AS2702 – AS-Interf ace Slave IC
Revision 1.3, 21-Aug-08 Page 7 of 13
1 Pulse width depends substantially on value of external pull-up resistor
2 Applies only to data port pins set to 'output/input' operation
3 Timing reference is DSTBn HL-edge.
Applies only to data port pins set to either 'output/input' or 'input' operation
The dc-par ameters of the data po rt pins D3, …, D0 are spec ified as follows:
Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit Not e
IOUTLO Sink curre nt @ output L 10 mA VOUT = 1V
IOUTHI Leakage current @ outp ut off -1 1 µA 1
VSCHLT Input threshold voltage 2.5 3.5 V 2
VIN Acceptable input voltage @ output off -0.3 40 V
1 Output stage is low-side open-drain; ext. pull-up resistor required as no pull-up structure on chip
2 No hysteres is implemented
To govern the data transfer at data port D3, …,D0 strobe pin DSTBn is equipped with a low-side open-drain output switch plus a
passive high-side current source with a nom. 10µA pull-up current capability.
However a second function is ass igned to the DSTBn pin wh ich requires it to be input as well: if a low-pu lse is imposed on DSTBn
by external means with a pulse width of at least 50 to 100ms, the slave device will be put in RESET condition, as described in
section “Reset”.
The dc-and timing parameters of strobe pin DSTBn are specified as follows:
Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit Not e
IOUTLO Sink curre nt @ output L 10 mA VOUT = 1V
IOUTHI Leakage cu rrent @ output o ff -10 10 µA VOUT = 5V
IINLO Input current @ VIN = 1V -5 -20 µA 1
VSCHLT Input threshold voltage 1.5 3.5 V 2
VIN Acceptable input voltage @ output off -0.3 40 V
tNORESET DSTBn L-phase width, not triggering RESET 50 ms
tRESET DSTBn L-phase width, triggering RESET 100 ms
CPINEXT Max. stray capacity 20 pF
1 DSTBn is equipped with an on-chip pull-up current source, which ensures a sufficiently fast LH-edge upon output switch-off in
open-pin condition, to prevent erroneous RESET triggering. If DSTBn has an external load connected to it, an additional
external pull-up resistor may be needed to prevent erroneous RESET triggering upon output switch-off.
2 No hysteres is implemented
Parameter Port Pins P3, …, P0 and Parameter Strobe Pin PSTBn
(Note that parameter port pins P3, …, P0 are only available on AS2702 package option SOIC 20, not on the SOIC 16 option.)
The transfer of data at P3, …, P0 and the supporting strobe action at pin PSTBn takes place similarly as at D3, …, D0 resp. DSTBn.
Each parameter port pin P3, …, P0 is equipped with both a low-side open-drain output switch plus a passive, but switchable high-
side current source with a nom. 10 µA pull-up current capability, and with an input stage.
Though equipped for bidirectional data transfer as D3, …, D0, the parameter port is nevertheless less flexible than the data port.
Basically the para meter port is set to behave por twise as