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Unit Loading/Fan Out
Functional Description
The 74F193 is a 4-bit binary synchronous up/down (revers-
ible) counter. It contains four edge-triggered flip-flops, with
internal gating and steering logic to provide master reset,
individual preset, count up and count down operations.
A LOW-to-HIGH tra nsition on the CP inpu t to each flip-flo p
causes the output to change state. Synchronous switching,
as opposed to ripple counting, is achieved by driving the
stee ring gate s of all st ages from a com mon Coun t Up line
and a com mon Count Down line, thereby c ausing all state
changes to be initiated simultaneously. A LOW-to-HIGH
transition on th e Count Up input will a dvance the count by
one; a similar transition on the Count Down input will
decreas e the count by on e. While counting with one clock
input, the other should be held HIGH, as indicated in the
Function Table.
The Terminal Count Up (TCU) and Terminal Count Down
(TCD) outputs are normally HIGH. When the circuit has
reached the maximum count state 15, the next HIGH-to-
LOW transition of the Count Up Clock will cause TCU to go
LOW. TCU will s tay LOW until CPU goes H I GH aga i n, th us
effectively repeating the Count Up Clock, but delayed by
two gate delays. Similarly, the TCD output will go LOW
when the circuit is in the zero state and the Count Down
Clock goes LOW. Since the TC outputs repeat the clock
wavef orms, they can be us ed as the clock input si gnals to
the next higher order circuit in a multistage counter.
TCU = Q0 • Q1 • Q2 • Q3 • CPU
TCD = Q0• Q1 • Q2 • Q3 • CPD
The 74F193 has an asynchronous parallel load capability
permitting the counter to be preset. When the Parallel Load
(PL) and the Mast er Reset (MR) inputs ar e LOW, informa-
tion present on the Parallel Data input (P0–P3) is loaded
into the counter and appears on the outputs regardless of
the conditions of the clock inputs. A HIGH signal on the
Master Reset input will disable the preset gates, override
both clock inputs, and latch each Q output in the LOW
state . If one of t he clock inp uts is LOW du ring and aft er a
reset or load operation, the next LOW-to-HIGH transition of
that clock will be interprete d as a legitimate signal and will
be co unted.
Function Table
H = HIGH Voltage Lev el
L = LOW Voltage Level
X = Immaterial
= LOW-to-HIGH Clock Transition
State Diagram
Pin Names Description U.L. Input IIH/IIL
CPUCount Up Clock Input (Active Rising Edge) 1.0/3.0 20 µA/−1.8 mA
CPDCount Down Clock Input (Active Rising Edge) 1.0/3.0 20 µA/−1.8 mA
MR Asynchronous Master Reset Input (Active HIGH) 1.0/1.0 20 µA/−0.6 mA
PL Asynchronous Parallel Load Input (Active LOW) 1.0/1.0 20 µA/−0.6 mA
P0–P3Parallel Data Inputs 1.0/1.0 20 µA/−0.6 mA
Q0–Q3Flip-Flop Outputs 50/33.3 −1 mA/20 mA
TCDTerminal Count Down (Borrow) Output (Active LOW) 50/33.3 −1 mA/20 mA
TCUTer minal Count Up (Carr y) Outp ut (A ctive LOW) 50/33.3 −1 mA/20 mA
H X X X Reset (Asyn.)
L L X X Preset (Asyn.)
L H H H No Change
H Count Up
Count Down