Table 2. reg1 Register Description
Bits Field Reset Value R/W Bit Field Description
55:41 RSVD 15'h0 R Reserved for future use.
40 mppt_ok 1'h0 R Internal mppt_start signal (test only)
39:30 Vout 10'h0 R Voltage out
29:20 Iout 10'h0 R Current out
19:10 Vin 10'h0 R Voltage in
9:0 Iin 10'h0 R Current in
Table 3. reg3 Register Description
Bits Field Reset Value R/W Bit Field Description
55:47 RSVD 9'd0 R/W Reserved
46 overide_adcprog 1'b0 R/W When set to 1'b1,the below overide registers used
instead of ADC
45 RSVD 1'b0 R/W Reserved
44:43 RSVD 2'b01 R/W Reserved
42 power_thr_sel 1'b0 R/W Register override alternative for ADC2[9] when reg3[46]
is set ( 1/2^^5 or 1/2^^6 )
41:40 bb_in_ptmode_se 2'd0 R/W Register override alternative for ADC2[8:7] when
l reg3[46] is set ( 5%,10%,25% or 50%)
39:30 iout_max 10'd1023 R/W Register override alternative when reg3[46] is set for
maximum current threshold instead of ADC ch4
29:20 vout_max 10'd1023 R/W Register override alternative when reg3[46] is set for
maximum voltage threshold instead of ADC ch0
19:17 tdoff 3'h3 R/W Dead time Off Time
16:14 tdon 3'h3 R/W Dead time On time
13:5 dc_open 9'hFF R/W Open loop duty cycle (test only)
4 pass_through_sel 1'b0 R/W Overrides PM pin 28 and use reg3[3]
3 pass_through_ma 1'b0 R/W Control Panel Mode when pass_through_sel bit is 1'b1
2 bb_reset 1'b0 R/W Soft reset
1 clk_oe_manual 1'b0 R/W Enable the PLL clock to appear on pin 5
0 Open Loop 1'b0 R/W Open Loop operation (MPPT disabled, receives duty
operation cycle command from reg 3b13:5); set to 1 and then
assert & deassert bb_reset to put the device in
openloop (test only)
Table 4. reg4 Register Description
Bits Field Reset Value R/W Bit Field Description
55:32 RSVD 24'd0 R/W Reserved
31:24 Vout offset 8'h0 R/W Voltage out offset
23:16 Iout offset 8'h0 R/W Current out offset
15:8 Vin offset 8'h0 R/W Voltage in offset
7:0 Iin offset 8'h0 R/W Current in offset
Table 5. reg5 Register Description
Bits Field Reset Value R/W Bit Field Description
55:40 RSVD 15'd0 R/W Reserved
39:30 iin_hi_th 10'd40 R/W Current in high threshold for start
29:20 iin_lo_th 10'd24 R/W Current in low threshold for start
19:10 iout_hi_th 10'd40 R/W Current out high threshold for start
9:0 iout_lo_th 10'd24 R/W Current out low threshold for start
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