Rev Date: 04/09/2018 4 www.seielect.com
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High Voltage Thick Film Chip Resistor
Stackpole Electronics, I nc.
Resistive Product Solutions
1 2 345678910 11 12 13 14 15
H V C B 2512 F K C 1 0 M 0
“Conflict Metals” Commit ment
W e at Stack pole Electronics, Inc . ar e j oined wit h our i n dus tr y in opp os ing t he use of metals m ined in the “c on f lict r egion”
of the Eas tern Dem ocratic Repu blic of the C ongo (DRC) in o ur products. Rec ognizing th at the suppl y chain for m etals
used in th e electronics industr y is ver y complex , we work c losely with our own suppliers to verif y to the extent pos sible
that the materials and products we supply do not contain metals sourced from this conflict region. As such, we are in
compliance with the requirements of Dodd-Frank Act regarding Conflict Minerals.
Comp lian c e to “REACH”
We certify that all passive components supplied by Stackpole Electronics, Inc. are SVHC (Substances of Very High
Concern) free and compliant with the requirements of EU Directive 1907/2006/EC, “The Registration, Evaluation,
Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals”, otherwise referred to as REACH. Contact us for complete list of REACH
Substance Candidate List.
Environmental Policy
It is the policy of Stackpole Electronics, Inc. (SEI) to protect the environment in all localities in which we operate. We
continually strive to improve our effect on the environment. We observe all applicable laws and regulations regarding
the protection of our environment and all requests related to the environment to which we have agreed. We are
committed to the prevention of all forms of pollution.
0603 Code Tol Code Quantity Code
HVCG W ire bondable (gold) 1206 C0.25% 4,000 C50
Solderable single surf ace 2010 D0.5% 4,000 D100
Solderable single surf ace 3512 G2% 1,000 M300
Solderable wr apar ound
(100% matt e t in)
Four character s w it h the
multiplier used as the
decimal holder.