WM8782 Production Data
w PD, April 2010, Rev 4.7
In a typical digital audio system there is only one central clock source producing a reference clock to
which all audio data processing is synchronised. This clock is often referred to as the audio system’s
Master Clock (MCLK). The external master system clock can be applied directly through the MCLK
input pin. In a system where there are a number of possible sources for the reference clock it is
recommended that the clock source with the lowest jitter be used to optimise the performance of the
The master clock is used to operate the digital filters and the noise shaping circuits. The WM8782
supports master clocks of 128fs, 192fs, 256fs, 384fs, 512fs and 768fs, where fs is the audio sampling
frequency (LRCLK). In Slave Mode, the WM8782 automatically detects the audio sample rate. In
Master Mode, LRCLK is generated for rate 256fs, unless the user changes this to 128fs using the
FSAMPEN pin = z (see Table 9 below). BCLK is also generated in Master Mode. BCLK=MCLK/4 for
256fs, and BCLK=MCLK/2 for 128fs.
Table 8 shows the common MCLK frequencies for different sample rates.
(LRCLK) Master Clock Frequency (MHz)
128fs 192fs 256fs 384fs 512fs 768fs
8kHz 1.024 1.536 2.048 3.072 4.096 6.144
16kHz 2.048 3.072 4.096 6.144 8.192 12.288
32kHz 4.096 6.144 8.192 12.288 16.384 24.576
44.1kHz 5.6448 8.467 11.2896 16.9340 22.5792 33.8688
48kHz 6.144 9.216 12.288 18.432 24.576 36.864
96kHz 12.288 18.432 24.576 36.864 - -
192kHz 24.576 36.864 - - - -
Table 8 Master Clock Frequency Selection
In Slave mode, the WM8782 has a master detection circuit that automatically determines the
relationship between the master clock frequency and the sampling rate (to within +/- 32 system
clocks). If there is a greater than 32 clocks error the interface sets itself to the highest rate available
(768fs). There must be a fixed number of MCLKS per LRCLK, although the WM8782 is tolerant of
phase variations or jitter on these clocks.
The FSAMPEN pin controls the over sampling rate of the ADC. The WM8782 can operate at sample
rates from 8kHz to 192kHz. The WM8782 uses a sigma-delta modulator that operates at an optimal
frequency of 6.144MHz.
By default the WM8782 generates the ADC frequency at 128xOSR. At fs=48kHz, the ADC frequency
is 128xOSR = 128x48kHz = 6.144MHz.
If fs=96KHz, the FSAMPEN pin must be set to 1. In this case, the ADC frequency is 64xOSR =
64x96kHz = 6.144MHz.
If fs=192KHz, the FSAMPEN pin must be set to z. In this case, the ADC frequency is 32xOSR =
32x192kHz = 6.144MHz.
It is recommended that the above settings are used for both master and slave mode.
M/S Master/Slave Selection
0 = Slave Mode (128fs, 192fs,
256fs, 384fs, 512fs, 768fs)
1= Master Mode (256fs, 128fs
when FSAMPEN=z)
FSAMPEN Fast sampling rate enable
0 = 48ken (128x OSR)
1= 96ken (64x OSR)
z= 192ken (32x OSR)
Table 9 Master/Slave and Sampling Rate Enable Selection