. SNAPSHOT (AA05h) The uCAM-II will hold a single frame of still picture data in its buffer after receiving this command. This snapshot can then be retrieved from the buffer multiple times if required. 6.3.1. Snapshot Type Compressed Picture (JPEG) Uncompressed Picture (RAW) 00h 01h 6.3.2. Skip Frame Counter The number of dropped frames can be defined before capture occurs. "0" keeps the current frame, "1" captures the next frame, and so on. 6.4. SET PACKAGE SIZE (AA06h) The host issues this command to change the size of the data package which is used to transmit the compressed JPEG image data from the uCAM-II to the host. This command should be issued before sending SNAPSHOT or GET PICTURE commands to the uCAM-II. Note: The size of the last package varies for different JPEG image sizes. 6.4.1. Package Size The default size is 64 bytes and the maximum size is 512 bytes. ID : Package ID, starts from zero for an image Data Size : Size of image data in the package Verify Code : Error detection code, equals to the lower byte of sum of the whole package data except the verify code field. The higher byte of this code is always zero. i.e. verify code = lowbyte(sum(byte[0] to byte[N-2])) Note 1: Once the host receives the image size from the uCAM-II, the following simple equation can be used to calculate the number of packages that will be received according to the package size set. The package settings only apply for compressed JPEG images. Number of packages = Image size / (Package size - 6) Note 2: As the transmission of an uncompressed (RAW) image does not require the package mode, it is not necessary to set the package size for an uncompressed image. All of the pixel data for the RAW image will be sent continuously until completion. (c) 2014 4D SYSTEMS Page 9 of 22 CAM - II Serial Camera Module 4D SYSTEMS CAM-II 6.5. SET BAUD RATE (AA07h) The host can set the Baud rates using this command. Use the table below as a guide. 6.5.1. Baud Rates Baud Rate 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200 153600 230400 460800 921600 1228800 1843200 3686400 1st Divider 31 (0x1F) 31 (0x1F) 31 (0x1F) 31 (0x1F) 31 (0x1F) 31 (0x1F) 31 (0x1F) 7 7 7 1 2 1 0 2nd Divider 47 (0x2F) 23 (0x17) 11 (0x0B) 5 2 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 Note: 3686400 baud is not achievable using the 4D programming cable or the PA5 due to the USB to Serial IC's used. To utilise this high speed baud rate, please check your serial port/device can handle this baud rate. 6.6. RESET (AA08h) The host can reset the uCAM-II by issuing this command. 6.6.1. Reset Type 00h 01h Resets the whole system. The uCAM-II will reboot and reset all registers and state machines. Resets the state machines only. 6.7. DATA (AA0Ah) The uCAM-II issues this command to inform the host the type and the size of the image data which is ready for transmitting to the host. 6.7.1. Data Type Snapshot Picture RAW Picture JPEG Picture 01h 02h 05h 6.7.2. Length These three bytes represent the length of data of the Picture that is ready for transmission back to the host. 6.8. SYNC (AA0Dh) The host issues this command to make a connection. The ACK command must be received after sending this command. Refer to Section 5.2 for more details. (c) 2014 4D SYSTEMS Page 10 of 22 CAM - II Serial Camera Module 4D SYSTEMS CAM-II 6.9. ACK (AA0Eh) This command indicates the success of the last operation. After receiving any valid command, the ACK command must be sent out except when getting data. The host can issue this command to request image data package with the desired package ID after receiving the DATA command from the uCAM-II. The host should send this command with package ID F0F0h after receiving a package to end the package transfer. Note: the field "command ID" should be 00h when request is for image data package. 6.9.1. Command ID The command with that ID is acknowledged by this command. 6.9.2. ACK Counter For debug only. 6.9.3. Package ID For acknowledging the DATA command, these two bytes represent the requested package ID. For acknowledging other commands, these two bytes are set to 00h. 6.10. NAK (AA0Fh) This command indicates corrupted transmission or unsupported features. 6.10.1. NAK Counter For debug only 6.10.2. Error Number Picture Type Error Picture Up Scale Picture Scale Error Unexpected Reply Send Picture Timeout Unexpected Command SRAM JPEG Type Error SRAM JPEG Size Error Picture Format Error Picture Size Error 01h 02h 03h 04h 05h 06h 07h 08h 09h 0Ah Parameter Error Send Register Timeout Command ID Error Picture Not Ready Transfer Package Number Error Set Transfer Package Size Wrong Command Header Error Command Length Error Send Picture Error Send Command Error 0Bh 0Ch 0Dh 0Fh 10h 11h F0h F1h F5h FFh 6.11. LIGHT (AA13h) The host issues this command to change the light frequency (hum) response of the uCAM-II. 6.11.1. Light Frequency Type 50Hz 60Hz 00h 01h (c) 2014 4D SYSTEMS Page 11 of 22 CAM - II Serial Camera Module 4D SYSTEMS CAM-II 7. Command Protocol This section outlines command usage and protocol transaction between the host and the uCAM-II module. ACK and NAK responses are typical as replies from the Camera after sending a command, however silence is also possible if the camera has gone to sleep. Please refer to Section 6.9 and 6.10 for ACK/NAK information. 7.1. Synchronising the uCAM-II Send the SYNC command until receiving the ACK command from uCAM-II (usually an ACK command is received after sending the SYNC command 25 times). This must be performed following a power-up. SYNC (AA 0D 00 00 00 00) SYNC (AA 0D 00 00 00 00) Max. 60 times : : SYNC (AA 0D 00 00 00 00) ACK (AA 0E 0D xx 00 00) SYNC (AA 0D 00 00 00 00) ACK (AA 0E 0D xx 00 00) Note 1: The host should send the SYNC command one by one continuously until receiving the ACK and SYNC commands back from the uCAM-II module. Sometimes up to 25 to 60 SYNC commands maybe required before the module will respond. After receiving the response, the host should reply with the ACK command to finalise the synchronisation process. Note 2: After synchronising and establishing a communications link with the uCAM-II, allow up to 1-2 seconds before capturing the first image. The uCAM-II needs this time to allow its AGC and AEC circuits to stabilise, otherwise the received image luminance maybe too high or too low. Note 3: The SYNC command is used to wake the camera up from Sleep (see Section 5.5), and is also used to keep the camera awake by periodically sending this command. Periodically sending commands is only required if no commands have been sent. If communications are occurring between the Host and the Camera, the camera will stay awake. When they stop for 15 seconds, the camera will go to sleep and will require waking with the SYNC command. (c) 2014 4D SYSTEMS Page 12 of 22 4D SYSTEMS CAM-II 7.2. INITIAL, GET PICTURE, SNAPSHOT, SET PACKAGE SIZE, RESET Commands When an INITIAL, GET PICTURE, SNAPSHOT, SET PACKAGE SIZE, or RESET command is sent to the camera, the camera will simply reply with an ACK if successful. Please refer to Section 6.9 and 6.10 for ACK/NAK information. 7.2.1. Example: Sending commands CAM - II Serial Camera Module INITIAL, GET PICTURE, SNAPSHOT, SET PACKAGE SIZE, RESET ACK (c) 2014 4D SYSTEMS Page 13 of 22 4D SYSTEMS CAM-II 7.3. Taking SNAPSHOT Pictures Make sure a connection is established first (Section 8.2 Connecting to the uCAM-II) before using the following communications. 7.3.1. Example: JPEG Snapshot Picture (640 x 480 resolution) INITIAL JPEG, VGA (AA 01 00 07 07 07) ACK (AA 0E 01 xx 00 00) CAM - II Serial Camera Module SET PACKAGE SIZE 512 Bytes (AA 06 08 00 02 00) ACK (AA 0E 06 xx 00 00) SNAPSHOT Compressed picture (AA 05 00 00 00 00) ACK (AA 0E 05 xx 00 00) GET PICTURE Snapshot picture (AA 04 01 00 00 00) ACK (AA 0E 04 xx 00 00) DATA Snapshot picture (AA 0A 01 ~~ ~~ ~~) ACK Package ID: 0000h (AA 0E 00 00 00 00) Image Data Package 512 bytes, ID: 0000h ACK Package ID: 0001h (AA 0E 00 00 01 00) : : Image Data Package 512 bytes, ID: 0001h Last Image Data Package ACK Package ID: F0F0h (AA 0E 00 00 F0 F0) Note: xx : Don't care ~~ : Image size returned by uCAM-II (c) 2014 4D SYSTEMS Page 14 of 22 CAM - II Serial Camera Module 4D SYSTEMS CAM-II 7.3.2. Example: Snapshot Picture (160 x 120 resolution, 16bit colour, uncompressed/RAW picture) INITIAL RAW, VGA (AA 01 00 06 03 zz) ACK (AA 0E 01 xx 00 00) SNAPSHOT Uncompressed picture (AA 05 01 00 00 00) ACK (AA 0E 05 xx 00 00) GET PICTURE Snapshot picture (AA 04 01 00 00 00) ACK (AA 0E 04 xx 00 00) DATA snapshot picture (AA 0A 01 ~~ ~~ ~~) Image Data complete picture ACK (AA 0E 0A xx 01 00) Note: xx : Don't care zz : 01, 03, 05 or 07. Don't care in RAW mode ~~ : Image size returned by uCAM-II (c) 2014 4D SYSTEMS Page 15 of 22 CAM - II Serial Camera Module 4D SYSTEMS CAM-II 7.4. JPEG Pictures (Video) Make sure a connection is established first (Section 5.2 Connecting to the uCAM-II) before using the following communications. 7.4.1. Example: JPEG Picture (320 x 240 resolution) INITIAL JPEG, VGA (AA 01 00 07 yy 05) ACK (AA 0E 01 xx 00 00) SET PACKAGE SIZE 512 Bytes (AA 06 08 00 02 00) ACK (AA 0E 06 xx 00 00) GET PICTURE JPEG picture (AA 04 05 00 00 00) ACK (AA 0E 04 xx 00 00) DATA JPEG picture (AA 0A 05 ~~ ~~ ~~) ACK Package ID: 0000h (AA 0E 00 00 00 00) Image Data Package 512 bytes, ID: 0000h ACK Package ID: 0001h (AA 0E 00 00 01 00) : : Image Data Package 512 bytes, ID: 0001h Last Image Data Package ACK Package ID: F0F0h (AA 0E 00 00 F0 F0) Note: xx : Don't care yy : 01 or 03. Don't care in JPEG mode ~~ : Image size returned by uCAM-II (c) 2014 4D SYSTEMS Page 16 of 22 1 FRAME CAM - II Serial Camera Module 4D SYSTEMS CAM-II 7.4.2. Example: Picture (80 x 60 resolution, 12bit colour, uncompressed/RAW picture) INITIAL RAW, VGA (AA 01 00 05 01 zz) ACK (AA 0E 01 xx 00 00) GET PICTURE Raw picture (AA 04 02 00 00 00) ACK (AA 0E 04 xx 00 00) DATA RAW picture (AA 0A 02 ~~ ~~ ~~) Image Data Complete picture ACK (AA 0E 0A xx 00 00) Note: xx : Don't care zz : 01, 03, 05 or 07. Don't care in RAW mode ~~ : Image size returned by uCAM-II (c) 2014 4D SYSTEMS Page 17 of 22 1 FRAME CAM - II Serial Camera Module 4D SYSTEMS CAM-II 8. Lens Information 9. Troubleshooting Q) Cannot connect to the camera, SYNC always fails A) Unplug the camera and plug it in again, try to SYNC again. If this fails, then the power supply you are using may have a slow rise time. Testing of power supplies with a rise time of under 5uS resulted in correct operation. Power supplies with a rise time of greater than about 50uS resulted in trouble to SYNC. Change your power supply and try again. Q) Cannot focus the camera on the target A) Please refer to the table in section 8, and ensure you are using the correct lens for the distance to the object. Twist the lens in or out to adjust the focus, and secure using the lock nut. Q) Camera no longer responding to Serial Commands A) The uCAM-II will go to sleep after 15 seconds of sitting idle. Sending the SYNC Command will wake the camera from sleep, and will enable normal operation once again. Q) Camera not responding to anything A) In rare situations the uCAM-II may stop responding. Restarting the uCAM-II by powering off and on again should restore correct operation. (c) 2014 4D SYSTEMS Page 18 of 22 CAM - II Serial Camera Module 4D SYSTEMS CAM-II 10. Embedded Display Modules The following display modules, available from 4D Systems, are ideal for many embedded applications with the uCAM-II camera. OLED-96-G2 OLED-128-G2 LCD-144-G2 OLED-160-G2 LCD-24PTU LCD-28PTU LCD-32WPTU LCD-32PTU (c) 2014 4D SYSTEMS Page 19 of 22 CAM - II Serial Camera Module 4D SYSTEMS CAM-II 11. 4D Systems - Workshop 4 IDE Workshop 4 is comprehensive software IDE that provides an integrated software development platform for all of the 4D family of processors and modules. The IDE combines the Editor, Compiler, Linker and Downloader to develop complete 4DGL application code for the relevant modules, and provides tools for modules which are not programmed. When using the uCAM-II with Workshop 4, a test application called "4D uCAM-II Demo" will be available to test the camera. The following image illustrates how to connect the uCAM-II to a PC to use when testing the module with Workshop 4, using the 4D Programming Cable. (c) 2014 4D SYSTEMS Page 20 of 22 CAM - II Serial Camera Module 4D SYSTEMS CAM 12. Specifications and Ratings RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Supply Voltage (VCC) Conditions Min 4.5 Typ 5.0 Max 9.0 Units V Input Voltage Range RX pin, 3.3V but 5V tolerant -- 3.3 5.0 V `Shutter' delay. Time after getpic starts to be sent before image begins. -- 150 200 ms -30 -- +85 C -40 -- +105 C Max 90 --- Units mA mA V Operating Ambient Temperature Storage Temperature RH 95% max. GLOBAL CHARACTERISTICS BASED ON OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Supply Current (ICC) Output Voltage Range Conditions VCC = 5.0V Sleep / Standby TX pin Min --2.4 Typ 75 2 3.3 OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS Item Image Sensor Parameter 1/4" CMOS, 300K pixels Pixel Size 5.55um x 5.55um Effective Pixel Array 656 x 496 SNR 44.2dB @ 60 degree Dynamic Range 51dB @ 60degree White Balance Automatic Exposure Automatic, self-regulating, 1/50(1/60) - 1/100,000(sec) Lens viewing angle(3 options) 56 degrees, 76 degrees, 116 degrees Focal Length 3.1mm F/No. 2.6 Lens Construction 2P2G Distortion -2.1% Dark Signal 25.2mV/sec Sensitivity 2.93V/Lux.sec ORDERING INFORMATION Order Code: uCAM-II (Shipped with 56 degree angle lens) Package: 100mm x 150mm, Bubble wrapped in antistatic bag. Note: 76 degree and 176 degree lenses are provided additional on request. (c) 2014 4D SYSTEMS Page 21 of 22 CAM - II Serial Camera Module 4D SYSTEMS CAM-II 13. Legal Notice Proprietary Information The information contained in this document is the property of 4D Systems Pty. Ltd. and may be the subject of patents pending or granted, and must not be copied or disclosed without prior written permission. 4D Systems endeavours to ensure that the information in this document is correct and fairly stated but does not accept liability for any error or omission. The development of 4D Systems products and services is continuous and published information may not be up to date. It is important to check the current position with 4D Systems. 4D Systems reserves the right to modify, update or makes changes to Specifications or written material without prior notice at any time. All trademarks belong to their respective owners and are recognised and acknowledged. Disclaimer of Warranties & Limitation of Liability 4D Systems makes no warranty, either expressed or implied with respect to any product, and specifically disclaims all other warranties, including, without limitation, warranties for merchantability, non-infringement and fitness for any particular purpose. Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is provided only for your convenience and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications. In no event shall 4D Systems be liable to the buyer or to any third party for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages (including without limitation lost profits, lost savings, or loss of business opportunity) arising out of or relating to any product or service provided or to be provided by 4D Systems, or the use or inability to use the same, even if 4D Systems has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 4D Systems products are not fault tolerant nor designed, manufactured or intended for use or resale as on line control equipment in hazardous environments requiring fail - safe performance, such as in the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, direct life support machines or weapons systems in which the failure of the product could lead directly to death, personal injury or severe physical or environmental damage (`High Risk Activities'). 4D Systems and its suppliers specifically disclaim any expressed or implied warranty of fitness for High Risk Activities. Use of 4D Systems' products and devices in 'High Risk Activities' and in any other application is entirely at the buyer's risk, and the buyer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless 4D Systems from any and all damages, claims, suits, or expenses resulting from such use. No licenses are conveyed, implicitly or otherwise, under any 4D Systems intellectual property rights. 14. Contact Information For Technical Support: For Sales Support: Website: Copyright 4D Systems Pty. Ltd. 2000-2014. (c) 2014 4D SYSTEMS Page 22 of 22 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: 4D Systems: uCAM-II-76LENS uCAM-II-116LENS uCAM-II