w WM8782 24-Bit, 192kHz Stereo ADC DESCRIPTION FEATURES The WM8782 is a high performance, low cost stereo audio ADC designed for recordable media applications. SNR 100dB (`A' weighted @ 48kHz) THD -93dB (at -1dB) Sampling Frequency: 8 - 192kHz Master or Slave Clocking Mode System Clock (MCLK): 128fs, 192fs, 256fs, 384fs, 512fs, 768fs Audio Data Interface Modes 16-24 bit I S, 16-24 bit Left, 16-24 bit Right Justified Supply Voltages The device offers stereo line level inputs along with two control input pins (FORMAT, IWL) to allow operation of the audio interface in three industry standard modes. An internal op-amp is integrated on the front end of the chip to accommodate analogue input signals greater than 1Vrms. The device also has a high pass filter to remove residual DC offsets. WM8782 offers Master or Slave mode clocking schemes. A control input pin M/S is used to allow Slave mode operation or Master mode operation. A stereo 24-bit multibit sigma-delta ADC is used with 128x, 64x or 32x oversampling, according to sample rate. Digital audio output word lengths from 16-24 bits and sampling rates from 8kHz to 192kHz are supported. The device is a hardware controlled device and is supplied in a 20-lead SSOP package. The device is available over a functional temperature range of -40C to +85C 2 Analogue: 2.7 to 5.5V Digital core: 2.7V to 3.6V 20-lead SSOP or 20-lead TSSOP package Accelerated Lifetime Screened Devices available. APPLICATIONS Recordable DVD Players Personal Video Recorders STB Studio Audio Processing Equipment Automotive BLOCK DIAGRAM WOLFSON MICROELECTRONICS plc To receive regular email updates, sign up at http://www.wolfsonmicro.com/enews Production Data, April 2010, Rev 4.7 Copyright 2010 Wolfson Microelectronics plc WM8782 Production Data TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................... 1 FEATURES ............................................................................................................ 1 APPLICATIONS..................................................................................................... 1 BLOCK DIAGRAM ................................................................................................ 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................... 2 PIN CONFIGURATION .......................................................................................... 3 ORDERING INFORMATION .................................................................................. 3 PIN DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................ 4 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ........................................................................ 5 THERMAL PERFORMANCE ................................................................................. 5 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS ..................................................... 6 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ..................................................................... 6 TERMINOLOGY ............................................................................................................... 7 SIGNAL TIMING REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................... 8 SYSTEM CLOCK TIMING ................................................................................................ 8 AUDIO INTERFACE TIMING - MASTER MODE ............................................................ 8 AUDIO INTERFACE TIMING - SLAVE MODE ................................................................ 9 SLAVE MODE MCLK / BCLK TIMING ........................................................................... 10 DEVICE DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................... 11 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 11 ADC ................................................................................................................................ 11 ADC DIGITAL FILTER ................................................................................................... 11 DIGITAL AUDIO INTERFACE ........................................................................................ 12 POWER ON RESET ...................................................................................................... 15 DIGITAL FILTER CHARACTERISTICS .............................................................. 17 ADC FILTER RESPONSES ........................................................................................... 17 ADC HIGH PASS FILTER .............................................................................................. 18 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION ........................................................................ 19 RECOMMENDED EXTERNAL COMPONENTS ............................................................ 19 RECOMMENDED EXTERNAL COMPONENTS VALUES ............................................. 19 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS .................................................................................... 20 20 PIN SSOP ................................................................................................................. 20 20 PIN TSSOP ............................................................................................................... 21 IMPORTANT NOTICE ......................................................................................... 21 ADDRESS: ..................................................................................................................... 21 w PD, April 2010, Rev 4.7 2 WM8782 Production Data PIN CONFIGURATION MCLK 1 20 M/S DOUT 2 19 AINL LRCLK 3 18 AINOPL DGND 4 17 COM DVDD 5 16 AINR BCLK 6 15 AINOPR IWL 7 14 AGND FSAMPEN 8 13 AVDD FORMAT 9 12 VREFP 10 11 VREFGND VMID ORDERING INFORMATION DEVICE TEMPERATURE RANGE PACKAGE MOISTURE SENSITIVITY LEVEL PEAK SOLDERING TEMPERATURE o WM8782SEDS/V -40C to +85C 20-lead SSOP (Pb-free) MSL2 260 C WM8782SEDS/RV -40C to +85C 20-lead SSOP (Pb-free, tape and reel) MSL2 260 C o Note: Reel quantity = 2,000 w PD, April 2010, Rev 4.7 3 WM8782 PIN DESCRIPTION NAME Production Data TYPE DESCRIPTION PIN NO. 1 MCLK Digital Input 2 DOUT Digital Output Master Clock 3 LRCLK Digital Input / Output 4 DGND Supply 5 DVDD Supply 6 BCLK Digital Input / Output Audio Interface Bit Clock 7 IWL Digital Tristate Input Word Length ADC Digital Audio Data Audio Interface Left / Right Clock Digital Negative Supply Digital Positive Supply 0 = 16 bit 1 = 20 bit Z = 24 bit 8 FSAMPEN Digital Tristate Input Fast Sampling Rate Enable 0 = 48kHz 1= 96kkHz Z= 192kHz 9 FORMAT Digital Tristate Input Audio Mode Select 0 = RJ 1 = LJ Z = I2S 10 VMID Analogue Output 11 VREFGND Supply 12 VREFP Analogue Output 13 AVDD Supply Analogue Positive Supply Analogue Negative Supply and Substrate Connection 14 AGND Supply 15 AINOPR Analogue Output 16 AINR Analogue Input 17 COM Analogue Input 18 AINOPL Analogue Output 19 AINL Analogue Input 20 M/S Digital Input Mid rail Voltage Decoupling Capacitor Negative Supply and Substrate Connection Positive Reference Voltage Decoupling Pin; 10uF external decoupling Right Channel Internal Op-Amp Output Right Channel Input Common mode high impedance input should be set to midrail. Left Channel Internal Op-Amp Output Left Channel Input Interface Mode Select 0 = Slave mode (128fs, 192fs, 256fs, 384fs, 512fs, 768fs) 1 = Master mode (256fs, 128fs) (fs=word clock frequency) w PD, April 2010, Rev 4.7 4 WM8782 Production Data ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Absolute Maximum Ratings are stress ratings only. Permanent damage to the device may be caused by continuously operating at or beyond these limits. Device functional operating limits and guaranteed performance specifications are given under Electrical Characteristics at the test conditions specified. ESD Sensitive Device. This device is manufactured on a CMOS process. It is therefore generically susceptible to damage from excessive static voltages. Proper ESD precautions must be taken during handling and storage of this device. Wolfson tests its package types according to IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020B for Moisture Sensitivity to determine acceptable storage conditions prior to surface mount assembly. These levels are: MSL1 = unlimited floor life at <30C / 85% Relative Humidity. Not normally stored in moisture barrier bag. MSL2 = out of bag storage for 1 year at <30C / 60% Relative Humidity. Supplied in moisture barrier bag. MSL3 = out of bag storage for 168 hours at <30C / 60% Relative Humidity. Supplied in moisture barrier bag. The Moisture Sensitivity Level is specified in Ordering Information. CONDITION MIN MAX Digital supply voltage -0.3V +4.5V Analogue supply voltage -0.3V +7V Voltage range digital inputs DGND -0.3V DVDD + 0.3V Voltage range analogue inputs AGND -0.3V AVDD +0.3V Ambient temperature (supplies applied) -55C +125C Storage temperature -65C +150C Pb free package body temperature (reflow 10 seconds) +260C Package body temperature (soldering 2 minutes) +183C Notes: 1. Analogue and digital grounds must always be within 0.3V of each other. THERMAL PERFORMANCE PARAMETER Thermal resistance - junction to ambient SYMBOL RJA TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX 81 UNIT C/W See note 1 Notes: 1. Figure given for package mounted on 4-layer FR4 according to JESD51-7. (No forced air flow is assumed). 2. Thermal performance figures are estimated. w PD, April 2010, Rev 4.7 5 WM8782 Production Data RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS PARAMETER SYMBOL Digital supply range DVDD TEST CONDITIONS WM8782SEDS, MIN TYP MAX UNIT 2.7 3.6 V 2.7 5.5 V +85 C WM8782SEDS/R Analogue supply range AVDD WM8782SEDS, WM8782SEDS/R Ground DGND,AGND Operating temperature range 0 WM8782SEDS, TA -40 V WM8782SEDS/R Notes: 1. Digital supply DVDD must never be more than 0.3V greater than AVDD. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Conditions o DVDD = 3.3V, AVDD = 5.0V, TA = +25 C, 1kHz signal, A-weighted, fs = 48kHz, MCLK = 256fs, 24-bit audio data, Slave Mode unless otherwise stated. PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT ADC Performance - WM8782SEDS, WM8782SEDS/R (+25C) Full Scale Input Signal Level 1.0 Vrms 10 k (for ADC 0dB Input) Input resistance, using recommended external resistor network on p22. Input capacitance Signal to Noise Ratio (see Terminology note 1,2,4) SNR 20 pF 100 dB 98 dB 98 dB 98 dB 98 dB 98 dB 1kHz, -1dB Full Scale @ fs = 48kHz -93 dB 1kHz, -1dB Full Scale @ fs = 96kHz -93 dB 1kHz, -1dB Full Scale @ fs = 192kHz -92 dB weighted, 93 @ fs = 48kHz Unweighted, @ fs = 48kHz weighted, @ fs = 48kHz, AVDD = 3.3V Signal to Noise Ratio (see Terminology note 1,2,4) SNR weighted, @ fs = 96kHz Unweighted, @ fs = 96kHz weighted, @ fs = 96kHz AVDD = 3.3V Total Harmonic Distortion Dynamic Range THD DNR -60dBFS 93 100 dB 90 dB Channel Separation (see Terminology note 4) 1kHz Input Channel Level Matching 1kHz signal 0.1 dB Channel Phase Deviation 1kHz signal 0.0001 Degree 1kHz 100mVpp, applied to AVDD, DVDD 50 dB Power Supply Rejection Ratio w PSRR PD, April 2010, Rev 4.7 6 WM8782 Production Data Test Conditions o DVDD = 3.3V, AVDD = 5.0V, TA = +25 C, 1kHz signal, A-weighted, fs = 48kHz, MCLK = 256fs, 24-bit audio data, Slave Mode unless otherwise stated. PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT Digital Logic Levels (TTL Levels) Input LOW level VIL Input HIGH level VIH 0.8 V +1 A 2.0 Input leakage current - digital pad -1 Input leakage current - digital tristate input (Note 3) V 0.2 85 Input capacitance A 5 Output LOW VOL IOL=1mA Output HIGH VOH IOH= -1mA 0.9 x DVDD VMID AVDD to VMID and VMID to VREFN -4% AVDD/2 -4% AVDD/2 pF 0.1 x DVDD V V Analogue Reference Levels Midrail Reference Voltage Potential Divider Resistance RVMID Buffered Reference Voltage VREFP +4% V 70 k +4% V VREF source current IVREF 5 mA VREF sink current IVREF 5 mA Supply Current Analogue supply current Digital supply current AVDD = 5V 26 DVDD = 3.3V 5 mA 0.5 mA Power Down mA Notes: 1. All performance measurements are done with a 20kHz low pass filter, and where noted an A-weight filter. Failure to use such a filter will result in higher THD+N and lower SNR and Dynamic Range readings than are found in the Electrical Characteristics. The low pass filter removes out of band noise; although this is not audible, it may affect dynamic specification values. 2. VMID is decoupled with 10uF and 0.1uF capacitors close to the device package. Smaller capacitors may reduce performance. 3. This high leakage current is due to the topology of the instate pads. The pad input is connected to the midpoint of an internal resistor string to pull input to vmid if undriven. TERMINOLOGY 1. Signal-to-noise ratio (dB) - Ratio of output level with 1kHz full scale input, to the output level with all zeros into the digital input, over a 20Hz to 20kHz bandwidth. (No Auto-zero or Automute function is employed in achieving these results). 2. Dynamic range (dB) - DR is a measure of the difference between the highest and lowest portions of a signal. Normally a THD+N measurement at 60dB below full scale. The measured signal is then corrected by adding the 60dB to it. (e.g. THD+N @ -60dB= -32dB, DR= 92dB). 3. THD+N (dB) - THD+N is a ratio, of the rms values, of (Noise + Distortion)/Signal. 4. Channel Separation (dB) - Also known as Cross-Talk. This is a measure of the amount one channel is isolated from the other. Normally measured by sending a full scale signal down one channel and measuring the other. w PD, April 2010, Rev 4.7 7 WM8782 Production Data SIGNAL TIMING REQUIREMENTS SYSTEM CLOCK TIMING Figure 1 System Clock Timing Requirements Test Conditions o DVDD = 3.3V, DGND = 0V, TA = +25 C, fs = 48kHz, Slave Mode, MCLK = 256fs, 24-bit data, unless otherwise stated. PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNIT System Clock Timing Information MCLK System clock pulse width high TMCLKL 11 ns MCLK System clock pulse width low TMCLKH 11 ns MCLK System clock cycle time TMCLKY 28 ns MCLK duty cycle TMCLKDS 40:60 60:40 Table 1 Master Clock Timing Requirements AUDIO INTERFACE TIMING - MASTER MODE Figure 2 Digital Audio Data Timing - Master Mode (see Control Interface) Test Conditions o DVDD = 3.3V, DGND = 0V, TA = +25 C, Master Mode, fs = 48kHz, MCLK = 256fs, 24-bit data, unless otherwise stated. PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNIT Audio Data Input Timing Information LRCLK propagation delay from BCLK falling edge tDL 0 10 ns DOUT propagation delay from BCLK falling edge tDDA 0 10 ns Table 2 Digital Audio Data Timing - Master Mode w PD, April 2010, Rev 4.7 8 WM8782 Production Data AUDIO INTERFACE TIMING - SLAVE MODE Figure 3 Digital Audio Data Timing - Slave Mode Test Conditions o DVDD = 3.3V, DGND = 0V, TA = +25 C, Slave Mode, fs = 48kHz, MCLK = 256fs, 24-bit data, unless otherwise stated. PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNIT Audio Data Input Timing Information BCLK cycle time tBCY 50 BCLK pulse width high tBCH 20 ns BCLK pulse width low tBCL 20 ns LRCLK set-up time to BCLK rising edge tLRSU 10 ns LRCLK hold time from BCLK rising edge tLRH 10 ns DOUT propagation delay from BCLK falling edge tDD 0 ns 10 ns Table 3 Digital Audio Data Timing - Slave Mode Note: LRCLK should be synchronous with MCLK. w PD, April 2010, Rev 4.7 9 WM8782 Production Data SLAVE MODE MCLK / BCLK TIMING A B MCLK1 BCLK MCLK2 V_LOW V_LOW V_HI D Keep-out area for MCLK/BCLK relationship C Figure 4 MCLK / BCLK prohibited timing relationship in slave mode TIMING TIME (ns) A 9 B 4 C 9 D 4 DESCRIPTION MCLK falling edge to BCLK falling edge keep-out window MCLK rising edge to BCLK falling edge keep-out window Table 4 Prohibited area timings In slave mode operation, there are two windows where the BCLK falling edge relative to the MCLK falling/rising edge is not allowed, as defined in Figure 4 and Table 4. Any device with clocks operating in this area may cause incorrect operation of the ADC, as detailed in WTR0444. This specification is guaranteed by design rather than test, and the timings are related to the switching level of the MCLK and BCLK pads. Simulation has shown the switching level range for both the MCLK and BCLK pads across process, voltage and temperature to be as per the table below. SWITCHING LEVEL MIN (V) MAX (V) V_LOW 1.1 1.4 V_HI 1.3 1.6 Table 5 Simulated switching area range If the above timing constraints cannot be met in slave mode, it is recommended that WM8782A silicon is used in place of WM8782. w PD, April 2010, Rev 4.7 10 WM8782 Production Data DEVICE DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION The WM8782 is a stereo 24-bit ADC designed for demanding recording applications such as DVD recorders, studio mixers, PVRs, and AV amplifiers. The WM8782 consists of stereo line level inputs, followed by a sigma-delta modulator and digital filtering. The device offers stereo line level inputs along with two control input pins (FORMAT, IWL) to allow 2 operation of the audio interface in three industry standard modes (left justified, right justified or I S) . An internal op-amp is integrated on the front end of the chip to accommodate analogue input signals greater than 1Vrms. The device also has a high pass filter to remove residual DC offsets. The WM8782 offers Master or Slave mode clocking schemes. A control input pin M/S is used to allow Slave mode or Master mode operation. The WM8782 supports master clock rates from 128fs to 768fs and digital audio output word lengths from 16-24 bits. Sampling rates from 8kHz to 192kHz are supported, delivering high SNR operating with 128x, 64x or 32x over-sampling, according to the sample rate. The line inputs are biased internally through the operational amplifier to VMID. ADC The WM8782 uses a multi-bit over sampled sigma-delta ADC. A single channel of the ADC is illustrated in Figure 5. LIN/RIN ANALOG INTEGRATOR TO ADC DIGITAL FILTERS MULTI BITS Figure 5 Multi-Bit Oversampling Sigma Delta ADC Schematic The use of multi-bit feedback and high oversampling rates reduces the effects of jitter and high frequency noise. The ADC Full Scale input is 1.0V rms at AVDD = 5.0 volts. Any input voltage greater than full scale will possibly overload the ADC and cause distortion. Note that the full scale input has a linear relationship with AVDD. The internal op-amp and appropriate resistors can be used to reduce signals greater than 1Vrms before they reach the ADC. The ADC filters perform true 24 bit signal processing to convert the raw multi-bit oversampled data from the ADC to the correct sampling frequency to be output on the digital audio interface. ADC OUTPUT PHASE In the input to output data-path, the digital output data DOUT, is a phase inverted representation of the analogue input signal. ADC DIGITAL FILTER The ADC digital filters contain a digital high pass filter. The high-pass filter response detailed in Digital Filter Characteristics. The operation of the high pass filter removes residual DC offsets that are present on the audio signal. . w PD, April 2010, Rev 4.7 11 WM8782 Production Data DIGITAL AUDIO INTERFACE The digital audio interface uses three pins: DOUT: ADC data output LRCLK: ADC data alignment clock BCLK: Bit clock, for synchronisation The digital audio interface takes the data from the internal ADC digital filters and places it on DOUT and LRCLK. DOUT is the formatted digital audio data stream output from the ADC digital filters with left and right channels multiplexed together. LRCLK is an alignment clock that controls whether Left or Right channel data is present on the DOUT line. DOUT and LRCLK are synchronous with the BCLK signal with each data bit transition signified by a BCLK high to low transition. DOUT is always an output. BCLK and LRCLK maybe an inputs or outputs depending whether the device is in Master or Slave mode. (see Master and Slave Mode Operation, below). Three different audio data formats are supported: Left justified Right justified IS 2 MASTER AND SLAVE MODE OPERATION The WM8782 can be configured as either a master or slave mode device. As a master device the WM8782 generates BCLK and LRCLK and thus controls sequencing of the data transfer on DOUT. In slave mode, the WM8782 responds with data to clocks it receives over the digital audio interface. The mode can be selected by setting the MS input pin (see Table 6 Master/Slave selection below). Master and slave modes are illustrated below. Figure 6 Master Mode PIN M/S Figure 7 Slave Mode DESCRIPTION Master/Slave Selection 0 = Slave Mode 1= Master Mode Table 6 Master/Slave selection AUDIO INTERFACE CONTROL The Input Word Length and Audio Format mode can be selected by using IWL and FORMAT pins. PIN IWL DESCRIPTION Word Length 0 = 16 bit 1 = 20 bit Z = 24 bit FORMAT Audio Mode Select 0 = RJ 1 = LJ Z = I2S Table 7 Audio Data Format Control w PD, April 2010, Rev 4.7 12 WM8782 Production Data AUDIO DATA FORMATS In Left Justified mode, the MSB is available on the first rising edge of BCLK following an LRCLK transition. The other bits up to the LSB are then transmitted in order. Depending on word length, BCLK frequency and sample rate, there may be unused BCLK cycles before each LRCLK transition. Figure 8 Left Justified Audio Interface (assuming n-bit word length) In Right Justified mode, the LSB is available on the last rising edge of BCLK before an LRCLK transition. All other bits are transmitted before (MSB first). Depending on word length, BCLK frequency and sample rate, there may be unused BCLK cycles after each LRCLK transition. Figure 9 Right Justified Audio Interface (assuming n-bit word length) 2 In I S mode, the MSB is available on the second rising edge of BCLK following an LRCLK transition. The other bits up to the LSB are then transmitted in order. Depending on word length, BCLK frequency and sample rate, there may be unused BCLK cycles between the LSB of one sample and the MSB of the next. 2 Figure 10 I S Audio Interface (assuming n-bit word length) w PD, April 2010, Rev 4.7 13 WM8782 Production Data MASTER CLOCK AND AUDIO SAMPLE RATES In a typical digital audio system there is only one central clock source producing a reference clock to which all audio data processing is synchronised. This clock is often referred to as the audio system's Master Clock (MCLK). The external master system clock can be applied directly through the MCLK input pin. In a system where there are a number of possible sources for the reference clock it is recommended that the clock source with the lowest jitter be used to optimise the performance of the ADC. The master clock is used to operate the digital filters and the noise shaping circuits. The WM8782 supports master clocks of 128fs, 192fs, 256fs, 384fs, 512fs and 768fs, where fs is the audio sampling frequency (LRCLK). In Slave Mode, the WM8782 automatically detects the audio sample rate. In Master Mode, LRCLK is generated for rate 256fs, unless the user changes this to 128fs using the FSAMPEN pin = z (see Table 9 below). BCLK is also generated in Master Mode. BCLK=MCLK/4 for 256fs, and BCLK=MCLK/2 for 128fs. Table 8 shows the common MCLK frequencies for different sample rates. SAMPLING RATE (LRCLK) Master Clock Frequency (MHz) 128fs 192fs 256fs 384fs 512fs 768fs 8kHz 1.024 1.536 2.048 3.072 4.096 6.144 16kHz 2.048 3.072 4.096 6.144 8.192 12.288 32kHz 4.096 6.144 8.192 12.288 16.384 24.576 44.1kHz 5.6448 8.467 11.2896 16.9340 22.5792 33.8688 48kHz 6.144 9.216 12.288 18.432 24.576 36.864 96kHz 12.288 18.432 24.576 36.864 - - 192kHz 24.576 36.864 - - - - Table 8 Master Clock Frequency Selection In Slave mode, the WM8782 has a master detection circuit that automatically determines the relationship between the master clock frequency and the sampling rate (to within +/- 32 system clocks). If there is a greater than 32 clocks error the interface sets itself to the highest rate available (768fs). There must be a fixed number of MCLKS per LRCLK, although the WM8782 is tolerant of phase variations or jitter on these clocks. FSAMPEN The FSAMPEN pin controls the over sampling rate of the ADC. The WM8782 can operate at sample rates from 8kHz to 192kHz. The WM8782 uses a sigma-delta modulator that operates at an optimal frequency of 6.144MHz. By default the WM8782 generates the ADC frequency at 128xOSR. At fs=48kHz, the ADC frequency is 128xOSR = 128x48kHz = 6.144MHz. If fs=96KHz, the FSAMPEN pin must be set to 1. In this case, the ADC frequency is 64xOSR = 64x96kHz = 6.144MHz. If fs=192KHz, the FSAMPEN pin must be set to z. In this case, the ADC frequency is 32xOSR = 32x192kHz = 6.144MHz. It is recommended that the above settings are used for both master and slave mode. PIN M/S DESCRIPTION Master/Slave Selection 0 = Slave Mode (128fs, 192fs, 256fs, 384fs, 512fs, 768fs) 1= Master Mode (256fs, 128fs when FSAMPEN=z) FSAMPEN Fast sampling rate enable 0 = 48ken (128x OSR) 1= 96ken (64x OSR) z= 192ken (32x OSR) Table 9 Master/Slave and Sampling Rate Enable Selection w PD, April 2010, Rev 4.7 14 WM8782 Production Data POWER DOWN CONTROL The WM8782 can be powered down by stopping MCLK. Power down mode using MCLK is entered after 65536/fs clocks. On power-up, the WM8782 applies the power-on reset sequence described below. When MCLK is stopped DOUT is forced to zero. POWER ON RESET Figure 11 Power Supply Timing Requirements - Power-on Figure 12 Power Supply Timing Requirements - Power-down w PD, April 2010, Rev 4.7 15 WM8782 Production Data Test Conditions AVDD = 5V, DVDD = 3.3V, AGND = DGND = 0V, TA = +25C PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT Power Supply Input Timing Information DVDD level to activate POR - power on Vpora Measured from DGND 0.7 V AVDD level to activate POR - power on Vpora Measured from AGND 0.7 V VMID level to activate POR - power on Vpora Measured from AGND 0.7 V DVDD level to release POR - power on (see notes 1 and 2) Vporr Measured from DGND DVDD Min V AVDD level to release POR - power on (see notes 1 and 2) Vporr Measured from AGND AVDD Min V VMID level to release POR - power on (see notes 1 and 2) Vporr Measured from AGND 1 V POR active period (see notes 1 and 2) tpor Measured from POR active to POR release DVDD level to activate POR - power off (see note 5) Vpor_off Measured from DGND 0.8 V AVDD level to activate POR - power off (see note 5) Vpor_off Measured from AGND 0.8 V VMID level to activate POR - power off (see note 5) Vpor_off Measured from AGND 0.7 V Power on - POR propagation delay through device tpon Measured from rising EDGE of POR 30 s Power down - POR propagation delay through device tpoff Measured from falling EDGE of POR 30 s 30 Defined by DVDD/AVDD/ (note 6) VMID Rise Time s Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. POR is activated when DVDD or AVDD or VMID reach their stated Vpora level (Figure 11) POR is only released when DVDD and AVDD and VMID have all reached their stated Vporr levels (Figure 11). The rate of rise of VMID depends on the rate of rise of AVDD, the internal 50k resistance and the external decoupling capacitor. Typical tolerance of 50K resistor can be taken as +/-20%. If AVDD, DVDD or VMID suffer a brown-out (i.e. drop below the minimum recommended operating level but do not go below Vpor_off,), then the chip will not reset and will resume normal operation when the voltage is back to the recommended level again. The chip will enter reset at power down when AVDD or DVDD or VMID falls below Vpor_off. This may be important if the supply is turned on and off frequently by a power management system. The minimum tpor period is maintained even if DVDD, AVDD and VMID have zero rise time. This specification is guaranteed by design rather than test. w PD, April 2010, Rev 4.7 16 WM8782 Production Data DIGITAL FILTER CHARACTERISTICS The WM8782 digital filter characteristics scale with sample rate. PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT ADC Sample Rate (Single Rate - 48Hz typically) Passband +/- 0.01dB 0 0.4535fs -6dB 0.4892fs Passband Ripple +/- 0.01 Stopband dB 0.5465fs Stopband Attenuation f > 0.5465fs -65 dB Group Delay 22 fs ADC Sample Rate (Dual Rate - 96kHz typically) Passband +/- 0.01dB 0 0.4535fs -6dB 0.4892fs Passband Ripple +/- 0.01 Stopband dB 0.5465fs Stopband Attenuation f > 0.5465fs -65 dB Group Delay 22 fs Table 10 Digital Filter Characteristics ADC FILTER RESPONSES 0.02 0 0.015 0.01 Response (dB) Response (dB) -20 -40 0.005 0 -0.005 -60 -0.01 -0.015 -80 -0.02 0 0.5 1 1.5 Frequency (Fs) 2 Figure 13 Digital Filter Frequency Response w 2.5 3 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 Frequency (Fs) 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 Figure 14 ADC Digital Filter Ripple PD, April 2010, Rev 4.7 17 WM8782 Production Data ADC HIGH PASS FILTER The WM8782 has a digital highpass filter to remove DC offsets. The filter response is characterised by the following polynomial. H(z) = 1 - z-1 1 - 0.9995z-1 Response (dB) 0 -5 -10 -15 0 0.0005 0.001 Frequency (Fs) 0.0015 0.002 Figure 15 ADC Highpass Filter Response w PD, April 2010, Rev 4.7 18 WM8782 Production Data APPLICATIONS INFORMATION RECOMMENDED EXTERNAL COMPONENTS Figure 16 External Components Diagram RECOMMENDED EXTERNAL COMPONENTS VALUES COMPONENT REFERENCE SUGGESTED VALUE DESCRIPTION C1 and C8 10F De-coupling for DVDD and AVDD C2 and C7 0.1F De-coupling for DVDD and AVDD C5 and C6 10F Analogue input AC coupling caps R1 10k Current limiting resistors R2 and R5 10k Internal op-amp input resistor R3 and R6 5k R4 3.3k Common mode resistor C4 0.1F Reference de-coupling capacitors for VMID pin C3 10F C9 0.1F C10 10F Internal op-amp feedback resistor Reference de-coupling capacitors for VREFP pin Table 11 External Components Description The above Table 11 shows resistor values which will give a gain of 0.5. This assumes an input signal of 2Vrms to C4 and C5. w PD, April 2010, Rev 4.7 19 WM8782 Production Data PACKAGE DIMENSIONS DS: 20 PIN SSOP (7.2 x 5.3 x 1.75 mm) b DM0015.C e 20 11 E1 1 E GAUGE PLANE 10 D A A2 c A1 L 0.25 L1 -C0.10 C Symbols A A1 A2 b c D e E E1 L L1 MIN ----0.05 1.65 0.22 0.09 6.90 7.40 5.00 0.55 o 0 REF: Dimensions (mm) NOM --------1.75 0.30 ----7.20 0.65 BSC 7.80 5.30 0.75 1.25 REF o 4 SEATING PLANE MAX 2.0 ----1.85 0.38 0.25 7.50 8.20 5.60 0.95 o 8 JEDEC.95, MO -150 NOTES: A. ALL LINEAR DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS. B. THIS DRAWING IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. C. BODY DIMENSIONS DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH OR PROTRUSION, NOT TO EXCEED 0.20MM. D. MEETS JEDEC.95 MO-150, VARIATION = AE. REFER TO THIS SPECIFICATION FOR FURTHER DETAILS. w PD, April 2010, Rev 4.7 20