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Issue C.1 1/10
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Photologic® Slotted Optical Switch
OPB960, OPB970, OPB980, OPB990 Series
OPTEK reserves the right to make any changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible.
Electrical Characteristics (TA = -40° C to +70° C unless otherwise noted)
Input Diode (See OP140 / OP240 LED for additional information)
VF Forward Voltage - - 1.70 V IF = 20 mA, TA = 25° C
IR Reverse Current - - 100 µA VR = 2.0 V, TA = 25° C
Coupled (See OPL560 Detector for additional information)
VCC Operating D.C. Supply Voltage 4.5 - 16 V
ICC Supply Current - - 12 mA VCC = 4.5V to 16V
VOL Low Level Output Voltage:
Buffer Totem-Pole OPB960,OPB970
Buffer Open-Collector OPB961,OPB971
OPB981,OPB991 - - 0.4 V
VCC = 4.5V, IOL = 12.8mA
IF = 0 mA (14)
Inverter Totem-Pole OPB962,OPB972
Inverter Open-Collector OPB963,OPB973
VCC = 4.5V, IOL = 12.8mA
IF = 15 mA
VOH High Level Output Voltage:
Buffer Totem-Pole OPB960,OPB970
OPB980,OPB990 VCC -2.1 - - V
VCC = 4.5V to 16V, IOH = -800µA
IF = 15 mA
Inverter Totem-Pole OPB962,OPB972
VCC = 4.5V to 16V, IOH = -800µA
IF = 0 mA (14)
IOH High Level Output Current:
Buffer Open-Collector OPB961,OPB971
OPB981,OPB991 - - 100 µA
VCC = 4.5V to 16V, VOH = 30V
IF = 15 mA
Inverter Open-Collector OPB963,OPB973
VCC = 4.5V to 16V, VOH = 30V
IF = 0 mA (14)
IF(+) LED Positive-Going Threshold Current(16) - - 15 mA VCC = 5.0V, TA = 25° C
IF(+) / IF(-) Hysteresis Ratio - 1.5 - - VCC = 5.0V
tR, tF Output Rise Time, Output Fall Time - 70 - ns
tPLH, tPHL Propagation Delay Time
Low to High, High to Low - 5.0 - µs
VCC = 5.0V, IF peak= 15 mA, TA = 25° C
100 kHz square wave, C = 10pF max.
RL = 360 Ω to GND (Totem-Pole)
RL = 1KΩ pull-up (Open-Collector)
14) Normal application would be with light source blocked, simulated by IF = 0 mA.
15) All parameters are tested using pulse techniques.
16) An increasing current applied to the LED which causes the output logic state to change.
For proper application IF(+), LED current, should be more than the stated maximum.